Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Day 6

Today we looked at Act 1, Scenes 5-7. As always, reread and make sure all work it up to date including the Act 1 questions. As part of Act 1, we saw Macbeth making decisions with his life about his future. These choices include the potential death of King Duncan at his own hands. With that in mind:

Most people who rise to high positions had to step on someone else’s toes to get there. Do you agree or disagree with this statement. Why? Can you give examples of this happening in our society? Is there always something wrong with doing what it takes to move ahead?


Unknown said...


I do agree with this statement mostly. There are a few examples of sometimes when it is not true however. You see, the main truth comes from the idea that to rise to the top, you must prove your worthiness and ability. This means you must show others up to prove it. However, there is an example I can think of where it is false. That is in something like the military. The military rewards those with valor, honor and courage. This is when I believe it doesn't happen. But in our society, you must show your dedication above others. This is not wrong doing I feel. If someone wants something they need to make it happen. This would motivate one to do better thanthe rest.

shelbybatlemente said...

I agree with this statement for the most part. Most of the time in order for someone to rise to high positions they have to take down someone else. This doesn't always happen this way but for the most part it does. This is because if you want to be successful you have to get rid of your competition. In our society the military is a perfect example of this statement. In order for someone to go from having low ranks to high ranks they have to work hard and get rid of their competition. Sometimes doing what it takes to move ahead is not always the best thing to do. Most people will do whatever it takes to move ahead, but there is usually something wrong with doing it that way.

ben nicolay said...

Most people who rise to high positions had to step on someone else’s toes to get there. Do you agree or disagree with this statement. Why? Can you give examples of this happening in our society? Is there always something wrong with doing what it takes to move ahead?

I agree and disagree with this statement. People that are in high position get there because they beat someelse out or stomp on somone else's shoes. The person could also be a hard worker and get to the position they are in because they are a good person. There is an example in the past election. Obama said things to hurt McCains campaign and McCain did the samething back. It all realy depends on how you move up in the rankings. If you do move up because your a hard worker then that is postive. If you are a dick and screw people over then thats a negative. It all really depends with which route you take in getting ahead.

Anonymous said...

I think that the fact that no person can ever rise to any position without stepping on someone's toes. I mean, that it's not necessarily a harmful thing to do all the time. Like, let's say you want to win an award that gets you a full-ride scholarship to University of Michigan (Dearborn). You'll need to step over the little people to get there in some way. Look at Dmitri Medvedjev. He stacked an election to get himself power. Or Putin, whose job Medvedjev took the same way Putin did. While I don't think that there's anything wrong with ambition, I would think that the stopping point wouldn't encompass stepping on people to raise yourself up. It's human instinct to be the best of the pack. But, Is it a situation where the ends justify the means? I would say that it definitely depends in that case.

jessecovill said...

I greatly agree with this statement. I agree because this is true in every day life in any big city or at an office of some sort. A few examples would be, like if you work really hard to get on your boss’s good side and some other person is just a huge suck up and gets the better position than you, or the position you wanted. Or when a sibling constantly gets you in trouble, and your parents end up favoring one kid more than the other. I think there is always going to be someone that gets hurt when people do anything to get what they want. Someone could intentionally do something to get a better position in life and it would not seem wrong at all to them, but the people they stepped on would see it in a different way. Or maybe the person that hurt all those people would fell bad but not care enough to do anything about it.

Miranda Adams said...

Most people who rise to high positions had to step on someone else’s toes to get there. Do you agree or disagree with this statement. Why? Can you give examples of this happening in our society? Is there always something wrong with doing what it takes to move ahead?

I fully agree with the statement. one example i believe is during the election. All 3 of the people were giveing the bad points on the other 2 poeple they were running against. Or like in the past all though history it talks about people fighting with eachother for power. No i dont believe that its always wrong to do whatever it take to move ahead. But then again it does have its good and bad's. I know i wouldnt go to the point in killing someone just to gain power but i would do somethings. I guess it all mattered on what i would have to do and how far it would get me. What would you do?

Stefan Kegebein said...

I agree to disagree with this statement. I know there are plenty of stories out there about other people stepping upon others the reach their goals. But, there many ways that you can be ambitious and reach high levels of society without encroaching on other people’s values or reputations. This statement just takes us back to the question: How far are you willing to go? I don’t really consider the person better qualified for a job beating someone else out for a job stepping on someone. An example of people stepping on others to get what they want in our society ads and other media smear campaigns. Any statement that is made that comprises someone’s right and values crosses the line. Working hard day in and day out to be better than everyone else is a great way to achieve high positions in life. As long it doesn’t compromise another’s rights or values it is all fair game.

kirkwhitt said...

Most people who rise to high positions had to step on someone else’s toes to get there. Do you agree or disagree with this statement. Why? Can you give examples of this happening in our society? Is there always something wrong with doing what it takes to move ahead?

I agree with ths statement moste people who rise to high positions step on peoples toes to get there. Now days you almoste have to to get in to high positions i think any ways. I think that buines people step on peoples toes to get to the top, like in big corperations. In some situations I think it is nesisary to step on peoples toes to help. If you know you can do a better job than the guye higher ranked than you go for it. If some one isnt doing their job then step on their toes. Thoes are the only reasions I would step on peoples toes.

Plaz said...

I agree with this statement. I never heard of someone who has made it big without stepping on somebodys toes. People will always have competion and usally people want to get rid of their competion and get to a higher position. Also there isn't anything wrong with getting to a higher position. Just try not to kill anybody. Other than that i don't see anything wrong with doing whatever it takes to get where you want to.
Evan E

brandonlengyel said...

I agree with this statment that people have step on someone elses toes to get there. People have to take out the oppenent in order to gain their sucess. People do what ever it takes to achieve their needs even if it includes to manipulate their oppenent. People can reach a limit in doing this which they may regret in the long run, but some my not. Examples in our society is presidentional campaigns. The runner is trying to manipulte their oppenent by using commericals to call them out on the things there not going to do as president. Not once you here the oppenent talk good about the other. This is examples why i agree that people have to step on someone ones elses toes in order to reach theres.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the statement. When people want to become higher than other people in power, they most show they are worthy of being in charge. If someone really desires to become more powerful, I can see them killing someone for that power. The reason why I agree with the statement is a lot of people in history have killed someone else for their power. In our society we see people stepping on other peoples toes to get jobs and belongings. There are other reasons like to get something they want before someone else gets it, maybe like a concert ticket or something along those lines that will sell out soon. There is an extent to what you do to get what you want, like killing someone would be wrong no matter the situation. I believe you can do a lot without being in the wrong but there is a lot you can do that is wrong to get what you desire.

Anonymous said...

I disagree with the statement as there are people who rise to prominence through hard work and honest achievements. Though many who rise to power by lying, cheating, and stealing their way to victory, there do exist those who obtain their greatness truthfully and with an unabrased record, so to speak. President Elect Barack Obama did not necessarily 'step on someone's feet' to attain his position as the head of our nation. He did beat out competition, but is this considered stepping on someone's feet? Hardly; I see stepping on someone's feet a form of cheating, as you're using their disabilities and downfalls to your advantage, and I think Macbeth will do this as the play goes on in order to obtain the position of king. I don't think it's wrong to do what it takes to progress so long as you don't make another person retrogress or falter. America's competitive, self-absorbed nature is what drives us to step on another's in order to achieve success, however this way of cheating only applies to a handful of Americans.

Oh, also Mr. Kay, I posted a blog yesterday without my name on it but it is under GRIZZLYBEAR! as all of my blogs are. I apologize. Thank you.

Stephen Manvydas said...

I agree with this statement fully. I think as humans it is just our nature to do whatever it takes to get whatever it is we want. With enough ambition and determination humans will do anything. Power is also a big way to get people to do crazy thing for positions. I personally cant name someone off the top of my head that did this, but im sure there are. I also think that there is somthing wrong with this act. some people work their whole life to try and get up lifes later, but other people (such as MacBeth could do) just find those loopholes and work there way up by unfair tactics.
I think that people that have to cheat in life to get what 'they diserve' they should be given a very bad punishment. The other people that earn their rewards dont diserve the other peoples way of life.

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

Most people who rise to high positions had to step on someone else’s toes to get there

These days that statement is true 99% of the time. Every president or world leader can say that, that is the complete truth. I think that this book is a awesome example. I think that society has become accustom to doing this with thought process in doing so. It is simply human nature to do what they think they have to get on top. It doesn't even have to be that way is the crazy thing. We are malicious to our own human race. We attack each other to get what we want. It doesn't have to be a physical attack to have a effect. In the story Macbeth and his wife plan on killing the king in order to get Macbeth in his spot. But in real life, people manipulate truths everyday to get farther in life or get something they want.

Lil Southkr3w said...
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Lil Southkr3w said...

i agree wit this statement. when u want to rise to high positions like in power they did it because of the helped of someone else. they also had to take some one down to get in that position. to be successful people always have to get above others. to get above other people have to get ride of em. most of the time it is good to do dat like in bussines but not like in the military. i think by doing this is cjheating ur way up in life.

Alan Hernandez

Alex V said...

I agree with the statement. Most of the time in order for someone to rise to high positions they have to take down someone else. This doesn't always happen this way but for the most part it does. If someone really wants to go up in a company or gain higher power some will step over some people to get there. Some people will do whatever it takes to gain power. Like in macbeth, macbeths wife plans to kill duncan so that macbeth can become king. In some cases it is not always wrong to step on some people toes to get or gain more power.

Anonymous said...

I think that you'll always have to end up screwing someone over to get in a very high ranking position. It's the way of life in my opinion. For example, CEO's make millions of dollars a year while lower hard working employees are laid off by the thousands. Other times however, power can just come to you by chance. Cincinnatus from Roman history was a lowly farmer, and chosen as emperor when the Roman's needed one to defend their city. After a week of serving as King, he stepped down from the throne and went back to his simple farm life. I believe that if you have the drive or will to do something powerful and great, and people are only hurt slightly, then there is nothing wrong. Someone has to rise to power, and it should be the one who has the will and ambition. The one willing to do what it takes.

Panos said...

I agree and disagree with this statement. I believe that in order for most peope to get where they are now they had to either take the job of someone else. This doesn't always happen this way but for the most part it does. I believe that the reason that most people step on other people is because they want to get ahead of the game. I believe that there really isn't anything wrong with trying to get ahead of other people, as long as you don't do anything illegal to get in the higher position. So no I don't believe that there is something always wrong with trying to get ahead of others.

ScOtW29 said...

Most people who rise to high positions had to step on someone else’s toes to get there. Do you agree or disagree with this statement. Why? Can you give examples of this happening in our society? Is there always something wrong with doing what it takes to move ahead?

I agree with this statement. Most of what goes on in life is a competition. Once you knock out your opponent you have a better chance of winning. Thats why I agree with what it says, that you have to step on someone elses toes to get there. An example of this happening in our society is the presidential campaighn. Both of them had commercials about what they are going to do as president when everyone knows they are not going to do them. They also have commercials that make their opponent look worse. There is not always somthing wrong with doing something it takes to move ahead. But there is a limit.

Alix Dickson said...

I do mostly agree with this statement. I do however think that there are people who didnt step on other peoples toes to rise to a high position. I think that alot of people are ambitious and thats why they will do whatever it takes to meet their goals. I cant really think of any examples in our society. Im sure however that there was a lot of toe stepping during the presidential campaign. There isnt always something wrong with doing what it takes to move ahead. Sometimes its good to do what it takes. It can also be bad if your hurting other people.

christina newman said...

I agree with this statement for the most part. Most people have to work to get on top. if you get the ambition to work to usually can make it. Like it you want to get a job promotion you have to work to get there. You have to prove yourself to the boss that you can take on another step up. There is nothing wrong with moving ahead, its how you do it. When you hurt someone to move head that what makes it wrong.

Austen Anderson said...

for the most part i do agree with this statement. the truth comes from people who achieve their goals, and shwo that they know what they are doing and talking about. also, when it is false, there are always people who do all the work to get themselves where they want to be. but there always going to be people who say you didnt do this, and u copied this and that. but theres not much you can do about them. theres always going to be people who are jelous because they think you cheated, and think they deserve where you have made it. but theres not much you can do about them, mainly because they wont stop until they get to where they want to be. and this is wrong to do in the first place because they dont deserve it, you do, or whoever achieved what they were aiming for.

Anonymous said...

I disagree with this statement. There are somepeople in the world who dont have to harm anyone on the way up. There are people who work as hard as they possible can and just deserve it. For me a example would be my father. He was just a sales person at his dealership. For some odd years he worked as hard as he can selling cars. He always gave it his all no matter what to sell a car. And eventually he got promoted and all the years. And he never had to step on anyones toes to do it just basicly his own with the stress he had when he was trying so hard to move up.

jray said...

I agree that most people who rise to a high position requires them to stab someone in the back. Some people have reasons for what they do though. It's not always because they want to, but because they have to. Most people who rise to a high position have to run against others to get where they want to be. For them to seem more capable of handling the position, they might have to stab someone in the back. Although there are people that just want power. People that are willing to do what ever it takes to get where they want to be without any kind of remorse. This could be related to people in line for a job. To make themself look better they try to make the other person look bad by stabbing them in the back. Although it's not the right thing to do, it is either them or you.

Janet said...

I do agree with this statement. becasue people who dont step on other peoples toes to rise up in life dont usually get what they want in life.For example the presidential campaign. they were compiting for something that they both wanted, so someone had to get loose and get hurt. It's not wrong in doing whatever it take to move ahead. But you have to do what it takes to achive that goal. But there's always that chance that you will be hurting other people.
I think that alot of people are ambitious in a way or another and those are the people that will will do whatever it takes to meet their goals.

Anonymous said...

I very much agree with this statement on the basis that the world is a competitive place. In every thing you see or do someone is always stepping on someone else to get what they want. Weather it is being better than the other guy to get a promotion or sabatoging an election so that you win it always happens. In most cases there is nothing wrong with doing this because it is a natural occurance. But if you are out there literally killing off co-workers for a promotion or other crap like that then it is wrong. As long as you are doing what you need to do without affecting other nd staying in moral bounds then by all means step on those toes. Even though you will not always get your way by doing this at least you have the satisfaction of knowing the better man won and what you have to do to be the better man.

JakeCastner said...

I agree with the statement that you have to step on people's toes to get to high places. If you are competing for a promotion, it would be good to make the other person's work look bad. I think that there is a point where it becomes unacceptable, and killing someone is definitely over the line. I'm sure there are people who kill other people to get richer, like soldiers and politicians, but it isn't okay. It is definitely not always wrong to do what is necessary. It is always necessary to do what is necessary in order to move on up. I have to step over people when i swim faster than them.

Kaitlyn Frantz said...

I do agree that, people rising to high positions will have to step on some toes to get to their place. I agree because you may not knowingly or intentionally step on someones toes but it definately does happen. An example of this may be a teacher moving up, becoming the principal of a school. The teacher may be stepping on toes beacause someone else may be applying for the job, or others may just not see the person fit for the job. There are many ways to step on toes I guess is what I'm getting at. There is not always something wrong with doing what it takes to move ahead because there are always some positives that come with the negatives and vise versa. And like in Macbeth as the witches said, "whats fair is foul, and whats foul is fair". Some things may look bad but then they can turn out to be good, or the other way around.

Kevin Hughes said...

I agree with that statement because for every person that gains any sort of physical or political advantage, you are theoretically taking it away from somebody else. An example of this is the a central idea in socialism, that there will always be a lower class and a higher class of people, and the lower class will eventually revolt as long as there is a division of wealth. This is somewhat quelled in our society by saying we all have equal opportunity in America, that is, if you work hard, you can rise to the top no matter who you are. However, we often see that is not the case. There is something fundamentally wrong with improving your own position, but you also cannot live your life only thinking of others, so the typical person has to decide when to be selfish and when to let others have opportunity.