Friday, February 20, 2009

Day 17

We discussed a couple of Macbeth themes today. They are not the only ones as the following are also themes: things are not what they seem, blind ambition, power corrupts, and superstition affects human behavior. Please choose one of these themes and write how they have effected the story and characters. Make sure you use at least 2 specific examples from different acts when explaining.


Alix Dickson said...

In my opinon "things are not what they seem" really effects the story and characters. This theme is found alot through out the story mainly involving Macbeth and the people he's murdered. An example of this is when Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are being hospitable toward Duncan. Duncan thinks they are being very friendly when really they are planning on killing him. Another example is when macbeth goes mad. Lady Macbeth thinks that he's feeling gulity about killing Duncan when really he is feeling bad about killing Banquo. When all of the citizens think that Duncan's sons killed him when really Macbeth did is another example of "things are not what they seem".

Anonymous said...

THe theme i choose is gunna have to be superstition. Macbeth is going mad over the things he has been seeing. One is when macbeth meet the witches the pretty much ruined his whole world. If he had never meet the witches he would be a happy thane right now with no worries of gulit. Also he is supposably seeing banquos ghost at his parties. He would be a much happier person without all of these things hapening. And this all leads back to the witches. If he never meet them he would never had to kill banquo and he wouldnt be being haunted by his ghost.

shelbybatlemente said...

I believe that "things are not what they seem" is a good theme. This is because it really shows how things are going on in the story. It effects the story and the characters both. It is found all over in the story. For example Macbeth, and Lady Macbeth were very accomodating towards Duncan. They gave him a feast,a room to sleep in, and were nice to him. Then when he fell asleep Macbeth murdered him. Duncan didn't see it coming which is why this is a perfect example of how things are not what they seem. Another example is when Macbeth was talking to Banquo before he was murdured. Macbeth was being all nice and nonchalant when he was talking to him. He was saying that he's invited to the banquet. Even though he already hired the murdurers to kill Banquo and Fleance. Banquo has no clue that he is about to get killed. This is a good example that things are not what they seem. This is because Banquo thinks everythings alright, but in reality Macbeth has hired two people to kill him.

Anonymous said...

the theme that i am going to discuss is power corrupts. Now i am not sure if i talked about this before but in an effort to do something diffrent than everyone else then i will do this. This theme brings a famous saying to mind. Absolute power corrupts absolutly. Basicly this is saying that to much power in the wrong hands can lead to disasterous consequences. In the case of Macbeth this quote is 110% true. First of all in the beginning he was totally fine and content being the Thane of Glamis. But as soon as he gets the prophicies and one of them comes true then he starts to loose it. I believe that these prophices gave him false ambition that led him to abuse his power and ruin things for everyone. He does this by first killing duncan to become king and then killing Banquo to preserve it. I think that if he would have just kept living as he had before he was corrupted then he would have become king still but without all the drama that had come along with it.

jessecovill said...

I am choosing to write about how superstition affects human behavior. This is true for both Banquo and Macbeth, in that they both meet 3 witches and they tell them a prophecy and this then changes the way one of them lives their life. In act 1 both Macbeth and Banquo meet the witches, after they give their prophecies they leave, some small talk is exchanged between Banquo and Macbeth and they go on their way. The only time things start to change is when Macbeth is named Thane of Cawdor and they both start to think differently about their life. By this I mean Macbeth starts to do things that he would seem not to be doing in their lives before they meet the witches. Another example is in act 2 when Macbeth sees the floating dagger and walks with it to Duncan’s room to kill him.

brandonlengyel said...

The tememe that im going going to explain and write about is how power corrupts. In macbeth power is a a great deed for a resident in scotland. everbody would like to hold some power but only one could be king. Macbeth is trying to become king but he is willing to kill people in order to do so. This is were power corrupts. To much power could drive somebody into the wrong direction which macbeth is doing soo. Anther example were it comes in effect is boque and his sones going to king. He is wondering when his sons are going to be leaders and wondering if macbeth is going to kill him too. This is where power corrupts in the story macbeth.

Janet said...

i think dat things are not what they seem is a good theme. because it really shows alot through out the story. It effects the story and da characters. It is found through out the story. a example is when macbeth was talking to banquo before he was killed. macbeth was being all fake when he was talking to him. macbeth invited him to the party as a trick to kill him. a second example is macbeth and Lady Macbeth dey were very planning to kill Duncan. Also, veryone thinks that they are really nice and friendly.

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

I wanna talk about power corrupts and blind ambition, not in that order. The witches make the perfect example for blind ambition. They give Macbeth ideas of him becoming king. His wife motivates it and grows it in him. Then i think once he was king, if he woulda been able to stay not crazy would be a good king. HIs power corrupted him, kinda how i expected. He killed some of his best friend's just to stay safe. It is like all of his morals and ideas went down the drain.

ben nicolay said...

The theme I will choose is that "power corrupts". Macbeth kills Duncan to get power and that courrupts him into doing bad. He was pretty content with being the Thane of Glamis before he met the witches. After he found out about the prophicies and one of them comes true he becomes ambitious to get that power. The power continue to corrupts him because Banqou is starting to feel suspicious and Macbeth kills him. Macbeth and Banqou were good friends and Macbeth just killed him. If the power hadn't corrupted him I still think Banquo would be alive. This is just like in our societ. Power corrupts politicians. Im not saying all are bad, but there are alot out there that when they get power they decide to do the wrong thing.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to write about power corruption. In the story Macbeth, Macbeth killed the king to become king. When he became king he was starting to get corrupted by him seeing things and not being able to sleep. After all these crazy things have been going on, he believes that he will be killed by a friend. He then hires murderers to kill his friend and his son. Now that his friend is dead he thinks he saw him at his own dinner party sitting in his set. I believe this corruption all started after he became king. It doesn't help the fact that he became king in all the wrong ways, but he has gone crazy ever since he killed Duncan. I believe his corruption is going to be the downfall of him. He will go even more crazy and then everyone will start to figure him out and kill him because of what he did.

ScOtW29 said...

The them I am going to talk about is superstition. At the begginning of the book the witches go to macbeth and tell him he will become king. If macbeth wasnt at all supersitious than he would have said ok cool and walked away. The witches made macbeth sit and wonder if they were actually saying was true. This makes macbeth ambitious to become king, which leads to his insanity. My opinion is that I think the witches were just screwing with him. I think that they wanted to see something bad happen to scotland and it did. This shows that some people are superstitious and how it is not always a good thing to be. If it werent for superstition than the story would not be how it is right now.

Panos said...

If I had to pick a major theme that occurs during the play of Macbeth, I would say that " Power Corrupts" is a big factor in the decision making of a lot of the choices that the characters make. If you look at the story from act 1 there are many examples of power corrupting in where the original Thane of Cawdor was in a high position yet he used his power to do wrong things. When Macbeth learns that he will be king he goes thru with the plan to kill Duncan even though he did not have to do anything to become the Thane of Cawdor. Further more in Act 3 we see that Macbeth wants to kill Banquo and Fleance because he's afraid that Banqou's sons will take his place and be king,and since Macbeth wants to stay king he kills Banquo. All because of the want for power Macbeth has killed two people. I believe that we will continue to see this theme throughout the rest of the play.

Unknown said...


i will choose blind ambition, because i feel it has a prevalent role in the play. blind ambition is a leading factor, i feel, in macbeths choice to kill duncan. he had no idea how else to become king. therefore, he kills duncan in an impulsive move. it is also something that influences lady macbeth to plan duncans murder. and also, when macbeth hired murderers to kill banquo his best friend, it shows his lack of decision making. macbeths blind ambition will lead, i feel, to his demise as is allready happening.

Lil Southkr3w said...

im going to choose The theme power corrupts. when macbeth kill he is getting power and also he is getting courrupt. when you look at the story from act 1 there are many examples of power corruption.
macbeth is willing to kill people to get power. To much power could drive somebody into the wrong direction which macbeth is doing so. I think this is where power corrupts in the story macbeth.

Lil Southkr3w said...

Alan Hernandez

Stephen Manvydas said...

Power corrupts

I think that corrutpion from power acures alot in the story. Macbeth and lady macbeth are good examples of it. I think that lady macbeth did cause macbeth to get into this line in the first place. Lady macbeth is a very corrupt person in the beginning but after she gets what she wants she calms down a bit. Macbeth used his power to get banquo killed, once his good friend. The witches have caused macbeth to become corrupt in my opinion. I think that without the witches macbeth would never have killed duncan and never have become a crazy corrupt leader. Those two caracters are the only ones i think are corrupt in the story.

Anonymous said...

Power does indeed corrupt - it is a classic theme in many fantasy stories, Macbeth included. In this case, our titular hero is the one who becomes corrupted, in part due to his blind ambition and in part due to the prophecies that the Weird Sisters have predicted for him, all of which have come true. I think that these prophecies, however, would not have come true at all if they weren't told to Macbeth, as he wouldn't have killed Duncan and his becoming king would not have happened, thus Macbeth would have never been driven to madness. It seems that when any person has a lust for power, and their lust becomes fulfilled, that they lose their mind quite literally. Power and insanity seemingly go hand-in-hand, don't you think? Look at any great fantasy work - Macbeth, The Lord of the Rings, The Children of Hurin, and a plethora of others - and you will notice that when a glimpse of power is imparted onto a character, that character continually wants more and more and eventually, their conscience is poisoned, so to speak, by their greed. Macbeth is no exception. I think that in the upcoming acts we will see another classic downfall of a hero - it's been done over and over again, but Shakespeare was on original. Gangsta.

Miranda Adams said...

things are no what they seem is one of the main themes in my opinon. It shows a lot in macbeth and lady macbeth. It shows in macbeth when he kills king duncan and then frames the gards. know one expected macbeth. He is thought to be the Great Macbeth a sweet trustworthy guy. Who is there to serve for his people. Then lady macbeth is thought to be this sweet pretty lady. But in the turn around she is very proswasive of getting what she wants. She is truly one of the kinds of people who will go the full extent to get what she wants.

Stefan Kegebein said...

Macbeth is full of blind ambition. Macbeth with his ambition to become king kills Duncan. Not only does Macbeth end Duncan’s life but the process scared Duncan’s sons so much that they have fled Scotland. Macbeth’s actions affect the guards of Dunca. Macbeth set the guards up to make it look like they killed Duncan. Finally, Macbeth’s actions also affected the citizens of Scotland. They lost a great king that will soon be replaced by a power hungry king. Another example of blind ambition is when Macbeth has the murders kill Banquo. Macbeth is not ok with having everything he wants but also wants the set up a great life for his family. The witches say Banquo’s sons will be kings and that means that Macbeth would not have any sons to be king o that something happens to Macbeth. He hires murders to kill Banquo and his son Fleance but Fleance escapes and flees.