Monday, February 9, 2009

Week 3, Day 10

Please address the following quote:

“The very substance of the ambitious is merely the shadow of a dream.”
William Shakespeare


Anonymous said...

Im not really sure what this means... I think it means if you are overly ambitious you have no substance(charcter). If all you do is think about what your goal is you wont have time for anything else. You will be leaving your family and friends in the dust. All you would care about is achieveing your next goal and nothing or no one would be able to get in the way of it. I think you need a good balance of this. Maybe kind of like okonwos chi. You need good of both to be good.

shelbybatlemente said...

Im not exactly sure what this quote means. I think it might mean that if you are ambitious you have a dream that you would like to achieve. If you only stick to one dream you won't get anything done. You won't have time to deal with other things in your life. Such as your family, or friends. You can be ambitious and have a dream. But don't allow your ambition to take over you. You will only lose in the end. This is because you aren't paying any attention to anything but that one dream. You need to have more than one dream in your life. Pretty much William Shakespeare is saying that you need balance between ambition and dreams. You cannot be overly ambitious or your life will be centered around that one goal or dream.

Plaz said...

I don't know what this quote is saying. The substance of the ambitious, maybe that means that there is one thing that makes somebody ambitious. Then the shadow of a dream, maybe that's kind of like foreshadowing in real life. So to me it's saying that we foreshadow in our dreams and we become ambitous to find out what the dream really means. It also could mean that there is something going on while we are asleep and we dream of it. Like if we left the TV on we might start having a dream from what's going on, on the TV. Also there could be something that happens the next day and we dream about it. I really don't know what this quote means.

ben nicolay said...

“The very substance of the ambitious is merely the shadow of a dream.”
William Shakespeare

I think that this is saying ambition is only but a dream. You are ambitious because you want to achieve something. You dream because it is something that you want that is not reality. Your dream shouldn't take the best of you. Reality will come back to bite you in the ass if you dream all the time. If you are overly ambitious about something you may forget about something important. I think that you need to have a balance between a dream an reality.

Alex V said...

“The very substance of the ambitious is merely the shadow of a dream.”

I am not really sure with what the quote is trying to say but here we go. I think it means that the basis of ambition is brought on by the notion of a dream. Basically if an ambitious person even has just a moment of a dream, they will try to achieve that dream. You are ambitious because you want to achieve something. Your ambition is only part of your dreams. Without ambition you will never acomplish any thing. To much ambition can also be a bad thing because you will always be trying to obtain your goals. So everthing in your life needs balance.

Anonymous said...

“The very substance of the ambitious is merely the shadow of a dream.”
~ William Shakespeare

I find that this quote is quite a ringer. People act on their dreams. "Where there's a will, there's a way" is another quote that pretty much means the same thing. What people act on is what they dream about as dreams are figments of what our minds would like life to be, perhaps one may say glimpses of the future. I would agree with Ben's point about "keeping it real" as well. One must have a balance, or you can loose touch with what is possible and end up even worse off that before. People loose themselves all the time in their wanderings, and it gets one nowhere. Dreaming is all good and fine, but actions speak louder than ideas. At least, that's what I think.

brandonlengyel said...

What i believe shakespeare is trying to say is that ambition is only to be a dream. To be ambitious means to want to achieve something and will do anything to do so. To dearm, is not reality, but is to want something but cant get it and only can dream about it. Sahakespeare is trying to tell us that we need to balance between reality and and dreams. If we have a clear balance of both we are sure to succeed at both. If we just focous on just one thing we are closing the door on everything else and arent balanced. That is why if we have a balance between realaity and dreams we more going to be more openminded. This is what i think shakespeare is addressing.

Miranda Adams said...

“The very substance of the ambitious is merely the shadow of a dream.”
William Shakespeare

You have to have anbition to make you dreams come true and a dream is a substance that forms in your mind. I think this qoute is saying that you have to have ambition to make your dreams something so they aren't left in the shadows of your mind. But then again im not really sure what Shakespeare is tryin to say. All his qoutes have so much meaning but can be taking in so many ways. But what i get from it is what i 100% agree with. I know if i didnt have ambition to make my dreams come ture they would be left behind in the shadows of my mind. Would you ever leave your dreams behind if you had that chance to make them come true?

Stefan Kegebein said...

Behind every ambition there is a dream and a drive to achieve that success. If your goal is to become a great hockey player, you’re probably going to dream about being a hockey legend. You don’t just wake up one day and say I am going to be ambitious about something. You have probably have always had a passion and dreamed about something before you decide you’re going to be ambitious. Like when the witches tell Macbeth he is going to become king, it helps Macbeth realize a goal of his is to be king. Also, I think this quote can be interrupted as if all you think about is being ambitious you might lose track of your dreams. Basically the connection between the two is having dreams and being ambitious go hand in hand. A dream is the first step in achieving and striding toward the success of your goals.

Alix Dickson said...

i have no clue what the quote “The very substance of the ambitious is merely the shadow of a dream.”
by William Shakespeare means. I never undertand what Shakespeare is talking about though. If i had to guess i would say that ambition comes from a dream. First you have a dream to do something and then you get the ambition to do it. I think Shakespeare might be saying that dreams are much bigger than ambition. Ambition is only a small part of our dreams. I dont realy like this quote. Shakespeare's writing is too confusing.

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

“The very substance of the ambitious is merely the shadow of a dream.”

Ambitions are the dream in disguise. Without ambitions you cannot achieve any kind of dream. A ambition is some kinda goal. The harder you work on a goal, the closer it comes to becoming a dream. I think though it's good to have both, kinda like backups. When it comes to ambitions and dreams, it's important to stick by them, but it is not always viewed that way. Goals are thing's to be reached or you wont get anywhere you want to go in life.

ScOtW29 said...

“The very substance of the ambitious is merely the shadow of a dream.”
William Shakespeare

Im not really sure what this quote means but if I had to guess it means that you dont have ambition for no reason. If you have ambition is is ambition to achieve a dream that you have. I think that he is trying to say that ambition is only a dream. You can dream to be something or somebody but can you turn that dream into reality. You can only be ambitious about something that you care about though. A dream you have had your whole life you could be ambitious about. What shakespeare is saying though is can you turn that dream into a goal through having ambition? If you dream something its probably not going to happen. You have to be able to act on it and have ambition to turn your dream into reality.

jessecovill said...

I think what Shakespeare is saying is that people who really want something are just chasing a dream, never to reach their goals. On the other hand he could be saying people are close to their goals but always seem to make things worst for themselves in the end. But what is the “substance of the ambitious”, I think what that means is an object or someone’s mindset to do the things they want. Also “shadow of a dream”, could this mean the person hade a dream but now it is gone or they think their dream is still obtainable when really it isn’t. Its getting quite hard to understand what Shakespeare is saying when every word could have a different meaning than what I’m thinking of. Maybe the substance is an object of the ambitious and they cannot get it because it would be physically impossible for them to do such a thing. I’m just gonna say Shakespeare didn’t get what he wanted and decided to make other people think the same way.

Austen Anderson said...

to tell you the truth, i have no clue what this is saying. if i have to guess, ide say its try to explain that you need to work at achieving a dream. like you cant just sit back and hope it comes to you. you have to go out there and rach out and grab it. if you just sit back you will never accomplish your goal. but if you go out of your way, and do that little extra, you just may accomplish it. also, to have that dream, you must have a reason why you want this. which therfore you can go on and work at your dreams.

Anonymous said...

Sigmund Freud was known for his psychoanalytical approach to psychology. He studied the unconscious mind - the part of us that we are unaware of, however it is a part that still affects and influences our decisions, experiences, and expectations. Freud believed that our dreams were the 'royal road to the unconscious', thus implying that our dreams enact what we unknowingly wish to have or attain or believe. Applying this to Shakespeare's quote, our ambitions and drives to achieve something directly correlate with our dreams. Does this mean that our ambitions are us acting upon a sudden realization of our unconscious desires? It may be so, for if the substance of the ambitious is merely the shadow of a dream then this must mean that if we dream up something, then we must somehow strive to achieve that dream, thus thrusting our unconscious desires into our conscious mind. So, if Freud believed that our dreams were our royal road to the unconscious, then I believe that our unconscious is the royal road to our ambitions. This then brings into mind Carl Rogers' theory of self in that our inner-self, or who we wish to be, and our outer-self, or who we actually are, collide in order to create a Utopian balance. Our dreams are expressed internally, thus being a part of our inner self and representing our internal wishes and desires, however acting out these ambitions are clearly an aspect of our external person, thus creating a balance of the dream-ambition theory of Shakespeare as applied to the humanistic theory of inner self versus outer self.

Thought provoking? You decide.

- Ryan Moore.

christina newman said...

I really don't know what this quote means. I think it means that when you make dreams come true that’s your ambition coming true. Ambition and dreams are combined that’s what makes them connected. Ambition is when you want something to come true. Dream is something you want in your life. When you have ambition you have dreams. You need the both to make each other come true.

Stephen Manvydas said...

I dont quite understand this qoute either, but i think that it means that our dream is like our goal, and ambition is its shadow and what it takes to reach it. it could be like your goal is at the end of the tunnel and your ambition is the train. we may do what ever it takes and the train will take some pit stops. In the end though that little shadow will be finished and they day will come to an end. The sky will start to light up and fill the tunnel and the shadow will dissapear. Your train (ambition) will reach the station and your goal will be reached. The dream you have had will be over once the train reaches the station and your shadow dissapears.

Anonymous said...

To me this quote is saying that ambition is only achieved when you really dream of it. Like if you really want to get to your goal you need to really dream of having it. For instance I want this specific type of car, and if I want to achieve it I must dream of having it. That will give me the motivation to get out there and work my ass off to get it. I'm saying when you dream of achieving something you will want to do what it takes to get there. I'm not saying to be controlled by your ambition to where you push everything and everyone out of your life, but to have dreams of getting what you want. Everyone needs to have an ambition in life or they will be nothing but a living breathing sack of shit with nothing going in life.

jray said...

The quote, “The very substance of the ambitious is merely the shadow of a dream", to me means that ambition is what makes your dreams come true. You can make what ever you want out of it but, without taking action your dream is nearly impossible to reach. The more ambitious you are, the closer you become to reaching your dream. This relates to the play of "Macbeth" because at first Macbeth doesn't want anything to do with killing the king. Some way his wife talked him into killing his cousin, King Duncan. His wife is so ambitious that she is willing to take the life of a king to get what she wants. She wants to become the queen so bad that even if she had not talked Macbeth into following through with the plan, she would have done it herself.

Unknown said...


“The very substance of the ambitious is merely the shadow of a dream.”
William Shakespeare

this quote is simply saying that being ambition comes from dreams, and dreams are the root of ambition. ambition is what motivates to do work, and dreams are what is to be achieved out of it. they are almost intertwined, and relate to eachother in many ways.this is one of the hardest things to elaborate on i think so far. good job, your really challenging me right now. but quite simply, dreams are the foundation for our world today. and abition is the vehicle for achieving those dreams.

Anonymous said...

i think that this quote is saying that ambitions and drems are similar. When we are ambething that we would like to achieve. dreams and goals are also the same thing. But i believe that ambition is the drive that allows us to achieve that goal. The two go hand in hand so you cant have gaosl without the drive to achieve them, or ambitionwith nothing to strive for. However if you are over ambitious then that can spill over into your daily life and srew things up there. On the flip side if you have a high goal but litte ambition then you are just setting yourself up for disappointment.

Kevin Hughes said...

I think this quote is commenting on the fact that all ambition stems from something everyone has, dreams. Out of this immaterial thing, someone like Hamlet can become King. Although this probably isn't the original meaning of the quote, I think it can also be read as a criticism of the transience of what is gained when you have ambition. The "substance" of the ambitious could be the gains, such as the title of king. However, this is the shadow of a dream, the dream of all worldly gains that are ultimately lost over the course of time. It would be interesting if this quote was meant to be seen in both of these ways, both praising and putting down ambition's dreamlike nature.

BrittanyBarron said...

This quote adresses the very fiber of what ambtion truly is. Without some type of dream or want, you cannot be ambitious. The quote is saying that ambition is made up of a dream. People act upon their dreams to suceed in life, in thisthey become ambitious. It also says that you have ambition and you fail at it that in the end you have nothing left but the shadow of a or a felling of failure bascialy. Also we can tend to lose your orginal dream or goal in the glory of ambition and sucess. In th end i belive that Shakesphearer was very true in the quote.

Anonymous said...

I feel that the quote means that what keeps people ambitious is the fact that there's always something to chase. The shadow representing what you chase, while the object representing the thing you desire. Therefore the thing you desire is always moving, but you always went to catch it. I think that you can't work to hard to get the dream though, you'll end up exhausting yourself. If you don't try at all, the dream will never go anywhere because it's not being chased. Another way to look at it is that the shadow leads you through different avenues and ventures of life, and you experience all of these different things while chasing the shadow. The shadow allows you to experience new things, and in turn maybe fulfill your dream.

Janet said...

“The very substance of the ambitious is merely the shadow of a dream.”
William Shakespeare

I dont know excatly what this means but i think it means like, your ambitiouns starts out as a dream. when you dream you usually dream about something you want. When people have a really big ambitioun they are willing to do pretty much anything. they will see that in dreams, how they want to acomplish that dream or goal. there are also somedays that you dont excatly know what you are dreaming about. For example, you might have a dream and cant see people faces [i had that happen to me b4] or you fell asleep wacthing a movie. But when you do know what your ambition is and you are dreaming bout it, you would wana see what you do in your dream to help you reach that goal. that could help you.

JakeCastner said...

William Shakespeare, whoever he was, often spoke in a very roundabout way. What I think he is trying to say in his statement we're blogging about is that anyone that follows their hearts to a higher life goal is a fool. These people are not able to keep the concepts of fantasy and reality separate. In the night, in our dreams, it is okay to think big and be anything that you want. Once we awaken, however, we must come back to reality as well as being happy with one's current situation. Ambitious people let their dreams spill over into the daytime, striving for more. They work hard and expect a reward, such as a promotion or new title. I don't know if Shakespeare meant it to be that pessimistic, but that is the way this ended up sounding, and it is too late to go back and change it.

Lil Southkr3w said...

im not sure what this quote means. it could mean that you are ambitious u have a dream to make sure u get it. i think it is sayin ambition only hppens in dreams. you are ambitious beacuse u have something to achieve. their is some Ambitious people and that kind of people let their dreams of ambition come true. basacly u need balance in your life so everything works out. and thats what i think this quote means.

Alan Hernandez

Panos said...

I believe that in saying this quote, Shakespeare is trying to say that ambition is anything that you put your mind to and that most things that you want to do is a dream until you actually go through with it. I believe that Shakespeare is trying to say that it is good to have dreams in life and to follow through and to try to strive to make your dreams come true. He is also saying not to allow your dreams and ambition get too far because they will overwhelm you.

jay said...

I think ambition is pretty much a dream or a goal you want to acheive. Ambition can make you work for something because if you don't have ambition, you won't have any drive to complete your task. If you want something bad enough, you will work hard to get it. If you can see it, you can acheive it. Just having a thought can make you have the drive to complete it. Ambition has a lot to do your dreams and that's why ambition is like a dream.