Friday, February 27, 2009

Day 22

Today we finished Macbeth. Please respond to the following:

What makes one person's death a tragedy while another person's death may be considered unfortunate? Give examples in history of this idea.


Anonymous said...

Theres differences between the two. Macbeths was a tragedy. Some on who get struck my lightting is unfortunate. If you dont see it coming at all it is unfortuante. If you kind of no its coming and you have done thigs to deserve it then is can be considered as a tragedy. Anddd a tragedy has more things going along with it like they were in a high athority and things like that. I think maybe you could say bernie mac was unfortunete. No one saw that coming at all. But he had a good life before it happend it was just frankley random..

JakeCastner said...

More so in literature than anywhere, it is all about how the person is presented to the reader/viewer. For instance, the guards that were killed most likely had families and kids. It must have been horrible for them when they heard the news that they had been slain. Since they were very minor characters, though, we did not feel any remorse for them. When Banquo died, there was more anger and upset because he was more of a major character. In history, this is clear when you see how the death of martin luther king was taken, and how the death of a gangbanher is taken. It is all in who they were, how people saw them, and whether or not you knew the person personally.

Anonymous said...

I am angry I wasn't there when we finished Macbeth. :/

I think what makes one man's death a tragedy and another's unfortunate, is the life he was leading at the time. For example if a father and a husband is killed in an accident, I would consider that a tragedy. But if a homeless man going no where in life is killed, I would call it unfortunate. It's sad but it's the way I look at it. The father had more things going for him, kids and a wife to take care of, etc. Now that he's gone, they will have a very hard time dealing with it. Tragedies affect many people. On the other hand, the homeless man most likely won't be missed, and society won't miss him either. That's the way I look at it.

Unknown said...


I think this idea is relative to who is evaluating tragedy vs. unfortunate. A tragedy, I feel would be the death of someone significant to the person. Anyones death can be a tragedy, it just depends on who you ask. For example; many people feel Abraham Lincoln was the nations greatest president, me being one of them. He was in a way a martyr for his belieifs. To southern supporters, his death would be the unfortunate aftermath of the civil war. Northerners, onthe other hand, would consider it among the greatest tragedies known to man. An unfortunate death would be something that was not provoked and of someone with small stature. This is another relative idea as I have expressed.

Alix Dickson said...

A person's death is cosidered a tragedy if they are murderded or committ suicide. An unfortunante death would be like a freak accident that was no ones fault. Macbeth and all the other people that are killed in the book die a tragic death. People who die due to natural disasters have unfortunante deaths. I also think weather the death is tragic or not depends on age. When a child is killed it seems more tragic because they hadnt gotten to live their full life. When an old person dies it doesnt seem as much like a tragedy, just unfortunante.

Panos said...

I strongly believe that when a person dies without any clue that it is going to happen it is unfortunate such as someone getting hit by lightening, but a tragic death is something that you know has to be coming such as soldiers in Iraq or Afghanistan. When a soldier goes into combat they know that there is a chance that they might die in battle which I believe is a tragedy. I also believe that people who are royal such as princess Diana is a tragic death. Another tragic death would be like JFK or Abraham Lincoln getting assainated is tragic cause it effects a wide range of people.

Austen Anderson said...

well, there are a lot of differences that you could either call a tragedy and a something thats unfortunate. something thats a tragedy is like the world trade center incident. this was a tragedy because there were so many people killed for no reason at all. they were completely clueless f what was going to happen. and most of all, they didnt do anythnig wrong. but if someone starts a lot of stuff between a group of people. like sadam housain, his followers probaly thought it was unfortunate that he was killed. mainly because they probally would just get someone new for the job, but they didnt know we were still going to stop them though. these are the differences i think about tragedy, and just being unfortunate.

Anonymous said...

Tragedy Strategy. Say that ten times fast. It's hard.

Tragedy is in the eye of the beholder, I think. For example, when my grandfather passed away this past June, I was mortified. Of course I felt that it was a tragedy, but the friends that I told only thought that it was very unfortunate. It seems that the closer we are to someone or the more time we have been exposed to them, the more of a tragedy their death is. People die each day, and I don't know nigh any of those people, thus their deaths are unfortunate to me but rather tragic for the people that are close to them. In history, John F. Kennedy was a president who was shown a lot to the people due to the then-new televised debates and other widespread medium. When he was assassinated, his death was a tragedy. Not only because he was the president - because societal role too plays a role in whether or not a death is tragic - but because America was exposed to him often.

Alex V said...

The difference between someones death in a tradedey or it being unfortunte. A death is unfortuned when a little kid is hit by a car when he is playing out side. That to me would be unfortunte. A death that is a tradegey is that a whole family gets killed for no reason. In history the deaths of people are looked at differentley by the way that people know them and how they look at him. The better known the person the worse of the tradgey of the death. Like the death of martin luther king dieing was a huge tradgey and it was unfortunte.

Anonymous said...

I think how your are remembered in death is all determind by what you were known as whenyou were alive. Lets take the case of Abe Lincoln for example. He is the president who freeded the slaves, was always honest and helped reunite the union. But he was still assassinated. And now that he is dead we remember for all fo his herioc actions. Now lets take a look at the average person. when the average person passes away you will get nothing more than friends and relatives saying they are sorry. You are never remembered for beng average. Its the great people that die the great death that get the great rememberence. Even serial killers such as the Zodiac killer are still infamous because of their action. Alothough its not heroic it was still something that he could be rememberd by.

brandonlengyel said...

What makes one persons death tragedywhile anther person may be considered unfortunate. There are two differences between them two. Somebody whos car bearks down is unfofortnate. As to macbeths is a tradegy. The differences are very presentiable between tradegy and unfortunates. Martin Luter king can be considered a tradgey to the whites back then. But his tradegy led to the black civilsation movement. He was not unfortunate though. As to a man getting struck by lighting. These are the two differences.

ScOtW29 said...

There are many aspects that can distinguish between a tragedy and simply an unfortunate death. This could include the time in history, the position of he/she who has died, etc. In the more recent past of the United States, for example, the death of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is considered by many as a tragedy. This is because King had such a huge impact on many American lives. Also, because of the time period (Civil Rights Movement, etc), King's actions were looked highly upon and his death showed this. On the other hand, when we hear of someone in downtown detroit who died from a gunshot wound, we look at it as simply unfortunate. This is because it seems to be a part of everyday life and has lost some of the unique aspects that MLK had. So I think it really depends on the situation. This could include the position of the death in history, as well as other background information about the place and person who was killed.

Stephen Manvydas said...

I think that the diference of an unfortunate death and a tragic death is in the eyes of the beholder. An unfortunate death could be the death of someone who hasnt done anything good in the world. Someone who has done somthing against your moral or what you think it right an wrong. It could also just be someone you did like for what ever reason. A tragic death on the other hand could be the death or someone who made a difference in the world. It could also be someone close to you such as a family member or good friend. An example could be if someone unknow to you dies its unfortunate, but if your grandparents happened to die or someone famouse died its a tragedy.

shelbybatlemente said...

There is a difference between one person's death being a tragedy or unfortunate. Someone's death is a tragedy when it is someone that everyone knows and loves. When Macbeth was killed it was a tragedy. This is because everyone loved him. If a homeless person dies it is considered unfortunate. This is because nobody knows that person. A person's death is considered unfortunate when nobody or not a lot of people know or love that person. Macbeth was very well liked at first so his death was considered a tragedy.

Anonymous said...

I believe a persons death is a tragedy by being killed in a major car accident or being shot or something along those lines. A persons death is unfortunate by dieing of a disease or an illness. A tragedy death in history would probably be Abraham Lincoln. It was a tragedy because he was widely liked and he was probably one of the top best presidents and he got shot and killed. I guess it would be unfortunate too because he didn't have no idea that it was coming. He was just sitting there and he got shot so I'm not really sure what it would be, a tragedy or unfortunate. It's kind of hard to tell the difference between the two, but at least I tried.

Anonymous said...

SHIT! I just realized that the damned thing didn't post it, I must have typed my username in wrong when I hit enter, sorry. Just mark it as late without the points. I would agree that our view of a death as being a tragedy versus unfortunate happenstance is based on perception of someone. While ever death is unfortunate, not all are tragedies. Generally, it takes a person that many know, or is in some high position for it to be considered a tragedy. Secondly, that person needs to die after fighting for their life from either illness or other circumstances, or because of a brutal murder. A perfect example is how we view casualties in war. Dead American soldiers? Well that's tragic. Dead innocent civilians? Bah- unfortunate. This type of classification proves the perception-idea. People see soldiers as heroes, so when they die it's a tragedy. But civilians and innocent bystanders are generally not given a second thought. How many funerals and memorials does the United States and other countries erect for the civilians that dies due to either negligence or war crimes? Now, don't take this to mean that I don't support the troops, my cousins in Anbahr Province currently, and while I don't think the war is right, I still support him and his friends no matter how weird they are, (seriously, we went to Cali before he left for his 2nd tour and... man, pot-heads all of them). Another example is what's happening in Sudan and Somalia. Those countries perceive as unfortunate, because they don't want people to think of what's going on there as being bad. There's another thing, government has a big impact on how we view things. The Holocaust is a tragedy, while Tibetan death by the hands of China is just unfortunate. It's all our perception. In my perception, I think that we should all view deaths as 'bad' and just that. No 'accident', 'tragedies', 'unfortunateness' just 'bad.' Perhaps we all see death differently then, and view it as a serious thing instead of far-away and hardly worth our attention.

Stefan Kegebein said...

A tragedy to me is an unexpected death. When there is someone who hasn’t lived a full life that they deserve would be considered a tragedy. A death that is unfortunate is a death that could be seen by other in the foreseeable future. The unfortunate death may involve some one that was sick or old and death was inevitable in the near future. Also when you are family with or extremely close with that is seen as a tragedy. People that are just acquaintances usually view the death as unfortunate. Tragedy’s usually have a list of events that made it such a shock to others that new them. 9/11 is viewed as a tragedy because the there is such a story behind it and many stories that couldn’t be told by those who died. Unfortunate deaths are often some what expected and often don’t involve large amounts of people dying.

ben nicolay said...

What makes one person's death a tragedy while another person's death may be considered unfortunate? Give examples in history of this idea.

There is a big diffrence between a death of tragedy and an unfortunate death. It all really depends on how they died and who the person really is. It is a tragedy when a good person dies and everyone knows they tried to do good in life. Its unfortunate when the person does something accidently to kill themselve or that if it is bizarre death and no one saw it coming. I can see where some could argue that their really isn't a diffrence because it could be both a tragedy and unfortunate. No one likes to see other people die unless your sick in the head. An unfortuante death was when when lady Macbeth died. An example of tragedy is Macduffs family being killed. It was basically a massacre. It all really depends what your perspective on death is to make it unfortunate or a tragedy.

ben nicolay said...

My Fridays biog was late because I did not have a computer. My mom took the laptop up to Traverse City with my little bro for a hockey tournament and they just got back this morning, so that's why I did it today. Sorry for the inconvenience and have fun in Florida.

Ben Nicolay

This would have been emailed to you but the district email wasn't working.

jay said...

I think it depends on your popularity, power and how and who it happens to. With popularity, like say the Pope, He was a well respected man which had respect made his death a tragedy. With great powerful person like Hitler alot of people were against him it made his death unforunate. No with an everyday person who dies, their death could be a tradgy or unfortunate. An everday person could have an unfortunate death like a heart attack. A tradgeic death would be unforseen snowboarding accident of a young person. Also I believe that it depends on who you ask and whether they think it is a tragedyor unfortunate.

Shelby Zukoff said...

I think there is many ways you could interpret these questions. I think the best way to describe it, is it depends on who you are, who died and what that person meant to you. If someone that you loved and looked up to, and that person was truly beautiful inside and out, its a tragedy to the world to lose such an amazing person. Whether its your mother, best friend, president or a famous person, its always a tragedy to lose something beautiful in this world. But then again you have to think of how wonderful where ever they go become once they are there. Every death is unfortunate. And no matter who it is, there will always be people that to them on a personal level, the death is tragic. So I guess, everyone that dies is a little bit of both. No escaping it. The death of Martin Luther King Jr., to me personally was both unfortunate and tragic. The death of Anna Nicole Smith on the other hand, is only unfortunate to me. There will always be people that say otherwise but that is my opinion.

Lil Southkr3w said...

tragedy is when some one is muder or committ suicide. and unfortunate would be when somethng happens and u die and it no ones fault. or when u dont c ur daeth coming dat can also be unfortuante. A death that is a tradegey is that a whole family gets killed for no reason. There is much difference between tradegy and unfortunates.
Also I think it depends on who you ask and whether they think it is a tragedy or unfortunate. it also depends how u die cuz if u don something so u can die or do noyhing and die.

Alan Hernandez

Miranda Adams said...

Today we finished Macbeth. Please respond to the following:

What makes one person's death a tragedy while another person's death may be considered unfortunate? Give examples in history of this idea.

Im not to sure what makes the difference to eveyone but to me i think a tragedy of someone dieing is when the person died of unatural causes. a tragedy to me is if the person is killed or in an acident or killed them self. When a person dies of old age or being really sick for a long time and you just new that it was for the best is just unfortunate to me. YEs i know they may be a loved one or a close friend but if it was for the best they people would just have to understand. for an example in history when someone great was killed like abe lincon or M.L king Jr. was killed. they were both great leaders and it wasnt there times to go i would call that a tragedy. but like when a presedent died of old again it was just unfortunate.

Janet said...

a unfortunante death would be like a accident that was no ones fault. a persons death is cosidered a tragedy if they are murderded. macbeth n all the other chacters that were killed in the book die as tragic death. but it also depends on the age. I agree with alix on this one. Becasues when a little kid dies it seems more of a tragic. i believe that this is becasue they are so little and havent had the change to live there whole life. they were still innocent and they didnt experiance life. But in the other hand, when an older person dies its still sad but they had already lived there life. they did what they had to do.