Monday, February 23, 2009

Week 5 Day 18

Please respond to the following quote:

"When we blindly adopt a religion, a political system, a literary dogma, we become automatons. We cease to grow."
Anais Nin


Anonymous said...

I think that this quote is referring to blindly following something without putting your own ideals or thoughts in to it. For example, religion. If you follow a God because it's the most accepted thing to do in today's society, you are ceasing to grow and evolve. If you blindly follow a political movement/government, then you might not be doing anything bad for your country, but I think that you could do more if you worked to somehow evolve it. I think what Anais Nin is saying is that if you follow what everyone else does, you just become lost in the crowd. Blindly adopting a religion is one way. You need to break free and try and be someone different. That is my interpretation.

ScOtW29 said...

"When we blindly adopt a religion, a political system, a literary dogma, we become automatons. We cease to grow."
Anais Nin

I think the quote means to do what you feel is the right thing to do. A lot of people do what the majority would do. Like Austin said most people beleive in God. There is probably a lot of people out there that dont beleive in God but say that they do. They say that they beleive in God so that they will be accepted in the society. Your not helping yourself become a better person if you dont think for yourself. You cease to grow when you look around and see what everybody else is doing and do the same thing. The quote means to put thoughts into the decisions that you make and dont let anybody influence your decision.

Anonymous said...

In my humble opinion, I would say that this quote is about how people hardly think for themselves when it comes to some things. I agree heartily with Austin on religion. My mother didn't allow me to develop my own feelings about such things until I was in middle school. Basically, she knocked Christian dogma into my head and, no matter how little I understood it, I thought it was the "right way". Then, as I grew up I phased into my own way of thinking and adopted atheism as my MO. Politics are much the same way. We watch news broadcasts which are generally biased, (Fox Republican, CNN Democrat) and they tell us what to think and how to think it. Many of you I'm sure think "bomb Iraq" because the media makes you think that. Do any of you consider that who may be terrorists to us, may be heroes to others? What we view as low-lives lead lives much akin to ours? Many of them are fathers and husbands. It's because they believe blindly that they are so radical. Does anyone consider that? Perhaps religion is meant to make us question the human condition, not to prostrate ourselves in front of a priest because a book tells us to. Perhaps political systems need people who think for themselves, not soak-up media bias. We follow what others tell us, and that's what makes us human. The essence of our existence is to think and decide for ourselves. What good is self-determination if we believe everyone and everything we hear? "Cogito, ergo sum" only holds true if we do think for ourselves. If we don't think for ourselves, then, answer me, are we?

brandonlengyel said...

I think that this quote means that when you adopt a new thing in your life you tend to like it and grow from it. When anybody i believe takes something new into their system of life, the want to explore it and grow off it. When religion comes into play for an example people become so dedicated that they will live life according to the bible with no other outside influence. Im not saying its a bad thing to do this, (dont get me wrong this is how basically my family is), but you should be able to open yourself up to new and other things.I belive that anais nin is saying that if you follow everybody else and do what they are doing you are just going to be another person in the bunch. But if you open yourself to other stuff, you become more of a person that is noticied. You basically need to become a leader and open yourself to something different. When you to do this you are not growing the cause you are shrinking it person by person. Thes is my perspctive of this quote on Anais Nin.

Plaz said...

Well this quote is straight up werid to me. I don't know anybody who has blindly adopted a religion or a political side. Also i thought the word cease meant to kill or get rid of. I think the quote really means that when we choose to do something "blindly" we are living life and trying something new. I think that's how we grow is by trying new things. Some things will turn out really good or really bad. Just got to go with your gut.
Evan E

Miranda Adams said...

"When we blindly adopt a religion, a political system, a literary dogma, we become automatons. We cease to grow."
Anais Nin

wow this is a tufff one. i dont really know what to say im no sure what it means. but in my eyes think that ity is talkin about when you hvae a religion the political system comes with it. you follow that religion and all the customs that come with it. but i think it means that we become automations becuase we dont really follow our heart or our own oppinions. Thats why i try to look at different things from every view i can. You cant always listen to other people and follow someone different or one person on everything. You need to have you own thoughts and make your own choices.

Unknown said...


"When we blindly adopt a religion, a political system, a literary dogma, we become automatons. We cease to grow."
Anais Nin

i feel that this is one of the most true statements ever said. it talks about people just following something to fit in, or be part of a whole. like in religion, i believe that most people are born and raised into a religion, and follow it, not being allowed t formlate their own beliefs, or ideas about it until they are completly immersed. as for the political system, i feel that has ben embodied in the past year. i feel people elected barack obama for his color, not his politics or ideas. his approval rates are a dismal 68%, great. nin, i feel, is correct in her idea that we cease to grow, meaning that if we follow other peoples beliefs or practice, we will never reach our potential and lock ourselves into a path.

Stefan Kegebein said...

There are many times in life that people agree with others when they have no idea what they are talking about. People who make judgments based on titles or the way something sounds will hurt the growth of society. Agreeing with ideas within groups such as religionist groups just because it seems more popular is not the right thing to do. You have to take your own ideals and values into account when you make important decisions like selecting a religious practice or political party. Anais Nin is making a great observation. When people keep the ideals and values close to them and make decisions based on what feels right to them is what makes our society continue to grow. Debate on how we should run our country is what makes democracy a great system. There are multiple views that can be heard and a well though out decision can be made for the betterment of all citizens.

Janet said...
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Janet said...

"When we blindly adopt a religion, a political system, a literary dogma, we become automatons. We cease to grow."
Anais Nin

i dont really understand this quote. But i kinda think that, when u are born like some other people said but u really dont have a specific realgion. Most of the time ur parents or ur guardians make the decision on wat realgion u will have. im not sure about a political system but it might be that everyone has the right to choose what u want to be. wen i did my comfermation i was told if i wanted to still be catholic n if u dont accept then im not sure. But i did and i just accepeted my religion. In the part it saids "we become automatons.We cease to grow". Might be that you end up doing the same thinng, becasue you see wat everyone else is doing n you wanna be liek that person.

Alix Dickson said...

This qoute refers to making an important decision, such as choosing a religous belief or taking a political stand, just because everyone else is choosing it or we think its cool. When we make these kinds of decisions "blindly" we become similar to robots. We are unable to think for ourselves and we dont end up learning anything. In a way we cease to grow mentally becuase we dont have the chance to really learn and form our own opinions. I agree completely with this quote. In my opinion people who make important decisions based on other peoples beliefs are only hurting themselves. They are stunting their own ability to grow and learn.

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

This is something that is very true but i haven't really seen happen in a large scale yet. This basically means that you someone adopt ideas that are not yours and kill your ideas. That stops the flow of creativity and sense. It is a horrible reality for a small portion of our population. Most of that is the kid's of today. That is scary seeing is that is the new generation, that should be bringing in new ideas instead of destroying a possibility of something new. Sometimes i think that not just our world is doomed, but also our culture. I just am looking for a hint of originality.

Austen Anderson said...

when you blindly adopt a religion you follow after people like your parents jsut because they are part of the religion. mainly because you are not making the choice yourself based on what you think is true and right. but just following what you will be accepted by people around you. you are always changing and developing your own interest. you just want to be accepted for your friends and family. same with political system, say your parents wanted mccain, and you didnt know much abotu either him or obama, but you chose him just because your parents did. and if you do this you will not grow smarter of those around you, but just following what they do and what you see.

ben nicolay said...

When we blindly adopt a religion, a political system, a literary dogma, we become automatons. We cease to grow."

I think this quote means that we all follow someone or something because we want to be like that person or that thing. It's saying you like something because other people like it. These things that we blindly accept grow into you and becomes a piece of your life. It could also mean that when you blindly accept one of those things after a while it begins to grow on you and you begin to believe in it. It grows among people and spreads across to people in groups. People could believe in these things to just to fit in with others. Everyone is difrent and you shouldn't just put on a show to get other peoples attention. You should be happy with your diffrent views and opinouns. Life is all but choices, it just depends which choice you choose.

Anonymous said...

I think he is saying we are not our own person. We are chosing things that we do not really no if we want. If we cant choose our own thingss we will never be able to grow. To be able to grow we must be able to make our own descions. I think some people in society no how to think for themselves. And its funny because most of the time the people that do we think are considerd weird. I think that is wrong. Maybe it is we are weird for following what everyone else has to do. I tthink more people should start thinking for themselves and doing what they like to do.

jray said...

When we blindly adopt a religion, a political system, a literary dogma, we become automatons. We cease to grow."
Anais Nin

I think that this quote how people are born into a religion. Most people follow the religion that they are born into without thinking about it. They follow the laws and restrictions to the religion. It then soon becomes what they live by and all they know. If they would stop and think about it and find something that the truely belived in they could become they could be happier. It is the same thing as todays society. People are just born and learn to live by the laws instead of actually knowing them.

BrittanyBarron said...

I belive this quote is saying when we comform to something just because everyone else is, we lose ourselfs in the process. It is also saying when we comform to something we don't understand and don't know that we lose the right to think outside the box. It kinda comes back to the age old saying "If they jumped of the bridge would you to it too?" People comform to things or do things just because everyone else is doing it. It reminds me of Kabala. Cleberties started this trend abot 4 years ago and it really carried down to the regular people. Nobody reall understood what it really was, it was just a fad. I think people like this are not doing things because they really understand them but because they want to be like everyone else. And I think that is really stupid!

jay said...

I think this blog is ptretty much telling me that religion controls people. We are persued and manipulated. You might as well be a robot if you follow anything blindly. You are just following the crowd and will never change. If everyone just follows the crowd nothing will change. If you do something different it will be like a gear that doesn't fit and change what the machine is doing. therefore, shoud be an individualists and do what you want to change.

Stephen Manvydas said...

I think that the message hidden in this quote is that we need to experement in life and try new things. We all come into this world with a religion, a government, and a literary dogma (what ever that may be)and its chosen for us in the begining. We can choose these things when were born, were just not able too. The country were born in chooses our government. The family were born/raised into chooses our religion. By the time we learn wht these things are we have already been molded into what everyone else is. Once we can choose, we can grow and we can leave the norm. We can try out a new religion or learn and experence a new government to see what fits us the best. I think this is where our country is stuck at also. We as americans love our "Democracy" and the changing times have made it hard to be one. I think that sence we stick with it and dont change with the times the country fails to grow.

Anonymous said...

I think that this quote is talking about how we conform to things instead of being an individual. When you are adopting smething you are doing it because you believe in it and what it represents. But if you are blindly adopting something the case is totally different. In the latter of the two you have no idea what it means or represents and you are only doing it because you are forced to. In cases such as religion, we dont get to choose what we follow. Instead we are raised to follow it until we are old enough to make our own decisions. Sometimes we change our minds ad find a new higher power to worship that we believe in. But most often than not we follow in the footsteps are our parentsand do it because its what we are familer with not what we believe in.

Anonymous said...

I think that this quote applies to a hefty majority of our society. For example, MANY people are Catholic simply because their parents are and they were simply brought up with it. I don't think they ever really question whether or not what they believe actually exist, rather they seem to know that he does because that's what they are taught. I can tell you that I was raised a Christian, but I am now Atheist. I have made my own conscious religious decision based on my own beliefs, morals, and perceptions; I do not think that a higher power exists. As such, I'm frowned upon by those that do blindly follow their religion and have no leeway of acceptance for anybody else's thoughts. I am also a liberal based on my own predicaments, thoughts, and morals, and as such many conservatives think that I am wrong and they are right. I think that Anais Nin is explaining that one who simply blindly follows something and refuse to question it or accept anything else, then the are flawed. They remain fixated, so to speak, at a certain stage. I am proud to say that I have my own mindset - I am glad that I am not a certain religion just because I was raised that way. I feel more honor in choosing to believe that a deity does not exist or that the government should act a certain way based on my OWN beliefs than I would if I was a religious or political brainwash who is molded to believe and behave a certain way. Think for yourself, people.

jessecovill said...

I think the given quote is really confusing, but thats what would happen when you blindly adopt a political system, religion, and literary dogma. I say this because if you were to suddenly switch political parties you would have no idea whats going on. the same goes for the religion aspect, you might be one fath then suddenly switch to another faith and have no clue whats right and whats wrong. I have the slightest idea what automatons means, but i think it means we basicly become someone elses bitch and do what ever they say and see no alternative to it. When Anais says "We cease to grow" I tink he is saying we tend to look less mature to other people around us.So basicly hes saying don't be stupid and think before you act.

Kevin Hughes said...

This quote is referring to the fact that a true idea or religion should not stay in stasis, but rather the teachings and ideas should grow and turn into new ideas without abandoning the old ideals. Buddhism is a religion that is different in most parts of the world that it is practiced, and change is it's nature, while "Bible Christians" who are assertive about fundamentalist teachings can be seen as ignorant because they're no longer as relevant as they once were. The same goes for any political philosophy and so on. The more conservative we are (in the traditional sense) the more we're in denial of change.

Alex V said...

I think the quote is trying to say is don't just bindley follow something if you really don't mean it. So I think what it is trying to say is follow your heart and you can't go wrong. You don't always have to follow the crowed. Set your own path for what you want not other people around you. You are your own person and you decide who you are not other people around you. Now with the example of religon just besaucse the majority of the people in the world follow god it doesn't mean you have to. You can beleieve in any god you choose or you don't it is up to you. So the quote is saying be your own person.

shelbybatlemente said...

I believe that this quote is saying that when we are born we are blindly being put into a religion,a political system,or a literary dogma. When we are born, we are put into a religion that our parents have adopted as their own. So we don't really have a choice until we are 18 on what religion we are. Also if you blindly adopt a political system, chances are you don't know much about politics. Most people who blindly adopt a political system are just going along with what the crowd is doing. These are the type of people who blindly make decisions on most things. What Anais Nin is saying that we need to break free from the crowd and make our own decisions based on what we believe. When we blindly adopt something we don't grow with changes. This is because if we are always going along with others, then we won't ever grow from our own decisions. We won't ever make our own decisions because we are blindly adopting these things, such as religion. Religion is a perfect example. This is because most people would choose their religion based on what other people have said about it. Or when you are born you are blindly adopting a religion. You don't know what religion you are when you are born. So as a child your parents choose that for you. That in my opinion, is blindly adopting a religion. People need to stay independent when making these decisions. Also being different then everyone else isn't always a bad thing. Who knows if you break free from the crowd, you may influence others to do the same !!!

Shelby Zukoff said...

I believe that the quote means that when we are born, where you live, what language you speak and what religion your born into is what you live with the rest of your life. If your family is Muslim, most likely you will follow their order and be Muslim, too. And the country you live in is what government you will follow. You never have a choice unless you move into an area with a different government. You speak the language you are told to speak. What everyone else speaks. We never do get the chance to fully adopt something new and change for yourself. I think that Anais Nin is trying to say that when you do what you are told and follow the popular thing, you will never become your own person. I totally agree with that. Originality may not be the popular way to be, but its the best way to be. I believe that is the best way to interpret that quote.

Panos said...

I believe that this quote is stating that if you blindly follow something in this world without checking first if it is good for you, or if it fits with your morals, that you are basically like a robot and just go along with the flow. Most people are raised up in a home with a religion that is set so they grow up believing in that religion without considering looking at the other religions that are out there. Also many kids follow there parents on political ideals and they think since they grew up knowing one political side, that they need to follow that political side there whole life. In simpler terms, we become unable to make our own descisions and in the end we realize that we have no opinions on anything and we will go along with everyone else in this world without looking at what we would prefer in life. Also we are unable to think for ourselves and we don't grow mentally.

Anonymous said...

When we believe in something, we would follow our own beliefs. Like when someone believes in god they follow god. We put our own thoughts and beliefs in our ways. When someone believes in god they would follow the way of god to get into the place where he is. No matter where they believe he is, heaven or not. Everyone believes in something or someone and we all put our own thoughts and feelings into our beliefs. And when someone follows someone elses believfs they don't put their own thoughts into it because it's not their own beliefs.

Lil Southkr3w said...

i dont kno wat dis qoute really means. but i think this qoute is saying that wat u feel is wats right. also it could mean u are born with some type of religion. Most people follow the religion that they are born into without thinking about it. It could also mean that when you blindly accept one of those things after a while it begins to grow on you and you begin to believe in it. when people say they belive in god they could be lying. many people say they do but they really dont.

Alan Hernandez