Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Day 12

The last few days we have spent dealing with the ACT. What is your opinion of this test and the effect it may have on your future? Do these type of tests pigeon hole us into a specific way of thinking or are they good for helping us decide on our future? Should the school be putting as much time into this test as we do or is there a better use of time? I guess, what is your opinion on this part of your life?


Stephen Manvydas said...

I think that the ACT and other test like this a very important to get ready for. They can offer some great little shortcuts, if you do good, to get you into school a little cheaper. I personally feel that im going to do very good on the tests in hope of getting the rewards that await. I also think that some parts of these tests do 'pigon hold' us. We fill out a little questioneir thing and they pick out what we should do for the rest of our lifes. Some kids, like me in the past, may have tried to scam the awnsers to get the cool positions or the easiest that were there, but if you do this you might find that the 'oh so cool job' is one you really hate. They are just suggestions though, and even though the test basicly decides what school we get into i think its a good thing. If you cant pass a pretty simple test, or put time into it so it becomes simple, you dont diserve to get into a good college. I think the school is doing a great job on spending time and getting us ready for the ACT. Students feel that its just another test thats waisting their precoiuse time, and for them all i can say is good luck in the future. I feel that the ACT is a good prediction of you in the future so i recomend trying your best to get a pretty sweet life in the end.

shelbybatlemente said...

I think that the ACT is a very important test. It is a good test to have because it gets us ready for college. There can be multiple effects that the ACT can have on your future. For example it can offer you scholarships for college. If you do good on the ACT, then you get a significant amount of money for college. Also a good ACT score means that you can get into more colleges. Not only more colleges, but good colleges. I think that these types of tests do pigeon hole us into a specific way of thinking. But they are also good for helping us decide on our future. They pigeon hole us because they try to trick us into choosing an incorrect answer. But at the same time they help us decide on what we want to do after high school. I believe that the school should be putting as much time into this test as they do. It is a good way to prepare us for the ACT. If we didn't have all this preparation most of us wouldn't know what to expect. Then some of us wouldn't do good on it because we weren't prepared for it. In my opinion, the ACT predicts our future. So we need to prepare for it. Also we need to do well on this test so we can get into a good college. If you get into a good college then chances are you will get a good job eventually. Mabey not at first but eventually you will get a good job.

Plaz said...

I think that the ACT and the other tests like the ACT are important. They kind of do effect your future because if you fail the ACT and you want to go to a big college you probably won't make it there. What i think the school system should do is give us 2 trys. One at the beggining of the school year and one at the end of the school year. I also think that the ACT doesn't tell you how smart you are because you could've got lucky and guessed the answers or you could just be having the worst day and you get all the answers wrong. I think college's should look at how bad you want to go to their college and your grades.
Evan E

Anonymous said...

I suppose I shall take the dissenting opinion from the posts so-far. I find college-entrance tests archaic, limiting and simply there for schools to maintain their reputation. Firstly, college-entrance tests are an archaic idea and wholly not in line with the idea of equal education opportunities. People should not be placed in a school because they are not "smart-enough" or because they are "smart-enough". Today, where people believe in equal-opportunities for everyone categorizing people on their academic accruements does not hold valid anymore. This naturally ties into what I would call self-limiting ideas of the test or, "pigeon-hole" attributes. If one scores a low number on the ACT or SAT, you feel like a worthless dumb-ass and like you can't do any better. Again, in a world where people can do anything, having a test that effectively shoots us down if we don't do as well as we think is hardly the best way to approach the issue of "what school can I go to?". Lastly, I believe the test is effectively used to simply uphold the reputation of schools. Harvard only accepts high-scoring students and therefore maintains its repute as a institute of high academia. Heaven forbid they let the "undesirables" have a go at getting a good education. It makes the school prestigious, which lets them hike tuition and further the gap between those who they want to attend and those who themselves wish to attend. I'd love to go to Yale or Harvard, but I wouldn't be able to because A) I can't score high enough and B) I don't have the ridiculous amounts of money to go through those schools.

With all those points in consideration, I don't believe the school should even HAVE those tests, but as we do, I'm grateful that the school helps us prepare for something that is important, unlike the EDP and useless career searching. However, the school needs to focus a little more on actually helping, rather than ridiculous class meetings that address and accomplish nothing.

In summation, I think that the ACT and SAT should be rid of as they are limiting and pretty much useless, but as a lilliputian such as myself has little to no say in what and how I learn, I suppose that it's at least a good thing for the school to help us in what little ways they do.

kirkwhitt said...

The last few days we have spent dealing with the ACT. What is your opinion of this test and the effect it may have on your future? Do these type of tests pigeon hole us into a specific way of thinking or are they good for helping us decide on our future? Should the school be putting as much time into this test as we do or is there a better use of time? I guess, what is your opinion on this part of your life?

My opinion on the ACT tests is they are important in our lives in some ways. The ways the tests can effect our lives is it can determine if we can get into good collages. It helps people get into good collages and helps people get good jobs that pay well. I don't think they do either. I the test is a important test that just helps determine what collage you can go to. Just because you do bad on the test dost mean you cant go to a good collage. If you do good in school and get good grades and do bad on the test it doesn't mean your not smart. I think the school is doing a good job with controlling the time. I feel that we are getting the right amount of preparation time for the tests.

Anonymous said...

I think this should have no effect on your future. I think it is just one test and one test shouldnt determine where your life goes. Many people aren't good test takers and I think that to put this kind of pressure on them is absurd. That is my opinion on the ACT and why I believe that it shouldnt have any affect on your future.

jessecovill said...

I think the ACT is pointless for my situation, after high school I would hope to work and soon take over my parents business. If I were able to go to college I would hope they look at my scores and actually take them seriously and consider accepting me. If by “pigeon hole” you mean trick us, then yeah, they make us tweak out over this test that basically makes up your future for you. I don’t think this test has anything with our future, because we have the ability to change the way we make our future. I do not think the school should be taking this much time with this test, but if the colleges are looking at these things more and more then I think their doing the right thing. We could instead of doing this test thing be finishing the freaking book were reading. In all I hated taking the meep, mid terms, and finals…I just hate standardized testing.

Stefan Kegebein said...

The ACT is a very deceiving and dreadful test. I don’t like the fact that there are traps within the test itself. I just don’t understand why people who create a test that people aren’t suppose to finish. I feel that the test gives a huge advantage to people who can process more quickly then others. It doesn’t really test you on what you have learned, it tests you on how quickly you can process information and come up with a correct answer. With that said, the ACT has a huge influence on my future. In order to get into a quality school and gather the type of education needed to become more successful at my career. The ACT also kinda has an intimidation factor because it plays such a huge role in people’s futures. So it is a very important test to practice and get ready for.

Unknown said...

I am going to take the ACT's and SAT's very seriously. I don't believe they are a waste of time, or that the school is wasting it's time preparing us. The ACT's and SAT's are valuable in helping to pay for college/get accepted. I don't think they're good at "Deciding our future." I already know my future will be with music, so this all seems kind of pointless. At this point in my life, I feel pretty oppressed. I'm 17 and I still have "teachers" telling me what to do, when to not listen to ipod's, when to not talk, whatever. I understand that in the real world, with a boss, that you NEED to be attentive and respectful, but I guess I'm just a teenager and naturally don't like being told what to do.

Unknown said...

^^^^^^^^^^By the way, this "John" is AUSTIN SNELL. I don't know what I'm logged in as John....^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Alix Dickson said...

I really dont like the ACT. I think its a pointless test. Im a horrible test taker and i think this test isnt going to help me at all. I dont think the ACT will help me decide on my future. I hate answering questions that are supposed to help me pick a career. I think its a good thing the school is helping us even though i dont like the test. I need all the help i can get if im going to do well. I dont think there is a better use of time for the school than helping us prepare for the ACT.

brandonlengyel said...

Well the Act is very important to our future. For one thing this test basically decides our future. This is kind of scary that this one test determines our future. The act gives an composite score and your score tells you where you can go to college. The good thing about the act is that you can take it more than once. Also by doing good in class and on your gpa gives you less pressure on your act. Say isf you have a 4.0 and get a 24 on your act you can still be excepted to the uofm. The school actully should more time into this test then they do. They should put more efort into it to s who has an get us more ready for this test. I believe that the act is a good thing due to that people have to take a test on there knowlege and this show us who has the real 3.5 and the false 3.5. The act is an huge test and is good for schools and our lives.

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

I don't really see the importance in all of this. The way i understand so far, it's a test on how clever you are in choosing a answer. It's really the dirtiest thing ever. I don't think they are good for either, Anyone could cheat these kinds of test. I just don't get the idea of it all. It is the most non serious joke ever. This would be totally different if it was based on common knowledge or something, but it's not. It just seems like a way for colleges to pick and choose and not over fill.

Lil Southkr3w said...

my opinion on the ACT is that they are a waste of time. i dont know why do we have to take em. i dont know the point of takin em because most of us estudents dont take the time to read all of the questions and just guess in most of em. so there is no point of taking em. also we dont get alot of time and we have lots of questions in the test.the only way it affects you is getting in to a college. most of us estudents dont want to go to a college. i think the school should be putting as much time into this test as we do. there is a better way to use the time like having it free, like not haviung skool them days. my opinion on this part in my life would be dat they just a waste of time.

Alan Hernandez

Anonymous said...

As important as the ACT is, it will always be bullshit to me. I find it incredibly faulty to base one's collegiate performance so heavily on one test. I compare it to job interviews: a job interview that a person gets turned down for is folly, as one interview cannot determine the person. I once was rejected from a job because I gave the boss at Jet's Pizza a 'weird handshake'. How the fuck does a handshake determine who I am, much less how the fuck do a few simple questions that anybody can bullshit determine the same thing? It can't. Nor can the ACT determine how well I will perform in college. I think that all aptitude tests are flawed. If colleges only looked at the scores and tied it in loosely to your acceptance, then I would feel otherwise however this is not the case. Colleges base a person's acceptance very heavily on their ACT/SAT/other standardized test scores. Again, I stress: one test can only go so far as to determine one's performance. As optimistic as I am, I fear that I will do less than fantastic on the exam and thus, my acceptance into Michigan State University will be put into much less consideration. My grades this year have been slipping drastically no matter the amount of effort I put into my work - it seems that junior year is merciless, and so is the ACT. I think that these tests do pigeon-hole many into thinking that they should do this job in that career field. I have learned to lessen the impact of what I 'should' do based on the questionnaire and rather focus on what I would like to do most. Said tests have pigeon-holed me in the past into thinking that I couldn't be exactly what I wanted to be because it wasn't listed on the results, but no longer. I want to be a clinical psychologist and god damnit, I will be. In America we have the freedom of choice; I don't think that the ACT should so heavily determine my future. If I get a 25 on the ACT I will be happy, but colleges might not be in favor of higher scores, and thus I may have to go to a sub-par university in order to get my bachelors degree and then transfer over to a 'more able' school; I don't want to do this: I want to stay at one school for my entire ten year venture into college, but the ACT may make this impossible. I also very much dislike the fact that all unanswered questions are marked as incorrect; on AP exams, unanswered questions do not count against you nor do they help you. I think this should be applied to the ACT also. Some people take longer to answer questions than others, and they are penalized for it very unjustly. The ACT is bullshit, but a necessary 'bullshit' that I have to surmount with a great score in order to become what I want to become.

BrittanyBarron said...

I belive that tests like these do nothing but hurt us. Tests on things most of us haven't learned should not decied if we make it into a school. How are we supposed to succed in life if the people makeing the test that detirmen if we make it or not make the tests so we don't succed? They make these tests so we don't finsh and to confusse us so bad that we can't do decent on them. SAT's, ACT's, the MME are all tests that are disigned to show how ill we take tests by their standars. They just want us to do what they want and that's learn by their ways and not yours. In the end all they prove is how poorly they can makes us do.

ben nicolay said...

I really don't think that one test should decide on which college I should go to. I guess its a way to evaluate people on their academic capabilities. I think this test does not prove anything if it's supposed to trick us. I personally am not a good test taker. I do all the work but I dont get the concepts by just doing worksheets and book assignments. I think that to many people stress over this test. I for one am not stressing and i'm just going to take the test as best as I can. If I do good then I do good. As long as I can say I tried and did not BS it ill be happy. I think that the school should help us with becoming better test takers because thats all you do in college is take test. I guess this ACT is kind of preparing us for that.

Miranda Adams said...

The last few days we have spent dealing with the ACT. What is your opinion of this test and the effect it may have on your future? Do these type of tests pigeon hole us into a specific way of thinking or are they good for helping us decide on our future? Should the school be putting as much time into this test as we do or is there a better use of time? I guess, what is your opinion on this part of your life?

The ACT is a big part in ever Jr's life. It's the three days everone hides from. My Opinen in the test is its a lot bast your hole future on. I mean what do you do if your a really smart person and you dont do well on the ACT and have worked so hards to get the grades you have. But not only that what if you have worked your whole life to make something of yourself. How she they let it come down to this one test to decide wether or not if your going to get in that one college you have always dreamed of going to. When the standers get harder and harder every year i just dont think its fair. You cant help what year you were born so why should it be any different or harder for us to get into that dream college. If it was a lot easier for are older sister or brother to be accepted to that same college a few years before. when you know you have worked twic as hard and achived twice as much.

Austen Anderson said...

i think it is a vey good way to get certain people into certain colleges. i think it shuldnt have as much of an impact on your future as it does but atleast you can retake it a few times. they can sorta show us where we will go in life. but ultimatly it is our decision where we will go, and what we will be. all the test can do is show you where it thinks you will be best at.personaly, i dont care how much time the school puts into taking and preparing for this test. i mean like some people it culd help, but others it could make them think they know everything and mess up and do bad in the end. but it mainly can only show you where it thinks you will be successfull at, and where other people have been successfull at before you.

Unknown said...


yeah sure, i think the act is an important part of life, but in a way, i feel it is bullshit. the way i see it, the act s a one time deal, and it really isnt true to a person. the act is more of an instantaneous look, rather than cumulitive gpa wich is an average over time. this would allow for someone to just do enough to pass school, and do well on the act. conversely, someone could perform well, and do bad on the act for the fact that they are bad test takers. i feel this creates a pigeon hole mentality. my oinion of this part of my life is kindof in the way of, i feel like i should care, but also feel like i should take it as it comes.

Janet said...

I really dont think that the tests we take should decided our future. Yeah, the ACT's are important in high school.But they shouldnt be that tricky becasue they are ment to be tricky and get your mind to think. But im a horrible test taker, even if i study for hours i will forget it. So ACT's for me are horrible. I also think that its not rite for these test to determine what collage we can or cannot get into. Because if u really have your heeart set on one specific school and your results say you cannot go there your heart will be crused. In another way that would make you work harder on the next time you decide to take them. I think the school does take enough time to prepare us for the ACT's becasue they do take their time to help us in any help we need.

Anonymous said...

I personally think this test is pointless unless you are going to an actual college. I feel I wouldn't get anything out of college or this test because I'm already getting training for what I'm doing in life and no college I've looked at offer classes that deal with that stuff. So I'm going to continue going to trade schools. This test, from what I've heard about it is to try and trick us into the wrong answer and I think that is not a proper method because they should be trying to help us not try to trick us in the wrong way. The test is just a waste of time because a lot of students don't even read all of it. There is to much reading involved and not enough time. There is always a better use of time for everything we do, so yes I think we could be doing something more useful. My opinion on this part of my life is that the school try's to put way to much pressure on all of the students about college.

Alex V said...

I think the Act tests are a waste of time. It is stupid that your future is decided on one little test. If you are not that good of a test taker then it is not fair. One test should not have such a big impact on your life it is just silly. The test is just a waste of time because a lot of students don't even read all of it. There is to much reading involved and not enough time. I think we should be spending more time on this test because it means so much.

Anonymous said...

I think that the ACT is pointless. Since when is our lives dominated by a test that we take when were 16. Yu could be a genius but a bad test taker and be forced going to OCC or some crap like that when you should be going to MIT or Harvard. Or you could be a total idiot that is good at guessing and end up at a school that you canot handle and just be wasting your time. Then this test tires to predict what your going to be when you grow up by asking if you like cutting the lawn or packing things into boxes. Seriously cutting the lawn has no affect on anything in life other than your lawn. I would like to see the day where enjoying a perfectly manicured lawn will make me the Executive of some major company. Your mid is always changing and i atest taken in the first quarter of our life should not be what we live our life on. All that should be needed to get into the collage of yur choice is hard work and good grades. Not a test that proves nothing. Of course collages needs some limits on who gets let in and that part should not change. In conclusion the ACT and SAT should be dismissed from education and life all togather.

JakeCastner said...

There are a lot of colleges out there. The ACT is one of the only ways to break down human intelligence and individuality into a number. Colleges want "smart" people, and this is how they find them. Some of the best people i know probably won't get above a 20 on the ACT. As for this part of my life in general, we are not full people yet, and we are not treated as such. This is totally understandable, but given the opportunity, i would get rid of the whole ACT system. The tests definitely pigeon hole us, whether we know it or not. It is just the way life goes. You can't avoid it. There are definitely better ways to spend time in school, however.

Kevin Hughes said...

I think the ACT is a good opportunity for me and others to show their intelligence in a way that's different from the normal schoolwork deadlines/assignments, which not everyone preforms well at. The ACT does pigeonhole us into groups, but these are the groups that we will eventually have to conform with once going into college/real life anyway, so it is a good preparation. I think having one large test is a better use of resources and time, because it forces every student to apply themselves as much as they possibly can. I guess this is an important time in my life in that I will have to decide which interest to pursue for the rest of my life, if the typical "go to college, get money, get a family, the end" turns out to be what I want, which i'm not so sure it is.

joey gnotek said...

Joey Gnotek

ScOtW29 said...

The last few days we have spent dealing with the ACT. What is your opinion of this test and the effect it may have on your future? Do these type of tests pigeon hole us into a specific way of thinking or are they good for helping us decide on our future? Should the school be putting as much time into this test as we do or is there a better use of time? I guess, what is your opinion on this part of your life?

I think that the test is pretty hard. The first time I took it my goal was to make sure I finished every question and I did. Its hard to not spend time thinking about 1 question. I think that the ACT is very important for your future. It is important for the college that you want to get into. If your GPA is not the best and you do good on this test then you could get into a decent collge. I dont think that these tests are good for our future. They try to force us into making the choice that they think were are going to make, which is the wrong answer. This test is an important test and it is hard to go anywhere without having done good on it.

Shelby Zukoff said...

I think that the ACT test is extremely stupid and is made so people cannot finish. Although I disagree with how they made the test, I think it is vital for my future. I need to do very well to get into any respectable college I dream to be in. Although when you take it, it does tell you where you should end up in life, Its not good to take to heart what it says. If it says your only smart enough to become an automotive technician, and you love to work on cars, good for you!! But if it tells you that and you want something more for your life, but the test score to good use and change what you can for the better! I believe that the if the teachers and schools really care where we end up in life, then they would be putting more time and effort into helping us with this test. Not just saying you can do it! and having maybe one day a week for bubbling. What about having two weeks for strategy sessions and studying for what will be on there in every area, not just reminding us its coming up and giving us a website, we are in high school and need to be pushed a little when it comes to this test. I feel that the ACT is so crucial, and everyone does need a little push on it, including me. And maybe everyone needs a little reality check to show us how important this test really is.

-Shelby Zukoff

jay said...

I think the ACT is ridiculous. We might as well just take an IQ test and then figure out what jobs we can or cannot do. I don't feel they help perpare me for the real world - Really, when is it going to help me to know how many pieces I can cut a doughnut into? Or how fast a train is traveling from point A to point B? Don't you just need to know to get out from in front of the train?

I don't feel the ACT is good example of what someone is capable of. If you can't read - you can't take the test. But just because you can't read doesn't mean you're an idiot; it just means that the whole test is a piece of scrap paper for you.

Panos said...

I think that the ACT is a very important test. It is a good test to have because it gets us ready for college. There can be multiple effects that the ACT can have on your future. Today, where people believe in equal-opportunities for everyone categorizing people on their academic accruements does not hold valid anymore. I believe that the ACT has a huge influence on my future. I feel that the ACT is so crucial, and everyone does need a little push on it to do better.