Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Day 19

Please choose a current event. No sports or entertainment unless it relates to something greater. Give a brief summary of your event and then tell me how it impacts you on a personal level. NO CITE, NO POINTS AND THE CITE MUST BE IN THE ORIGINAL POST NOT A SUBSEQUENT POST.


jay said...

I found a article about cheating in schools are on the rise. I found the article at: http://www.usnews.com/blogs/on-education/2008/12/2/cheating-on-the-rise-among-high-school-students.html. In L.A. 64% of kids said they cheated on at least one test in the past year. Students are also admitted plagerizing off the internet, stealing and lying. If you cheat on a test it can lead to other things that are not right. 38% of students said they cheated 2 or more times. Students have cheated off others homework 82% of them. If you cheat you will not learn or be able to do things yourself and only you will be hurt.

Alix Dickson said...

My current event is on the withdrawl of U.S. troops in Iraq.
The United States plans to withdraw most troops by 2010. Barack Obama is supposed to make the announcment this week. However some troops will stay behind to continue advising the Iraqi people. Hopefully officals say by 2011 all troops will be back in the United States. Obama has come up with a sixteen month timeline by which time the troops should be back home. This current event doesnt have a huge impact on my life personally but i know several poeple who have relatives stationed in Iraq. Though this doesnt effect me it has a huge impact on the United States as a whole.

shelbybatlemente said...

My current event is about how long it will take for us to recover from this recession. I found this article at:http://money.cnn.com/2009/02/24/news/economy/bernanke/index.htm?cnn=yes
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has said that he is hoping the recession could end later this year, but he cautioned that a full recovery will take "more than two or three years." He also said that in order for economic recovery the government might have to nationalize some banks. The government doesn't want to fully take over all of the banks. But in addition to the financial stimulus package recently passed by Congress "strong government action" is needed to fix banking and the overall economy. Bernanke added that no matter what the Fed and Treasury Department do to address the problems in the housing market, home prices and sales will not start to rebound until there's a broader recovery in the economy and job market. This impacts me a lot on a personal leve. This is because when we finally do get out of the recession and and recovered, I will be an adult living in this country, and making a living. When the economy finally gets back to normal it will probably be around the time I will be working. It effects our generation the most. This is because we are the future adults in America. In the next couple years I will be out of high school and in college. When I graduate they are estimating the economy will be back to normal. The perfect time for me to find a job. There will be more jobs and it will be easier to find a job. Not only does this have a huge impact on me and my state, it has a huge impact on the whole United States.

jessecovill said...

Umm, do the ACT’s count as a current event? If so then I’m hopping that this test will be easier than everybody is making it seam. This relates to me well…because I’m taking it and it sorta chooses what college I get to go to, or if I can even to college. The stress factor that comes with this test is unbearable, and I’m sure every one has their own way of getting rid of stress, but would it work when you’re looking at a blank answer sheet, and thinking if I somehow spell my name wrong I’ve screwed myself until I’m 84. But then again I could be totally wrong and making this way too hard than it actually is. Thus screwing my self over till I’m 84. I hope this counts as a current event, if not I’ll do the time.

Anonymous said...

I read an article about the decline in house prices in 2008.
Prices fell 8.2% (9.6% with inflation) and a record setting 3.4% in the fourth quarter. This effects me in many ways. It prohibits me and my family from moving because it would be pointless to lose so much money in your home sale. It makes situations in others life diffucult because if ther are in a perdicament where they need money or have troubles with the IRS, they will be in major debt because their house value is so low. The quality of life has gone down due to the reclining economy and aweful house market.
the website was: http://articles.moneycentral.msn.com/Banking/HomebuyingGuide/HomePriceReport.aspx

brandonlengyel said...

Some colleges offering degrees in 3 years.

Today, Hartwick College, In new york witch is an liberal arts school. This became perhaps the most high-profile school yet to announce it would offer students the opportunity to finish a bachelor's degree in three years. This would save a college student a full year of tuition and fees. This helps us in a great deed due to that one college has started this it may attarct others or may not. It would save a college student a year or two on debts on there lowns. But they also suggest It's probably not a solution to the suffarge on college costs. At a big public universitie, it's already hard enough to get into all the classes you need to finsh in four years. Sometimes students are even lucky to get alll there classes done they wanted to get in, in five years. This article i found was pretty interesting and i thought it could effect college for me in the future (hopfully). This article was found on :http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090224/ap_on_re_us/three_year_degree

Stefan Kegebein said...

Americans are watching television at new record rates. The average American watches 151 hours of TV a month. This number is up 5 hours from last years numbers. Also the average household has more TVs then it does people. According to Nielsen Company's DVR and TiVo devices have also added to the amount of television being watched. About 73.9 million people use some type of recording device at their homes. The ability to watch television or movies on phones and ipods have also added to the time people spend watching televised programs. Poor economic conditions have also played a role in time spent watching TV. More Americans are looking for more low cost entertainment ways and TV is one of them. People see TV as a way to be informed as well (world news, sportscenter, ect.). Watching TV for long periods of time is supposed to be bad for your eyesight. Some people make room in their schedules by not doing these that need to get done just so they don’t miss a specific show. The economy and new technologies have had a major impact on the industry.


Plaz said...

I found an article on Disney World in Orlando, Florida. It's talking about how Disney World is one of the biggest tourist draws, but will have to do some lay offs at the park because of an economic slowdown. The reporter said that he went to Disney World and it was packed. The reporter also said that tourism officials expect a 8%-10% drop in tourism dollars this year. Disney World said that tourists won't see a difference in the park. Most of the cuts will be back office workers at Disney World.

Evan E

JakeCastner said...

Atlanta PD kicked down the door of 92 year old Kathryn Johnston and shot her to death recently. The crooked officers lied about having an informant purchase rock cocaine at her house, and once she was dead, planted bags of weed all over the house. They were under a "no knock" warrant, and upon these men bursting in, Kathryn fired at them with her old pistol once. The shot went above the officers' heads and through the door. The officers retaliated with 39 shots, hitting her 5 times, and killing her.
The three officers are serving sentences ranging from 5 to 10 years for charges such as voluntary manslaughter, falsified statements, and extortion. The officers would frequently accept cash for extra security, bribes, and all sorts of corrupt cop stuff.

This affects me very indirectly. Really the only way is that it is good to see that the law itself is not above the law. Also, it makes you think how hard those cops are going to get railed in prison, and that makes me not want to ever go to prison.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...


i chose microsofts view of a weak market in the coming time. this article basically displays microsoft's concern for the future. microsoft's value, sharewise, is at its lowest in 10 years, wich is a very important fact. microsoft is about as close to a monopoly as you can get these days, and if they are loosing money, it shows of the real trouble that we face. this impacts me and everyone around me, because we basically depend on the microsoft infrastructure, not only economically, but the majority of computers in the world use microsoft software. if microsoft, however impossible it is, were to suffer, it could greatly effect our nation and world as a whole. if werent for microsoft, we most likely wouldnt even be able to do these blogs right nw. that is ow major this is.


Miranda Adams said...

" A Day Of reckoning'
our new president Barack Obama told the U.S that The "U.S has reached a dire "day of reckoning" that will require boldness and long-term vision to create lasting revival and prosperity. "The time to take charge of our future is here,"
i think that he is right it is time that we fix the bad that has happend and come together as a the Great and unstopable country we once were. ever tho President Obama have only been the in office for 5 weeks now he has made a big impact on the country so far. he gives somesort of comfort to use all one that i dont think anyone got from former president W. Bush.
Mr. president Obama keeps reasuring us the change and better life will come.
as he states in his comforting words "Tonight I want every American to know this: We will rebuild, we will recover, and the United States of America will emerge stronger than before."
Just think of what all has gone wrong in the past years and what all could come for the better.. Insted of working so hard and having to worry so much maybe this depression that has struck the united states once again will come to its end once again. Well Obama be the one to save us all or make what good we have left crumble to the ground? I guess we will just have to wait and see.
All i can say is good luck sir and i hope you the guy we all have been waiting for.

Miranda Adams said...


kirkwhitt said...


President Barack Obama will be giving an address speech on Tuesday. "Day of reckoning has arrived" are the words from our President. I think that Obama is going to do a great job in the position he is in. This effects my life because in the next year I will be graduating, and I feel that Obama has the right intention of helping my future. Obama is going to help the economy out of this depression. Obama has all the right intentions in helping our country. I hope that by the time I graduate the economy will be back up and going strong.

Kevin Hughes said...


This article was about political prisoners in Myanmar that were released over the course of this weekend. Myanmar's government has a history of abusing their military power, and this situation is another example of this. Ma Khin Khin Leh was among the people to get released, after being sentenced to a life in prison for protesting. This has happened in a similar way in the past, such as pro-democracy leader and Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi, who has been sentenced to house arrest for 18 years. In a more violent occasion, Myanmar government security forces killed over 110 pro democracy demonstrators, 40 of them Buddhist monks. Myanmar, or Burma, has been the site of a lot of political instability for much of its recent history, and this article is an example of how it isn't getting better.

ben nicolay said...

For tonights blog I will do mine on how Obama wants to close Guantanamo Bay. He said that it will be closed no longer than a year from now. He believes that americans will be safer with it closed. He also has limited the methods investigators use to question terrorism suspects. Not only will this camp be shut down but others around the world will be shut down too. I think this is the most idiotic thing a person can do. He's basically just giving up and throwing them back to what they were doing. I don't think they were just put in these camps for the heck of it. You have to look pretty suspicious to be put in one of those camps. I wouldn't be suprised if something like 9/11 happened again because of this. I also heard that he wanted to bring them to U.S. soil. I think closing that camp is the biggest mistake. This effects all of us because I think its putting us in danger. Those terrorist are going keep doing what their doing. That is their way of life.


Anonymous said...

When you get angry, the stress isn't going to your head. Research shows that anger actually triggers electrical changes in the heart, which can predict future arrhythmias in some patients. Arrhythmias are heart rhythm problems. This happens because of a malfunction in the electrical impulses in your heart that coordinate heart beats. What happens is that your heart beats too fast, too slow or irregularly. Published in March, issues of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, may show a link between mental stress and sudden cardiac arrest, which causes more than 400,000 deaths per year. This study is happening to people who have heart diseases already, according to the studys of author Dr. Rachel Lampert. Other studies have also shown that if you ask people about what happened before a heart attack, they will most likely say they were angry. Over all Stress and anger is bad for your health.


Anonymous said...

I chose to do my blog on the withdrawal of troops in Iraq. Obama has not made an official statement yet but is expected to within the next week. I feel like we should never have went in to Iraq and it is a horrible waste of resources and lives. We are wasting time, effort and money over there doing no good what so ever. US Soldiers are wasting their lives for a country who does not want our help. The majority of troops should be withdrawn by 2010, but some will remain behind until 2011. It impacts my life because government funding and resources are being poured in to a pointless "war" (more like conflict), when we are suffering financially here at home. Which brings up another topic about us giving BILLIONS to Africa to help them fund for schools and medical assistance. I ask myself, why would we do this? We aren't they're parents, and it really angers me how the USA is trying to help every country out, but when it comes to it's own citizens, they're put in second priority. Sorry for the rant.


Anonymous said...

Ok this is getting ridiculous this is the third time i am writing this stupid blog. My recent event is the Obama speech tonight. One main thing that hit was his thoughts on education. First of all the rate of high-school drop outs is drastically increasing. In addition to that almost half of all kids who go to collage dont finsih. As i am typing this again he is saying that he is pushing for reforms in school that teachers will no longer have to worry as much about their salary or jobs. Also he is saying that now without a high-school diploma you will go absolutly nowher in life. This is basically a nice way of saying that students need to get their shit togather intead of living of the government so that our economy can slowly begin to recover. third times a charm

Anonymous said...

Are you serious if it does not work this time i am going to be so pissed. My recent event is the Obama speech tonight. One main thing that hit was his thoughts on education. First of all the rate of high-school drop outs is drastically increasing. In addition to that almost half of all kids who go to collage dont finsih. As i am typing this again he is saying that he is pushing for reforms in school that teachers will no longer have to worry as much about their salary or jobs. Also he is saying that now without a high-school diploma you will go absolutly nowher in life. This is basically a nice way of saying that students need to get their shit togather intead of living of the government so that our economy can slowly begin to recover. fourth time better be the charm.

Source: CBS along with almost every other channel on tv

ScOtW29 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ScOtW29 said...

My article is about how Barack Obama orders the Guantanamo Bay closure. He said that the U.S would continue to fight terror but maintain our values and ideals. He also put a ban on harsh interrogation methods. Obama thinks that americans will be safer with the prisons closed. He also says closing the prison will not be easy. They dont know where the charged will be tried and where the freed will be safely sent. I dont agree with what Obama is trying to do. He is basicly freeing terrorists. This is making our country much more easy to be targeted. I think this will have the opposite effect then what he is trying to have happen.


BrittanyBarron said...

So my current event is Obama's address to congress. In this speech he talks about how he wants to change three things in America, energy health care, and education. No offense to all those who like Obama but personaly I think that he will try and turn the Us into a socialist county. It has alreadt started with the bill out of the "Big 3" atuo companies and trying to change the way factories produce tings to make them more "Green". This is the textbook defination of Socialism. Also pushing for government aided helth care. Where the govenerment would pay for your health insurence but they would reguate the doctors and hospitals you coud vist. This is also Socialism at it finest. It affects because I choose to live in a free republic that did not try in control the production of the of privte, non-govenement controlled busniesses.


Alex V said...

My current event is the US decideing to withdrawal troops from iraq. If I have to say it is about time. We were over there for way too long and it is good to see our troops come home. By 2010 the US plans to withdrawal troops of all troops from iraq. New president Barrack Obama should annouce on bringing the troops home in the next couple weeks. This is a releaf for many famlies that have had loved ones over seas for so long. It will good to see them home. Yahoo.com/news

Stephen Manvydas said...

I am useing this wonderfull blog experence to talk about barack's speach. In the speach he talked about the economic problems that are infiltraiting the U.S. aswell as the whole world. Obama says that the three major points he wants to work on are the energy, health care, and education. Obama says that the trillion dollar deficit that he enheirted is a big part of the problem, and he says that he hopes to shrink it dramaticly, even as much as 50%. Obama also stated that he sees over $2 billion that could be cut from the government. Obama stated that the United states has falen behind other countries in the energy game. Ofcourse we have hybrids and such but other countries have passed us by a far range of ways. Obama hopes that with the government hand outs the U.S. will catch up nd become top country once again....


Anonymous said...

My favourite topic to write diatribes about is always, naturally, political corruption. So, along with the NPR article located here: (http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=101107816), I'll talk about Durbin. Should he resign is a big question, while Wait Wait Don't Tell Me! points out that his fundraising efforts failed miserably, and Durbin touts the same phrase, is supporting a corrupt governor precedent for being discharged yourself. Considering the laws against using your office to aid others (other than constituents) I'd say he needs to be ousted. Illinois needs to realize that corrupt politicians stick together. For that matter, what politician is not corrupt? Anyways, if Durbin had fundraising campaigns for Blagojevich, it stands to reason that he was benefitting from Blagojevich's corruption and shouldn't hold office due to corrupt influence. One doesn't pour time and effort into raising money for someone unless you're benefitting from it. The worst part of it is that he's playing the switcheroo game. A senator that can't keep his story straight shouldn't be making legislation. To quote Shakespeare, which is quite apropos, here's the rub; even if Durbin isn't corrupt, he did lie under oath. Perjury, politic's most prevalent crime. And don't be fooled, it is a crime as stipulated by law. So, if he isn't corrupt, he's certainly guilty of something. And, if you ask me, that certainly means he needs a swift kick in the ass out the Senate's doors.

Austen Anderson said...

the current evenent i chose for tonite blog is about obama, and the pakistan government. after todays meeting with the pakistan government, president obama feels releaved that he will begin to withdraw troops from iraq and afganistan. they came to a conclusion that if they ove soe troops to afganistan, they will be able to bring some home from iraq and pakistan. and now pakistan is startign to see hope in the new president, obama. pakistanian minister, sees a willingness to work together with obama. he feels that they will be able to coem to agreements easily and without much hard times. obama sees a large improvement in the relationship between pakistan and the united states. pakistan and afganistan prime ministers will plan to meet with clinton, and holbrooke this coming week.


Anonymous said...

Oh, and to make a point to ScOTtW29; many of Guantanamo's inmates aren't terrorists, they're simply suspects. The point of closing Guantanamo isn't to free "terrorists" it's to let innocent people out, and to stop the torture being carried out there. I think that Guantanamo is the biggest "oops" this country has ever made. You need to remember the fact that people, note I said "people" are tortured there. There may be no proof of their collaboration with Al'Qeuda, or if there is they still shouldn't be tortured. Obama's going to close Guantanamo based on solid moral principles. You don't torture people, no matter how justified you think it. I find it more than a little despicable how many people speak for Guantanamo just because the media hates terrorists. No, terrorism isn't right, but you need to remember that terrorists are people, who like people in this country, take their beliefs too seriously.

And Micro$oft's downturn is probably due to the utter failure of Vista. If you've noticed, Apple's stock has been growing slowly, but has remained above the current pitiful price that Mico$oft's is at. Once they create all the hype about Windows 7, which is just Vista with a different taskbar, their stock will hopefully rise somewhat. Also, shares for Microsoft went down after Steve Balmer took over. You need to remember that Balmer ran Apple into the ground until Steve Jobs took over, so low confidence in Mr. Ego is probably a very large factor.

There's my 5-million cents. You know Mr. Kay, I wish we also had discussions in the blog. I think that it would make it immensely more interesting to have debates in the blog and peoples' participation would be piqued. Don't you think?

jray said...

My current even is on how long they think it might take to get out of the reccession.

The Federal Reserve Chairman, Ben Bernanke, said that he hopes that it will be fixed in a year. It might take up to three though. Bernanke said an economic turnaround will only occur "if actions taken by the administration, the Congress, and the Federal Reserve are successful in restoring some measure of financial stability". He did say that he wouldn't have to worry about needing to take over fortune 500 bank companies. Banks such as Citigroup and Bank of America. People are still wondering if this is true. Stocks it these banks are falling very fast. He also denied to make an amount that it might take to get the banks back on track.

Janet said...

I found an article on Ticketmaster Changing Online Sales Practices.
(http://www.wxyz.com/news/local/story/Ticketmaster-Changing-Online-Sales-Practices/X-ETqLg9i06F8Kq-kBl4cw.cspx)Some people in New Jersey made a complain against ticketmaster. That the ticketmaster website would take them to secondary website casued by a software glich.
New Jersey is now receiving $350,000, but still ticketmaster is dening that it was there fault.
The changes to secondary ticket sales will apply to all ticketmaster sales nationwide. How does this make an impact on us? Well for starters now we might not trust a website that we are buying things from. You never know it could be a software glich and we never know about it.

Shelby Zukoff said...

I've found a current event on state taxes on cigarettes. My friends mom was talking to me and said she was quitting smoking in March because the prices we're going up. So I decided to look it up when I got home. An article posted on February 17th 2009, said that on April 1st, the state average cigarette prices in the United States will go up $1.21 per pack. In Michigan, the 6th highest of all the states in pricing going up will be $2.00 for a pack of cigarettes. The highest state is New York raising their prices $2.75 per pack. This personally won't affect me but will affect my parents and friends that smoke. I have a feeling that a lot of people that I know will be quitting smoking very very soon. I guess that will be good since they will stop polluting the air.


Panos said...

My current event story is found on CNN. When we look around our neighborhood we usually don't look for things that seem to be unusual, but one man in Miami, Florida did. He noticed a man wearing a backpack walking around the subdivision on a regular basis and got suspicius of him, and one day his suspicion of the man payed off. Jason Bourbon saw the man with the backpack attempt to break into a house that was vacant at the time with the owners on vacation. Jason Bourbon called the cops who arrested the man. This affects me because we have a cabin up north and we have a neighborhood crime watch just like the neighborhood in Florida.

Panos said...

My Bad Mr. Kay, here's my citation:

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

I'm going to talk about a book that came out in Russia by Russia. It was about how the genocide Russia, wasn't really one. I guise that it was planned. That area in the Ukraine was drained of it's food supply purposely. It seems that most farmers were seen as enemy's of the communist. I think this is one of the most ridicules thing's ever. How heartless do you have to be to be able to suck a whole region of it's food supply. Just for political gain. That can only get you so far anyways.


I talked you today about this one is late.

Lil Southkr3w said...

i dont really kno wat to say. my current event would have to be the war in iraq. many troops are getting out of the millitary. also many troops are staying back there to defend the united states. all troops are going to be back by 2011or thats what they saying. obama is thinking of giving them a deadline so all the troops come back. i dont really know how dis event impacts my life. i think it would impact it later in life. it impacts more the united states than me.

Alan Hernandez

Miranda Adams said...

" A Day Of reckoning'
our new president Barack Obama told the U.S that The "U.S has reached a dire "day of reckoning" that will require boldness and long-term vision to create lasting revival and prosperity. "The time to take charge of our future is here,"
i think that he is right it is time that we fix the bad that has happend and come together as a the Great and unstopable country we once were. ever tho President Obama have only been the in office for 5 weeks now he has made a big impact on the country so far. he gives somesort of comfort to use all one that i dont think anyone got from former president W. Bush.
Mr. president Obama keeps reasuring us the change and better life will come.
as he states in his comforting words "Tonight I want every American to know this: We will rebuild, we will recover, and the United States of America will emerge stronger than before."
Just think of what all has gone wrong in the past years and what all could come for the better.. Insted of working so hard and having to worry so much maybe this depression that has struck the united states once again will come to its end once again. Well Obama be the one to save us all or make what good we have left crumble to the ground? I guess we will just have to wait and see.
All i can say is good luck sir and i hope you the guy we all have been waiting for.
