Thursday, February 12, 2009

Day 13

We are now done with our bubbling. For this evening, choose a current event. Summarize in a couple of sentences and then give an opinion of how this event effects you, your town or your world. NO CITE, NO POINTS


Alex V said...

Obama administration and the Federal Reserve unveiled a $1 trillion program on Tuesday aimed at revitalizing lending to consumers and businesses. With this money it means that large and small bussiness will not go away because of the econmoy. And that is a good thing for people that own or run small bussiness here in michigan. The program expands on a $200 billion effort unveiled in November to lend money to investors to purchase securities backed by debt such as credit cards and auto, student and small business loans. The effort, called the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility, was to have started this month. with kind of money comeing in to help it will help alot of people. Some bussiness are really sturggleing just to make it and hopefully this will help them.

shelbybatlemente said...

Congress has finalized the economic recovery plan. There's still no official date when this will be going into effect, but they have reached a compromise on a final economic recovery package. The new pricetag is $789.5 billion. Which is below both the Senate's and the House's passed version. My opinion on this event is that it is going to help a lot of people who are struggling financially. It's probably going to effect Michigan a pretty significant amount. It's going to give people hope. Hope that they will get back on their feet. This will give America a new beginning. Well at least I hope so.

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

Well i decided to wright something other than the recovery plan. I am going to right about the satellite collision between a U.S and Russian satellite. It was a Russian military satellite and a U.S commercial. NASA is being blamed for this but i don't think that is correct. The us can only watch 65 at a time and needs to be informed of any problems up there. Russia should have infact been watching there own, because they are the one's who hit us. I just think the whole thing should be analyzed better.

Anonymous said...

For today, I'll pick the destruction of history. Specifically, the history of a group that people know very little about. Before World War Two, a small number of Jewish refugees made their way to Shanghai, yes; China. They settled in a small area left to them by the government and made a living there. Soon, many of the residents moved to countries with better opportunities, leaving much of their life behind. Little Vienna is now under threat by Chinese bulldozers who want to make room for traffic-laden roads. People are objecting to the move because it will destroy history, a history that the Chinese government says in insignificant. I think that this is probably one of the worst moves a government can do. It's just like China to revise history the way they want it and destroy what they don't like. Damnatio memoriae is the most effective method, and that's exactly what they're doing. I think that they should preserve Little Vienna as it's an important part of history, albeit one that very few people know about.


Thought I should mention, my security word is "bongs".

jessecovill said...

President Obama went to Illinois for a final push on his stimulus package, a $789 billion bill that if passed would help out many large businesses and small ones too. If this bill passes it will help my parents greatly because they own a small carpet store and I’m going to be running it and maybe opening a new store sometime in the future and would hope we have enough money to do so. This bill will not only create jobs but also create competition for businesses, which is a good thing because that means more people will probably bring more customers for my parents, and soon enough me. I really hope this thing is passed and not shot down. If it does pass it will be good for Obama’s political standing and will most likely become historical. In some ways this bill is like something Roosevelt would have done in the great depression.


Austen Anderson said...

Russian and United States satelites collide in space today. this probaly impacted a lot of people using cell phones. mainly because lots of people probaly were unable to use them for quite some time. they say that it will only last about a week or 2. but that could really have a large impact on many people. also, its going to cost the phone company lots of money to replace that satelite. cus those things are pretty dam expensive. they still havnt foudn out why the 2 satelites collided but theres thinking it was because of the duration they have been in orbit for, that they were shut down and tracked off course. but they arent quite sure yet.

Stefan Kegebein said...

Just days after Alex Rodriguez broke the news that he used performance enhancing drugs; Major League Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig said that Rodriguez shamed the game. A-Rod signed a massive contract with the Texas Rangers in 2001. A-Rod stated that he had a tremendous amount of pressure on him and need to prove to everyone he was worth the money. This was shocking news to the baseball and sports world. With A-Rod’s admission you can now claim that a entire baseball era is tainted. There have been a number of other players linked to steroids. A-Rod is the first big name young star to have admitted use of performance enhancers. I was kinda surprise he came out and admitted it though. I’m just glad steroid and other performances enhancing drugs have not made its way into the game of Hockey.

Janet said...

Officials crack down on booze-serving parents
On January 24, a 16-year old boy from Powder Springs, Georgia crashed his car into another car. Garrett was a star football player at Harrison High School. But he died instantly the police think that the was drunk. Also, they charged Kecia Evangela Whitfield with giviing alcohol to a minor and reckless conduct, both misdemeanors. This lady was a classmates mother. In my opinion this is horrible your not suppose to give another persons children alcohol. This does effect our town and our world becasue their guna be more deaths by the cause of alcohol. friends who do drink and drive should think that bout the consquences when you get out on the road.It doesnt just affect you but someone elses life too.

Anonymous said...

In sports there is a major curent event going on. We all no baseball and its issues with steriods. Witht eh major case of home run leader barry bonds. But there was always a guy who everyone called the best and is now chasing that record. His name is alex rodriguez. He has been known for the best without every using. Untill now they have recently found out he used performance inhansers in 2003. It wasnt banned from baseball at the time. But for now and forever it will put a astract on this man forever. It is unfortunant because he only did it once and was good before it. I just hope that he can lose the astract and just be arod one of the best players of all time.

Anonymous said... sorrryyyy

Austen Anderson said... is the cite for mine, sorry i forgot it. thansk for reminding me brandon.

brandonlengyel said...

Taliban suicide bombers and gunmen struck government buildings at three sites. This was a woping killing of at least 20 people and has wounded 57. It was a complex and closely coordinated attack that demonstrated the ease of a horrible killing in this capital in afganastan. These five Taliban suicide bombers armed with explosives and heavy armed rifles killed two guards then stormed inside and took control of the building for more than an hour. After words the security forces broght out all of the dead guys and the bombers. This really doesent effect us due to that there blowing up there own nation. It effects our world due to that this is an current event for the day and soon be old news. I found this article to be amusing so thats why i choose this to be my topic.

Alix Dickson said...

A recall ordered on all products ever shipped from the Peanut Corporation of America's plant after discovering dead rodents, rodent poop and bird feathers in the plant. The order came a day after the discovery of nasty stuff in a crawl space above a production area during a health services inspection.
Inspectors also reported that the plant's ventilation system was pulling debris from the infested crawl space into production areas of the plant contaminating food products. The plant operations stopped Monday night. They are not allowed to resume operations without health services approval.
The company's peanut butter has been linked to a nationwide outbreak of salmonella poisoning that has affected 600 people and killed nine.
This effects me because i cant buy that brand of peanut butter. This effects our country because it has killed nine people.

kirkwhitt said...

We are now done with our bubbling. For this evening, choose a current event. Summarize in a couple of sentences and then give an opinion of how this event effects you, your town or your world. NO CITE, NO POINTS

For to night I will be blogging about the Obama administration. I feel that Obama is going to do a great job with the economy. I feel that the economy dropped when Bush was in office. Obama is effecting my town and the world by helping us get out of depression. He is helping people get jobs, and making life easier. It might take a few years, but I think it is well worth it. I think many people will agree with me when I say i have faith in Obama.

Anonymous said...

For this evening I will write about the peanut butter plants and there health inspection that failed. In Plainview, Texas, there were dead rodents and bird feathers found in a plant that makes peanut butter products that also had a part in salmonella poisoning. Inspectors reported that the plant's ventilation system was pulling debris from the crawl space into production areas of the plant. Which to me makes me what to be sick. There was another plant in Blakely, Georgia that had some things to do with the salmonella poisoning too. So long story short I wouldn't eat peanut butter products for a long time. That's a shame too because I liked eating it with apples, it was good.

Stephen Manvydas said...

Tonight i choose to talk about the breakthroughs that we have had with the common cold. Most people also know it as the rhinovirus. For years we have tried to stop this very irratating virus and all we've been able to do for years is cover it up. according to the total cost of the rhinovirus has cost us $600 billion dollars. The money includes money spent on drugs, over the counter and prescription, medical/doctor visits, and missed days at work. what they really have found is a complete map of the virus. Now we know what it looks like but we still do not know what the map means. in my opinion this is just a small breakthough. Viruses change all the time and whats stoping the most common one from doing it. i think that they shouldnt have waisted so much time on this and spent more money and time on other medical issues.

BrittanyBarron said...

I picked the peanut btter recall of Plain View TX. This recall happen today. At the Plain View Peanut Butter plant found dear rodents in the peanut butter vats. They also found bird feathers in the vats. They had to issuse a major recall of all peanut butter tha has been produced since the plant opened realy four years ago. This personaly doesn't effected me cause I cant hae peanut butter, but this does effect alot of people. The people who work at the plant cold possibly lose their jobs, which dosn't really help the declianing economy. It is also quite bad for people who eat anything peanut butter realted.

ben nicolay said...

We are now done with our bubbling. For this evening, choose a current event. Summarize in a couple of sentences and then give an opinion of how this event effects you, your town or your world. NO CITE, NO POINTS

For my blog I will do the event of Michael Phelps using marijuana. First off, Id like to say I wish I would have taking this picture because I would be loaded. This is wrong, he is an american hero. He is supposed to be a leader. Millions of kids, teens, and adults look up to him. He was suspended for 3 months from swimming. I think that it is not fair because if anyone else made that decision to use the drug they would be punished with jail or fines. He kind of is being punished by losing all of his endorsements. The cops still haven't decided if they are going to press charges. This effects all people because its kind of saying its okay to smoke marijuana when it's not.

Unknown said...


now its time for my rant. by now, its quite ineviable to avoid talking about the economy in some way, because it is every part of the news. so the topic i am choosing is GM's plan to avoid bankruptcy, and maintaining its profile as the worlds largest automotive manufacturer. basically, the article i am reading says that general motors could survive if their plan to pursue more money from the government. it all depends on barack obama and general motors' shareholders.

this is quite obviously a tremendous issue in not only my life or my community, but globally and nationally. the automotive industry is a high volume employer in the world today. and it also affects me very much, because my dad's largest customer, indirectly, is general motors. i hope to god that barack passes this motion.

Anonymous said...

What i am going to write about today hits a little closer to home than most people realize. Earlier in the week my dad was telling me how today 1 in 5 people will be marched out of the building where he works. Sadly this is a common occurance taking place all over. Fortunatly my dad was not one of those 20%. But instead he had to let three of his employees go today. No wim sure that this was especially hard because he worked with these guys for years and became friends with them. If this keeps up all of us are totally screwed. With the markets how they are today things will only get worse. i have heard this get called the Second Great Depression and i pray to god that things turn around in time for us to salvage what little we have left. My dad is going to be my source tonight and you can choose not to count it if you want but i think that its important and people really dont recognize what is going on right now. So hopefully this can help put things into perspective for some people.

source: Tom Hall Sr.

jray said...

The punishment for Micheal Phelps was too hard. He is a 23 year old man. He should be able to do what he wants to do. Sure, he may have been an olypic althelete. This shouldn't be put against him though. He was tested after he won all of his medals and passed with flying colors. After going through all of the training he did, he should be able to do what he wants without people making a big deal about it, but he is losing millions from it. Most people that get caught with marijuana don't lose millions of dollars. Most don't even go to jail! Just because he is known by everyone, doesn't mean he should be punished more than anyone else would. It isn't even like he had a obstacle amount. He didn't even get caught with it. It was just a picture of him. He has been punished enough. Their is no need to punish him any further.

Anonymous said...

The Russian/US satellite collision that happened today was both the US and Russia's fault. The US should have kept more track on dangerous objects floating to space. The Russians, though, should also keep other nations posted of their satellites position. Failure to do so on either nation's part may result in disasters such as this. This does not really affect me or my town, but I guess it does affect the image that the US and Russian's give off. Maybe people think we're less organized than we really seem.

JakeCastner said...

Michael Phelps smokes pot apparently. I'm sure most of us have seen the picture. I would just like to say who cares? He is a 23 year old college student. Of course he is going to smoke a little reefer. If he had chosen to be an NBA player instead of a swimmer, the picture probably wouldnt have made it on the news. In their contracts, it says that they can't be drug tested. Personally, I just can't see what the big deal is. I would say that 9 out of and 10 people have done it. Another thing, people think that he is losing all of his sponsors, but he is only losing one major contributor, Kelloggs. He's still got Speedo, Omega, and Visa. He's gonna be fine.

I agree with Ashton Kutcher when he says "God forbid he hit a bong. Go ask your 20 year old kid what they did last weekend," he wrote further. "I'm not saying it was a smart move. But he doesn't need to be publicly outed for it. Who ever put the pic out is an a**!"

"He's a good kid. Btw he could be a real douche but he's not. Maybe the media can quit dragging his d*** in the dirt,"

In short, how would you feel if somebody took one stupid decision you made and blew it way the hell out of proportion, put it on the news, and openly got basically the whole world to persecute you for it?

Kevin Hughes said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kevin Hughes said...

A current even is the revelation of the source of the peanut butter recall. The The Texas Department of State Health Services on ordered the recall of all products shipped from the Peanut Corporation of America's plant in Plainview, Texas, after discovering dead rodents and bird feathers in the plant. This affects me because I like peanut butter, and I'm sure many people do. The good news is the plant had only been producing for 4 hours after news of the contamination, so it is pretty safe to assume your next peanut butter sandwich will be (mostly) rodent-free. This does make me wonder what's going on in the places where our food is produced.

Lil Southkr3w said...

today im going to be talkin about the 49 people killed after plane slams into New York home. 44 people that where in the plain died and 4 crew members dies to. this happen on thursday the 12 of feb. the location is in Clarence Center, New York. also the police people said that some guy was in the house and he also died. also 2 other people in the house suffered minor injuries and were taken to a local hospital. i think dat hrrible that people died but dats what happen.

Alan Hernandez

Lil Southkr3w said...

my bad u really cant see the cite

Shelby Zukoff said...

My name is Shelby

Shelby Zukoff said...

This is Shelby

Shelby Zukoff said...

Hi my name is Shelby. I should be in class on time.

Anonymous said...

this be my link

Anonymous said...

Michael Phelps smokes the ganja, who knew? I did, and I'm sure most of the world did, but knowing and seeing it happen are two entirely different things. I think it's safe to say that most Americans have tried or will at one point try marijuana be it just one time or once a day. It wasn't a smart move on Phelps' part to hit the bong, but then again his punishment isn't that bad considering if that picture had been any other, normal person then we would have a 30 day jail sentence and have to pay a fine for possession of paraphernalia. That being said, I think it's pretty damn stupid that someone felt the need to put the picture up for the world to see. So what if he smokes marijuana? I'm sure he did before the Beijing Olympics, but people didn't know therefore he wasn't thought poorly of. But now that people are aware of his past-time activities, they label him as a poor role model and all this other shit. It clearly doesn't affect his performance as he won 8 god damn gold medals, so who cares?

I'm not advocating pot smoking, by the way. That's not really my thing. I just think that people shouldn't care as much as they go - roaming the halls of Bakeland I am surrounded by weed daily, and nobody really cares here.

ScOtW29 said...

For this evening, choose a current event. Summarize in a couple of sentences and then give an opinion of how this event effects you, your town or your world. NO CITE, NO POINTS

The founder of an Islamic television station in upstate New York aimed at countering Muslim stereotypes has confessed to beheading his wife. His wife had filed for divource on February 6. Since then the police had responded to several domestic violence calls at there home. Directly after his wifes death Hassan went directly to the police station and there he confessed to his wifes death. This event effects other people because you would never know that these kind of people would do such a bad thing like this. A man that counters muslim stereotyping cuts off his wifes head. After all he has done to try to change peoples look on muslims, he goes and does this. Everything he has worked for is basically gone I think.