Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Day 8

Today I would like you to discuss movies. What types of movies do you like? What draws you to a certain movie? Actors, directors, music? Do you think that movies play a role in American society besides just being entertainment? Why or why not?


Anonymous said...

I accualy like to watch alot of different types of movies. But my favorite types proably would have to be comedy. I think it puts me in a good mood and i like to laugh. Dont get me wrong i like serious movies just as much as long as it is good. What draws me is definetly the commercials. If i laugh during the comericial i will probaly go see it. And im sure this is for everyone. If there is a well known actor in it most people will go see it jjust becasue he is in it. I dont really think they play a role. THey are just realy entertainment. I guess you can say it relieves people and gives them things to do but i dont think anything more than just that.

shelbybatlemente said...

I like pretty much all types of movies. My favorite would have to be comedy,horror,or romance movies. I also like some action movies. The movie trailers usually are the thing that draws me to a certain movie. If I see the trailer and it looks good I usually go see it. If it doesn't look good I probably won't go see it. Sometimes I will go see a movie if it has my favorite actors and actresses in it. I think that some movies play a role in American society. For example the movie World Trade Center. This movie was made to show everyone what happened on that tragic day of September 11, 2001. It plays a role in American Society because it is a part of our history. Most movies are just for entertainment purposes. This is because they are used to give people something to do. Also so you can relax with either family or friends. I love to watch movies. Everyone likes movies for entertainment. They are also used to relieve people of stress. Movies play a big part in America's every day life!!!

jessecovill said...

Generally I like any type of movie, if it catches my interest I usually want to see it. What would draw me to a movie is if it has had a lot of media attention or if it is a sequel to a really good movie I’ve seen before. I don’t have a certain actor or director but if there’s a good musical score in the movie it would add to the viewing experience. For other than entertainment value, I think movies show us a different side of society or the way someone else is dealing with something in a different way than you would. Although movies today have been moving towards the comedic and comic/old tv shows, I like them.

ben nicolay said...

I like a variety of diffrent types of movies. I like humor, action, violent, suspence, and some horror. I don't really like chick flicks or fantasy movies. I very rarely go see a movie in theatres. So I wait till someone else see's it and tell me its good so then it makes me want to see it. I guess I like a good comedy. There is nothing better than a funny movie. I think movies play a huge role in our society. Its a type of entertainment and it gets people away from their normal lives. Movies came about in the great depression to entertain people and get away for a few hours to take away the thought of the bad economy. The movies still today entertain people and will for the years to come.

Plaz said...

My favorite kind of movies are comedy, and action. Some stories draws me into a movie. I really dont know any actors or actress's. I only know Will Smith and Megan Fox from transformers. If Tom Cruise or Ben Aflac or some big actor or actress were to talk to me face to face i would just think they are a parent or somebody visiting the school not a famous person. Music in movies i really dont care bout but some songs in movies are really bad. I think that movies do play a role in American society other than entertainment but i cant think of any good examples. We watch movies when we are bored so it does play a big role in entertainment. Some movies show us what someones life was like.
Evan E

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

Movies probably come second to music. I like all kinds of music as long as there original and entertaining. I like something that looks interesting or good. My favorite kind of movies if i had to pick one would be horror. My second choice would definitely be comedy. I don't really have a specific actor i follow or anything. Movies play a huge part in American society. People watch allot of movies just like me and relate them to there life's. Not to mention trying to break away from there own life.

Stefan Kegebein said...

Like most people I like a variety of movies. I like comedy, action, horror, and movie that are based on true stories. My favorite would probably have to be comedy and movies involving war. I like comedy movies because they just make you laugh not matter what type of mood you are in. War movies are great because there is plenty of violence and a lot if suspense. One of my favorite movies is Miracle. Every time I watch it I get caught up in the suspense leading up to the game and the thrill of the huge upset win. I guess if a certain actor is in a movie some people might go see it just for that reason. I usually choose a movie based on reviews from friends or previews that I see on TV. Movies play a huge role in our society. Some movies can be more then just entertainment. There are many movies out here that many Americans can relate to. That might also make the movie appealing to watch.

Anonymous said...

I watch so many weird movies. Movies that aren't the mainstream comedy or action film. I like movies that are realistic, offering a shocking new look on subjects. Violent realism in movies is something I love. I love raw emotion and shocking stuff. I just recently watched "Milk" with Sean Penn and James Franco. I recommend it to anyone who is mature enough to handle the whole homosexual material, and to anyone who can enjoy a movie without gratuitous sex or violence. It was very very good. I love mature movies and movies with black humor. The Godfather is my favorite film of all time, everything about it is just perfect. I also LOVE Japanese/Korean films. They're so beautiful and Japanese horror is often the scariest there is. Oldboy is an amazing Korean film, Ichi The Killer is also a great foreign film.

Alix Dickson said...

I like alot of diffrent movies. I love scary movies and funny movies the most. I love when i can laugh really hard during a movie or its so scary i jump in my seat. I also like action movies because they are really good at holding my attention. The only types of movies i usually dont like are romantic comedys. Those are the kind of movies i get bored in and fall asleep. I usually am drawn into a movie by the actors in it or if it has a really good preview. Movies are a huge part of American society. Movies are a major industry that makes alot of money.

Miranda Adams said...

now here we go somethink i have know a lot about. I love movies, sitting on the couch with my friends, family, or boyfriend cuddled up all bonding well watching a movie is my fav. thing to do. Im mostly drawn to scary, comady and action films. But i do have to say when u are watching a scary movie i love to be in the theater. It just makes you get that jumpy feeling ever more.
what draws me to a movie i would have to say is how it is advertised and if it has a good stpry plot. i know i may sound weird but i like the little movies that arent in theaters and that many people havent hurd about. Sometimes they turn out way better then expected, and some are even better then the big well known ones. But anyways what draws you to movies and how do you like to injoy them?

Unknown said...

it is a common idea that movies help people escape reality. i somewhat believe this to. movies allow people a type of escape fro reality. be it the current economy, social issues and whatnot. my favorite types of movies are comedies. the plot, idea, theme, time, and reviews are what draws me to a movie. some of my favorite actors are mel brooks, gene wilder, richard pryor and adam sandler. and yeah, i feel movies are a social and mental event to many americans. it is a way for people to enjoy a night, or just pass the time in an enjoyable way.

Unknown said...


ScOtW29 said...

What types of movies do you like? What draws you to a certain movie? Actors, directors, music? Do you think that movies play a role in American society besides just being entertainment? Why or why not?

I like a variety of movies. My favorite type has to be comedys. Its a type of movie where you can relax and not wonder whats going on every minute. I like comedys because they are relaxing. If you had a hard week or something you can go home and watch a comedy and laugh a little. Certain actors draw me to movies. I like Will Ferrel, Owen Wilson, Kevin James, and more. Anything with them I would would probably enjoy. I think movies are just for entertainment honestly. I cant think of anything else watching a movie would be for.

jray said...

I like most kinds of movies. It all depends in what kind of mood I am in. I like any kind of movie that will make me laugh or keep me interested throughout the whole thing. America has been affected by movies since the first motion picture. It began in America and is the center of the movie making world. It has influenced the different countries like India who is getting into the movie making business. I don't really have any favorite actors but I think that some actors are better at playing different parts. Just like I wouldn't want to see someone like Jim Carey in a action movie about killing.

BrittanyBarron said...

My choices in movies are alot like my chocies in music, verstail. I like everything from musicals to horror, to action. Mostly the plot and the music draw me in the most. If there is an actor or actress that is in the movie that i like then i mostly likely see the movie. I really like peroid movies. Also i like movies that based on books. This makes it easier to enjoy my favorite book with having to read for 6 hours. That is unless they change everything about the book to make it more appealing to a larger crowd. (Twilight) I like older movies to like from the 40s, 50s, and 60s. Breakfest at Tiffany's is one of my favorite movies ever. It is some out there for the time it was made. I love it even though the book was written by my least favorite authors in the enitre world. Turman Capote. Movies are one of those things that makes America. One of the main thing America is known for is Hollywood. It is mutli- billon dollar industire that is provideing millions of jobs in the country. So no i do not think it it is strickly for enterainment.

Anonymous said...

This is not a topic I'm good on at all since I don't really like movies. Umm, the last good movie I saw was Memoirs of A Giesha when it came out. In fact, that was the last time I went to the theatres and watched a movie in the first place. Probably the biggest reason I'm not into movies is because I don't like the fact that you can't use your imagination. What they want you to think is in front of you, there's no room for changing things like there is in books. Another thing is you don't get into character's heads like you can in books. The movies that I do like, I don't really base off of directors or actors, since the only ones I know with any certainty are Audrey Hepburn, John Wayne, Paul Newman, Judy Garnland, Al Pacino, Tallia Shire and all those other much older actors. If I do watch movies, I generally enjoy the classics with my parents. Music is certainly my favourite part of movies, and I generally most enjoy movies that have amazing soundtracks such as Williams, Zimmer and Goldsmith. I also have a affinity for Star Trek. That comes from my hope that humanity could be like that someday; free from disease at at peace. Also, I like to think that we're not alone in the universe, and that we'll be able to mature to the point where we could co-exist peacefully, (minus the Borg and the Dominion, trekkies know what I mean... Oh, an the Romulans).

Movies had a huge role in American society, now they're just like today's music. In the depression, they served as an outlet aside from drinking. Today, movies are just for money. There's no point to many of them any more, and when a truly good movie comes out, we all appreciate it. So, yeah, they've become nothimg more than entertainment filled with sex, sex and mroe sex. While sex is bad, you don't need to base every single movie off of it. It gets boring. In short, movies today have nothing near the quality and depth as tehy once did. Look at Casablanca, Bridge over the Rive Kwai, Pyscho, My Fair Lady. That was the golden age, where movies were art. Now, it's an industry. Nothing more.

Anonymous said...


You want a good shoking movie, try out Teeth. Now there's a weird movie for you. Wiki it for anyone who's never heard of it, you may be suprised someone thought of this!

Anonymous said...

I like to watch horror movies and movies about killings and death. I don't know why but I just think that them types of movies keep my interest the most. Usually the thought of something that might scare me draws me to the movie but usually they don't. It really doesn't matter to me who is in the movie or who directed it or anything like that as long as it has a good plot to it. Movies plays a part in American society besides entertainment by either telling a story of some sort or just to bring people closer to each other. The different types of movies are based on different things according to what you what to watch, like love stories usually bring people closer and horror movies bring people to the edge of their set, basically for fun and enjoyment. I guess movies could be used for educational facts also, but who really wants to watch those. Most of those movies are just plan dumb and boring, I know I have always hated sitting through those types of movies because of that reason and plus they don't keep my interest for very long.

Austen Anderson said...

i like to watch all different kinds of movies. my favorite tye of movies are adventure and suspense. movies like national treasure, fools gold, and movies like that. movies draw my atention pretty much with their previews, i wont go see a movie just because of a certain actor or director. movies do play a role is american society, mainly because they change how many people view different things. they are also entertaining, but still change how people view other people or groups of people. my all time favorite movie has got to be fools gold, its just real funny and has a great story to it.

Anonymous said...

There are many different types of movies. i enjoy mostly comedies and action movies. i like these because action movies usually have a good plot to help move them along and make things interesting. Comedies i like solely because they are funny. One of my favorite actors is nicholas cage. he is really good in almost all of his movies and he always is in movies that intrest me in some way. When his new one comes out i am definatly going to see it because it is a kind of a puzzler and if combined with the right actor those movies are really good. I think that movies became so big today because of the depression and wars of the past. During the hard times americans went to the movies so that they could get away from all the choas going on around them. And like always history is repeating itsslef and many of us are once agian going to movies to escape the life around us.

JakeCastner said...

Movies used to be a big part of my life when i was younger. Nowadays, i try not to watch too much tv or movies. The quality of tv and movies today is just too low. Music is also in an era of shame, but that is another story. When i watch a movie, i like for it to be interesting, funny, and exciting. Scary movies nowadays are way too predictable and stupid, but i still watch some just for the suspenseful parts. Looking into the past is the best way to find good movies. old westerns, caddyshack, which i was just watching today, and all sorts of cool stuff. Today we get pointless remakes of bad 70's tv shows. Although, i will say that Seth Rogen and his crew are coming out with some hilarious stuff. I would defenitely say that they are the cream of the crop nowadays. A lot of their films are highly inappropriate, but the witty humor is good, the characters are funny, and the dialogue is believable. You see the people in his movies getting more and more parts in movies outside Rogen's films.
Movies definitely play a part in American society, if only subliminally. I think that if people are subjected to bad literature, bad film making, or bad art in general, they are apt to slip into an artistic, depressive, and possibly economic slump. Basically the same theory of playing classical music to plants and having them thrive. I will speak about modern rap for a moment, just because my train of thought keeps coming back to the topic. I heard a song today called the stanky leg and i just laughed that anyone would listen to that. It is uncreative, mindless, and obnoxious. It is currently being played over and over again on the radio stations. Plants everywhere near the song must be positively drooping.

brandonlengyel said...

Movies are also the shit. I love movies they are always entertaning. I personally like the commincal and scary movies. They draw me in by advertisemet and trailers on tv. Movies to me are a great way to hang with your friends and get a good laugh out of a commincal movie or a creepy scare out of a scary movie. Comedy movies but me in good modes and make me want to go qote lines of the movie in every day discussions with my friends. I do think movies play a role in the american society in two with they always talk about whats the best and most selling movies in press box. So yes movies due play a role in the american society into with it is what our socity wants and needs. This is my presecpitive on movies.

Stephen Manvydas said...

My favorite type of movie is an action/thriller movie. I love movies with constant fighting and gun slinging. I think that a mix everything is what draws me into a movie. I think a move is only as good as the actors but in certian cases good writers can make a horrible actor great. I think most people in the world could be a director so i dont value them as a high part of a movies success. Music is the bow tie to the suit of a movie. It gives the dramatic feel the director is looking for in that intense moment. I think that movies are one of the most important things in america. Theres a new one almost weekly and we all love to see them. It helps us forget our daily troubles and relax for an affordable price.

Kevin Hughes said...

The types of movies I like are usually atypical of most genres. But movies I like are usually comedies or something not completely serious but not devoid of any plot development or structure. Some of my favorite directors are Woody Allen, Michel Gondry, David Lynch, Wes Anderson, and Paul Thomas Anderson. Some of my favorite movies are The Science of Sleep, 8 1/2, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Oldboy, My Neighbor Totoro, Amelie, Lost in Translation, Waking Life, etc. I think movies are able to affect people in a way that most other art forms can't if done correctly. The characters can be so genuine that you can wonder what it would be like to live in their world. I think anyone who watches movies just for entertainment is akin to someone who listens to music just to dance. While possible, many movies I like were meant to be thought about in more ways than just one single (often comedic) value. Plus, a lot of generic comedy movies that appeal to teenagers are just awful.

kirkwhitt said...

I like watching all sorts of movies. There isn't any perticular movie besides action and horor. Both types of movies keep me on the edge of my seat. You never know what's going to happen next and that's what's so exciting about each of them. I think movies that have well known actors in a movie help bring in more people and more money. I think that a lot of movies have points and all try tohelp people out. All people people like a variety of different types of movies so they don't get bored watching the same type over and over.

Alex V said...

There are many different types of movies. i enjoy mostly comedies and action movies. I like comedy movies because they just make you laugh. What draws me to a centain moive is the trailer for that moive and if it looks like it will be a funny moive i will probley go see it. So actors that i like are will ferrell and ben stiller and ice cube. Movies are a huge part of American society. Movies are a major industry that makes alot of money. Moives are very important to the us society today.

Panos said...

I personally watch a wide variety of movies from love movies, to military movies to action movies and even old school movies. To me the content of the movie pulls me to it like thet movie "Shooter", I wanted to watch it cause it was about a ex-marine sniper. I do believe that movies play a big role in American societ because everywhere you go, people are always talking about movies that they like or that they want to see. I also think that some directors make movies to get a point across to the society, like in some movies such as action movies involving the government, directors try to make the point how the government screws people over a lot.

Janet said...

i like many types of movies. I really enjoy watching scary movies and funny. even tho i get scared watching scary movies they are funnn to see with friends. Funny movies are great, you laugh alot that makes your tummy hurt. wat draws me to movies are the previews, if they dont seen interseting i dont wanna see the movie. movies do play a big role in the american society. Many people dont have thiings to do in the weekend they go out to dinner and most likely watch a movie. Entertainment gets alot of money.

Lil Southkr3w said...

i like action movies. i also like comedy movies. the actors dont really matter but if the movie is funny then i would watch it. my favorite movies are boold in blood out. i like that movie beacuse is about gangs in LA. i like diferent types of movies. a movies does not play another role in american society. idk why i just dont think so.

im just lettin you kno that i dont have internet so i get credit for doing the blog late. thanx.

Alan Hernandez

Anonymous said...

I generally like comedy movies moreover any other genre, but I absolutely cannot resist a movie with a great script. Pirates of the Caribbean is an example; something about that series just captivates every part of me. Also, Ferris Bueller's Day Off is a similar tale. Long before I entered the high school environment, Ferris Bueller's Day Off was my favorite movie. Now that I am in high school I re-watch the film each year, and each year I learn to love it more and more and appreciate high school for what it's worth. As such, a great script draws me to a movie. I think that movies provide a sense of relief from the real world in addition to just being entertainment. For example, take a look at nearly every high school based movie. They portray high school in an entirely superficial, unrealistic manner. I, as a high schooler, watch these movies in order to get a glimpse at what high school could be like. Sort of a "What If...?" moment, if you will.

christina newman said...

I like to watch movies wit my friends mostly. The kinds of movies that I like are funny and scary movies. My favorites are the fast and furious movies. Witch I can't wait for the new one to come out. I think movies do play a good role in today’s society. You see people all the time going to the movies. Movies give something to do and have fun with other people.