Monday, March 2, 2009

Cardmarking 2, Day 1

Manliness is a "motif" in Macbeth. In what ways does Shakespeare show manliness in his characters? How does this motif portray itself in todays society? Support your ideas using any recent book, movie or tv show.


Unknown said...


Manliness is a "motif" in Macbeth. In what ways does Shakespeare show manliness in his characters? How does this motif portray itself in todays society? Support your ideas using any recent book, movie or tv show.

shakespere shows manliness in the way e starts the book with macbeth and duncan coming back from battle feeling good. manliness and prode are important in their culture, so they embody it. in todays society, manliness is usually seen as someone either being a hardass or asshole. if people act like they own everything, people get pissed at them and share that. manliness and pride almost has no place in society today. the example ill choose to use is in the book "things fall apart". okonkwo trys to be the manliest man he can be, and becomes obsessed with being a man, and not someones bitch. but he ends up on a power trip and falls from grace.

Kevin Hughes said...

Manliness is portrayed in Macbeth as a synonym for greed, lust for power, lack of conscience, etc. Qualities such as honor and trustworthiness could be seen as true masculine qualities, but Shakespere's main character show the opposite. Manliness is always considered when it comes to judging someone in today's society. It's seen as abnormal if a man prefers cats to dogs, enjoys cooking, etc. Something recent to show this is true is the controversy over Spongebob's sexuality, his flamboyant characteristics have raised the question of if he's gay or not. These ideas of masculinity are so ingrained into our common sense as to ask if a fictional character is gay or not because he is friends with a pink starfish.

shelbybatlemente said...

Shakespeare shows manliness throught the story. He shows that Macbeth and Banquo have manliness because at the beginning of the story they are coming back from battle feeling great. They did well in battle and are happy as they are coming back. He shows many characters manliness throught the story. At the end when Macduff kills Macbeth and cuts off his head it shows that he is masculine. When Young Siward is killed in battle it shows that he was willing to fight and die for his country of Scotland. Which is a very masculine thing to do. This motif portrays itself in todays society all the time. For example if a guy prefers cats to dogs he is considered not manly. In the show Spongebob Squarepants there has been controversies about the sexuality of Spongebob. How he acts and sometimes dresses on the shows raises questions on if he's gay or not. This idea of manliness fits with Spongebob. This is because of our common sense. Most people have thought that he is gay because of his characteristics.

Alix Dickson said...

Shakespeare shows manliness in his characters by making them tough, greedy and power hungry. Many of the characters in Macbeth participate in battle. Macbeth himself kills because he wants so badly to become king. In todays society men dont go into battle but they do get into fights with each other. In the movie fight club guys fight and beat up each other just because they think its fun. Todays society makes it seem like you're manly if you can beat someone up. I think that society puts too much emphasis on manliness.

Miranda Adams said...

Manliness is show in the story Macbeth by shakepeare when macbeth and banqu are going home for just getting done fighting. Then they run into the witches. they had just won so they were feeling good and it just showed how tuff they were. It showed by them being able to just getting done fighting for maybe days or weeks even.Then still being strong enough to deal with anything tha could come befor them. Manliness is also shown when macduff kills macbeth for killing his family. Then takes his head for everyone to see and to show the bad times will soon come to and end.

Unknown said...

Manliness makes is appearance in many of Shakespeare's characters through violence. Generally, in his tragedies, the 'guys' are more violent or at least revel more in bloodshed. When Macbeth and Banquo are congratulating each other after the battle with the Norwegians is an example. Another way that it manifests itself is through his characters maintaining their honour. Macbeth, as we discussed in class today, while he realizes that his life is at an end would rather die fighting than any other way so as to maintain what little honour he had left. I think that manliness in today's society is little more than a joke that we tell ourselves. Guys do plenty of 'womanly' things including shopping for shoes and such. Basically, there's less of a place for feeling 'manly' and if you do believe in it, then you're generally deemed as being sexist. I don't think that men being more accepting of different behaviours is a bad thing though, it's perfectly fine to act however the hell makes you feel the best about yourself. A good book to illustrate this is something by David Sedaris. He's hardly the most manly thing around, but he makes up for it by being a good person. Yeah, he writes and lives with oodles of cats, so what? His books are about him being him, no matter how divergent it may be from what's considered the proper behaviour for males. And society accepts him just fine. In my opinion, this acceptance is a small step for humans finally getting along, and that's marvelous. Speaking of Sedaris RYAN MOORE, I'd like that book back sometime soon, I have to give you the next one.

Unknown said...

God dammit, it's signed in under my mom's name again. It's Me Mr. Kay, Stefan Pelak. Sorry.

ben nicolay said...

Shakespears shows manliness throughtout the story of Macebeth. An example is when Macbeth comes back from the war at the begining of the story. They were fighting against other men to show masculinity. Another example is when Macbeth kills Duncan to prove his maniless to Lady Macbeth. Lady Macbeth kind of plays him out as a women to make him kill Duncan. I think that manliness is still shown up in todays society but not as much. One example of this is when a guy cracks open a beer. He feels like a man and he thinks it proves his manliness. You don't see men drinking cozmo's or girly drinks. There is a time for men to be men and theres times for them not to be. It all really depends on the situation.

Anonymous said...

manliness is manifested in shakespeares macbeth by the corruption of power. Macbeths tradgic downfall is his obsession for power and he reoccuringly murders friends and commits treason against his once loyal country. This is constantly portrayed in society with the corruption of government officials as they struggle for power. It is also shown in wars and conflicts. A movie relaying this is Troy, which is based on ancient Greek mythology. Paris was said to have stolen the Kings wife, thus beginning the Trojan wars. This is a theme today, were men fight over women and money to prove their manliness.

kirkwhitt said...

Manliness is a "motif" in Macbeth. In what ways does Shakespeare show manliness in his characters? How does this motif portray itself in todays society? Support your ideas using any recent book, movie or tv show.

Shakespeare shoes manliness in his characters by making them power hungry and willing to die for something. In today's society manliness is shown by acting like there the shit, and being well built. You see it all the time in tv and in movies. I think manliness is being able to do the right thing. Evin if you dont want to you still know you have to. Being able to set aside the pain and desire of not wanting to do something is manliness. Its not about acting like a hard ass and being ripped. Its playing the right part, it doesn't matter if your small or what ever, do the right thing that is the most manliness you can get in my opinion.

Stefan Kegebein said...
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Stefan Kegebein said...

Macbeth and other characters in Macbeth show manliness by have the need for power. Macbeth specifically shows manliness when shows the great ability to leader an army during war. Macbeth also shows his manliness when he finds out Macduff isn’t born of a woman he decides to go downing fighting. Macbeth also shows the mentality that he thought he could not be defeated which also plays a role in his manliness. An example of manliness in our society today is the fighting through pain. If athletes are willing to fight through injuries not only to play the game they love but to prove their manliness to their competitors. An example of this is in the movie Miracle. Coach Herb Brooks calls out one of his players as being a “candy ass”. The player decides that he goes out there and competes and fights through the pain to finish the game.

jay said...

Shakespeare shows manliness in many characters. In many characters too He shows a lack of manliness. Such as Lady Macbeth overpowering Macbeth's judgement. Macbeth should have manned up by showing manliness by telling her what He thought. If Macbeth just went with the flow it probably would have all fell in place. In today society women are looked less upon due to guys masculinity. In the movie Gran Tourino, Clint Eastwood was white and took on others beacause He that He was better than them.

Austen Anderson said...

shakespeare uses manliness by doing many different things. for one, when he starts the play, he opens with macbeth and duncan comming back from battle, and war is only for men back then. second, he shows manliness by having macbeth kill all these people, and then suddenly die while in battle. he knew he was going to die so he kinda just made it look like he tried hard to live, but did not succeed. also, they show manliness because of malcolm and macduff comming back for revenge on macbeth. and thats why there is manliness is used and shown in shakespeares work.

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

Ok well if you take away the storyline, this is about manliness. They kill, murder, mean things. For guys that's what is important. your trying to impress girls with how manly you are. I think that almost every guy wants to be impressive in that way. Today's society shows it at every corner. If you go to any southern state, and sport, anything that requires ample strength, There is a bid buff dude. You can not say that that is true.

Lil Southkr3w said...

Shakespeare shows manliness in many characters. today's society manliness is shown by acting like there the shit, and being well built. some charecter is lady macbeth. chakespeare is making them tough, greedy and power hungry. An example is when Macbeth comes back from the war at the begining of the story. This is constantly portrayed in society with the corruption of government officials as they struggle for power. this manliness is used and shows in shakeapears work and books.

Lil Southkr3w said...

Alan Hernandez

jray said...

Shakespeare shows manliness in many of his characters. All the the important males in the play have fought in wars and battles. The book started off with the main character, Macbeth, comming from a battle. In todays society, manliness is a motif just like in the play Macbeth. Men are viewed as having to be tough. People very men that aren't tough differently. Just like in the play "Macbeth" when Lady Macbeth calls her husband a coward, Macbeth gets angry and shows her wrong to be viewed more manly.

ScOtW29 said...

Manliness is a "motif" in Macbeth. In what ways does Shakespeare show manliness in his characters? How does this motif portray itself in todays society? Support your ideas using any recent book, movie or tv show.

Shakespeare shows manliness in his characters by them all being pretty cocky. For example Macbeth became extremely cocky. Macbeth thinks that nothing bad can happen to him because of the witches. Also it shows manliness by the obvious reasons, killing, murdering, and those types of things. An example of manliness today would be an athlete or anybody doing something will a lot of pain. An example of that would be remember the titans. Even though the starting quarterback had a broken arm he still played and helped his team win. That shows a lot of manliness.

brandonlengyel said...

Shakespere shows manliness in the way he starts of the book telling us that macbeth and duncan are coming back from battle feeling good. Mainless and pride are important into ones culture and make it closer toghther so they fowwolw by this. In our socicity this is seem to be seen as those people who thinks there better than us. To be this and have pride has found an escape in our society. People are not appricating what they have and there always are trying to be better than everybody else. They need to take more pride in what they have and they dont have to act like stuck up people and they can be a proud citizen. The recent movie that shows this is friday night lights. Bobby shows no pride in his teamate bing out there so he hides his helment and ends up going in and braking his leg. This leads to the team going to states and losing. He then shows this by supporting his teamates all the way threw the end. This is what i think of about this topic.

Anonymous said...

Manliness is shown in Macbeth in a few ways. First when the play starts, Macbeth is shown to be this great warrior of Scotland when he returns from battle. Next, Shakespeare shows manliness by Macbeth killing everyone if you consider that manliness. Another ways he shows it it when Macbeth and young Siward battle, even though he dies trying to take out Macbeth that still shows manliness because he still tried to end his terror. Manliness is shown in todays society by being strong and brave. That shows manliness because if you are skinny and weak then you are not much of a man. Men tend to show their manliness the most when they are around the opposite sex. The last book that I read besides Macbeth would be Things Fall Apart and Okonkwo Showed manliness by being a great warrior and by owning a lot of things. Okonkwo didn't want to become like his dead beat dad so he worked hard to get all of his things and that's how he showed his manliness.

Stephen Manvydas said...

I agree with the statement that shakespeare shows manliness as a motif in his characters. I think that siward shows manliness the most even though hes a small character. He says that his son died a honorable, heros death. He doesnt let his emotions get the best of him and he accepts his fate. Macduff is also very manly. Macduff fights macbeth in an honorable combat, in reveange of scottland and his family. Macbeth does not show this motif in my opinion. He takes the cowards way out and makes others do his dirty work.

Alex V said...

Shakespere shows manliness in many ways in his story macbeth. In the begining of macbeth, macbeth and banqucoe are coming back from a great victorie. They are both feeling very good and proud. Manliness today is known as people just acting stupid or doing stupid things. Some people act like they know everything because people hate them for it. Kind of like how people hated macbeth once he became king. Another show of manliness in the story macbeth is when macbeth kills macduffs family and brings his head back to show that the worst is yet to come and to kind of tell people don't mess with him.

Shelby Zukoff said...

I kind of don't get this but I will try my best. I guess the original play, all the characters we're men. Even the women in the play we're played by men and that's just how Shakespeare wanted it. He shows them all being manly by all the characters being kings or becoming kings, or they all fight in war and they all have what would seem to be manly professions. And I guess killing each other is manly in a way? How they act towards each other too is very manly. There is alot of men in today society.. and the aim alot of their advertising at men? Really I wasn't here today and i'm not sure if we went over this and class or something but I'm really just not putting the two together?

Anonymous said...

To be honest, I'm not sure how Shakespeare shows manliness in Macbeth. In today's society, if you aren't "manly" or do manly things or whatever, you'll probably be called weak. Society has grown more and more insecure over the past thirty years. All the TV shows on VH1 or MTV all show men doing manly things and if they act different in any way, they're looked down upon. I guess Shakespeare shows manliness in his book by having the fighting men rejoice after a battle. I think manliness should be about respecting women, and eating meat. And chopping down trees.

JakeCastner said...

sorry this is a day late. my internet was down yesterday.

Manliness is a very common attribute in today's society. Just look at the spike network. In today's society, manliness is pretty much overwhelming. We look around and see lifted up 4x4's, giant homes, and we hear booming speakers in the back of cars and trucks. Manliness is just a part of being man, and i feel that it has always been this way and will always be this way. Cavemen back in the stone age probably felt the need to create bigger and better weapons for their hunting. Hell, manliness could very well be the whole basis for human evolution. As for the recent tv show, i will talk about this show i saw on the previously referenced spike network. The show is called Manswers. On this show, they go over all sorts of manly things. Some of the topics they have shown are how to get really drunk really quick, lots of car jumping, fighting, huge breasts, fake breasts, beer, trucks, mudding, and all manner of other very cool things. It is a very cool show and i reccomend checking it out.

Anonymous said...

There are many ways that Macbeth shows manliness in his characters. First off he does this by putting them in battle scenes. This shows manliness because they are out there fighting. He also shows it by putting al of his characters with titles of high honor. Lastly he makes them fearless and willing to do anything. This plays it self ion todays society because everyone wants to be thought of as manyl (at least the guys anyway). An example of this is CSI: Miami. In the show Horatio Cane (the main dude) is the manlinest of them all because he is tough. He also never gives up and is not afraid to face his enemies. Weather they be the russian mob, Cubaan drug cartels, or plain old killers, he never backs down. He also strikes fear into them as well

Janet said...

Shakespeare shows manliness in his characters by making them tough, greedy and wanting the power, whatever it takes. Macbeth kills because he wants to become king. When people start killing people that just went too far. All the shows on MTV n VH1, BET, portray in todays society. Most of those channels show men doing man things.
Theres this one show in VH1 called "tool acadamy" and all the guys try to show off how manly they are to the other people there.
ANd i bet there is more shows and movier even books that show manliness.

Anonymous said...

Macbeth opens up with this manliness motif when Banquo and Macbeth return from a battle with the Norwegians sort of congratulating each other on their victory. In another case, when Macduff and Macbeth are fighting quite literally to the death, Macbeth knows that he will die by the former's hand and yet he still presses onwards and fights. Folly or brave? I think it's both. In today's society, manliness is simply a stereotype. Varsity football players, tough guys who get in a fight, or guys who treat women like objects and tools. The concept of manliness in modern times is severely fucked I say. I agree whole heartedly with Kevin's post; if a guy prefers cats over dogs, or if a guy simply likes the color pink, then he is no longer manly.