Thursday, February 26, 2009

Day 21

Compared to some violent criminals around today, is Macbeth better or worse than they? Explain who and why. Would someone like that be able to function in today's society? Why or why not? Example?


Plaz said...

Hahaha Macbeth is not even close to being as bad as some of the criminals today! There's gangs today that kill people just to be in gangs. Somebody like Macbeth wouldn't last long in our society today. If somebody like Macbeth was going to kill somebody today they wouldn't be able to do it. They would try to kill somebody with their sword when we got automatics and glocks. They would try to do a break in but they would probably get caught because of lookouts and they wouldn't even know what to do once they were in.
Evan E

Anonymous said...

Macbeth is comparable to some criminals in today's day and age. He isn't comparable to these guys though:

The 18-20 year old boys filmed two different videos, showing two different killings. Only one of the videos made it to the internet. It's a real murder video, a "snuff film". They killed 21 people in a month and a half. They averaged two murders a day for two days straight even. They killed a 14 year old boy, and also a pregnant mother. They cut out the fetus and beat the mom with it, while she was still alive. You can find the video of the killing online if you just search for it, it's really awful and shows how screwed up some people can be.

kirkwhitt said...

Compared to some violent criminals around today, is Macbeth better or worse than they? Explain who and why. Would someone like that be able to function in today's society? Why or why not? Example?

I don't think Macbeth is bad as some criminals. I think there are some criminals out there that are worse than Macbeth. Compared to some one like Osama bin Laden. Osama bin Laden is a lot worse than Macbeth, compare the amount of damaged. Now some one that has been put in jail for killing some one I don't think is as bad as Macbeth. Macbeth is twisted in the head, im not saying some one who has killed some one isn't but Macbeth has killed more people. He also has the power to keep killing and getting away with it, that is what sets him apart from some one who has just killed. I feel that some one like Macbeth could function in society. Maybe not in the U.S. but some where where there is Kings and Queens i think it is possible to get enough power and and brain wash a few people it is possible. Take Charles Manson and his cult for example, Charles convinced people to kill for him. Charles Manson brain washed people to think a certain way and to do what ever he told them to do. So I think it is very possible for some one like Macbeth to live in today's society.

Anonymous said...

I think to some he is comparable. I think there are mayube some worse people, but most of them are the same. I believe a killer is a killer does it matter how? If you kill someone theres not uch difference what can you say? Hey i killed that guy way more than you killed yours. Doesnt really make sense to me. I think macbeth would be perfect in america for a couple reasons. One he lies and acts like your friend to stab you in the back. Two He tries to have people do the dirty work for him. And three he doesnt really care about anyone besides what would benefit macbeth. An example would be nixon i guess. He got power and even though he had almost ultimate power he wanted more. He wasnt satisfied with what he had and lied and tried to cheat the system and steal.

Panos said...

I strongly believe that Macbeth is not as bad as the criminals today are. Many people who committ crimes in our society do not have a legitimate reason to and cannot somehow justify it. Unlike Macbeth with his paranoia criminals these days just go out and kill for no reason. I mean look at Sadaam Huissein who managed to get away with killing thousands of innocents lives and still keeping his power. When Macbeth killed someone it was so he could stay in power but Sadaam already was in power and could not be overthrown. I really do think that anybody like that would be able to function properly in today's society because people that are violent criminals are living in our society.

ben nicolay said...

Compared to some violent criminals around today, is Macbeth better or worse than they? Explain who and why. Would someone like that be able to function in today's society? Why or why not? Example?

I don't really think that Macbeth comes even close to being compared to criminals today. I believe that for his time he was violent criminal. Criminals today are sick and perverted. I don't think in today's society that Macbeth would be able to do what he did. Macbeth would need a really good plan to get around the police today. He would also have to have the ablility to execute the plan. I think that in the story he kinda just went with everything as it came along. If he did that today he would been found out so quick and killed.

Alix Dickson said...

Macbeth is pretty bad but im not sure if he's quite as bad as some criminals. Today we have criminals that do mass murders not just a couple of poeple. People bombs countries in todays society. I think bombing people is worse then just hiring someone to kill a couple of people. Macbeth killed people to give himself more power, where as some criminals today kill just to kill. I dont think macbeth would be able to function in todays society. He would probobly end up getting thrown in jail or killed.

Stefan Kegebein said...

Compared to today’s criminals I don’t believe Macbeth is as bad. Macbeth’s original had good intensions. Although Macbeth has all the power in Scotland and can get away with it I don’t think he is as bad. Macbeth hasn’t killed as many people as some killers like Saddam Hussein and other people of power who have killed. Also Macbeth’s killings are not as violent as people like Stephen Grant. Stephen Grant killed his wife and chopped her up and hid her parts in his garage. In fact Macbeth didn’t even kill Banquo, he had 3 murderers kill him. So Macbeth hasn’t killed the quantity of people as some killers in our society today. Macbeth has not has the malicious murders that we hear about in our society today either. It’s a tough call but I’d say he is not at the level of today’s killers.

ScOtW29 said...

Compared to some violent criminals around today, is Macbeth better or worse than they? Explain who and why. Would someone like that be able to function in today's society? Why or why not? Example?

Even though Macbeth is a murderer there are still some worse one today. Some people in todays society are just play insane. Macbeth is murdering for a reason, to become king, and remain king. People in todays society murder for wealth, or drugs, or even jsut for the hell of it. Macbeth also would have someone else do that killing for him. Saddam Hussein for example killed thousands of people. The alone tops Macbeth and im sure that there is worse out there. Someone like that would not be able to function in todays society because there is a lot more watch these days over murders that a long time ago.

brandonlengyel said...

I belive that macbeth is not even as close as a bad of a cimarminal as people today. Macbeths crime is worse than crimes comiteed today. Macbeth is out to kill people with his dagger as to our times we have machine guns. HE i belive would last in our society due to his swagger. If he was equidded a liittle into are socity he would be better off. His crime would be looked as less of a crime as too wat steven grant has done and gang members have done. so macbeth in our society will last but not for long. HE plans out his attacks as too some of our gang members in our socity just go out shooting up people for there plesure. So this is wat i think of this topic.

Alex V said...

I don't think that macbeth is as bad as criminals today. People today just kill people sometimes for no aparent reason. But macbeth had a reason and a purpose for what he was doing. I don't think that he should have killed macduffs family. I think he should have just stoped killing right after killing duncan. I don't think a person like macbeth could fit in this world today. Because he is from a whole different century and things are run different now.

jay said...

Macbeth times were much less violet than today. Since Macbeth's times we have Hilter, Stalin and the KKK. Now We have dictators, racicism and discrimnination. these are the reason why people kill today. With these problems of today Macbeth ain't got nothing on us. The technology We have today, He would get caught like no other. When Macbeth killed to be king that would never work in this day and age. The government would just over power him and bring him down.

Unknown said...


yeah, macbeth is a criminal. relative to his time, i would say he would be one of the worst. sure, there were lots of battles, and people killed for a reason. but macbeth is killing out of paranoia and sociopathy. i mean, you have to think im terms of the times. you cant say macbeth could succeed in the modern day, because he isnt comparable to ted kaczynsky, the zodiac, richard ramirez and so on. and he wouldnt have the means or power to take over like he has back then. overall, murder is murder is murder.

Stephen Manvydas said...

I think that macbeth and some of todays violent criminals are almost the same. I even have to say that macbeth is worse. He uses his power ot manipulate people into killing for him, and in my opinion it takes alot more work being the mental mastermind then the physical one. I dont know any extremely violent criminal of recent past by name but i do not think that they could function in today's society. They have a brain issue and memories that (without a TON of drugs) will not go away. These flashbacks or voices or whatever it may be could come back to haunt them nd they could commit their crime again. Criminals, after commiting a crime, can have bigger issues dealing with their normal lives then anyone else so i think no, they wont be able to 'easily' survive in todays messed up society. Macbeth, as starng as he can be, is on the same exact path, he just takes an approach that makes him feel like he has more power.

Janet said...

Macbeth is not like the crimials now. i agree wit evan there are peopl that are willing to do anything to be in a gang. first of all, when you want to be "jumped" in a gang you have to get in a fight first and win. If you dont you wont be "jumped in" so they are willing to do anything. macbeth wouldnt be able to function in todays society. i dont belive so becasue, back them they would poison them or have someone else distrack them etc. Now people have guns and probably wouldnt think twice before they shoot. We dont poison people and have other people do it, cuz u can never truly trust someone you never know they can snitch on you.

BrittanyBarron said...

I don't belive that Macbeth is more violent per say but he is smarter and more devious. His actions were not as villent but hee was better at covering it up than most criminals today. Though he did kill his so called "best friend", his king, and a fellow noble's family, today's criminals to just as bad or worse. Macbeth know that after he killed Duncan that he would had to be more careful not to have the murder of Banquo traced back to him. Ted Bundy was nuch worse than Macbeth. He kill numberous woman all arround the United States. He was caught and sentence to death row, ecapsed, then was put in prsion agian. In 1989 he was excuted. I'm not saying that he wasn't smart but he didn't take percaution after his was frist suppected of murder. This makes him stupid. I do not belive that he would have lasted this long in today's socitey. With the techonogly we have today police would have caught his ass a long before the 3rd victim was found. An example is CSI though they are not real people and not real cases the techqunies they use are what real agents use.

shelbybatlemente said...

Compared to some violent criminals around today, i think that Macbeth is better than them. This is because there are a lot of violent criminals in this country that have done way worse things then just killing people. There are gangs, and other groups of people that kill just to fit in. Somebody like Macbeth most likely wouldn't be able to survive and function in today's society. This is because just killing someone or having someone killed the way Macbeth does it wouldn't last very long. We have much better technology in weapons today. Also Macbeth is twisted in the head, i'm not saying he is but if he was in today's society he would have most likely already gotten caught. Sure, there are many people out there that haven't gotten caught and should be in prison. But today's authorities are a lot more alert than back then. If Macbeth was in today's society and killed someone he would probably be in prison right now. An example would be Osama Bin Laden. He convinced all those people to attack our country. They were brainwashed by him. Now because of him we have lost our twin towers and thousands of people. He also is convinced that what he has done is the right thing to do. Macbeth has himself convinced at first that what he has done isn't a bad thing. But after a while he starts getting paranoid and thinks somethings going to happen to him. He also starts going mad. Which is what Osama Bin Laden did. He went mad and disappeared. There are some pretty messed up criminals around today. Macbeth is definatelly better than them.

Anonymous said...

I would have to say that Macbeth is probably just as bad as some of the criminals in todays society. In our society, there are people killing other people just to get something or just for the thrill of killing. There are people in the world that kill other people because they are jealous of them, pissed at them, or even frustrated with them. There are other reasons that people often kill but I'm not going to get to deep into it. Macbeth killed several of towns people so that makes him just as bad as some of the criminals from our time period. I don't think Macbeth would be able to function the way he does in our time like he does in his time, because time have changed and we don't usually kill people with daggers any more, most people would use a gun. Now in our time, when people kill for something depending on who they are and what they are like, they usually don't start to go crazy but maybe just think haha I just killed someone. The first example that I could think of would be a gangster because they are always killing people and they just think it's fun and they do it for reasons of their own. Just like Macbeth, he killed for his own reasons.

Anonymous said...

in my opinion Macbeth is better than the murderers of today. Although he has killed alot of people thus far they were not very brutal murders. The types of murders that take place today are always messed uo in some way. If Macbeth was alive today i could see him being the leader of a mafia. He in similarto this rolebecause he gives a bunch of people lower than him orders and then they are the ones that do the killing. This method absolves Macbeth of any responsibility in the murders. I think that Macbeth would be able to function in todays society until things started to catch up with him. But if he stayed under the radar he would probably be just fine.

Austen Anderson said...

macbeth is just like any other criminal in the world. after he does something bad, or commits his crime, he tries to cover it up, and make sure it wont backfire on him. like macduff comming back and killing him for revenge. so now he is going to kill macduff. just like he killed duncans son. so, i believe macbeth is just like the criminals of today. i do not think he would be able to go on for very long knowing he killed so many people. or even could think of killing that many people, let alone killing anyone would be just terrible. but since he has a mind for what he is doing, i guess me might be able to go on in todays society.

Anonymous said...

I do think that murderers today are generally worse than Macbeth. For one, today's criminals have access to better weapons and have much more poignant motives. Also, with media influence and the constant coverage of murder and crime, people find it almost thrilling to kill someone and try to get away with it. Also, as people have pointed to, crime today is much more organized. From the Mafia to street gangs, groups of killers are not uncommon. They torture people before they kill them, some rape their victims and it's all about power-play. It's all about sex, money and drugs these days. I don't know about you, but to me, today's criminals are definitely worse because of all those factors. So, yeah, Macbeth is probably a (nicer?) killer. Examples include John Wayne Gacy, who killed little boys and buries their bodies under his home. I mean, this is just a level of psychotic obsession that Macbeth observes, but doesn't take it that far. And yes, people like Macbeth do exist in today's society. Politicians in corrupt countries do it rather frequently. As I recall, General Musharraf of Pakistan had ex-exile and presidential-contender Benazzir Bhutto whom he had killed. Assassination is commonplace today, and people get away with it all the time, it just depends on how much money you have.

JakeCastner said...

Is macbeth worse than criminals today? In my opinion, no he is not. I mean, he is obviously worse than the criminals who just break into houses or deal drugs. He is definitely not, however, worse than the serial killers, child molesters, and freaks that we have wandering the streets today. People will kill another human just for the rush, or just to get into a gang. Macbeth had a reason, he was trying to gain power. These people, it just gets them off. I think that Macbeth could survive in today's society, but he would definitely end up in prison. You can't just kill somebody because you want their life. It doesn't work that way anymore. Well, I suppose that isn't entirely true. Drug people and gangs will kill one another to gain territory, money, and essentially, the other person's life. You never know, Macbeth could turn out to be a top knotch smack dealer. Stranger things have happened.

Kevin Hughes said...

I think that no matter who you are or what your motivation is, a killer is always a criminal and there should be no distinctions between them. Even though Macbeth is king and usually virtuous and arguably now killing only to stay alive, he still originally killed for his own benefit. Although I think if he existed in today's society, he would never have killed, because although his urge to kill was latent, it was only brought out by the supernatural promise of kingship. I'm sure if ghosts and witches existed a lot more people that normally wouldn't kill wouldn't be as opposed to it.

Lil Southkr3w said...

i think macbeth is not close to be as some of the criminals we got today. macbeth killed but we also have people today dat kill and still. idk we also have gangbangers they kill the other gangs.gangs dont care about killing. they also deal drugs. also we have hustler they will kill people as well. People today just kill people sometimes for no reason. But macbeth had a reason and a purpose for what he was doing.

Alan Hernandez

Anonymous said...

Austin 's mentioning of the Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs really made my stomach weak. The video is fucking gruesome and the cruelest thing you'll ever see. Do not watch it. It is disgusting. Macbeth is hardly like the violent criminals of today. He kills his cousin, and then only orders to have Banquo and Macduff's family murdered. Killers today, much like the Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs, seemingly kill once and then go on a twisted spree and kill many others. Macbeth truly only killed one person (well, besides the hundreds he'd felled in combat) himself. Criminals today seemingly have absolutely no morals to begin with and then, once power is shown to them, they fall to corruption much faster. IT took Macbeth quite a while to fall to the seductivity of power.

Shelby Zukoff said...

Macbeth is no different than any criminal today. Unless under self-defense from being killed yourself, or being executed for a crime that was determined in the court systems is the only I think anyway killing another being is acceptable. If you murder someone, you are no different than any other murderer out there. Macbeth is not different than any other killer out there. No matter what, they kill others to gain for themselves. Whether its to become king or to get some sick twisted pleasure out of it, it's all still murder. People like this can function in society. Should they? Not whatsoever. People are good actors. Especially the crazy ones.

Shelby Zukoff said...

And by the way, I saw and read Austin Snells comment. Out of my sick human nature i looked up the video. What in the world is wrong with this world??

Miranda Adams said...

Compared to some violent criminals around today, is Macbeth better or worse than they? Explain who and why. Would someone like that be able to function in today's society? Why or why not? Example?

criminals today are not always able to get away with what Macbeth has gotten away with. I personly think that Macbeth in a way is worse the the crimianls of to day because he did know when to stop. He even took it to the point where he killed his best friend over a power thing. Ciminals now a days dont get to get away with is and are cought and punished for their crimes they commited. I dont think he would of made it in todays times because he got a way with much ofr then he should of for a long amount of time. I know if i killed the king just to gain power and my best friend for no reason i would not be able to live with it.
what would you do if your wife or husbend killed someone close to you or who was known for great power? would you be able to live with yourself?