Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Day 20

We see that Macbeth is beginning to act more and more desparate with the killing of Macduff's family. From your experience, what motivates a person to act desparately? Have you ever been pushed to acting this way? If you are comfortable, for what reason. If not, can you think of a book, movie or tv character, politician, etc. who has acted this way and what caused them to do so?


Alix Dickson said...

people act despertaly when they really want something. If they're ambitious enough people will take the most desperate of measures to achieve their goals. Sometimes people act desperatly if they are scared or nervous. I dont think i've ever been pushed to act desperatly like this. An example of this is in the book "Things Fall Apart". Okonkwo acts this way when he kills himself. He is so upset with the White people who take over his village that he ends up committing suicide.

Anonymous said...

I think a person acts desperately if they desire something and are willing to do foolish things to get it. An example of desperation is for example, attention. Britney Spears shaved her head because, I am guessing, she was desperate for attention. I can't say that I've ever been DESPERATE, but I have done things I normally wouldn't do other wise. I rode my bike an hour and fifteen minutes to see my girlfriend at two in the morning. That may be airing on the side of stupid more so than desperate, but regardless. I hope I never come to a point in my life where I am truly desperate for something.

Anonymous said...

A we can all see macbeth is oviously losing his head... I think there are alot of reasons for people acting desparatly. Like they say desprate times calls for desperate measures. And right now macbeth is in some hard times. I have never been pushed into acting this way. I dont reall get desperate im not like that. I think there are alot of people that have though. One that stands out to me is when i was watching cops one time. This guy was totaly caught on a high speed chase. And going 40 MPH on the highway jumped out of his car. I think to me that is pretty desprerate.

shelbybatlemente said...

People act desparately all the time. Mostly because they really want something, or they want attention. If someone really wants to get something, they will be desparate enough to do whatever it takes. I think that the amount of ambition in a person motivates them the most to act desparately. When people are desparate enough to do whatever it takes, they end up doing foolish and sometimes dangerous things. This is not a good thing to get into. I don't think i have ever been pushed into acting desparately. An example of someone who has is Miley Cyrus. She was a role model until the inappropriate pictures of her were released. Now she has been doing anything to get people to believe, that she is not a bad person. The press, and media have caused her to act this way. Not only that but all of the fans that went against her. She is trying to get all of her lost fans back. She is doing this by, saying a lot of things. For example, she has said that they weren't supposed to take her picture.

jessecovill said...

I think what motivates a person to do such things as kill people just to stay in a certain position of power, is the fact that they are scared that they will lose this power if they don't stop whoever they think is going to kill then. I have never been pushed so far to kill some one but the last time I have played paintball I have been persuaded to “kill” a “prisoner”, then yes I have been pushed to do something I felt would save my position in the game. I think what motivates a person to do such things is fear, no one is without fear, this emotion is a primordial emotion, something that told the cave people versions of us to stay in the cave at night and not to go wandering around. In other situations I can see peer pressure being something as a decision maker in people who don’t want to disappoint other people. Other people in Macbeth’s situation are lady Macbeth, and to what he thinks his country.

JakeCastner said...

From my experience, people act desperate when they are cornered, whether literally or metaphorically. Macbeth is cornered because he is already in too deep and there are people plotting against him. He has killed, and now he has to protect his investment by killing again. Nixon was someone who was pushed far enough to become really desperate. He lied to the country, destroyed documents, and tried to cover it all up. Some people need to be pushed, though. For instance, when i have a big test the next day, i will study like no other. When you add a lot of heat pressure to a piece of coal, you get a diamond.

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

Two thing's can make someone desperate. One can if your afraid to get caught. Or you need to do something to protect yourself or for self gain. Yes, i think that everyone at one point has acted desperately. Even if it was a big deal, or small. I think that Ex president GWB acted desperately during 911. He was a very new president and wasn't properly trained for that situation. He made allot of wrong moves, and that caused allot of people to dislike him.

Stefan Kegebein said...

There are many reasons why people act desperately. People are fueled by the need to be successful. If you are trying your best and can’t hold a job because of the slumping economy, you may become desperate. You might get to the point where you will take any job no matter how horrible the work is. The only time I think desperation has affected me is during hockey. When the playoffs start I’d be willing to do anything to help the team win. I guess that is more self imposed desperation then anything though. In elections politicians act desperately by sometimes expanding the truth on some of the policies. They also expand the truths about their opponents past. McCain tried to link Obama with a so called terrorist, William Ayers. They do this to appeal to more voters and ultimately win the election.

ben nicolay said...

I believe that someone acts desperately when they want something really bad. If they are willing to do anything for it then they are acting desparately. Also, you could be acting in desperation because you are caught in a lie and doing anything to cover it up. Macbeth is acting in desperation to cover everything up because he is being found out. When I am motivated their is usually something to motivate me. Ive been chosen to act desperatly when I got a ticket when my parents were out of town. I was trying to do anything to get the money so they wouldn't be pissed. I eventually got the money because I acted desperately. One politician that acted in desperation it Kwame. He tried to cover up everything and even killed that stipper over the whole deal to cover things up. Desperation makes us do things that we wouldn't normally be willing to do.

kirkwhitt said...

I think people act desperate because they want something. People act in this way when they are willing to do anything to get what they desire. I think that when people act desperate it is a sine of weakness. Macbeth is acting in this way because he wants to be king. Macbeth doesn't want to take any chances with some one taking away his thrown. So he feels the need to do what ever it takes to remain king. Even if that means killing his friends and ones that are close to him.

Anonymous said...

I believe that people act desperately when they are about to lose something, or think they are going to lose something. Macbeth is convinced that everyone wants to take his power away from him, and is willing to do anything he can to stay in power. I don't think that I've ever really done something truly desperate so-far in my life. Well, I did hide my birth certificate to prevent me from going to the doctors once and proceed to lock myself in the bathroom for six hours, but that's hardly desperate. I'd pick a politician who did something desperate. Let's go with... McCain appointing Pail-in as her running mate. THAT'S desperate. Any time she opened her mouth, votes for McCain went out the window. I truly think, that if he didn't pick her, he would have won. The desperation on McCain's part was in thinking that he'd secure victory by picking a woman just so people who voted for Hillary would vote for him. Big mistake on his part, and I can't say I'm sorry just yet.

Alex V said...

People act despertaly when they really want something. Or they feel like they have to do it. It is kind of like quicksand the more mistakes you make the deeper you get till you can't breath anymore. I movie where someone acted despertaly is blue chips. In the movie this guy is the coach for a college basketball team and everother teams are geting better but he can't get good players to come play there. So he gives the kids money or cars just to come to that school. But in the end he drives himself crazy knowing that he cheated and he gets busted.

Austen Anderson said...

the only time people act desperatly is if they are willing to do anything to achieve what they want. like with macbeth, hes killing so many people just so he can become king. also, i think, he is doing this because he is scared those people will, or were going t do somthing to make it so hes not the next king. mainly cus he doesnt care about others, he just wants power. when people act desperatly, it is quite easy to tell that they are desperate, mainly cus they do anythnig that comes to mind, and if that doesnt work, they try somthing else. an example of someone being desperate, was hitler. he became desperate because he started losing his side of the war. and he started doing anything he could to try and take over the rest of europe.

Stephen Manvydas said...

I think that macbeth is going crazy so these crazy options come easy to him. A few reasons that people could ac this way is fear, vengance, or you could just be scared and selfish. Macbeth uses a bit of all of these to get what he wants. I dont think i hve a big desperate act in my life but i know someone who has. In my opinion Ex-Pres Nixon is a big person that fits into this catagory. He was desperate enough to have a crew sneak into his rivals offices to spy on their sutff. I think that nixon was promoted by fear and i personally think he was a little crazy also.

brandonlengyel said...

People act despertly when they need something i think. If there a a person will take the first thing they see and not look act to others with a better price, then they are desperate. Like this describes me today. I was looking up a jeep on craigs list due to that i was sick of not having a car. I was looking and the first jeep i found i feel in love with it do to it was close to my house and i was desperate to get a car. So i called the guy up and went over to look at it. Since i was so desperate to get a car i went to the bbank got money a went to go purchase it. I looked at everything on it besides the inside little things. So i found out my locks dont work properly, i have no council, and other little stuff. So the first thing i did was replaced the locks. I saw those people who are desperate will doing anthing to make them happp, but later to find out it will make then irritated.

Janet said...

A person is motivated to do something desparately is when they really want something.People that act this way i belive is like a sign of weakness. The onnly reason macbeth is acting like this is because he wants to be king. macbeth belives that he needs to do anything in his power to still be king. That includes if killing his friends and innocent people. I dont think i been pushed that much to act desperatly like this. I think something like when people get caught by police or even parents act desperate. They are willing to do anything so they wont get in troble. Even, willing to lie to there face, running away and jumping fences.

Anonymous said...

A person is motivated to doing something desperate either because they want something desperately or they are wanting to do something. I personally have been push to doing something because I was motivated by doing it. In desperate times people do a lot of things that they are either proud of or they not proud of. I guess I would be comfortable doing something that motivated me, even if it was desperate times. Depending on what it is I would probably be fine doing it as long as I don't go to prison for the rest of my life. As a teenager I have done a lot of things in desperate times that I'm not really proud of. But that's a way of life I guess. People need to do things in order to accomplish things in life. Maybe people don't have to go to too extreme like murder to accomplish things but people often do things without thinking and that leads them to prison or being killed themselves.

ScOtW29 said...

From your experience, what motivates a person to act desparately? Have you ever been pushed to acting this way? If you are comfortable, for what reason. If not, can you think of a book, movie or tv character, politician, etc. who has acted this way and what caused them to do so?

Something that makes a person act desperately is when if they dont get what they need then the consequence wont be good. If you desperate for something its because you dont want to have to experience what its like to not get what your desperate for. In Macbeths case he is desperate to become King and he cant see himself not being king. Macbeth isnt alone though. A lot of people do things that are extremely desperate, including me. McCain acted very desperately when he basicly knew that he was going to lose the election. He said Obama was associated with terrorists pretty much which might be true!(Probably not) The point is that McCain was desperate to become president and he was willing to do whatever it takes even if it meant lying to the whole country about our current president. When someone is desperate they do things that they wouldnt normally do, and that they will most likely regret later in life.

Unknown said...


people act desperately either when they are indulged in their actions and dont see effects, or they understand their actions. in macbeths case, it is the first because he is in a sort of power trip. i cant ever really say i have been forced to, other than when i overdrafted my checking account. it was a bad and impulsive thing, much like macbeths. it gets to the point where you feel that everything is yours, and nothing is stopping you. im not trying to justify it, but there is a certain point of no return, and he has passed it by now. i feel te main reason for people acting impulsively is a lack of judgement of the future.

BrittanyJBarron said...

People will do anything it they are desparate enough. Acts like this are cause by; a loss of a loved one from unfull doing, money or that lack of it, and even to win. I don't think that i have ever been pused so far that i had to act out very desparately but many people and chacter have. I can even relate thi sback to the past episode of Grey's Anotomy. Dr. Sheperd (Patrick Dempsey) was so hell bent on not letting another person to die on his watch. So he went to extream mesuares to save. It was also risking the lfe of the baby she was pergant with. But in the end the woman died but the baby was fine. He was just really upset that most of his operations (He's a brain surgeon) died, and he didn't want her too. People will do really carzy things if they are desparate enough.

Kevin Hughes said...

People are driven to desperation for one reason, because of self-interest. Nobody ever sinks that low unless things aren't going your way. And people only have this conflict of interests because they desire, obviously. It's sort of depressing how people that want to do well for themselves often have to trample on other people to get it. An example of how people will go to extremes is the story of Ramon Sampedro, a Spanish diver who was paralyzed and left quadriplegic. Unable to euthanize himself and sure of his decision to die, he was denied this right and was driven to ask his close friend to poison him. This is sort of the opposite situation from Macbeth, but still shows how far people will go to get what they want.

Anonymous said...

I think that the two main reasons that people act desperatley are out of fear and passion. An example of the fear aspect is if someone puts a gun to your head and tell you to kill someone else. On the flip side an example of passion could be as simple as beating up the guy that is trying to get with your girlfried. If i ever have done anything i of desperation i certinatly do not remember doing so. I really hope i dont do any desperate acts because most of the time they are stupid and have bad consequences. Today i was watching tv and some mexican guy was desperate to try to get a green card. but his plan failed and the girl he loved who was his meal ticket turned on him and he got screwed over big time.

Shelby Zukoff said...

I believe a person acts desperately when they are trying to achieve something and aren't able to get it with what they are doing in the present. There is always something or someone that stands in your way to make you become desperate. I think everyone has been desperate for something they've wanted at some point in their lives. I can't recall a moment right now of when I have acted desperate, but my friend "Alexa" I know acted desperate last weekend. Lets just say she is definitely an attention whore. And she was drinking and no one was paying attention to her. So she decided to act desperate and started chugging beers. She passed out and when she wouldn't wake up to walk out to our car, we had to have people carry her. Of course she was happy since all the attention was on her and everyone was worried making sure she was okay. I think "Alexa" does not get enough attention at home so when she is around her friends she acts wild and crazy so she can soak up all the attention. But people act desperately all the time for no reason whatsoever.

Panos said...

I believe that people have the need to act desperatly and not in control of themselves because of thier personal ambition and there want for something. Have I personally ever been pushed to my limit and done something that I would consider to be so desperate in comparison with Macbeth, the answer is no. There are many examples in this world of people that are desperate enough to do something that we would consider crazy, many cases you hear of people who are ridculously poor and they decide to rob someone or abank to get a quick fix instead of doing things that would make since such as getting a fricken job! I believe people think that if they can do something that can improve there situiation without having to actually work for it then they will take the quick fix and do something desperate.

jay said...

In my experience or as far as I can recall, I don't remember ever acting so desperate. In movies and comic books most of the super villians become desperate and turn to crime. Such as, Doctor Doom from the Fantastic Four. For example, Dr. Doom took a chance and invested all hs money in a space station that failed horribly. therefore losing him thousands of dollars. Then when He discovered He had powers He just started stealing. He didn't care what got in his way.

Lil Southkr3w said...

We see that Macbeth is beginning to act more and more desparate with the killing of Macduff's family. From your experience, what motivates a person to act desparately? Have you ever been pushed to acting this way? If you are comfortable, for what reason. If not, can you think of a book, movie or tv character, politician, etc. who has acted this way and what caused them to do so?

idk people act desperatly because they want some thing really bad.
like some people are desperat of smoking ciggs. the reason for that would be that they are addicted to it. when people are ambitious they do wat ever to get wat they want. that would mean that they are desperate and would do wat ever it takes to get it. i dont recall been pushed to act desperatly. and i dont really remmeber any books or movie or tv shows.

Alan Hernandez

Anonymous said...

People are motivated to act desperately based on both intrinsic and extrinsic factors. For example, if one desperately seeks to find a boyfriend or girlfriend much like many high school students do, then they are probably doing so due to their own intrinsic motivation in order to get an immediate gratification. However, if someone desperately tries to get some place because they told someone that they'd meet them there, odds are that desperation is out of the extrinsic motivation to not let the other person down. I have indeed been pushed to act desperately, be it by cheating on a quiz I know I shouldn't cheat on to get a better score or for bigger events that I can't think of right now. In books, Frodo Baggins of The Lord of the Rings fame comes to mind when thinking of desperation. He takes the One Ring himself to its destination, out of desperation, in order to vanquish the evil. There are other characters who can do the deed, but Frodo knows that the evil is growing rapidly and thus takes it himself.

Miranda Adams said...

We see that Macbeth is beginning to act more and more desparate with the killing of Macduff's family. From your experience, what motivates a person to act desparately? Have you ever been pushed to acting this way? If you are comfortable, for what reason. If not, can you think of a book, movie or tv character, politician, etc. who has acted this way and what caused them to do so?

eveyone acts despret once in their lives. For expamle people who want something bad enough they are noraly more then willing to take the most despertaly of things to get what they want. I know when i have been having a hard time getting something doen i will do what ever it takes to get it done no matter what. well i take that back i wont go to the extream of hurting anyone. there are also so many ways of acting despertaly. Some act that way for something bad like power or to get noticed. But then again some do it for the better to like help someone other then her self. I guess it all comes down to what the person wants to accomplish..
Have you ever gotten to this point in your life?