Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Week 4, Day 15

We have completed 3 Acts of "Macbeth" now. We have seen that the good Macbeth seems to be falling into a world with morals that only work with his ambition. Also, we seem to see him falling into a world of insanity based on his actions.

For this evening:

If you were one of the nobles in Macbeth's court, how would you react to the king that Macbeth has become? Do you think that people thought he would be a good king? Why or why not? Give examples of leaders who you feel have misused their power. give reasons for your choices. (You many not use Hitler as he is too obvious).


Anonymous said...

whoo first to respond. anyway if i was a lord in macbeths court i would think that macbeth has been falling from grace. before he became king he was a fearless warrior and an outstanding leader. Now that he is king however, Scotland is a pile of crap and people are slowly turning against him. I think that the whole counry thought he would be a good king based on his previous recond, but they were sadly mistaken. ONe example of a leader that misused their power was Napoleon I. When he first started ruling Frace things were going great. Soon however he crowned himself Emperor (which is what the Revolution attempted to put an end to) and tried taking over the world so to speak. I did not realise that in a way Macbeth and Napoleon are very similar. They both started off with things going great for them but as they gained more power they also lost their mind and went power hungry.

Anonymous said...

If I was a noble in the king's court, I would be very worried and nervous seeing the King act in such a manner. I think the people thought he would be a good king. He was thane of cawdor, and is also a great leader and fighter. He is also a likeable, nice guy. I think image is a big part in being a well liked leader. Someone who I felt abused or misused their power would be George W. Bush. I'm not just bashing him to get on the train, but I really don't think we should have went over in to Afghanistan, and then Iraq. It has created such a problem for everyone now, and there's no immediate end in sight for the troops.

Anonymous said...

I would be kind of upset. I think macbeth could be a good king if he really wanted to. I think people knew he didnt really care about the people just the perks. I think it is tuff for macbeth to be a good king because of who he is following. It is easy to follow someone bad. But its hard to be in the shadow of someone great. I think a leader who had misused their power was nixon. He thought just because hes the president who could get away with the things he was tryin to pull.

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

I am actually super gullible so i would stay for a bit. But eventually id find out and try to show everyone what kind of person he his. I don't think that anyone really thought about that stuff though. Look at how many shitty mid-devil leaders there are. I don't think people thought about that, some would assume that with him having all those titles. I think every single world leader has used there power for some reason other than the right ones. I think George bush is a perfect example. 911 and The war in Iraq were the worst.

shelbybatlemente said...

If i was one of the nobles in Macbeth's court, i would be very worried, and a little freaked out by how Macbeth is acting. I would also be a little bit upset. I believe that Macbeth has the potential to be a great king. He is losing his mind and cannot be a great king now. I think that at first people thought he would be a king. This is because he was a fearless, and brave leader on the battlefield. Then when he killed Duncan, and now had Banquo killed he started going mad. Now he isnt going to be a good king. He was also very successful by being Thane of Glams and now becoming Thane of Cawdor. So people think that he would be a good leader for their country of Scotland. Unfortunately he is having some major downfalls and paranoia is overwhelming him. One leader that i feel has misused their power is George W. Bush. I feel that we didn't necesarilly have to go over to Iraq and Afghanistan. Well, at least not has long as we have been over there. All the American troops that are over there and have been over there arent doing anything to help the problem. I'm not saying that they are doing absolutely nothing because they are helping a little bit. But that was back at the beginning of the war. Now the troops should come home but we are afraid that if we pull them out, the Iraqi's will attack again. George W. Bush misused his power to get revenge on them. So now as the new president has come into office, Bush has left a big problem for Obama to take care of.

Janet said...

if i was one of the nobles in macbeths court, i would be worried by how macbeth is acting. I think dat macbeth can be a great king. but rite now he cannot be a great king. people at first thought tha macbeth would be good king because he is brave. And also was very successful by being Thane of Cawdor. Then he killed Duncan and Banquo was killed he started going crazy. He is scared for people to find out bout the killing. He wasnt as worried about Duncan becasue Lady macbeth made him kill him and she knew bout it. but killing banquo nobody knows that he killed him, dats why he has gone mad. i also believe that Bush is a good example, becasue started war with iraq. He thought that iraq had nuclear weapons.

brandonlengyel said...

if i were a noble in macbeths court i would fell worried and feel that this guy is not fit to become king. before he became king he was a great war leader and a great warrior. Everybody in scotland thought he was going to be a greater king then duncan but scotland has something comining to them. Macbeth i feel is going to have a struggle holding scotland to the way they were. a leder who shows these examples hast to be george w. bush. He came to president wanting to make a difference but made america worst. With the war on terrisom and the economy shows lots of actions aganist him. he is know out of presidency and leaving a huge job for obama to fix up. This is the leader i feel (off the top of my head) shows misused power.

kirkwhitt said...

If you were one of the nobles in Macbeth's court, how would you react to the king that Macbeth has become? Do you think that people thought he would be a good king? Why or why not? Give examples of leaders who you feel have misused their power. give reasons for your choices. (You many not use Hitler as he is too obvious).

If I was a noble in the kings court I would be worried about how the king was acting. I dont think the way the king is acting is very childish. I also think the people thought Macbeth would be a good king because he was such a great worrier. They thought he would be good because he was faithful. I think Georg Bush over used his power. I dont think we should have put that many soldiers in Iraq. I think Bush did a good job for a little bit and as the war went on he lost control.

jray said...

If I was one of the lords in Macbeths court, I would see that something was done. Macbeth was being a horrible king. The people thought the same thing too. Macbeth was just into what he wanted. He didn't do anything for the people like Duncan did. An example of someone who missused their powers is Joseph Kony. He makes people join him in his path of destruction. All he cares about is himself. Women and children are killed everyday because of his beleifs.

Alex V said...

If I was a lord in macbeths court I would think he is going crazy. When he gets there he is asking who is in his seat they say no one but macbeth sees ducan. Before macbeth became king he was well respected leader but now he is king not as much. if I was a lord in macbeths court and I see how macbeth is acting a would feel very worried and nervous. Someone who missused there power is geroge w bush. The reason why I think he did because he spent so much money on miltary things that our country did not have enough money to pay for other things. And I don't think we should have even been in iraq for that long.

Lil Southkr3w said...

If I was one of the nobles in Macbeths court i would make sure stuff get done. makebeth can be a good king if he really wanted to. he was well respected when he was just a leader. but know he isnt when he bacme a king. gorge bush is they feel they have misused their power. because he sent us to war with iraq. he also is espendin to much money in the war. also i dont know why the war is lasting so long.

Lil Southkr3w said...

Alan Hernandez

BrittanyBarron said...

If I were a noble in Macbeth's court I would think him a fool for trying to take over Duncans kingdom and turn it into a place of hate and fear and loathing. I think htat people do no think he is s good king. He took the fun and vitility out of the kingdom and many people are supisous of Duncan's death. Many people think him reponsible for the death. Many other leads and rulers have abused their power they uze it for good evil of for fun. Louis VI is a good example, he used his money fot parting with his friends, doating on his "loving" wife Marie Antoinette, and used as revenged agisnt the British by aiding the Americans in the American revoluation. In the end he endedd up getting his head chopped off cause he just pissed off one to many people. Marc Antony was anoother who abused his pwer and got what was coming to him. He tried to get Ceaser dethorned and sleeped with his wife. In the end he got killed in batteled and Cloephatra left for one of his generals then killed herself.

jessecovill said...

If I were in the court when Macbeth had his little fit of insanity, I would have tried to leave as fast as I could. I think that I would have felt like I was being let down by Macbeth because when he was a worrier he seemed like some one you would trust to someday rule over you. I think people thought he would have been a good king but would not have lived up to Duncan in anyway possible. I’m thinking this because Duncan was all for the people and wanted to help out a lot, and the people seemed to like him. On the other hand Macbeth is not all that into helping the people as much as Duncan, but with helping out himself and his popularity. Seeing as Hitler is out of question I will try to think of other misbehaving leaders. I think Attila the Hun would fit into this category just fine, he used his power to gain control over a vast amount of land creating his empire which soon failed, he later died in his sleep, some people think this was because he was poisoned and others think he was killed by one of his sons. I guess that’s what happens when you’re a bad ruler…you just end up being killed by one of your kids.

Austen Anderson said...

if i were one of the nobles i would think that macbeth is going crazy. because rite in the middle of all of them meeting he starts yelling out at a "Ghost" he sees. if i were there i would personaly think he wuldnt be right for a leader. i think people thought he would be a great king. i think this because he was known for being such a great warrior. a leader who missused him power would be someone like president Nixon. he thought since he was president he could rule the whole country and do anything he wanted to. but in the end he got caught for it all.

JakeCastner said...

If i were a noble in Macbeth's court, I would definitely be freaked out seeing what Macbeth is turning into. Anyone who freaks out and starts yelling at nothing at a dinner party he is hosting is unfit to rule. I don't think people have really had enough time to make a good judgement. Macbeth was never a royal prospect. He was a very sudden king. People are probably still pleased with him for his valiant battle stories, but they might see now that he is nuts. Let's see, which world leaders have abused or misused their power? Hmm, how about kwame? He probably was only "associating" with that girl because he was a mayor, and a powerful man. The same goes for Clinton. JFK too, with Marilyn Monroe.

Alix Dickson said...

I dont think i would like Macbeth if i was a noble. he seems very self-centered and nit in it for the good of the people. I dont think anyone thought he would be a good king. He has a hard act to follow after Duncan. Everyone really liked Duncan and he cared about the people. I think Joseph Stalin misused his power. He installed communism in most of europe. his rule helped cause the cold war.

Anonymous said...

Well, I'd be pretty worried if my king was muttering to himself and telling an empty seat to get out of his sight. I'd probably wonder if he's sane and still fit to govern. If he wasn't, I'd probably find a way to make it so that he wasn't in that position of power anymore. I would say that people would assume that he would be a good king based solely on his performance as a leader on the battlefield. Still today, we judge people based on military history. Most of the presidents we elect flaunt their battlefield achievements and if they were POWs or "won" (can't really win them.. just gotta get shot) four purple hearts. So, there ya go. For leaders who have misused their power. I'd say our last president did. The Patriot Act is one outstanding example. Another one is probably Guantanamo Bay. While not necessarily illegal, I would consider the sanction of torture and domestic wire-tapping an abuse of power. You don't torture human beings, no matter what their alleged crimes may or may not be.; it's just a big no-no. Bush went there, and that fact makes me not proud to be an American anymore (if I ever was). And that, as they say is that, for tempus fugit and I must as well.

ScOtW29 said...

If you were one of the nobles in Macbeth's court, how would you react to the king that Macbeth has become? Do you think that people thought he would be a good king? Why or why not? Give examples of leaders who you feel have misused their power. give reasons for your choices. (You many not use Hitler as he is too obvious).

If I were one of the nobles in court then I would be worried. I would just be worried about myself but I would be worried about Scotland. Were talking about a guy that just killed two people to become king of Scotland. Macbeth is not a killer either so when he did kill Duncan and Banquo it had a big effect on him, and his mind is tricking him. Overall you can beging to see that macbeth is beginning to go insane, because of all the stuff that has been going on. I would not trust a man like that to lead my coutnry. I think before Duncan and Banquos deaths people thought that Macbeth would make a good king, but now that people might think that he might have been involved in killing them, people are worried. An example would be George Bush. He pretty much screwed up the United States, or at least made it worse when his intention was to improve it.

Stephen Manvydas said...

If i were a noble eating with Macbeth i think i would have left after he talked to himself the first time. i think that all of the nobles think that macbeth is losing it and noone seems to believe in him anymore. I think that the people thought that macbeth would have been a suitable replacement to duncan. he had most of the same seeable traits as duncan so why not. His hidden traits are the opposite of duncan however. leaders who have misused their power could be hitler, napolean, and so on but i think musolini is the biggest. He was hitlers idol but instead of showing hitler a better way to rule he fell for his games and join him to spread his wrath. our idols have big hooks dug into us and they make us do what we do sometimes. that is why i think Musolini is the bigest power misuser.

ben nicolay said...

If I was apart of macbeths court and relized he was slipping I wouldn't really know how to react. I would be very suprised. I wouldn't want to say anything to anyone because they would prolly tell the king and have me killed. I think Macbeth thought he was going to be a good king because he seem's pretty confident in himself. Also, when your becoming king you wouldnt think about being a bad king, you would think your going to be a good one. One example of a leader over using thier power is Kwami. I don't know the whole story but he bought several navigators with the cities money, basically killed a stripper, and lied under oath. He tried to get away with it, although he did pay a little time for it. He is just one of many politicians that think they can do whatever they want because they have a little power.

Stefan Kegebein said...

If I was a noble in Macbeth’s court I would be a little surprised at the events that have taken place. It is well known that Macbeth is a great leader and I would have thought that it would have continued when he became King. Instead there is a lack of credibility towards King Macbeth. I also would think that Macbeth may not have Scotland’s best interest in hand when making decisions. One leader that misused power is Saddam Hussein. He was a dictator we played an active role in the killing of thousands of Kurdish and Shi’a people. Saddam used his power to lead to fortunes and palaces for his family while there were plenty of Iraq citizens struggling to survive. Osama Bin Laden and other terrorist leaders misuse their powers to place harm or fear in the lives of innocent people.

Unknown said...


if i were one of the nobles, i would interpret macbeths actions as that of either guilt, or a lack of responsibilty. guilt is obvious in this case, because he is the murderer of these peoples. but i feel his irresponsibility is evident in the fact that he cannot deal with the past and move on. i think people thought he would be a good king because he was a war hero. that is one of the main factors in peoples merit to political office. many rulers in the past have misused power, ad one prevalent person i can think of was josef stalin. he also eliminated his political and social enemies to maintain his power in the soviet union. however, one that relates more i feel to america today, would have to be richard nixon. nixon's main flaw was the fact that he fet bulletproof as the president and got himself into the whole watergate scandal. this is also a display of tyranny because he tryed to use political power to get the upper hand in elections.

Kevin Hughes said...

If I knew Macbeth and watched him spiral down and become an insane murderer, I would try and get something done to remove him from the throne before he ruins the country because he's not a good leader. Although, I guess there's not a lot someone can do over a king. I think initially many people thought he had potential to be a good king but he quickly showed that he was far too paranoid and selfish to be as good of a king as Duncan. One example of a leader who has misused his power is George Bush, as I disagree with our reasons to have soldiers in the Middle East, and that he has misused his power by intervening in another country's affairs with no clear plan or purpose, even though it may be beneficial some parts, the cons outweigh the pros.

jay said...

well micbeth at the start of hes kingdome everone thot he was grat. then now he is being ify. just like a king should not be.he mest up togit hes power. he should of ernd in. insted of takeing it with forst. just like all bad guys that never far win thay take some thing.

Anonymous said...

If I was one of the nobles in Macbeths court, I would react to his behavior as a king by throwing him out of the country. I'm sure the people thought he would be a good king, otherwise he wouldn't be king. They also knew him as a great warrior and plus he was the Thane of Glamis and the Thane of Cawdor. I would have to choose Stalin because he did basically the same thing as Hitler. Stalin was a bad leader and I think Macbeth is a bad leader also because he is doing basically what Stalin did. Only Stalin killed thousand of his followers and Macbeth has only killed a couple. But that doesnt matter because as soon as you kill one of your followers you are a trader and you need to be punished.

Panos said...

If i were one of the nobles in Macbeth's court I would definatly respond in shock to the king that Macbeth has become. I would have definatly expected Macbeth to become a king that would actuallly care about the people behind him because he was hailed as such a great warrior and he was known as a an of honor. If I would have to give an example of a leader who abused thier power, I would have to say Bill Clinton. Clinton was a president who caused countless American soldiers deaths due to his enforcing of the "No shooting unless shot at law." Thanks to him many soldiers lost thier lives in Mogadishu, Somalia. Also because of him many Americans lost thier lives on 9/11 because he did not order the take out of Osama Bin Laden when he had the chance.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Kay, this was my first opportunity to get to a computer all weekend as I was out of town and came back just last night at 7. I had to rush to that god damn dance. Anywho.

If I were a noble in his court, I would probably call Macbeth a shitty leader especially in comparison to Duncan. Macbeth seems to be a king for himself rather than for his people. People surely thought that he would have been a good king as they didn't know of his treachery against Duncan yet they knew of his combat prowess. He was regarded as a hero amongst his kin and as such, his people thought he would be a fantastic leader. It seems that that is not the case. He, like real life figure Louis XIV, abused his power. The latter was a king of France during the 1600s. He was the poster boy 'absolute monarch', constructing the palace of Versailles and taking all of his nobles out of power simply to replace them with his royal intendants to carry out his will.

Miranda Adams said...

If you were one of the nobles in Macbeth's court, how would you react to the king that Macbeth has become? Do you think that people thought he would be a good king? Why or why not? Give examples of leaders who you feel have misused their power. give reasons for your choices. (You many not use Hitler as he is too obvious).

If i was a lord in macbeths cour i would think that maybe we should get a new leader and would be worried that something big is going wrong. before macbeth was kind he was fealess and everyone looked up to him. As he has become leader he has changed in almost every way. i would have to use presedent bush as a leader who didnt live up to what people expected and missused his powers. I mean look at all the tragidy our country has gone though well he was in controle. I personaly didnt think war that has lasted this long is nessisary. But then again a lot of leaders from the past have misused their power. Maybe its just something you go throught when you are giving so much power at once.