Monday, March 16, 2009

Day 6

I hope you did some thinking about your character analysis before you come to class tomorrow. This essay is worth at least 102 points no including points I give for working in the lab and staying on task.

For tonight ponder the following quote:

"I think laughter may be a form of courage. As humans we sometimes stand tall and look into the sun and laugh, and I think we are never more brave than when we do that."
Linda Ellerbee


Anonymous said...

I think the quote means that laughter might be interpreted as a sign of weakness among humans. Showing your teeth is a sign of weakness in primates. So maybe people instinctively find laughing as a "not tough" thing. I think that weakness is a big insecurity in todays society. This quote is saying that those who laugh are brave to do so. I personally don't think there's anything wrong with laughing. I enjoy laughing, and anybody who thinks that if you laugh you're weak is ignorant in my opinion.

jessecovill said...

I shall ponder this quote… ok, first off who’s looking into the sun and laughing, shouldn’t your eyes have melted out of your skull? Secondly the suns inanimate…it won’t kill us and if it does then I’m wrong. On the serious side, I think Linda is saying when we stand up to something or someone we make our selves fell more brave than if we just ignored them and walked away. Laughter in some ways is a form of courage, for example, your base jumping and decide this isn’t the smartest thing to be doing right now, you look over the edge and laugh, laughing gives you a new view on the situation, and you jump (just don’t forget to pull the cord). Although laughter may be a form of courage, it might only work on you and if you’re in a group that laughter might not help them out. On the other hand it could and there would be a bunch of teenagers laughing at something and people would stare. Linda explains this way better than I do or ever can, but hey I tried.

Plaz said...

I think this quote is saying that we have courage to laugh at something that's not funny. Like when people are in a arguement over something stupid. Some people may think it's funny and the people who are fighting might take it really serious. Also this quote could be saying that we are brave to laugh at ourselves for doin something stupid. Like if when people fall sometimes we laugh. So maybe the quote is saying we laugh at things and it shows that we are brave.
Evan E

Anonymous said...

To me this quote is a reflection on human nature. As humans we are instilled with many emotions. A major one of these is happiness. Luaghter can be used for many things. This quote is using it in the sence that, When we are faced with fear or misfortune we have the ability to laugh it off and keep moving on. Instead of being paralyzed by that fear or letting life get you down, instead we laugh and make light of those fears to comfort ourselves and those around us. When it scomes to misfortune, laughter is one of those things can that help us see the world in a better light. Instead of looking at our misfortune, we turn our gaze towards the good things in life and this causes us to feel better and slowly become happy. Without laughter, good will, smiles and positive thinking the human race would be doomed to misery and dispair. So maybe in the end in was a good thing that Pandora opened the box.

Anonymous said...

Laughter may indeed be a form of courage depending on the context of the laugh. If one laughs at a joke because it's funny then that's simply a reaction to a humorous situation. However, if someone stands tall and laughs - sort of mocking - another for their foolishness, then they've got some guts. If it is weak to laugh, then it is weak to smile or to frown or to display any emotion. Laughter is simply a reaction to something funny, much like smiling is to something nice or wincing is to something painful. If Ellerbee believes that it is brave and courageous to laugh, then they are weak. I do not see laughter as a sign of bravery, and if it were then the person who sees it as such must be a rather cowardly person because laughing is a reaction. Now, laughing in the face of someone who stands before you with a crazy idea like genocide against the world or some shit like that is brave because that person is probably pretty crazy. I don't think it's the laughing that is brave though, I think it's the mocking that is. Laughing at something funny and mocking someone's ideas and morals are two different kinds of laughter.

ben nicolay said...

"I think laughter may be a form of courage. As humans we sometimes stand tall and look into the sun and laugh, and I think we are never more brave than when we do that."

This is a hard quote to interpret. I could interpret this in 2 diffrent ways. One way is that laughter is sign of weekness. Like austin said showing your teeth is a sign of weakness in primates. Showing our weakness is more common than to be brave because its easier to show one's weakness's. The other way to interpret is that we laugh to humor people. If someone tells a joke and you don't really know them you laugh to humor them. You chuckle to show respect and courage. Also, you could laugh because you don't understand the joke but the other person is laughing histarically. You don't want to show them that you don't understand it because it would be awkward to explain it. Its just better to laugh to show that your polite.

Alix Dickson said...

This quote means that when we can laugh at ourselves we show courage and confidence. If you embarass yourself it shows courage when you can laugh about it instead of freaking out. It also shows confidence when you can laugh about a situation instead of getting angry and fighting. It shows bravery to be able to laugh at the small stuff instead of getting worked up. People are more likable when they are confident and happy. Usually people who smile and laugh look nicer and more trustworthy. I like this nquote and i agree with it.

Unknown said...

People constantly self edit. Meaning they are looking to their peers and looking at what is "cool" and conform to those ideas. I feel this quote is stating how acting like an individual, will show courage. If people do what they want when they want, they are truly free. This shows how people take life by the horns, if you will, and run with it. When we act how we want then we are free of those ideals. And when individuals act individually that is what strengthens society as a whole.

Unknown said...


Lil Southkr3w said...

i dont really kno wat dis qoute means. i think this qoute means that laughter is a weakness. also it can mean dat there is laughter when there isnt any. it means that u think something is funny but it actully is not funny at all. for example like austin said weakness is a big insecurity in todays society. i thinnk many people have this weakness in our society. this qoute doesnt make scence to me. it can also mean that laugh it makes u weakk in life and stuff. you kno wat im sayin dawg.

Alan Hernandez

kirkwhitt said...

I think this quote means that some times it's better to laugh certin things off. We need to be the bigger person and just let things go and laugh. It takes someone strong to walk away and laugh, because it's always easyer to stay. If two peopleare arguing and it eskalades the bigger man/woman is going to laugh it off. Think about the punishment, is it worth it to fight and posibly go to jail? Happyness is a very powerfull emotion and is alost always shown with a smile and laughfs. And laughing in the sun is sthing we all love to do I do t know bow it makes us stronger though I'm sorry.

jray said...

To me in this quote Linda Ellerbee is saying that sometimes, even though it's a dangerous situation, people laugh to show that they don't have any fear. In society today and in the past, men were suppost to be full of pride and courge. A man that is fearful is weak and a coward. It takes a real man with courage to look his enemy in the eyes and just laugh. Laughing at someone when they are not aware of it is one thing, but telling your enemies what you think of them while they are in front of you takes balls. Men that were viewed as a coward were compared to women and children. They were also in some cases outcasts.

ScOtW29 said...

"I think laughter may be a form of courage. As humans we sometimes stand tall and look into the sun and laugh, and I think we are never more brave than when we do that."
Linda Ellerbee

This quote was hard for me to understand. What I got from it is that laughter is good every once in a while. So many people get serious in different situations and forget to laugh. When someone tells you that its a time to be serious, with a few exceptions it wont hurt to laugh. Laughing makes life a lot easier to get through because it makes everybody feel good when you get a good laugh in. When it says as humans we sometimes stand tall and look into the sun and laugh it means that your not scared. I disagree with everyone and I think that laughter is a strength rather than a weakness. It shows the other person that your are a confident person. It shows a lot of confidence to laugh out a situation that was meant to make your cry or get angry. I makes you feel better about yourself that you can get through those types of things.

Shelby Zukoff said...

I believe that Ms.Ellerbee is talking about how people approach the hard and scary situations in our lives. Normally, most people when they are scared show how scared they are. Usually humans naturally will be scared, worried, and nervous when we enter the bad situations. But if you enter into a situation knowing that although things are wrong right then, the bad always comes with the good. If you have the optimistic approach and can stand back and laugh because you know someday things will turn around, there really is nothing more brave then that. I believe there is nothing better than knowledge. If you can be smart enough to know that kind of outcome, your pretty courageous right then. You can be courageous enough to face a difficult situation, but if you can sit back and laugh at it too, your a pretty damn brave person.

Stefan Kegebein said...

For some people laughing may in fact be a form of laughter. Sometimes when you make a mistake it is tough to own up to making the mistake. When you make a fool of yourself laughing is also hard to do. Laughing and facing the facts are one of the toughest things to do in life. Admitting fault is the key first step to making things right. On the other hand laughter is a barrier to other emotions. Sometimes people may laugh when they hear things that are hurtful or make them sad. Laughter is like the body natural way to hide other emotions from showing. Furthermore, laughter can be a sign of happiness. So laughter can be derived from a variety of things. Happiness, nervousness, and embarrassment all can result in laughter.

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

"I think laughter may be a form of courage. As humans we sometimes stand tall and look into the sun and laugh, and I think we are never more brave than when we do that."

I think that this is saying if you can laugh at something your afraid of you can stand up to anything else. I think this is a good message because it is not good to hide from your fears. This quote says someone looks into the sun and laughs, that is because the sun is always there and shining, and your fears will always be there until you stand up to them. There is allot of ways to show or prove that your brave though. Laughing at your fear is one of the best ways you can get over a fear. Next to that would probably standing up and going into your fear (metaphorically). I personally don't think that it is worth being afraid of things. It creates more time wasted and allot more trouble than there has to be. That is why I am not afraid of anything. That's not saying that i never have before, iv just got over them.

this one is pretty good i think?

Anonymous said...

What he is saying doesnt really make any sense to me. I thknk he my be saying laughter is a relief of courage. If you can laugh maybe like at yourself you can do anything. If you can laugh you have alot of courage. And that just to laugh off the stress of life. If you laugh you would never really be stressed. You could be one of the happiest men alive in my opinon.

BrittanyBarron said...

I think that this quote is saying is that showing emtion in general is weakness. When we can face adversity and smile at it saying that we do not clearly see the challenge a head of us. Many people belive that when you show emotion towards things that you are not a strong person. When we show emotions to towards things it showing the enter side of who we are. Emotions are coruage. Coruagr and bavery to shoe who you really are. And somtimes that's what you have to do. Just stand and smile towards the sun.

brandonlengyel said...

I belive that this lady is telling us laughter is sometype of weakness. But i belive laughter is a good thing to show your smile and teeth is a good presepective to others. well lets start this quote by who looks up at the sun and laugh are they on drugs because the sun isnt funny. And when she says i think we are never more brave than when we do that i dont understand that reall. I dont understand this due to that how can you be brave by laughing at something (other than the sun) like a person telling a joke, how does that make you brave. Without laughter our society would be dead into a sense of humor. There will be more and more deperessed people and our society isint good for that. I believe that who ever thinks laughter shows weakness really shows how that person is really depressed inside and needs to have a good laugh hahahaha.

shelbybatlemente said...

I think that Linda Ellerbee has a pretty powerful message to this quote. I think that laughter may be a form of courage because some people have the courage to laugh when they want. Also some people have the courage to laugh when something isn't funny or when nobody else is laughing. As humans we sometimes stand tall and look into the sun and laugh means that being humans we stand tall and laugh when we want. We don't listen to people who tell us not to laugh. We just laugh when we feel like it. There is no limit to laughing when a person feels like it. I think we are never more brave then when we do that means that when a person laughs they are being brave. Sometimes people laugh when something isn't funny. In doing this they are being brave. I wouldn't ever laugh when something isn't funny. This is because I don't have the courage or bravery to do that. Overall, this quote is saying that as humans we have the bravery and courage to laugh when we want. Without having to listen to someone who doesn't want us to.

Stephen Manvydas said...

I also think that laughter is a form or courage/strength. It shows that we can laugh at things that are bad in the world. Others may see it as a way to put off the real world so we can see things how we want to see them. The stand tall part could be like you and a bully. You could be face to face and if you laugh at the bully...well your going to get beat up probobly but you'll go down with some honor or dignety. If you can laugh at the school bully soon other kids will too and after that the bully just becomes a laughing stock. So in ways this could be a weakness, a way to shadow the real world, Other wise i think of it more as a strength that few people have.

Anonymous said...

I think that as humans we tend to laugh at many things. To me this is saying that humans tend to laugh at the things that are always around us. I think she uses the sun as an example because the sun is always around. People laugh at what other people do or even what they do and they have to have courage to laugh at something or someone. Standing up to someone and laughing is more courageous then just simply walking away. Laughing could show many different emotions and I think that's why she uses that as an example in this quote. Everybody laughs at something because that's how people show how they are feeling, either sarcastically or being serious. I guess you could call it a way of life.

Austen Anderson said...

i think Linda Ellerbee is trying to say that sometimes, even though it's a dangerous situation, people laugh to show that they don't have any fear. Laughter is simply a reaction to something funny, much like smiling is to something nice or frowning is to something painful or dissapointing. Also this quote could be saying that we are brave to laugh at ourselves for doin something we dont realize. it means that u think something is funny but it actully is not funny at all. If you have the optimistic approach and can stand back and laugh because you know someday things will turn around, there really is nothing more brave then that. also, when you think your doing something someone else wont do, then your wrong, because theres lots of people out there that will do almost anything. like when you laugh at a joke, and you didnt really understand it, ubt are laughing because the people around you are, but you just wanna stay in with everyone else.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps, diverting from all of that laughter to me is courage because it shows that you can stand up to something and see the good side, or that you are good-hearted. I think that being good-hearted in our culture is seen as a weakness. People who are kind are often taken advantage of by others, just look at the insurance industry and other companies. Being able to laugh is the ultimate statment that you can get over it. By the sun, Ellerbee means something big, or something that we find scary. I'm afraid of roller-coasters, that's my "sun" and if I can get on one and have a good time, then I've succesed in conquering my sun. That conquring our fear, or other great obstacle is what Ellerbee means, and if we can look at that and laugh, then we are brave. Laughing is the symbol for you can't scare me. And if you can't scare me, then in my mind you can't hurt me. At least, that my opinion.

Kevin Hughes said...

One way I'd like to interpret this quote is that it's emphasizing enjoying simpler things in life. To laugh takes effort that could have been spent sitting in your own misery. But instead, to make the best of your current situation and be happy about it takes more courage. Laughter encompasses almost everything about happiness, so the image of someone laughing at the sun is powerful and can be seen in many ways. It could be emphasizing the dualistic nature of many things, including laughter. People don't only laugh when things are funny, and people don't always "stand tall" like they should, but of course, the two go together, and without one you wouldn't know the other.

JakeCastner said...

When you laugh, that is the purest form of individuality. It is saying that you find that funny, and you don't care if others know it. Now, if you are laughing with a crowd just because they are laughing, then you are going in totally the opposite direction. Rather than being an individual, you are following the pack and not thinking for yourself. Laughing is mankind's way of saying HAHAHAHAHAHA that makes me happy inside. Animals run and jump when they are happy, but we have found a way to express mirth in a whole new way. Primates such as monkeys laugh as well, when another monkey falls out of the tree. This has developed into humans laughing when another human makes a fart joke. My what a long, long way we have come as a species.

Panos said...

So after thinking about this quote i believe that it means that Linda Ellerbee is tryin' to say that laughter is a sign of being mentally weak and and if you laugh a lot you usually are tryin' to hide something underneath it. For example if you have alot of pain in your life you usually try to mask it up with tryin' to make everyone see you as your really not. I also think that the author is tryin to say that yyou need to have courage in front of other people and need to let your emotions come out freely and not be scared to show them. I believe that it takes a lot of courages to laugh when other ppl are out there to make you pissed off and it is better to just laugh and walk away.

christina newman said...

I think this quote means that we feel good when we are laughing. Most people when they are laughing they are at there best. Laughing gives people courage and strength. When some people are down you always have other people to get you to laugh. You don't have a lot of courage when you’re not laughing. When you are sad I think that is when you are at your weakness spot. You don't have a lot of self-confidence like you so when you are laughing.