Thursday, February 5, 2009

Day 8

We continued our reading of "Macbeth" Act 2 scenes 1 & 2.

Give me your definition of motivation. How do we motivate ourselves to do things especially if we think they may not be the best choice. Give an example of something that motivates you. Then, pick a character from the play and discuss what motivates them and whether that motivation is a positive or negative thing.


Anonymous said...

Well, my favourite definition of "motivisation" is by Marjorie Dawes who says all you need to do is look at cake and think "MAN YOU FAT!" And that's exactly what I think motivation is. What one thinks to prevent or help in doing something. "Motivizing" comes from our minds. Whether we think that our friends may like us more as a reason for doing something, or "MAN YOU FAT!" to stay on that diet. I find my motivation generally from the satisfaction I gain in doing something right or doing something I find fun, whether it be the best for me or not. For motivated, I'd say taht Lady Macbeth is surely the most motivated. She's all in for killing Duncan, no matter what happens. She want's that power, and she'll stop at nothing to get it. In her case, I'd say her motivation is a negative thing. Going all-out for something like complete control of Scotland is hardly a worthy goal. I'd go for the King of the World.

Anonymous said...

Motivation can be many thing. I think it is when you accualyy want to strive in something and do whatever you can to do so. I think we motivte our self for bad things to. Like if someone was begging you to drink it takes motovation and will power to say no. And if you can motivate yourself for things lioke that then other stuff becomes easier i believe. Something that motavates me is playing golf. If not golf i wouldnt care about my grades and do shitty. But since i have that to motavate me to do by best so i can strive in that i do what i can in school. I think maceth is motavated in both ways. He is motavated to do good things and bad things. He has a lot of determination and i think whatever it is good or bad he will do it the best he can.

shelbybatlemente said...

To me motivation is the reason or reasons you do something. You have people and things that motivate you to do something. This is so you don't give up. An example of something that motivates me are my friends and family. If it wasn't for them I would have given up too easily on a lot of things that I have done. Friends and family are good motivators because they are the ones that influence you the most. If someone that I didn't know very well tried to give me the motivation to do something I probably wouldn't take it seriously. They would have to be a friend of mine for me to take them seriously. Anyway Macbeth is motivated by his wife. Lady Macbeth calls him weak and says that he acts like a child. When she treats him like that he does whatever she says. I think that this motivation is a negative thing. This is because it means he can't stand up to his wife. That he is too kind to say anything. So he ends up doing whatever she wants. Which leads him to kill Duncan. If Lady Macbeth hadn't called him weak, he wouldn't have killed Duncan.

Panos said...

I believe that if I had to come up with my own definition of motivation, I would probably define it as your want to accomplish or do something and your desire to want or do something. I believe that we motivate ourselves by telling ourselves what the positive outcoma may be if we do what ever we want to do. I believe that when I look at other people doing things that I might think that I can't do I push myself to do it anyways unitl I finally am able to ccomplish my goal. If I pick a character from Macbeth that has a lot of motivation, I would definatly pick Lasdy Macbeth. I would pick her because she has alot of motivation to things in order for Macbeth to become the king, she'll do anything to have him be king including have the current king killed. I believe that this is a negative motivation because anything that motivates us to do something that is against our moral compass I believe is negative.

Austen Anderson said...

my definition of motivation is when someone trys to get you to do something you wont do. like by bribing you with money or things of that nature. one way i motivate myself to do things is by thinking of what happens after i accomplish my goal. like by doing my chores i get to go places with my friends. so i think of the good side of it in the end, which motivates me to do it. a character from macbeth i choose is Macbeth himself. he is motivated to kill duncan because if he does so he will then become the king of scotland. and the character that motivates him is lady macbeth, because she has no problem with doing this. and the type of motivation is positive and negative at the same time. reason being is that yea he killed someone(which is negative), but he also now gets to become king. so ide say its both positive and negative.

brandonlengyel said...

Motivation can mean alot of different things. The way i feel motavtion is the drive to do something. Like in stefans about the man being fat and looking at a pice of cake and telling himself that he is fat is a great example of motavation. Motavation can either be a good or a bad thing. Like the motaviation if you have bad grades to turn them around and to get good grades. Alos like lady macbeth in Macbeth. Her motavion is to kill king ducan so that her husband is that much closer to becoming king. She is so motaviated in doing so she will not rest in till the job is done. I belive this is a positive thing into that she will do anything for her husband to become king. This also can be a negitive thing if both her and macbeth get caught.

Alex V said...

Give me your definition of motivation. How do we motivate ourselves to do things especially if we think they may not be the best choice. Give an example of something that motivates you. Then, pick a character from the play and discuss what motivates them and whether that motivation is a positive or negative thing.

My definition of motivisation is something that drives you to do something. Motivisation is your desire to acomplish a goal or get some thing. We motivate our sleves to get good grades even thoug you might not care right now you will thank yourself when its all done. Something that motivated me in my life is when i had to work all summer to get my car. Even though it was hard i didnt quit because i knewn that once the summer was over i new it would be worth it. The character from the play play i pick is lady macbeth. She is motivated by gaining more power no matter what she has to do even if it means killing people to get there. The type of motivation that motivates lady macbeth in the play is negitive.

Plaz said...

Motavation is something that makes you do something to get something or to get somewhere. We motivate ourselves by trying to do what is right for us and what helps us. Some types of motivation can be bad and some types are good. Some things that motivate me is my friends, family, music, and money. Macbeth is motivated to off Duncan so he can become a king. This is negative and positive. It's a negative because he's going to off Duncan which isn't the best thing to do, but its also a postive because he will be a king. Almost everybody wants to be a king.
Evan E

ben nicolay said...

My definition of motivation is the feeling when you are inspired to do or accomplish something. I think that motivation ties in with ambition. If you have something you are ambitious about, that motivates you to accomplish it. Anything that I like to do always has something for me to do before like makeing sure the house is clean. I am motivated to clean the house so I can do what I want. I'd say an example is when Macbeth kills Duncan. He is motivated about being king and kills him. He was willing to do whatever it takes and that takes some motivation to do. Macbeths motivation is in a negative way.

Alix Dickson said...

Motivation is why you do something or your reasons for doing something. Sometimes our friends motivate us by putting pressure on us to do something.Our parents can also motivate us but its usally good motivation. I would defiantly have to say that my friends and family motivate me the most. Lady Macbeth is motivated by her ambition to be queen. Her motivation is negative. Lady Macbeth is the motivation that causes Mabeth to kill duncan. Macbeth also has a negative motivation.

Stefan Kegebein said...

My definition of motivation is a feeling that is brought up to inspire people to do things. People can be motivated to make a difference in the world, make a difference in a hockey game and a variety of other things. People can be motivated by their peers, coaches, and teammates. I think most times people are motivated to do things to prove people wrong. People also are motivated not to show weakness. People sometimes do whatever means necessary to prevent themselves from looking weak. Macbeth is motivated by his wife to kill Duncan (negative). Also Macbeth is motivated by his want to be king and the power that comes with it. Being motivated can sometimes gives people a sense of urgency and sometimes get people to do things that don’t usually do.

jessecovill said...

I think motivation is an internal or external force that drives you to do something. If we are faced with a difficult choice we might opt for the easy way out or just ignore the dilemma completely. We might motivate ourselves to do things we don’t want to do by tricking our mind into thinking what were doing is not bad, till we do it then we think other wise. We also might talk to friends and they could change our mind to get us to do something. Something that would motivate me is if I was to set a goal and try to achieve it by a certain time. Lady Macbeth’s motivation is to get her husband named as the king successor. Her motives are both positive and negative, first she wants Macbeth to become king maybe to benefit herself, and its negative because she makes Macbeth kill the king in order to reach her and his ultimate goal of becoming royalty.

Miranda Adams said...

Give me your definition of motivation. How do we motivate ourselves to do things especially if we think they may not be the best choice. Give an example of something that motivates you. Then, pick a character from the play and discuss what motivates them and whether that motivation is a positive or negative thing.

Motivation to me is that little push or drive you are giving to acheave something you wont. what motavates me most i would have to say is a goal. My boyfriend is what motivates me most right now because i know if i dont get a good grade then im not aloud to see him. In the play i would have to say that lady macbeth is the most motivated. she knows what she wants and she is willing to do anything to get there. But she shows motivation by haveing that drive and seeing her goal as well as what she needs to do to get there. I think the motivation in her case is a negative becuase in the end someone has to die to get what she wants. As well as her commiting a horrible crime.

jray said...

To me, motivation is what pushes you to get what you want. It is what makes you go after something with your all. It can even get you to do something that you know is wrong, but is necessary to accomplish your goal. An expample of this, is when you are hurtful or devious to someone close or someone who doesn't deserve this things to happen to them. Personally, I get my motivation from my friends and family. They both push me to exceed my potential and be the best that I can be, although their are people that get motivation from negativity. In the play Macbeth, Macbeth's wife would feed of that negative. She pushed herself and her husband for greedy and selfish reasons. She just wants to kill Duncan because she wants power. She would rather take the chance in killing the king and be queen, then take the honor of being married to the Thine of Cawdor.

ScOtW29 said...

Give me your definition of motivation. How do we motivate ourselves to do things especially if we think they may not be the best choice. Give an example of something that motivates you. Then, pick a character from the play and discuss what motivates them and whether that motivation is a positive or negative thing.

There is a few defenitions for motivation. One is the drive to get something done. Second is the desire or inspiration do succeed in anything. We motivate ourselves to do things because most of the time it is something you like to do. A reason why people dont do good in school is because they dont want to be there. If you dont have any motivation you probably wont get the results that you are looking for. Motivation for me comes from self motivation, parents, teachers, and coaches. A character that is motivated is MacBeth. He is motivated to become King. This is a negetive thing though because he is willing to do whatever it takes so he kills Duncan.

Janet said...

My definition to motivation is that little push you need to get what you want wat. What motavates me most is setting my self a goal that i should/must etablish. My motivation right now is my mom because she wants me to achive though high school and out. Shes pushing me to really try in school and outside of school. When i know i did good, i feel really good becasue she's happy with me. In the play, lady macbeth is the most motivated. Becasue she knows what she wants and she is willing to do anything to get there.I think her motivation is negative, since she is willing to do anything and the consquenses in the end someone has to die/hurt to get wet what she wants. As well as her commiting a horrible crime by the help of Macbeth she really wants to become Queen so she had to get rid of Duncan.

christina newman said...

Motivation is when you get the energy to do something to complete it. We motivate ourselves to complete a goal that you want to complete. My motivation is my friends; they keep me going when I want to give up. They’re the one to tell me not to give up in things. I do the same for them when they want to give up. If we don’t have motivation the world would never go anywhere. We use it everyday in our lives. Macbeth is motivated to become king and he doesn’t want to give that up.

Stephen Manvydas said...

Motivation is how we encourage ourselves to do or get what we want. I think that motivation and ambition can be intertwined. motivation isnt always a good or always a bd thing either, it all depends on your goals and how you see good and bad. we can use motivation to get 'good' grades or to loose that fat weve been trying to loose for years. It could also be used to do somthing such as..not getting caught for commiting a crime, or doing the crime all toghter. You make yourself believe the story you tell, your motivation is to not get introuble and with enough ambition you'll suceed. Guilt can also play a roll in this. If you arnt ambitiouse enough then guilt can get to you and all the motivation you've been holding to keep yourself going can fall apart. I personally motivate myself to get good grades, i know nthat good grades now, means a better college, then maybe a great job. I havnt read as far as everyone else but i'll choose Lady Macbeth. She convinces macbeth to kill duncan for her own gain. her motivtion is self-gain and she uses some of macbeths weaknesses to get what she wants. Most people would consider this to be negative motivation, but she probobly sees it as positive.

Anonymous said...

Motivation is where you have the drive to do something. I motivate myself by thinking of what can come out of my decisions. Sometimes they can be bad choices but usually I can tell if I'm about to do something bad and I try to stop myself. My motivation is to get through school and get the training I need to be successful in live. If I can get the training I need for the job I will get then, I will end up doing better work. In the story, Macbeth's wife motivates him to kill Duncan to become king. This would be a negative motivation because he will have the guilt of killing a friend and a cousin for the rest of his life.

JakeCastner said...

Personally, what motivates me is the avoidance of punishment and the pursuit of happiness. Macbeth is motivated by his hunger for power. He wants to be king, even though he just recieved a bump in status. As seems to be the case with most power-hungry people in history, he is willing to do pretty much anything in order to achieve his goal. In this case, it's murder. He'll probably do some stuff that is much worse by the time the story is over. Power seems to be a bad motivation, much worse than, say, happiness or boredom.

Anonymous said...

To me motivation is the drive we have to live our life. We can motivvate ourselves to do bad things by thinking about what reward we will get out of it. Something that motivates me is watching snowboard movies. They get me really psyched to go out a give me new tricks to learn. My character in the play that shows motivation is Macbeth. Once he hears the prophecy he really wants to become king. In order to do that he believes that he must kill Duncan. His motive for killing him is not only to become king but to proove he has balls to his wife.

Shelby Zukoff said...

Personally, I would define motivation as the empowerment that leads you to a goal you desire. Although motivation usually is a good thing, you can also have motivation to bad and terrible things. Like kill the president (please don't!!) or hold a bank hostage till you get what you want from the police. I think one of the things that motivates me the most is my new streak of independence and wanting a lot out of myself. If I never had a controlling crazy ex, or got caught up in a bad crowd and barely passed school a while back, I would not have been the way I am today. Those bad times are my motivation to do the best that I can and to break free from being tied down and do what I feel is right and not needing someones approval constantly. Macbeth is crazy for listening to his even crazier wife. His motivation is his wife and his desire to be king. So his wife and his far fetched desires motivate him to kill Duncan, even though he has a son that will take over the throne when Duncan dies, to become king? Even though the witches told him before he killed Duncan that he was destined to be king. What a dumbass. I hope he gets caught. Anywho, OBVIOUSLY his motivation is negative. Motivation can lead you to do crazy things that could change your life completely like becoming a better more happy and independent person, or it could motivate you to kill a king.

p.s.- mr.kay, i'm having a serious problem with the password issue. this is about the 8th time i'm changing my password for this stupid website and i'm really sick of having to change my password constantly to be able to post. i have changed it so many times, tried to make a new account. nothing helps. GRR GOOGLE!!

Unknown said...


Motivation is almost hard to define because it is so simple I feel. But motivation to me is purely what drives you in a direction. Be it to a goal, an obligation or faith motivation is everywhere. My own personal motivation is the fact that quite literally my future lies in my hands. Whatever I decide to do has an effect on my life. In the play, Macbeth strives to change his future by murdering his own cousin because of his wife. I feel this is both positive and negative. Positive because he holds prestige in himself and wants a better future. But negative because he killed his cousin because some bitch told him to.

Anonymous said...

To my eyes, motivation is nearly the same thing as ambition. Rather, the two go hand in hand. Ambition is the drive to do something, whereas motivation is what's needed to put that drive into action. Ambition with empty motivation is just false hope and wasted time. Music is what motivates me more so than anything else. Coming home from a long day is tiring, but somehow picking up my guitar and playing puts me right back into the game and makes me feel alive and on top - it's nice. Even listening to music motivates me to do what my ambitions wish to fulfill. In the play, Macbeth's greed and lust for power is what motivates him to do the foul act of killing his cousin and king. Through his wife's influence, the hero's ambition to be king was put forth. I find it ironic that she was the one who pushed him to do the evil deed but yet she wouldn't do it herself - what a bitch.

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

Motivation is something that drives someone to meet some kind of goal. I think the best motivation test is the pro's and con's and the importance of the goal. If it's not that important you wont be that motivated. Right now I'm not to motivated for anything. School/work are the only motivating things. My character is Macbeth wife. She seems to be more motivated by her husband being king then him. That kind of motivation is negative for a person, but to her it is positive and it is important to her.

BrittanyBarron said...

Motivation is postive reinforcements the drive us to do something. Things the motivate me are, my family, my friends, and the parise I get when I do something good. I'm not going to lie I'm a attention whore. Im and only child and the oldest grandchild. I like to live in the spotlight and when people tell me I did something good it makes me feel great. Lady Macbeth is motivated by her want to be queen. She really doesn't even care about her husband being king. She wants to be queen. This is a negitive motivation cause it leads her to killing the king and his to gruads. There is a very fine line between being postively motivated and becoming currput. Sadly Lady Macbeth crosses this line when she plots to kill the king.

Kevin Hughes said...

Motivation is the driving force behind why you do what you do to get what you want. I think motivation stems from our basic instincts and desires, as well as what we have been told to desire from our culture and common sense. Something that motivates me is my strong sense of curiosity, there are a lot of things I don't know and most of what I do is done to gain a better understanding of myself or my surroundings. Lady Macbeth is motivated by the potential to have power, it is both positive and negative. She can either be Queen of an entire country or it could backfire and she could get caught, but motivation could also be taking that chance.

Lil Southkr3w said...

my defenition of motivation is something dat puches u to get what you want. motivation can be negative and positive. my frends and family motivate me. an example is to do better in skool. In the play Macbeth: Macbeths wife would feed of that negative. think dat lady macbeth motivation would be her huband. she wanted her husband to kill duncan and blame it in some one else.