Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Day 7

Hope you did well on the quiz. You should have had more than enough time to figure out the simile and metaphor exercise as well.

For this evening:

Macbeth allowed outside forces to have some control over his life. So far, these include the witches and Lady Macbeth. Often in our lives, we allow outside forces to have more control than we think they should. What outside forces do you feel control your life? Why do you allow this to happen? Does this make you a weak person? When can it be positive to allow outside forces to be an effective part of our lives?


Panos said...

If I had to come up with some of the outside forces that I feel control my life, I would definatly say that my friends are one of the forces. If it were not for some my friends, I would have not done some of the things that I would consider to be ridiculously stupid, but on the other side of things, my friends have also helped me alot. I stopped letting other people influence me but I think that the reason I let others influence me before was because I just wanted to fit in and be popular, (who doesn't want to be popular). I really don't think that this makes you a weak person but I do think that effects how you react to things going around you. After going through BT, I learned that outside forces can influence your choices and some of the choices are not only bad but can affect those around you as well. I believe that it can be positive to us if the outside force is trying to prevent us from doing something that may end up bad or something that could effect us for life. I really think that there is a balance between good and bad outside forces like peer pressure. But hey, that is what I think about outside forces.

Plaz said...

My outside force and probably my only outside force would be friends. My best friend is right about everything so sometimes i listen to her and other times I don't but she doesn't control me. Sometimes you gotta get it how you live. This doesn't make me a weak person. Some outside forces can be positive and some can't be. When i think of outside forces i think of people tellin you what to do and what not to do aka peer pressure. So outside forces can effect you big time.
Evan E

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

I think everything i witness on a daily basis is a outside force that shapes me in some way or another. I totally love the influence of others. Even if it is showing me negativity because it's still learning something. Alot of people would disagree with me there in all but it's foolish not to take in the world. I think if anything that puts me ahead of most people. People don't understand the worth of learning everything to can from sight and experiences. So i think that would make other people weak, not myself. It is not always positive, but it is always a learning experience.

Anonymous said...

I would have to say, my outside forces are my parents. They try to control what you do and what you don't do. I used to get pissed at my parents for trying to stop me from doing something but I have learned they aren't doing it to be mean, they are doing it to protect me. I allow it to happen because they are important to me and they know whats best for me. Yes it can be a nuisance sometimes but I don't really mind. It's a positive thing for me to listen to them because they keep me from doing things that will get me into trouble. If I'm not in trouble that's always a positive thing because it keeps me on track and doing what I'm supposed to. They know I'm responsible so they don't really try to interfere with what I do unless they notice somethings going on. So I don't mind if they push me towards doing the right things.

Anonymous said...

I think my parents have a good control on my life. Im really sure why i allow this to happen. I think its becasue they have more power than me. They dont run my life 100% but they have a impact. But i feel i must listen becasue they do so much for me. I also listen because thats what kids are supposed to do. I dont think this makes me weak becasue who doesnt listen to there parnets... Its how people are just raised. I think you can allow other people influence your life when they are trying to help you and not doing it to just bully you or be mean.

Stefan Kegebein said...

There are a lot of outside forces that influence my life. Some of these influences include my family, friends, and coaches. I believe that this influence can be negative and positive. While with my friends we always have fun but sometimes you get caught up in doing stupid things. My parents definitely have had an impact on me. They are the ones you install values and teach you about life. Although sometimes we disagree I believe they have had a positive influence on my life. My coaches also have made an impact on my life. Not only do they teach me to play hockey, but sometimes about life. I don’t believe that it shows weakness to let others impact your life. It is just a normal human reaction to let people who you know well or are close to impact your life. People can have a positive impact on your life by installing values that make you a better person and a productive product of society. So I believe there are both positive and negative outside forces.

shelbybatlemente said...

The outside forces in my life are probably my friends,and my parents. If it wasn't for my friends I probably wouldn't be where I am today. They have been a huge influence on my decision making. I allow this to happen because friends are my weakness. I listen,and/or do whatever it is they want me to do. I don't think it makes me a weak person because everyone does something that their friends told them to do at least once in their lives. If your friends tell you not to do something that could be potentially dangerous you should listen to them. Thats an example of a positive time to allow outside forces to be an effective part of our lives. My parents are a big outside force in my life. If it wasn't for my parents I probably wouldn't have been able to do the things I can do today. I used to get mad when my parents controlled my life all the time. Know I know that they weren't controlling to be mean. They were trying to keep me safe from dangerous situations. This doesn't make me weak because parents are supposed to control their children. Thats what they are their for. Sometimes parents control their kids a little too much. But that's a different story. Anyway it can be positive when your parent's tell you not to do something and you don't do it. Thats positive because you could have gotten seriously injured or something bad could happen.

Kaitlyn Frantz said...

The outside forces that I allow to control my life most are my parents and friends. I don't always have a choice as to how much my parents control in my life. But if I am responsible and do what I need to and make good choices my parents give me more control. I do allow them to control my life to an extent though because I trust them and I know they can help me when I need it. My friends also have some control over my life because I like to do things with them and I don't want to be selfish. I don't think giving some control over my life to family and friends makes me weak because sometimes you need them to help. It can be positive to let someone else have control in your life when you are in a tough spot and the person you are giving control to is a reliable trustworthy person. For example if someone had a drug addiction they may give control to a family member to get them help.

Miranda Adams said...

Macbeth allowed outside forces to have some control over his life. So far, these include the witches and Lady Macbeth. Often in our lives, we allow outside forces to have more control than we think they should. What outside forces do you feel control your life? Why do you allow this to happen? Does this make you a weak person? When can it be positive to allow outside forces to be an effective part of our lives?

The biggerst outside force i that controls my life i would have to say is my mom and dad. But thats part of there job till they r ready to let go. Even though i dont think they truly ever let go.
Another outside that has a big effect on my life is my Friends. They are always making planse for me and stuff like that. I guess i allow them to controle my life becuase sometimes im just lazy to make planse for myself. But i only let them controle me to a point. But i do think who you hang out with has a BIG influence. I dont think this makes me a weak person because im sure everone has someone who does that in a way.

kirkwhitt said...

Macbeth allowed outside forces to have some control over his life. So far, these include the witches and Lady Macbeth. Often in our lives, we allow outside forces to have more control than we think they should. What outside forces do you feel control your life? Why do you allow this to happen? Does this make you a weak person? When can it be positive to allow outside forces to be an effective part of our lives?

Im gana have to say parents, and friends are the only out side forces I have. I alow my parents to have comtrole over me because they know whats best for me. They have more experionce in life that I do. I would have to say my friends have a little force over me because I want to stay friends. I say only a little because I think befor I act. I dont think thies forces make me a week person at all. My parents only want good for me, and my friends just try to have a good time. I feel that its ok to allow out side forces to help when its for the right cause, as long as your doing some thing for better good.

Lil Southkr3w said...

My outside force are my parents and frends. my parents allwways are trying to telll me whats rite and wats wrong. they control what i do beacuse they are my parents. my frends are another force in my life because some times i do stuff dats wrong. i do think they dont control my life but i do what dey do sometimes. This doesn't make me a weak person. the out side forces are positive but it could also not be.
Alan Hernandez

Alix Dickson said...

I would have to say my parents and friends are outside forces that control my life. My parents control me so i wont get into trouble and my friends usually control me by getting me into trouble. I dont neccessarily allow this to happen it just does. I dont think this makes me a weak person. I think everybody goes through this at some point in their life. I trust my parents and friends to make sure i dont do anything too stupid. It can be positive to allow outside forces to effect our lives if its to keep us safe. usually my parents have a positive force on my life.

jessecovill said...

Outside forces that affect us could be as small as seeing some thing on tv, to being paid for murder. I think peer pressure is the most controlling outside force in my life. Generally I don’t mean for this to happen, I just don’t want to let down my friends. Also I think I’m like this because of how I was raised, I was told, not to let people down and be nice and other crap like that. I don’t think this makes me or anybody a weak person because when they fell good knowing they did something to help their buds out. I can only think of two reasons that this would be useful, first if a neighbor is constantly blasting crapy music at 3 in the morning you might consider calling the popo and have them do something about it. Or if by some weird astronomical happening, Canada invades us and we have to call on the U.K. to help us beat back the Canadians. This is what I think about this subject, I kinda don’t but sorta look forward to the next installment, kinda.

brandonlengyel said...

There are many outside forces that control my life. My family for one. They basically have control over my life. They feel that i should have good grades while doing my sports. If i dont keep up my grades my parents start to take away some of my privalages. I allow this to happen to me because there my parents and i have to listen to them and cant disobey them. No, i dont believe that this makes a weak person. I belive it makes me stronger due to bying listening to them on my grades will led me to a great future in college. It can be positive by a learning experice that you can gain from it.

christina newman said...

The outside forces that control my life are my friends and family. It’s more of my family that controls my life than my friends. My parents are the one that grounded me if I do something wrong. I have no chose to listen to what they say. On the other hand my friends control my life buy they turn out to be right about something and other time not. This doesn't make me a weak person it just means that I listen to other people’s advices. It can be positive to let someone control your life by if you are confused about what’s wrong and right they will tell you what’s right.

ScOtW29 said...

What outside forces do you feel control your life? Why do you allow this to happen? Does this make you a weak person? When can it be positive to allow outside forces to be an effective part of our lives?

The outside forces I feel that control my life is mostly my parents, and sometimes my friends. For mostly anybody they will say that their parents control most of their life. That isnt a bad thing though because parents have a good influence. Usually when they tell me to do something I do it. I allow this to happen so my parents will be happy and so they stop bugging me about doing what they told me to do. I don't think that it makes you a weak person. Its good every once in a while to have someone kind of guide you if you think its the right thing to do too. It can be postive when you dont know what to do about something and somebody suggests something. After that you probably think, why didnt I think of that?

Alex V said...

The outside forces in my life are probably my friends and my parents. My parents dont just tell me so thing just to say it, it is to help me. My parents are here to protect me. Another outside that has a big effect on my life is my Friends. Sometimes my friends tell me to do stupid things and some times i actually do them. So times i feel stupid but most of the time its all fun. But the biggest outside force would have to be my parents they also support me no matter what and they push me to do the right things.

jray said...

In my life, I am effected by different types of outside forces. I have people that always have by back and effect my life in positive ways. My parents also have a postive control over my life. They do what they can to get me to better myself for the future. It can be from keeping me away from trouble to getting me to do my work. Even though their is good effects, their are also bad effects. For example it could be older kids trying to get you to do something that you know is wrong but you still do it so that they will like you. I think that I allow this to happen to me so that i can fit in better. I don't think that this makes me a weak person, I just like being around people.

Anonymous said...

Probably my biggest outside force, would be my parents. As I live with them, naturally they would have the most control over what I do. I wouldn't really consider myself controlled by my friends; it just doesn't work that way for me. If I don't want to do something that they want me to do, I don't do it. I think it's harder to abstain from doing something they want you to them to bend to their wishes. I would attribute that to a different upbringing. My parents, being from Europe, suffered at the hands of their governments and didn't want me to fall into the same pit of being controlled by other people. As for my parents, while sometimes I don't respect them as much as I should, I still listen to them. I don't think that this comes out of respect as much as it does appreciation for them and how they raised me. I don't think that this makes me weak person, on the contrary. I think it takes more courage to stand up to your friends. Although I don't think that not listening to my friends makes me a better person. Obviously, it can be a positive to listen to people depending on the situation. People do it all the time; people listen to traffic reports and avoid problem roads, people also listen to investment brokers -- although I think they shouldn't have listened to the guy who "made off" with all that money -- and financial consultants. I guess, all in all it always depends on the situation but then again, people always use it as an excuse and not always for the best things.

ben nicolay said...

Often in our lives, we allow outside forces to have more control than we think they should. What outside forces do you feel control your life? Why do you allow this to happen? Does this make you a weak person? When can it be positive to allow outside forces to be an effective part of our lives?

I don't really think outside forces have more control in my life than I do. I mean my friends sometimes altar my decision but when it comes down to it I ultimitly control my life. My parents control my life more than anyone else. They usually decide what I im allowed to do. I wouldn't say that it makes you a weak person to be controlled by outside forces. Its like you want other peoples opinouns on decision making. It can be a positive thing when you decide to do somehting stupid and someone else tells you not to or stop's you from doing it. They are just trying to help you and being positve for yourself and them.

Stephen Manvydas said...

I feel that as humans (line used twice this week, amazing) we do allow other people to influence our choices. The influences could be our friends, family, or even your own ambition. Our friends can peer pressure us to do somthing they want by hitting our buttons. They can call us week, or pathetic until they get what they want. I think that we fall for this to easily, if they want to be our friends they dont care what we do, its our life not theirs. We do fall because we think the freindship is worth keeping, we use that 2% of our brain and just go along with it even though we know its bad. Your family could encourage you to do work for them or even to get some good grades when you would rather be hanging out with your friends. You do it because they have authority over you. They can use force or hit us with taking what we like the most. they can be like "raw raw no ___ until you do ___." so with their authority we do to their will. Our ambition could also be a form of influence on us. If we get our mind on track and thinking of what we want the most it can almost change who we are completly. We loose what makes us, us, and become someone determined to get whatever it was we wanted. These things can make a person strong, but it could also make you weak if you fall for the peer preasure. The family reason i stated could be a positive influence. They could encourage you to do good, to have a great life, instead of going on with your freinds and doing somthing that could ruin the rest of your life.

BrittanyBarron said...

Parents, friends, teachers, and the meida are all outside forces at act upoon our young imperssional minds. Parents should to some extent control how much they put they're views and personalties on us. our friends we really have no contorl over it. We are around them more than anyone in your life. They can control what clothes you where, what music you listen too, and even your views on other people. Teachers teach us. They teach us what the they and basically drill into brains what they know on things. Most people pend 12-16 years in school, some where along the way, views and opinons have to rub us onto us. The media belive it or not also has a big affect on the things we do. We want to be like our favorite stars, dress like them act like them, be them. Thats how trends start. We Allow this to happen because we are scared to be ourslefs. We all want to be like no matter wahtpeole might say. It can be postive cause people can give us postive force. Force to try-out for a team, audtion for a part, or even to get better grades.
-Brittany Barron

Janet said...

I think my parents and my whole family control my life. well, my parents because thats what my parents are here for, to tell me when i have done wrong things and even the rite things. my whole family overall too, becasue i have many uncles/anunts. Some of my uncles are like my dad too, but not in a way that they are taking over my dad's job. they jst care bout me too, they give me segesstions on the things i should be doing. I most deffently dont let them control me to a point that i cant even make my own decision but i do listen to them. i dont think this makes you a weak person at all, because you should listen to your parents. I also believe that it can be positive to us becasue the outside force is helping us from doing something that may end up bad or something that could effect us for life.

Unknown said...


Yeah, sure there are external stimuli that create pressure on me. I would say however for the most part that I am independent in my actions and behaviors. My largest external influence would have to be my friends though. They carry the largest influence over me because I try to "live in the now." it doesn't make me a bad person in my opinion. If anything, it makes me a better person because I get to expierence life rather than not. This is when it carries the most beneficial consequences.

Austen Anderson said...

there are a few different kinds of forces that can control the way i do things and how to do certain things. one for being my parents. they always make me do chores, and be nice to my brothers and just tell me what to do. this probally helps me in life by them teaching me to be responsible but i think ide be ok without em at times. also, my friends probally control me a little bit, because say im with a group of friends, and i wanna go here, and they wanna go somewere else, ide go with them because maybe what i had in mind wasnt a great idea, or mayeb something bad coulda happened while i was with them. so yes, i do believe some people have a little control over my life, but i try to live my life to the fullest.

Anonymous said...

One of the outside forces in my life are my friends. I think that this is a good outside source to be influenced by but a bad one as well. Friends are there to encourage you and make you happy. But they can also get you involved in things that you do not want to do. Peer pressure is something that happens to kids our age every day and is a part of life. People always talk about getting talked to about smoking or drinking. But what they forget to mention is being talked into playing a sport that they now enjoy, or listening to a new band. These can be positive influences as well. I think that it only makes you a weak person if you give into something that goes against what your moral compass points to. As long as Red Fred stays in the shed then you still can be influenced by others and be a strong person.

JakeCastner said...

I definitely have let outside forces steer my life in new directions. My parents steer me towards perfection, and my friends steer me towards whatever is in store for me. I allow this to happen because i have a lot more fun with them than with my parents. Haha thats not even whats "best for me" but its what im into. This doesnt make me feel like a weak person because i am fully willing to go along with it. There are definitely times when following would be good. For instance, letting the police guide your choices is a good thing.

Anonymous said...

My outside force is my entire external environment that surrounds me each day, most especially the school environment and all of the positivity and negativity that comes and goes. Our external environment shapes who we are just as much as our internal environment does, in order for our, as Carl Rogers' 'theory of self' states, internal and external selves to battle, thus creating who we are. We combine our experiences and expectations together to create a unique blend of systems that we call a personality. I don't think that I, or anybody, necessarily allows their outside forces control or rather assist in controlling their life as it's not really a matter of letting it affect us. Rather, we experience these influences and simultaneously they rest at the back of our semiconscious/unconscious. We can then choose to repress the outside forces so that they do not affect us, which ignites a conscious decision to do so, or we can simply let them lay in our unconscious - what most of us do, as our unconscious does not exist within our conscious and, as such, we're unaware that it is affecting our choices and decisions. To repress an influence from an outside source is a difficult thing to do unless the environment's experience causes an physiological aroused state, at which point the force is not resting in our unconscious. Thus, 'allowing' our external forces to influence us isn't truly up to the person unless such an instance is available. With that, obviously I don't think that 'letting' external forces influence me makes me a weak person. However, if we let our external influences enter our conscious mind and then allow them to influence our decision making by making poor choices, such as doing something due to peer pressure - an event than clearly brings external forces into the conscious mind - then that would make a strong person weaker. It would be positive to let outside forces affect us if something triggers them into our conscious and we make a good decision based upon our experiences, expectations, and influences.

This is why I want to be a psychologist.

- Ryan Moore.

Kevin Hughes said...

I don't believe that outside forces should influence your actions or opinions because then you obviously don't have enough resolve in your own feelings to see them as good and in the right judgement. The only time I think outside forces should influence you is if you are in deep denial about a problem in your life and you need others to tell you that what you are doing is detrimental to you or those around you. I think Macbeth's example shows that he didn't have enough thought put into his own value system if he can be influenced that easily. I consider others' influence to be important and worthy of consideration but decisions are for you to make for yourself, not others.

jay said...
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