Thursday, February 19, 2009

Day 16

For this evening, I would like you to choose one of the characters and write a diary entry of how they are reacting to the events which are taking place. Use examples to support their reactions. Do not just choose Macbeth because he is the easiest but stretch your mind a bit. You may also use a character who has been killed up to the point of their death. Do not forget those characters that have run off as they are important to the story as well. This may take a few more than 7 sentences.


jay said...

I'm picking Lady Macbeth.

Dear Diary,
My husband is such a coward. I always have to tell him what to do. If it wasn't for me nothing would get done. Heck, he wouldn't be king without me. He wasn't even man enough to complete the task that I set out for him. I had to go plant the daggers on the chamberlins. I feel irritated that I have to take care of everything.

Since Duncan's death, Macbeth has been acting bonkers. He has "seen" blood on his hands that he can't wash off, floating daggers, and the ghost of Banquo in the hall. I should probably keep my husband from saying too much so doesn't blow this for us.

Lady Macbeth

Anonymous said...

I am choosing Fleance.

Dear journal, My father was killed by two assasins. I had killed one of them with a sword and ran off. The last words my father said were to avenge his death. Which i very much so plan on doing. I am hiding out for now then i will strike. I think it was macbeth. My father was telling me something about me being king and i think macbeth was very much threatend. I am going to kill macbeth. He is nothing but a coward and has to have his men to kill my father and cant do it himself. I will do whatever i have to do to avenge my fathers death no matter what the casue even the ultimate punishment.

ben nicolay said...

I choose Lady Macbeth.

Dear Diary,

I do believe my husband is going insane. A crazy man would say that he saw a ghost's. Ever since the killing of Duncan he hasn't been the same. I don't understand where I went wrong with him. I thought he was evil as me. He's slipping and I know it. We are going to fall from our majesty. I should keep him into hiding until he gets better. Should I kill him before he tells our lies? perhaps save myself? Maybe. But tomarrow is another day and we will see what will happen.


Lady Macbeth

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

(Lady Macbeth)

Journal Entry 12

My husband has went off the edge and started to lose his sense of reality. These recent event have taken a toll on him. I know that him killing Duncan was a big step for. But i have a sneaking suspicion he had a take in the death of Banquo. I can't believe that he would go so far to do that, if he did. It is my fault he is like this. I shouldn't have pushed him. I am so deeply worried about this whole thing.

shelbybatlemente said...

I'm picking Lady Macbeth.

Dear Diary,

I am starting to believe that my husband is going insane. Tonight, at the banquet dinner I had to send our guests home early. My husband was acting very strange tonight. He has been saying that he saw a floating bloody dagger. Also tonight he said he saw Banquo's ghost in the hall. Ever since Duncan's death, he has had me worried that he's going to blow our cover. I don't want that happening because we will be killed. I need to think of a way to keep him from telling all of his secrets. He is such a coward sometimes. I had to make him complete the task of killing Duncan. He couldn't even do that right. I had to go back and plant the daggers on the king's guards. He was complaining about the blood on his hands also. He said something about how it wouldn't come off. Even though it clearly had. He's getting very paranoid about what's going to happen to him. Tomorrow is a new day and i hope a new beginning for my husband and i !!!



Lady Macbeth

Alix Dickson said...

Dear Diary,
I think my husband is keeping a secret from me. He freaked out at dinner the other night. I think he's going crazy the way he's been acting. I understand that he's feeling guilty about killing Duncan but he is still acting very weird. I think he may have killed Banquo too. I can't believe he didn't tell me though. I hope he doesnt go crazy and try to kill me.
Lady Macbeth

jessecovill said...

Dear diary

Yesterday I was fine with talking to my father and now, today I found it very difficult to even look at him. Does this mean I’m drifting away from my father like some kind of child delinquent or am I just distancing myself from him because of an upcoming event in which I have no idea when or where this “event” will occur. I asked mother if I had done some thing wrong and she just told me to suck it up and get her some water. She never really understood me anyway. And today I had a strange feeling just before we began our afternoon ride, a feeling that suggested something horrible was going to take place in the near future. As if by some strange force of will I even distanced my self from father during our ride by at least 30 feet, I know it might sound horrible to say but in my doing so I have spared my own life and made it so I have to avenge the death of the once great Banquo.


Anonymous said...

I'll do my dairy entry on Lady Macbeth

Dear diary,
I have the biggest coward as a husband. He had a hard time dealing with the tasks that he had to do to assume his position. Then I had to go and plant the daggers on Duncan's guards so that he didn't get caught. I swear he needs to grow up and stop acting like that didn't happen. Now he's seeing invisible blood on his hands that he can't wash off and he's making it obvious that he's the one that killed Duncan. First it all started before he killed Duncan when he claims he saw floating daggers with blood on them and now he's acting very strange lately. He hasn't had very much sleep at all and he hallucinates all the time now. It's like he's going insane. The other day we had this big dinner party and he started going crazy in front of everyone. He said he saw the ghost of Banquo. I can't understand what he's going through. I think he needs some well needed sleep before he blows his cover about Duncan. But I have feelings that he is going to be overthrown by Duncan's sons. I think they have a feeling it was him. Lets just hope Macbeth doesn't blow his cover and get killed himself.

JakeCastner said...

im gonna be Lady Macbeth.

Dear Diary, my husband is losing it. Today at our big dinner, he started yelling about ghosts and spooks and all sorts of nonsense. I thought that with all of the killing he did in the war, this would be nothing. I guess i just overestimated my man. I should have killed Duncan myself. Macbeth kept whining about floating bloody daggers and crap. It really upset me when i had to go in there and plant the daggers on the guards. I should not have had to soil my hands with this man's duty. I guess in such times, we are all called upon to do things we wouldn't normally do.

Stephen Manvydas said...


Dear diary,

Today i live another life in exile from my home country and it sadens me emensly. I have heard news thats Duncan isnt the only one who has died. Poor father, may your murderer be caught. Banquo, another key figure in my fathers royal freindshipness has died. I feel that the wrongly accused will come and take thee revenge apon thee currupt. I have talked to Donalbain and i thnk we are almost ready to storm aopn my birth-right. Macbeth if it was you who did this i will feel nothing once you are removed from scotland, if force is nessicary. If you are innocent i will pleed for you to return as a guest of honor in scotland, a hero of the hard times, but if what i think to believe is true it will not happen like that. hope tommarow brings good news for me and the kin of scotland.

Janet said...

Dear diary,
wat is happing to my husband, he is going crazy seeing ghost.
we had a dinner and i had to send the guests home early. macbeth was acting strange tonight. He keep saying dat he saw a floating bloody dagger. Also said that he saw Banquos ghost. i also had to tell him how n when to kill duncan. but i only did this just so i could also become queen. And ever since that day he hasnt beeing acting normal. he hasnt being sleeping well and he is jst scared all the time. Hopefully things get better wit macbeth.

Anonymous said...


Dear diary,
Today was a most horrible day. I have seen the face of death and my father has been forced to walk his path. While riding tonight we were ambushed by armed robbers. My fathers last words were telling me to avenge his death. The only problem is who is behind this trecherous act. Could it really be as simple as a robbery gone wrong. There are suspicions about Macbeth but if these are true i cannot face him alone. If it comes down to Macbeth i will surely avenge my father. But if i attack him and its not him then i face serious punishment and do not find my fathers killer.

kirkwhitt said...

For this evening, I would like you to choose one of the characters and write a diary entry of how they are reacting to the events which are taking place. Use examples to support their reactions. Do not just choose Macbeth because he is the easiest but stretch your mind a bit. You may also use a character who has been killed up to the point of their death. Do not forget those characters that have run off as they are important to the story as well. This may take a few more than 7 sentences.

I am choosing Fleance.

Dear journal,
My father has been murdered by to Asians. I managed to kill one of them by stabbing him. My father said to run and hide, his last words were avenge me my son avenge me. Seeing my father being killed made me angry and up set so I plan on avenging my father when the time is right. I have reason to think my fathers death was caused by Macbeth. My father was telling me something about three sisters making predictions about you being king some day. So I feel something might happen to Macbeth.

Unknown said...


im gonna choose banquo

so, im not quite sure what to think of this whole prophecy thing and all. i mean macbeth is king. i think he planned duncans killing, that was no coincidence. but i am wondering what my part in the prophecy thing. my sons are going to be better than me. how is this going to be true while macbeth is king? this is all a bunch of odd coincedince to me i feel. i mean, the wiierd sisters are not god or whatever. im off to go horse riding with my sone. be back later.


Austen Anderson said...

Dear Journal,
Macbeth is being such a coward, and cold blooded person lately. if i wasnt here, i dont know where he would be, because i know for a fact he wouldnt have done any of the things he has recently done. i had the perfect plot, kill the 2 guards and duncan, and leave the daggers near the guards. but no, he couldnt even finish this, i had to run back the daggers and make it look like the guards killed the king because of their drunkness. and now i feel he is planning somthing much worse. and now that i am doing everything for him, i think hes getting someone else to do somthing very very bad now. because banquo just was killed, and he claims to have nothing to do with it. but i think he did somthing, i dont know what yet, but i think he played part in it. i hope everything is going to be ok. i really hope we will be happy.

Lady Macbeth

Alex V said...

How can I love a man that is so differnent from me. He is such a coward he can't do anything himself. If it wasn't for me he would not even be king. He doesn't deserve it I should be king I want the power. I think he is going crazy after he killed ducan he was talking about some kind of floating bloodey dagger. I don't know what's wrong with him I don't so the big deal. All he did was kill so guy who cares. He got to become king. Well I hope he can keep it togethter and doesn't revele what we have done. So I hope no one finds out what we have done or I might have to kill them too. Lady Macbeth

jray said...

I am picking Lady Macbeth

Dear Diary,
I belive that my husband is truely going insane. At the party, he said that he saw the ghost of Banquo. He began to make a scene so I had to rush everyone out of the house before they got suspisious. The guilt of killing Duncan may be getting to him. He might soon totally lose his sense of reality. It has began to effect everything about him. He is always paranoid that someone might be out to get him. If he keeps this up, our plan might be revealed.

ScOtW29 said...

Lady Macbeth

Dear Diary,

I am so overwhelmed with everything right now. Macbeth is acting extremely odd. At dinner today, he was acting like a complete fool. Think that he sees the goast, and making a big scene in front of everyone. Everyone will begin to wonder what is wrong with macbeth and begin to question whether he is the right choice for king of Scotland. I guess it is my fault for Macbeths behavior. He is no murderer and I made him kill Duncan. If i would have just done it myself than Macbeth would still be sane. There has to be more to macbeths troubles than just killing Duncan though. Somethings not right.

Shelby Zukoff said...

I chose Lady Macbeth.
Dear Diary,
It's me again. Things lately have been so out of whack. First off, some crazy witches told Macbeth that he will become king. SO Macbeth and I decided it was best if we killed Duncan so he can become king and rule all the land so we could finally take over the world. You know, have it our way. When Macbeth came back from killing Duncan, he flipped. Like talking whack and whatnot. I was baffled and didn't know what to do than some people came, so I had to clean him up before they saw him all bloody. So everything was fine, then Macbeth came me to talking about some crazy daggers floating right in front of his face. This is the point where I really thought he was losing it. Then we had dinner with some cool folks, and Macbeth went nuts and started talking to the air saying it was Banquo. I don't know what the hell is up with him, but now I am losing the sanity of my husband. Of course, just what I needed. I'm so lost about him and don't know what to do!!

Till next crazy time,
Lady Macbeth.

Anonymous said...

I'll do Malcolm then.

June of the 16th, Year twenty of The Ten-hundreds.

I've exceeded what means I may to look upon the reign of Macbeth. My employs within his kingdom have told me the most dreadful of happenstances for under which my auspices mustn't leave. I've no inclination as to stay in England. I must return and stop the tyranny of which I have so been informed.

The means of which will not be clear to me until I'm faced with such dilemma as to whether Macbeth shall live or not. His rule must come to an end, of that I am sure. I shall consult Donalbain on my wildest meanderings of this sort. Out-and-out rebellion is a proposition of which I may need to entertain. This must never be uttered of except to those whose loyalty to morality is assured.

Kevin Hughes said...

I picked Fleance.

Dear Diary,
Yesterday, a bunch of murderers came out of nowhere and killed my dad! It was very scary. I didn't know what to do, so I just ran. As I was running away, Banquo told me to get revenge for him. But who am I supposed to get revenge on? I first have to find out who hired the killers, but I already think It's macbeth. I think he killed the last king of scotland to get the throne, too! Maybe if I kill him, i'll become the next king.

Panos said...

Dear Diary,
My father, the King of Scotland, was killed by what looks like his two guards. I think that there was foul play involved because Macbeth said that he had killed the two guards out of rage yet when we first found out about the murder Macbeth mentioned nothing about it and if he had really cared he would have woken me or my brother Donalbin up and told us about our fathers murder. When we fled away in fear of our own lives rumors started going around that we had killed our father. After we fled Macbeth became King in my place and I think that someone killed my father so that Macbeth could be king. Also we heard news that Banquo has been killed by 3 murderers but I believe that something has also been awry about his murder. I will try to gather an army and march to Scotland to get my place as King back from the man I believe killed my father for the throne. I will avenge my father's death.

Peace be with you,

Lil Southkr3w said...

Lady Macbeth

dear diary.
i think my husband is loosing his mind. he is to scarred. also who sees a ghost. only people dat are loosing there minds can. i also b elive he is going crazy. is it waasnt for my brains we wouldnt be king right know. im da one who planned everything for the muder of duncan. now that i am doing everything for him, i think hes getting someone else to do somthin very bad now.

Lil Southkr3w said...

Alan Hernandez

Anonymous said...

Dearest reader, dearest me:

It is I, Lady Macbeth, the wife of the hero of Scotland. Or rather, the former hero of Scotland. Macbeth my husband is truly going down the primrose path to madness. His morals are questionable and his leadership skills are selfish. I am in part to blame for this downfall. I should have not convinced my beloved to kill his cousin, Duncan the former king - the rightful king. At mention, the sound of Lady Macbeth, Queen of Scotland has quite a ring to it. However, now that such a mere mention has transformed into a nightmare - no, a reality, it is not as appealing as one might think. It is especially unappealing when the masses think rather unkindly of you and your husband, I assure you.

Miranda Adams said...

Dear Diary,

It is i Duncan the king of scotland. How dare he kill me. Cant anyone see what he has done. Look at all the trouble Macbeth has caused. What happend to the fearless guy i once new who everyone prazed. If he was going to take my kindom from me he should have at least of taken care of it. Jurt wait macbeth your time will come just wait. I may be dead but the truth will come or the wrong you have done will be done to you. Let just see..

Stefan Kegebein said...

Dear Diary,

I can’t believe the guards that were supposed to protect my father turned on him and killed him. He was a great king and father. I can’t even think why someone would kill my father in the Macbeth home. Now there are people out there saying that I may have killed my father. I am not ready to be king I still had a lot to learn from my father. I know I am the heir of Duncan but I can’t become king. If I become king would make sure that my life is protected? The same guards that killed my father? I need to get away before I’m next. I am going to leave Scotland for some place much safer.

Until Next Time,