Friday, February 13, 2009

Day 14

Today we read the first 2 scenes of Act 3. In them we realize that Macbeth is truly beginning to lose it a bit. The fact that he was no longer happy just with being king but with having to set up his future status as well shows the fact that once he murdered and got away with it, it seems as if this type of behavior is now acceptable.

If you were Macbeth would you tell Lady Macbeth about the plot to murder Banquo and Fleance? Why or why not? What are the advantages and disadvantages to discussing this with her based on what we know of her personality? Why is it important to Macbeth that the murderers succeed in killing both Banquo and Fleance? Why doesn't he just do it himself? What does this say about Macbeth's personality from a psychological point of view? Explain your answer.

Have a great 4 days off!


Unknown said...


If you were Macbeth would you tell Lady Macbeth about the plot to murder Banquo and Fleance? Why or why not? What are the advantages and disadvantages to discussing this with her based on what we know of her personality? Why is it important to Macbeth that the murderers succeed in killing both Banquo and Fleance? Why doesn't he just do it himself? What does this say about Macbeth's personality from a psychological point of view? Explain your answer.

if i were macbeth, i wouldnt tell my wife about the plot. first off, she would probably freak out that she wasnt informed earlier or involved in any way. it would intensify their distrust and power struggle between the two. and it may also outwardly show who did it. this is the difficulty with her personality. the importance of the murderers success, is that the plot isnt discovered and macbeth doesnt have to answer for all of his crimes. and if he did it himself, it would be quite obvious who would have done it. macbeth feels he has everything figured out, judging from his personality. however he is very paranoid of his actions.

finally did a friday blog.

have a great break marc

jray said...

If i was Macbeth, I wouldn't tell Lady Macbeth. I wouldn't tell her because of how she has been a influence in the past. She is the one that convinced Macbeth into killing Duncan. If I were to tell her about it, she might find a way to stop me. She would manipulate untill she got me to stop. If both Banquo and Fleance are dead, they the events told by the witches couldn't come true. Macbeth doesn't kill them himself because he doesn't want to do the dirty work. He is a king now and he can convince someone to do it for him.

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

Well there is allot of things to answer here. First thing is that i wouldn't tell her what is going on. I think she lost interest because she's stupid and thought that he would instantly king. Now i think she would be totally think he was crazy. There would be no change of his plot if she knew. I think that if anything she would turn him in, then bring power and popularity to herself. Macbeth knows Banquo is suspecting him, but he wasn't the important kill, it was fersure his son. He knows that his son is to become king. He doesn't wanna bring any attention to himself, that's why he hires people to kill. If i was him, i would go public and pretend to lead a search to the killers. That would cover him up pretty well i think. I think though he's staring to become corrupt like i imagined.

shelbybatlemente said...

If I was Macbeth I wouldn't tell Lady Macbeth about the plot to murder Banquo and Fleance. This is because she would probably freak out. She would either be overwhelmed or she would be mad that she wasn't involved in anyway. So it would be a good idea not to tell her. There are quite a few advantages to discussing this with her based on what we know of her personality. For example, if Macbeth had discussed this with her she would probably go along with it. She wanted to kill Duncan and so he was killed. She also probably would want to help in any way she could. Some disadvantages to discussing this with her is that she might tell someone about it. Also she might get scared or mad at Macbeth. It is important to Macbeth that the murderers succeed in killing both Banquo and Fleance. This is because if they kill Banquo he can't have any more sons. If they kill Fleance then he can't become king. He doesn't do it himself because he has a reputation to uphold. As king of Scotland he has the power to have Banquo and Fleance killed. But, if he does that then the people of Scotland will look down on him. They will think of him as a bad king. From a psychological point of view this says that Macbeth is very paranoid. He doesn't want Banquo's son to become king. This is because his family will lose power, and he doesn't want that to happen. He could name Fleance as his successor if he wanted to. But he is paranoid that if he does that Fleance or Banquo will have someone kill him. So that Banquo's son can become king. Macbeth doesn't want to do that. So he hires people to kill them. Unfortunately Fleance got away. So now Macbeth has to deal with him.

JakeCastner said...

If I were Macbeth, i would definitely tell my wife about my plot. After all, she was the one who talked me into killing Duncan. I would at least consult with her to make sure that i was not being crazy, which i am. She might see that the witches' prophecy is getting to me. Macbeth thinks that he has to kill Banquo and Fleance because he is literally translating the witches' prophecy to Banquo's SON. They may have meant that somewhere in Banquo's lineage there will be a king. He doesn't want Fleance to become king, and he doesn't want Banquo to have any more sons. He can't do it himself anymore because there are too many eyes upon him. He has to have an alibi. Macbeth, i think has lost his sanity, but we can't mark it on the sheet yet because he hasn't snapped. He is getting paranoid and he is getting more and more murderous as the days go by.

Anonymous said...

Lady Macbeth is a bitch. If I were Macbeth, I would not tell her about the murder plot. Macbeth was already leaning towards not killing Duncan prior to consulting his wife about the idea, at which point she cunningly pressed him to kill him probably out of her own desire to be queen and have power. Therefore, a disadvantage to telling her about the plot would be another cunning attempt to fool Macbeth into doing more than he had planned, such as killing more people that aren't even in the mix. Conversely, telling the bitch could be advantageous as she could convince him otherwise thus Macbeth wouldn't have killed his friend. Granted, we know that she's a bitch, so the latter is pretty unlikely. Clearly, Macbeth doesn't enact his plan himself because of the watchful eyes that already place Duncan's blame on him; had he done it himself, then Banquo's blood would, along with Duncan's, be forever stained on Macbeth's hand and people would most likely start to connect the dots and figure out that Macbeth was the killer. I think this reveals that Macbeth is a bit more genius than we think, and psychologically, this asshole needs psychoanalytic therapy. He's going insane. Too bad Carl Jung wasn't alive back when.

Marc, I get the feeling that you know "GRIZZLYBEAR!" is me after over a semester of me blogging under the pseudonym, so I don't put my name at the end of my blogs anymore. If you didn't know, then the other four blogs I did this week that are nameless are under "GRIZZLYBEAR!" Have a nice break.

jessecovill said...

If I were Macbeth i would tell Lady Macbeth about my plot, I would tell her because she’s the one who told me to kill my cousin, so why not my friends and their kids? Discussing this Lady Macbeth would be a bad idea because she might take control of the situation and make me do it. On the other hand if I tell her she might not want me to kill them and change my mind and having them do something that takes them out of the country and they die, kinda like in the odyssey. It is important to Macbeth that the murderers take out Banquo and Fleance so that Macbeth can assure his kingship for as long as he lives. I don’t think Macbeth does the killing himself because he has already killed someone close to him and probably doesn’t want to do it again. From a psychological point of view, this would make Macbeth either bipolar or schizophrenic, I thinking he’s one of these because if you pay attention to the way he talks you could sorta figure out his persona in a few lines.

Anonymous said...

If i were macbeth im not really sure if i would tell. I think she would be very upset about it and kind of think macbeth is parnoid. Which if you think about it he kinda is. But she might be okay with it becasue as all we all no she is willing to do anything to be queen. He doesnt want to do this his self for many reasons. Most importantly he doesnt want to get his hands dirty...If he does it then there could be risk that something goes wrong. I think his personality is weird. He is very different at some points. Sometimes he is nice and is kind hearted. Where other times he seems like he has no hearts.

Anonymous said...

No, I don't think that telling Lady Macbeth would be a good move. She's always trying to take power form him in small ways, and having at least some control instead would be a god thing. Besides, I think that if he told her, she'd suspect something was wrong with him and worry even more about their being found out. He does begin to act strange, and if she realized that he was becoming paranoid, she may need to dispose of him to protect her power. It's important for Macbeth to know the outcome because he would be found out if one of them lives. And, since Fleance is alive, he now needs to find a way to get rid of him still before it comes back to bite him in the ass. Macbeth can't do it himself, he's too reticent to do that. He'd feel guilty and that would probably make him abdicate. Methinks that, since he's not doing it himself, he can lie and say "it's not me doing the killing, so it's all right". Once he gets his hands dirty, he will realize exactly how wrong it is. If he doesn't see it, it's not bad. So, basically, Macbeth is insecure and still, deep-down, human. He realizes what he's doing isn't honourable or right and that's why he can't do it. His moral side tells him not to do it, and the only way to appease that and stop the conflict with that half is to have someone else do it. That's what I think anyway.

Anonymous said...

If I was Macbeth I wouldn't tell lady Macbeth because she would probably freak out because she wasn't asked if she wanted to help with the plot. She would also probably try to take control of the plot like the last killing. The advantages of telling her about the plot would be that he would probably have someone else to help with the plot. On the other hand, the disadvantages would be that there would be another person knowing about the next killings. I'm not really sure why Macbeth wants to have them two killed to be quite honest. I don't understand why he doesn't just do it himself, maybe he's just a pussy and he thinks that he would get caught in the act. I guess Macbeth has an unstable personality because he has killed his cousin who was the king of his people and now he wants to kill a couple of his friends. So yeah He has a messed up mind.

Anonymous said...

I would not tell Lady Macbeth about my plan to murder Banquo and Fleance. The more people you tell, the more of a chance there is that other people will know. Another reason is because she would try and persuade me to do things I might not want to do, like start killing other people. It's important that Macbeth murders Fleance and Banquo because then he thinks that there will be no heirs or sons of Banquo to take to the throne. I am guessing he doesn't do it himself because if he fails or if someone sees him do it, then people will know he tried to kill Banquo and Fleance. Macbeth has a bit of a pushover personality. He didn't want to kill Duncan, but his wife persuaded him to.

ben nicolay said...

If you were Macbeth would you tell Lady Macbeth about the plot to murder Banquo and Fleance? Why or why not? What are the advantages and disadvantages to discussing this with her based on what we know of her personality? Why is it important to Macbeth that the murderers succeed in killing both Banquo and Fleance? Why doesn't he just do it himself? What does this say about Macbeth's personality from a psychological point of view? Explain your answer.

If I was put in Macbeth's situation, I would not tell my wife about the plot. She would get angry for not being involved in the plot. She seem's like she wants to be in the middle of everything. Some advatanges would be that she might help him and cover up everything better. She could also freak out and disobey him. Macbeth needs to succeed in the murders because he doesn't want all of his crimes coming back to haunt him. I think this kind of says that Macbeth is kind of a coward. It could also mean that he has good morals.

Stefan Kegebein said...

No, if I was Macbeth I would not tell Lady Macbeth because she would now know that Macbeth is starting to lose it. She would see that her husband is going crazy and his life will never be good enough. She would fear that he might get caught plotting the death of Banquo and Fleance. We know that Lady Macbeth is willing to do anything for power but if she thinks that the plot to kill Banquo and his son is crazy that might affect the relationship greatly. Macbeth can’t complete the murder himself because he doesn’t want to be linked with the murder and he also has contacts that will do it for him. Macbeth’s personality has changed greatly since before the murder of Duncan. Before, we weren’t sure if Macbeth had the drive to do what it takes to become King. Now, Macbeth is willing to kill one of his friends just to set up a good life for his family in the future.

Austen Anderson said...

if i was macbeth, i would not tell lady macbeth. reason being that she would probally freak out, and start thinking of who her husband really is. the advantages of not telling her is that she may never find out and his problems will be solved. disadvantages of not telling her is when she finds out she will start to realize who her husband really is and may not want to be with him any is important to macbeth that the murderers kill both banquo and fleance because then neither of them can become king. and that is what macbeth wants. the reason he doesnt do it himself is because he probally didnt have lady macbeth to talk him into killing someone again. his personality is changing throughout the story. reason i think this is because at first he is like a little girl not wanting to do anything bad, and now hes killing people left and right.

Anonymous said...

I would not tell Lady Macbeth for a couple reasons. First of all knowing her personalitly she could want to take it further and kill other people as well. Also the fear of her thinking i am crazy and telling someone qould be way to overwelming. It is important that B and F both die because then no one from his blood line is left to take Macbeths place on the throne. Th eadvantage of banquo dying is that at least he can no longer create any more heirs. Macbeth cant do it himself because otherwise his friends and subjects would turn against him. This is saying that Macbeth is slowly going mad with and for power. His actions resemble the saying "Absolutle Power Corrupts Absolutly"

Stephen Manvydas said...

If i was Macbeth i think i wouldnt tell lady macbeth. macbeth is crazy enough as it is so im thinking that he might end up killer her later on also. An advantage would be that he can talk to someone and not seem so secretive and crazy. A disadvantage could be that if she comes to her senses she could do somthing to hurt him, or even turn him in. Its important for the murderers to succed becuse if they dont the prophicie may still come true. killing banquo doesnt stop fleance from anything. Macbeth doesnt do it himself because it would shed some suspicion on him and they might think that he killed duncan aswell. I think macbeth is going crazy with all of his plots and his greed.

brandonlengyel said...

If i was macbeth i wouldnt tell my wife. I wouldnt because she is a girl for one thing. Also she will just mess with his mind like she did with duncans murder. Its just somethings you have to keep from ur wife. The disadvatages of telling her is that she would be involved in a another murder and that she will mess with his mind because girls can do that to you. The advantages of telling her is that she will probleywant to involved and what i have learend from her is that she will keep macbeths mind on the subject.By killing both of them he is now going to become king. I dont know why he doesnt just do it by himself. Macbeths is going to scerw himself in the long run and the book might or might not agree to my hypothesis.

Alix Dickson said...

If i were Macbeth, I wouldn't tell Lady Macbeth about my plot. I wouldn't tell her because she would probably freak out. I think that she would get mad because she wasn't involved in any way. One advantage of discussing this with her based on what we know about her personality is that she probably would of went along with it. She wanted Duncan to be killed and he was. A disadvantage of discussing this with her is that she might tell someone. It is important to Macbeth that the murderers succeed in killing both Banquo and Fleance because if they kill Fleance he can't become king and if they kill Banquo he cant have anymore sons. He doesnt want to do it himself becuase he has a reputation and he doesnt want to ruin it. This says that Macbeth is paranoid.

BrittanyBarron said...

I would not tell Lady Macbeth abou the murder plot, this would just give her case to use it agianst him. Macbeth never told about what the witches said to Banquo, sho she shouldn't know that MAcbeth is oing to kill them. I think there are no reall advantages to tell her. There are numberous disadvantages though, like the fact she is carzy and could use it aginst MAcbeth some why. She could tell someone that he kiled them have Macbeth killed and then have thorne to herself. She totally bitchy like that. It is important that Macbeth has both Fleance and Banqup killed so htat his "sons" can keep ruling. He doesn't do it himself cause it can e tied back to him, and it would look aweful supisous if first Malcom was kiled and now Banquo and his son are dead. This shows that he is selfish for wanting to keep him out of th way and blaming it on other people. It shows that he is carzy in the first place for wanting to kill them for no reason. And last it shows that he a pansie for not having the balls to kill them himself if hewants them dead so bad. Personally i think he needs to grow a pair and just get over it.

Lil Southkr3w said...

aight if i was macbeth i wouldnt tell lady macbeth about the plot to murder banquo. because she doesnt need to know. and also how she influence him in the past. advantages of telling her about the plot would be that he would probably have someone else to help with the plot. and the disadvantage would be She would manipulate untill she got him to stop the plot. also he has lots of power and he can pay other people to kill banquo. i also think he would become corrupt later on.

Alan Hernandez

ScOtW29 said...

If you were Macbeth would you tell Lady Macbeth about the plot to murder Banquo and Fleance? Why or why not? What are the advantages and disadvantages to discussing this with her based on what we know of her personality? Why is it important to Macbeth that the murderers succeed in killing both Banquo and Fleance? Why doesn't he just do it himself? What does this say about Macbeth's personality from a psychological point of view? Explain your answer.

I would not tell Lady Mcbeth for many reasons. I think that she would freak out that she didnt know about this in the first place. She would be mad because she probably likes to be the one to figure out how to kill people. Macbeth doesnt want to tell her because it could jeaprodize his whole plan if someone found out through Lady Macbehth. Also she might try to switch the whole plan up and have it no work. The reason Macbeth doesnt kill Banquo is because they fought together in War. It would probably be to hard for him to do. Another reaason is becuase if he tried to kill him and he failed then that would wreck his whole plan, and he would not become King. That is why he hired people to do this for him.

Shelby Zukoff said...

If I we're Macbeth, personally, I wouldn't have even killed anyone. But since that is not a choice, I would tell her. Women are creative, sneaky and decisive. She would of probably made a new flawless plan on how to kill them and wouldn't have to worry about one escaping or getting caught. It was imporatant that the murderers finished the job because Banquo was on to Macbeth and his evil schemes, and he knew the Fleance would one day become king... The funny thing is the one that really needed to die got away.. Macbeth doesn't want to get his hands dirty again, so he has someone else do it for him. It says that Macbeth is probably afraid of killing again, and scared of the outcome. Actually, I really don't know what you meant by that so I'm basically making stuff up. Yup.

jay said...

What I got out of these two scenes is that Macbeth can't think for himself. Up until this point, he is doing everything Lady Macbeth has told him to do. I would not tell Lady Macbeth about the plans to murder Banquo and Fleance because she would she would just try to control the situation. Because she is so controling and wants it her way, like Burger King, she would probably force him to do the murders anyway. Lady Macbeth wants Macbeth to become, and stay, King because she is a status seeker. Since she wants Macbeth to stay King, she would probably be interested in knowing about the the prophacy of Banquo's kid becoming King.

Macbeth won't commit the murders himself because he is scared of what happend last time. He can't was the blood off his hands, so now he's paying someone else to do the work for him. From a psychological stand point this still points to Macbeth as being a coward.

Panos said...

If I were Macbeth I would not tell my wife about the plot to kill Banquo and Fleance because if she does not know about it, she can't accidentally let something slip out. I believe that it is important that Macbeth succssefully kills both Banquo and Fleance because if he only gets one of thet two, the one who is still alive would want vengence. I believe that this says that Macbeth is psycologically and mentally stupid because he is being completly paranoid about everything that has been happening since the wierd sisters told him there prophecy.