Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Day 11

Hope you did not miss me too much today and did alright with the ACT Test Prep. It may seem like a waste of time but truly it is not. The more practice the better the score in the end.

For this evening, I would like you to create a dialogue between Macbeth and Duncan after Duncan is killed. Each person must have at least 5 strong lines with references to the story. The discussion could be Duncan asking Macbeth why he killed him or what his plans may be for Scotland. Be creative but at the same time the key is me knowing that you are getting the story.


kirkwhitt said...

For this evening, I would like you to create a dialogue between Macbeth and Duncan after Duncan is killed. Each person must have at least 5 strong lines with references to the story. The discussion could be Duncan asking Macbeth why he killed him or what his plans may be for Scotland. Be creative but at the same time the key is me knowing that you are getting the story

Duncan: Macbeth why thou kill me? Did thou think I was a bad king?

Macbeth: Duncan I am sincerely sorry for what I have dune.

Duncan: Did you kill me because some one wanted me dead?

Macbeth: No I killed you because I wanted the throne.

Duncan: You wanted to be king that is why thou killed thea? How do you know you will become king?

Macbeth: Yes that is why Killed you. I know I will become king because of the three sisters.

Duncan: What is this talk of these three sisters? How do they know that you will become king?

Macbeth: These three sisters are witches, and they made two predictions. The first was that I would become Thane of Cowdor and that prediction came true. The second was that I would become king some day.

Duncan: So thou take my life just because 3 witches said you would become king? Then Macbeth thou shall be hunted for all eternity.

Macbeth: Duncan I have apologized, but what has been dune has been dune.

Anonymous said...

Duncan: Macbeth why would you do this to me..you my ruin scotland.

Macbeth: I am sorry my wife talked me into it if i could take it back i would.

Duncan: Just please dont do anything to malcom.

Macbeth: I wont malcom has left so nothing could happen to him.

Duncan: So you are the king now?

Macbeth: Yes i will be the best for scotland i will not change anything you had in order.

Duncan: Just do what you believe is right.

ben nicolay said...

Duncan- Why ist it thou that you shall kill me?

Macbeth- Duncan, art thou my wife encouraged me to do.


Macbeth- She tis questioned my authority as a man and my emotions opened up a pathway to tis throne.

Duncan- Do you honestly think thast you can do better work?

Macbeth- No, you are a greatly appreiciated king, I want the power.

Macbeth- I am greatly remorseful and sorry.

Duncan- I accept your apology and hope the best for you and our great country tis scotland.

Anonymous said...

Macbeth: I will i will not listen to my wife anymore she is veryself centered.

Duncan: Okay can i ask a question though? Why would you think this would work out?

Macbeth: Well i had a supernatural encounter and they told me all of this would happen and that i would be king.

Duncan: So you knew this was going to happen the whole time?

Macbeth: Yes and once again i am very sorry i regret it.

Duncan: Just worry about scotland and take care.

Sorry i ment to finsih it on the other one heres the rest

BrittanyBarron said...

Duncan: Why?
Macbeth: I had to.
Duncan: But why did you have too?
Macbeth: I need to be king.
Duncan: Did the witches tell you that?
Macbeth: Yes, how did you know?
Duncan: They told me the same thing. They also told me i would die at the hands of a friend, but i didnt think it would be you Macbeth.
Macbeth: I'm sorry ut had to do it. My wife wants nothing more to be queeen. Sometimes I think she doesnt even care that I'm king she just wants to queeen.
Duncan: It sounds like she is my real murder not you.
Macbeth: What should I do my king.
Duncan: I am not your king, you are mine. And you should tell her she is wrong. You should kill her like you killed me.
Macbeth: Will yu forgive me if I did?
Duncan: Yes.
Macbeth: Then it is done.

Stefan Kegebein said...

Duncan: Macbeth, are you mad? To kill the King of Scotland but to get away with it somebody should put you in a home.

Macbeth: Duncan this is my fate I am to become the next King of Scotland.

Duncan: You still aren’t the heir of the throne, so you still won’t become King.

Macbeth: Don’t worry I have already got Malcolm out of the way.
Duncan: What have you done to my son?

Macbeth: I didn’t need to do anything; he was so frightened he fled.

Duncan: Macbeth I always thought you were a great leader and a respectful person what has mad you change?

Macbeth: Every since a visit from these witches and with the back up of my wife it has allowed me to reach new levels of power.

Duncan: Macbeth please don’t do anything else to harm in one else.

Macbeth: I can do anything I please because so I will be King.

Duncan: Macbeth you and I both know that Scotland needs a leader that puts its citizens first.

Macbeth: I can now change the world and shape it into the world that I believe it should be.

jessecovill said...

Macbeth: I still do not believe what I hath done but only 3 days ago

Duncan: Macbeth! I know it was thou who had killed me, but what perplexes me is why you had killed me.

Macbeth: Duncan? How are you still alive? I don’t understand what is happening, is this a trick of those three sisters?

Duncan: no witches had anything to do with me being at your sight, not only am I loved as a king in your world, but also in the spirit world and they have made me their king.

Macbeth: so then why must you haunt me at this time?

Duncan: I have come to warn you of actions and what you do to other people to get your way.

Macbeth: why warn me, I never wanted to hurt you in any way, my wife, she has poisoned my mind with thoughts of killing family and deceiving friends.

Duncan: Lady Macbeth? How could you let her fool you, she is but a women.

Macbeth: I don’t know I thought men were supposed to trust their wives and make them happy.

Duncan: you killed me to please your wife!

brandonlengyel said...

Duncan: Why is it that you killed me?
Macbeth:It was my destinity to be king.
Duncan:how so there is still...
Macbeth: yes malcom i have already taken care of him.
Duncan: no, not my son what did you do to him.
Macbeth:like i said it was my destinity to become king and plus i didnt do anything he fled.
Duncan:What makes you think you are going to be better than me.
Macbeth:im going to keep all your tatics, but just into my power.
Duncan:So why you kill me though.
Macbeth:I was presured in by my wife and three withchs that told me about my destinity.
Duncan:three withches, what?
Macbeth:yes, me and banquo were visted by these supernatuals.
Duncan:dont do anything i wouldnt do.
Macbeth:Was not planning on it just to be the best king in scotland.

jray said...

Duncan: Why did you kill me?

Macbeth: It wasn't my idea.

Duncan: Than whos was it?

Macbeth: It was my wifes. She just wanted to be queen so bad that she manipulated me to get what she wanted.

Duncan: why would she do that?

Macbeth: Because she wanted so bad.

Duncan: How did this even come across your mind?

Macbeth: Right before I was told that I became Thane of Cawdor 3 witches told me that I become Thane of Cawdor and one day king, but when you named your son Prince of Cumberland my wife knew the only way to get what she wanted was to have you dead.


Alix Dickson said...

Duncan: Why did you kill me?
Macbeth: I didnt want to, i was talked into it.
Duncan: By who?
Macbeth:My wife, she called me a coward.
Duncan: I cant belive you would do such a thing.
Macbeth: Im very sorry, i wish i had never done it. I met three witches who told me I would become Thane of Cawdor and Kind. I didnt think it would actually happen until you made me Thane of Cawdor.
Duncan: What about Malcome he is supposed to become king.
Macbeth: i know he has fled the country, people think he's the one that killed you.
Duncan: I never thought you would kill me, not after the hospitality you showed me in your home.
Macbeth: It was all a trick set up by my wife. Shes very ambitious.
Duncan: I hope nobody likes you and that you are a horrible king. Everybody loved me and they will all be so disappointed when they figure out you killed me.
Macbeth: Im sorry Duncan i now realize that i wont be as great of a king as you were.

Anonymous said...

Macbeth: Duncan, you know me to be a good leader and a good friend but I have ruined that good name for myself.

Duncan: What was the reasons behind all of this?

Macbeth: Well I had no intention of killing you, it was all my wife. she is an offal person.

Duncan: Lady Macbeth? If this is true then why didn't she do the killing then?

Macbeth: She said you resembled her father when you slept so she didn't have the heart to do it.

Duncan: I am shocked to hear this, she always played the sweet and incident to me.

Macbeth: She came up with this plan to murder you so that I would become king, and she had this idea of power in her head. Power messes with peoples minds.

Duncan: So you killed me to get my power? What makes you think you would get my power? Didn't you think of me already assigning Malcolm to be the next king?

Macbeth: I had that in my head but after I killed you they fled the country thinking they were next to die.

Duncan: They did what?

Macbeth: Look, Duncan I'm terribly sorry for what I've done and i wish I could undo it all...

Duncan: Macbeth you have put the towns people in a panic, they need another king and if Malcolm does not return, you must take the throne.

Macbeth: Thank you Duncan and I wish we could have done this without you dieing. I'm sorry for everything.

Miranda Adams said...

For this evening, I would like you to create a dialogue between Macbeth and Duncan after Duncan is killed. Each person must have at least 5 strong lines with references to the story. The discussion could be Duncan asking Macbeth why he killed him or what his plans may be for Scotland. Be creative but at the same time the key is me knowing that you are getting the story.

Duncan: Macbeth why did you kill me? Dont you think they will find out...

Macbeth: It was my destiny to become kind Duncan and killing you is how i was going to get there.

Duncan: Dont think that you will be a better king then me Macbeth.

Macbeth: I will show you that the people will love me as kind they already love who i am, as well as all that i have accomplished.

Duncan: They will find out that you were the one who killed me. Its only a matter of time. You will see....

Macbeth: Well i asure you they wont.... It was the perfect plan and the perfect muder.

Duncan: I thought we were friends.. i Thought we were...

Macbeth: what on the same side?

Duncan: Yes we fright for the same laws and for the same people..

Macbeth: yes well we did but what had to be done is done.

ok Macbeth you will see.....

Austen Anderson said...

Macbeth - this is only for the best.

Duncan - i dont believe you cna do better than i could have, what makes u think u will be king next anyways?

Macbeth - because of the witches, they have fortold me what shall happen if you died.

Duncan - who has told you to do this? i know you all too well, you wouldnt think of this.

Macbeth - this was my idea, no one gave me this, i thought of it myself.(knowing his wife told him to)

Duncan - whatever, this was wrong and you know it, you will be cursed forever.

Macbeth - well i have very good plans for scotland. i know what to do.

Duncan - are you saying i didnt know what i was doing?

Macbeth - yes, a matter of fact thats exactly what im saying. you were clueless of what you did.

Duncan - what makes u think that?

Macbeth - because i saw what you did, no one was in your favor of your choices.

Plaz said...

Duncan: "Wud dup doe?"
Haha just kidding.

Duncan:Why did thou kill a friend?

Macbeth:There was a bloody dagger that was in front of thou and the witches told me to.

Duncan:So you killed me because some witches told you to and there was a bloody dagger?

Macbeth:Yep. Also me wife told me that i had to.

Duncan:Why did your wife tell you to?

Macbeth:So I would become king.

Duncan:Ahhhh I see now. Was I doing something you didn't like me doing?

Macbeth: Noo you were a great king but it was my time. Everybody needs to shine and it was my time.

Duncan:Yea i understand that. Well just become the best king you can.

Macbeth:I will be. You don't have to worry about that.

Eavn E

shelbybatlemente said...

Duncan: Macbeth why did you kill me?

Macbeth: I had to.

Duncan: Why did you have to?

Macbeth: My wife wanted power so bad that she manipulated me.

Duncan: But, why would you let her? There has to be another reason why.

Macbeth: Actually there is.

Duncan: Well then what is it?

Macbeth: I was visited by 3 witches,right before I was told I had become Thane of Cawdor.

Duncan: What did they say?

Macbeth: They said that I was going to become Thane of Cawdor and then king.

Duncan: So you killed me because you want to become king?

Macbeth: Sadly, yes thats why I killed you. I am deeply sorry.

Duncan: I accept your apology and I hope you will hold Scotland together and be a great king. Take Care Macbeth.

JakeCastner said...

why did you kill me?!

Macbeth: Ohhh sorry man. My wife, she's messin with my head. I think she just wants to be queen. She's kinda scaring me.

Duncan: Yeah women are weird. Horrible drivers too.

Macbeth: Well, king, see... the weird sisters, they told myself and banquo that i would be thane of cawdor, that his kids would be king, and that i would be king. Once i found out that i was thane of cawdor, i was so excited to be king! When you told your son that he was prince, i was crushed. I guess i just can't let this king thing go.

Duncan: Well i guess it's cool. I mean its kind of a dick move, since i just gave your wife a huge diamond and all.

Macbeth: Sorry man, i just got a lot on my mind lately. I think i might be shellshocked too. Or maybe I'm just having trouble letting go of the wartime mindset. I mean in war, if you want to kill somebody, you just kill them.

Duncan: Yeah, that's true

Macbeth: I feel bad about it now, though. Did you feel anything?

Duncan: I felt the knife stick in if thats what you're asking me.

Macbeth: Ahhh sorry man. At least it's over now, though. You were a pretty good guy. You're in Scottish heaven or whatever, right?

Duncan: Yeah, i guess that's a pretty good way to look at it. I was going to haunt you, but i mean, i could just go rest in the afterlife...... Later, Macbeth.

Macbeth: Later, duncan

Stephen Manvydas said...

Macbeth- I...I.....Im so sorry duncan...
Duncan- Silence! you...what have you done to me!
Macbeth- I didnt want to sir.. believe me!
Duncan- I said quiet!
Macbeth- it was not all me...i...how...i dont know how i did it or why...
Duncan- i dont care whos fault is was! its over now nt'it? so stop your cryinging.
Macbeth- I dont know what to do.. im the new king but im so confused.
Duncan- wise up great thane, take this country to places i culdnt, defeat the invaders and sav..
Macbeth- save who? i.. i dont know how or who!
Duncan- save ye self and then save me sons, they dont need to be sufferin your doin'ns. Then ye need to be turning yourself in.. you dont diserve it nemore.
Macbeth- silence! i have nothing to forgive myself for! your sons brought tis on themselves! and no! i will never undo this life due to what a ghost be tellin me!
Duncan- fine... you have chose your path... let the rest of the 'prophacy' come true..

Unknown said...


Duncan: you have to be the biggest douchebag i know

macbeth: sorry, im just whipped, my wife knows how to get at me

duncan: oh you have one of those ones, huh?

macbeth: yeah, its not very fun

duncan: so, what do you plan on doing?

macbeth: i dont know really, probaly lay low untill this dies down

duncan: oh, your not gonna admit what you did?

macbeth: admitting wont change nything, so whats the point?

duncan: youre right

macbeth: yep. sorry bud.

and i modernized it so people can actually understand it.

Alex V said...

For this evening, I would like you to create a dialogue between Macbeth and Duncan after Duncan is killed. Each person must have at least 5 strong lines with references to the story. The discussion could be Duncan asking Macbeth why he killed him or what his plans may be for Scotland. Be creative but at the same time the key is me knowing that you are getting the story

Duncan: Why have you gone and killed me macbeth?

Duncan: Did you not think i was not a good king, Why have you killed me?

Macbeth: I felt like i had to at the time to be king.

Macbeth: Now that it is done i dont think i can ever forgive myself?

Duncan: That is why tho killed me just to become king, you are the thane of cowador why should you be king?

Duncan: Have you not forgoten about my son malcom, he will become king not you.

Macbeth: Your son is not here anymore he has left so the people have no choice but to make me king.

Duncan: I hope this desion does not huant you for the rest of your life.

Macbeth: I will try to be as good of king as you.

Macbeth: If i were to do it all over again i would not kill you.

Anonymous said...

Duncan: Dearist Macbeth why did you betray me?

Macbeth: Im sorry my lord, I had to do what was necessary.

Duncan: Necessary for what?

Macbeth: Nights ago i was visted by 3 three witches who prophicied my future.

Duncan: How do you know that these witches were not lying?

Macbeth: I was skeptical at first but then the first prediction had come true.

Duncan:Ah, tis a sad day when blood is shed over greed

Macbeth: I knwo my lord, I knew that in order to become King i needed to get rid of the competition

Duncan: And could you not wait til i died, perhaps i could have made you my sucessor

Macbeth: That was what i was hopnig for but as soon as i heard that you named your son i knew more drastic measures were necessary

Anonymous said...

LOL! Jake...

Enter, apparition of Duncan

Duncan: For whence I leave this body? A placid thought hath not left my mind as I look upon the deed. Lo! To die is the cruelest trick mother nature has withheld from our purview. Macbeth hath done this with malice, and this fire shalt have him! Look hence!

Enter Macbeth, his hands bloodied

Macbeth: My king!

Duncan: Spare me thou whimp'rings for 't lessen thy deed it does not.

Macbeth: One must not accost a man whose whims master his scruples!

Duncan: For sooth! A man 'tis weaker then!

Macbeth: A man be not weaker when coerced is he.

Duncan: Weak of will! Erred of judgement!

Macbeth: Peace thee! An angel hath bewitched me! Her rosy cheeks in myself I have lost. This angel hath come from this planet with intent of power. One does not deny what one finds divine.

Duncan: Surely you take leave of your senses.

Macbeth: And you, in what wisdom you may say you've gathered, do diminish the power of love.

Duncan: Love!

Macbeth: Hath one no purpose greater than to play servant to its whims.

Duncan: Yet one has no purpose compared to love of king and country! This gory deed does naught to impugn that!

Macbeth: O? Would one forsake love for the love of one whose leadership robs another of his whims?

Duncan: Rob another of his whims? Show me where the people have called for my oust!

Macbeth: Alas, I cannot. Tis' true they love you, yet now they must love another.

Duncan: I have praised th' deeds thy hath accounted for thyself. Patriotism hath not a better mascot to suit its face. Then you double-about and strike the hand that feed you? The hand that expands you power with purview of Cawdor? My sons shall not let you away with this accursed deed!

Macbeth: The Weïrd Sisters have said for so much.

Duncan: You would believe their wretched incantations! They infect the minds they encounter and despoil the earth! One is wise to advise caution in his conscience, dealing with them.

Macbeth: Maybe so, yet I have not encountered consequence of nay despicable degree.

Duncan: You need only wait, for time is the messenger of one's rightful fate. Justice will the not escape!

Macbeth: One can only wait, and see. For I believe that the sisters have my fate, foretold and sealed.

Duncan: And 'tis that lack of sight that shall undo thee.

Macbeth: Aroint thee foul apparition!

Duncan: Anon shall you share the very fate thou hath stabbed into me!

Duncan disappears and Macbeth leaves the room

Anonymous said...

Duncan: Macbeth, am I to believe you have slain me in my sleep?

Macbeth: Yes, I must fulfill my prophecy, Duncan. I'm sorry.

Duncan: What "prophecy"? Where did you hear such a thing?

Macbeth: I was visited by three Weird Witches. They told me I would become Thane of Cawdor and King of Scotland.

Duncan: And you think killing me will automatically make you King of Scotland? The prophecy could be completely false.

Macbeth: It's a chance I'm willing to take, sir. My wife wants to rule and I must know if what the Witches say is true.

Duncan: What do you plan on doing for Scotland, Macbeth?

Macbeth: I do not know at this time... I'm not too worried about that right now, to be honest.

Duncan: If you care so little about leading your country as King, then why have you slain me?

Macbeth: That I am not sure of, King. Something within me is driving me to become the King, and I must feed it's appetite.

Lil Southkr3w said...

duncan: why did you kille me dawg.

macbeth: duncan it wasnt me idea of killing you dawg.

duncan: whos idea was it to kill me dawg.

macbeth: it was my wife.

duncan: why would she do that.

macbeth: because she wanted power so bad.

alan hernandez

Anonymous said...

[The scene opens with Macbeth standing at his bedside, alleviating himself of his heavy equipment. A familiar voice enters his mind.]

Duncan: Cousin.

Macbeth: [bewildered] D-Duncan?

Duncan: Yes, it is I, your King. Rather, your King before you decided my eternal fate.

Macbeth: My lord! You know that I am the one who hath put you into a sleep eternal?

Duncan: Aye, I do know. My eyes burn with a hue as crimson as the stained blade that you felled me with.

Macbeth: My liege, I am sorry. Regret is the only emotion that I am capable of feeling at this time. The Lord has no mercy for me, and rightfully so.

Duncan: Rightfully indeed. I understand your apology, but your reasoning goes unanswered and questioned.

Macbeth: Ah, yes. I could blame the Weird Sisters; I could blame milady. However, I will not. As steep as my morality hath fallen, I refuse to let it falter further. I am responsible for my actions and I alone. I am greedy, my lord.

Duncan: To become the King of all Scotland?

Macbeth: Aye.

Duncan: The titled of which you already possess are not enough for you? Both Thane of Glamis and Thane of Cawdor are both respectable and honorable titles in themselves.

Macbeth: That they are, but think: Macbeth, King of Scotland!

Duncan: It has a ring to it, and that ring would have been a just one had you not struck me down. Malcolm still lives, Macbeth.

Macbeth: Yes, I know.

Duncan: Please do not give him the same fate that you have given me.

Macbeth: I will not, friend.

Duncan: [laughing slightly] Ah, you call me friend after my passing but during my final hours I was your one and only foe.

Macbeth: Not a foe, but an obstacle that my anxious ambitions wished to discard.

Duncan: Thus you willingly strike me down, your own blood?

Macbeth: Aye. Ambitions is a nasty thing, your worship.

Duncan: Your lust for power is filthier still.

Macbeth: What is to become of the throne?

Duncan: That is no longer my decision. Had you asked me, I would surely have made you my immediate successor. Your skills are able and your place as King was deserved prior to your murder. The throne is up for the taking, be it by Malcolm son of Duncan or Macbeth hero of Scotland.

Macbeth: I understand. Please do not tell Malcolm of my treachery, Duncan.

Duncan: I will not, but in time he will undoubtedly come to learn that you have done this to me.

Macbeth: Aye. You will forever be my King in life and death.

Duncan: You will forever be the hero of Scotland, only now with less dignity than you possessed before. I must bid you a fond farewell, cousin.

Macbeth: Goodbye, my King.

Kevin Hughes said...

Duncan: Why have you killed me Macbeth? Why commit such regicide? Especially during my stay in your home, don't you think that's suspicious?

Macbeth: Suspicions aside, such an act must have been done. In my home or not in my home, such a matter means little when my rise to the throne is so close at hand.

Duncan: Your kingship? Is that why such an error in judgement has occurred?

Macbeth: The weird sisters have said it is eminent, as has my wife.

Duncan: Your wife? The weird sisters?

ScOtW29 said...

For this evening, I would like you to create a dialogue between Macbeth and Duncan after Duncan is killed. Each person must have at least 5 strong lines with references to the story. The discussion could be Duncan asking Macbeth why he killed him or what his plans may be for Scotland. Be creative but at the same time the key is me knowing that you are getting the story.

Duncan: MacBeth my dear friend this cant be true

Macbeth: I am so sorry Duncan

Duncan: Oh your sorry are you, what in Gods name made you do this

Macbeth: Not long ago 3 witches frightened me, they told me my future

Duncan: What exactly did they say?

Macbeth: They said that I was to become king of Scotland.

Duncan: That doesnt mean that you had to kill people to get what you wanted Macbeth.

Macbeth: It wasnt my idea to kill you.

Duncan: Then Who's was it?

Macbeth: My wife, she's got me on a leash.

Duncan: Even if these witches were right about you becoming King of Scotland maybe you should have just let thigns play out.

Macbeth: Thats a good idea.

Panos said...

Duncan: Why have you gone and killed me macbeth?

Macbeth:I killed you because I wanted the throne.

Duncan: So you knew this was going to happen the whole time?

Macbeth: No I learned of this from the weird sisters.

Duncan: Does thou think you can be a better king then me?

Macbeth: Whether I am or not is not of importance it is my destiny.

Duncan: How do you plan to get away with this murder?

Macbeth: I shall blame it on the guards.

Duncan: Thou fool, the truth always comes out.

Macbeth: Not with anyone who knows dead.