Monday, March 23, 2009

Day 11

Today you began watching "Defending Your Life." Prior to viewing the movie, we discussed the idea of perceptions and creating a perception of ourselves. In this blog, write your eulogy focused on how you would hope that, in the end, people would think about you. This will probably take at least 15 sentences for you to truly reflect on this moment.

Good luck!


Anonymous said...

Austin Snell was a man that loved a lot of things in life. Music was his passion in life. It never took a lot to make Austin happy, just some good friends and interesting adventures. He was never a man to antagonize or provoke others. Austin liked to have peaceful afternoons, and warm nights. He enjoyed film and video games, his two hobbies. Austin never asked for a lot in life, and had a lot to give.

Austen Anderson said...

austen was a very kind man. he was very athletic (even though it didnt show) and tries very hard at everything he does. he always wants to be just a step higher than everyone else, but i mean, who doesnt. he had a great life, loved sports, especialy hockey. when he was a child he played hockey, it was his favorite thing to do. he also enjoys summer sports as well. in the summer he was very big into wakeboarding and spending time on the boat with all his friends. in the end, he was just a great all around person. he always knew how to have a good time and wasnt the type to get into a lot of trouble.

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

Cody, His heart was in the right place. He spent his life trying to make other peoples world a better place. He was not planed, coordinated, or intelligent but he did his best at everything he did. He lived his life day to day, with no exact schedule all he knew was that he wanted to have fun, and the rest of the people around him. He had a heart of a lion and always looked out for his freinds and family. He adored the flow of intelligence and tried to pick all he could up and let it shape him. In all Cody tried to perfect his life and the lives around him.

Miranda Adams said...

Miranda Denise Adams was a wonderfull friend. She was out going and easy to get a long with. Even though her and her friends would sometimes disagree on things and have there little drama every now and then, she was always there when her friends needed her. Yeah she wasnt the best at school but she tryed as much as she could. She didnt always injoy it but she tryed not to let it show. She was a very out going girl should would do pretty much anything for anyone. if you needed help, a place to stay, or someone to talk to she was always there. It didnt take much to have a good time with Miranda she almost always had a smile on her face, and made the best of everything she did. She was always found hanging out with her friends or family, either hanging out, watching a movie, running around playing some kind of sport, or helping someone out. She loved Her family more then anything in the world they ment more to her then anything. She had a heart of gold and will truly be missed.

shelbybatlemente said...

Shelby Nicolle Batlemente was a kind and considerate friend. She was kind of shy at times but never had problems making friends. Sometimes she would disagree with her friends and family but things would always work out in the end. Whenever her friends needed her she was there. Shelby had many interests in her life. She loved music,her family,and friends with a passion. She almost always had a smile on her face. She brought good and positive thinking to everyone she came into contact with. She always tried her hardest at everything she did. Even if she didn't succeed she would try again. Her hobbies included reading, swimming, hanging out with friends and relaxing at home. She was always doing something. She almost always never was sitting still. Shelby had a loving personality and a heart of gold. She touched the lives of many and will truly be missed.

Unknown said...


now i hate blogs like this because its going to make m sound egotistical.

Scott was a man of many values. he liked sports, socializing, interacting with people. in many ways you might say he was well rounded, or diversified. a true friend, and caring person, he always approached things in an open minded light hearted way. he was very smart, even though it might not have showed all the time. he indulged imself in he things he liked to do, like tennis or paintball. always looked at things in a different perspective. he was an intellectual, and fought for what he believed in, not one to be swayed by others' tactics. most importantly, he lived life for him, and thats all we can do is be ourselves.

Stefan Kegebein said...

Stefan Kegebein, was a one of a kind person. He was a sports fanatic and spent most of his time playing a lot of them. He especially loved the game of Hockey. He may not have been the biggest person on the ice, but he was always the hardest working. He spent a lot of his spear time watching sports and his favorite show SportsCenter. Stefan was a very kind and caring person. He was nice to everyone he met. He was one of the friendliest people on earth and it showed everywhere he went. Stefan always took pride in his work. Whether it was sports, a job, or school, he was always trying to do his best. It was his diverse interest and views from different perspectives that allowed him to communicate with all kinds of different people. The touched so many in the time he was around. He will truly be missed and will always be in our hearts and memories.

Lil Southkr3w said...

Alan HErnandez was a teen who was very nice to many people. he never did anything wrong. he never did drugs or anthyn bad. he aslo doesnt like to still and hustle. he was the perfect teen. he likes to lisen to musik and stuff. he also likes movies alot. he like to chill with his frend and just hang out and chill. he aslo like to play xbox and chill. he like the internet very much.

JakeCastner said...

Jacob Castner was a pretty good kid. Whenever i was down on my luck, he would share the love. No matter what it was, money, food, whatever. If you needed it and he had it, he would hook you up as long as you were cool with him. All he asked was that you got him back sometime. In the end, he created a very open, giving atmosphere with those he was closest with. Got into some trouble, long past the point of caring now. He lived the way he saw fit, and it's a good thing he did, too, because now he's gone. Dead at 16, this is truly a loss for those who knew him.

Anonymous said...

Tom Hall. He was a son, and a friend. Ever since he was a child he loved to be outdoors. He would always run around and do whatever he could outside. One o his favorite things was snowboarding and animal. His hopes for life after high school was becoming a vet. He was always a good kid at heart no matter how much trouble he got into and boy did he get into trouble. He was someone that you could tell your deepest secrets and trust to have good adivse. He was happy all the time and was also a good sport. Even when he was not happy he could act like it like he was in a play. Whenever things went down hill he would know what to do. When it came to school he always tried his best. Most of the times he got aA's but even when he did bad he was still proud because he did his best. We Will never forget you and your life.

ben nicolay said...

Ben Nicolay, what an extrodinary person. He was just like any other human being. He laughed, he cried, and he lived life to the fullest. He never asked to much of life. He just gave out what was need of him. He loved his family. He would do anything they wanted of them even though his sister was a bitch. He loved sports. He was very athletic and played hockey. He loved to coach and share the game of tomarrows children. He was a good friend. You would want this guy to have your back. You could say his friendship was like a brother. You never always agreed with him but in the end ya got to love em'. Even though he is not physically here with us today, he will be in our hearts forever.

Alix Dickson said...

Alix Dickson was a very nice person and a good friend. She had a really good life and a great family. She was an excellent student and a hardworker. She never got in fights or had any enemys. She was a busy person with school, sports and a job but she always made time for her friends. She was a really well rounded person who had many experiences in her lifetime. These experiences helped shape her into a good and smart person. Alix was optimistic and always looked on the bright side. She will always be remembered as someone who was very giving and cared for others. She will always be missed and remembered.

jray said...

Jonathon Ray was a very kind man. He was always their for his family and friends when ever they needed his support. It didn't matter if it was good or bad, he was still their. Jon liked just sitting at home relaxing. He could always count on his friends and family to hangout with him to have a good time. Although he liked to just chill, he also enjoyed playing different kinds of sports and being outside.

Stephen Manvydas said...

In the end i hope to be know by more than my family and close friends. I want the world to know who i was and what i did. I dont want to go down as a bad person either, i want to be known as a great person not a criminal. Maybe discover something amazing or build somthing spectacular. I think that right now i am a little far from this and my priorities arnt set on my life goals as of now. I need to get my life straight and take some time to make sure my future is set not just my life now. Alot of people want to be know for great things but i dont want to be like them. I dont want to be know as a great movie star or actor/singer i want somthing that will last. Maybe the first president to acctually revolutionize america and make it #1 again. I want to do somthing like discover the first Trex in 100% perfect condition or find a way to stop global warming, somthing that will put my name in the books for life not in lights for a hour. As i read other posts i realize i went in a different dirrection for this one sorry about that.

brandonlengyel said...

Brandon Lengyel was the greatese of the greatest. Was a son and a friend. Was loved and hated. Was athletic and smart. Brandon was great at lacrosse who by teamates was known as lilb and great at fotball who was know as junior mint. He was a quite person but when you got to know him he was like a commedian. His drams are to attend medical school but knows its going to be a lot of work. He always wanted to become invoved in sports medicine. He was a great person to be around and always was liked. As a young person he played football and lacrosse starting in fourth grade. He will always be rembered by his friends and his family. Brandon Lengyel aka"lilb" was a great man.

Plaz said...

Evan was known as a motivated person and good friend. Always stayed true to his word. Music is his thing. Evan was a go getter. He never needed expensive things. He didnt need an ipod. He was all good wit his CD player and walkman haha. He loved writin music, watchin TV, goin on the computer, playin video games, watchin movies, and spendin time outside. He knew where he wanted to be in 5 years and was good at savin up his money. He was a funny kid and could make people smile. He was always busy but made time for his family and friends and was always there for someone when they needed him. He always helped people out. He had a very intresting life and put his friends before himself.

Alex V said...

Alex vizzini was a man that loved many things in life. Some of those things were playing sports and video games and hanging out with my friends. He was the kind of person that always lived his life to the fullest. He was always trying to help people no matter what. Alex lived his life day to day he didn't always have a plan for what he was going to do. But things always seemed to work out. All and all he might not have been the greasest person in the world but he was still a good person. Alex always lived his life the best he could. He wasn't always worried about money and he still had time to help his family and friends. Alex lived a good life as a friends and a son.

jay said...

wheeeeeeeeeeeew Jeremy Winters was a guy that was kind to all. He was always on the go. He enjoyed making people laugh. If you were sad Jeremy could always make you laugh with his witty and silly humor. Jeremy was friendly to everyone and it was hard to find anyone that didn't like him. He had a huge heart and was always there for anyone who needed him. He enjoyed being with his friends, playing Lacrosse, snowbording, cooking, hunting and fishing and many other things. Jeremy went to school for culinary arts and loved anything to do with food. He had dreams of having his own restuarnt someday. Jeremy befriended many and He will be missed emensely. And He would want this meassage said, "Huron Valley Lacrosse Rules!"

Kevin Hughes said...

Kevin was someone that didn't want people to mourn too much at his death. He believed that death was as natural and healthy of an action as being born was. He felt because life is spontaneous, it shouldn't be drawn out forcefully. For life to be important, it doesn't need to go to on for more than a second. And although there was no real reason to continue living, he realized the opportunity presented by death. This opportunity is to figure out what life is all about, by taking it away. Kevin understood his disappearance as this particular form, or organism, was just seasonal, or like the crest of a wave. The one thing that Kevin wanted to accomplish with his death was to set an example for everyone to re-examine their views on death. He wanted his death to be a celebration, as well as a natural event. Kevin felt death has been institutionalized out of the way, to the point where it almost doesn't happen. To embalm people and keep them from decomposing is an action purely exclusive to humans. This seems wrong, because Kevin didn't feel as if it was an indignity to be reused by the planet. Especially because humans consume without giving anything back. He felt death is liberation because the fact that at the point of death, you aren't able to stop changing, and that nothing can be held onto.

Anonymous said...

Robert Sheetz was a very respectful person. He had everything that you would want from a teenager. He never really asked for too much in life besides to have somebody there to guide him the right way. Although he had some trouble in life he was a very good kid. He has had a rough passed but I believed he had good intentions. I never really understood how someone like him could go, but he's in a better place now. Robert had so many goals in live too and he was on his way to achieving many of them. It's a very sad time when somebody like him could pass away. He never really got into trouble at his home with all his family, although he didn't really get along with his sister because she was always mean to him but that's how siblings are towards each other. People always looked at him in the wrong way only because of his appearance but once they got to know him they changed the way the viewed him. He was never disrespectful to anybody and he was never late for anything unless there was something big going on in his life. He also took full advantage of his work and took a lot of pride in what he has done. It's a shame that he had to pass away in the way he did.

BrittanyBarron said...

Brittany Jeannette Barron was a woman with a lot to offer in life. She was kind, she was caring, and she was talented. She only wanted two things in life; to be loved and to be remenbered. She lived a full life and was grateful everything that she had. She was a talented designer and a gifted artist. She deticated her life to making the world a more beautiful through art and clothing. She was a loving wife and a devoted mother. She was there when people needed her and was a very chairtable person. Was donoated great amounts of time, moeny, effort to make children more open to art and fashion. She believed that clothes were not just something you wear on yor body but something you wear on your soul. She was who wanted more out of life than just money or power. She wanted love. She will be forever missed.

Anonymous said...

I would like to note that I find this rather morbid.

Stefan was, what one may call the consummate artist. Exacting in every detail, fulfilling in his innermost need. I'm sure that that is what you would like me to say, but I don't like to lie. Stefan will be remembered as an ass, yet one who knew he was one and allowed him to be redeemed in that small way. Do not think of his loss as a tragedy, but as a lifting of a burden upon the world. For, in his innane stubbornness he left many agape with abject horror and grey hairs aplenty. While one may question my sanity at saying this, you must all realize that this is from the heart. The heart which, thankfully I can say Stefan did have. For all of his acerbic yet, delightfully sagacious banter, he was but a simple man. Never asking much of anyone and always being there to hold the door for the little old ladies whom smell like musty kitty litter. I hope we shall come away from this with a renewed sense that, Stefan was but a man. Human, in all qualities and filled with the flaws shared by each. Perhaps, not unique in any way besides the fact that he was he. For, in the illusion of existence, he was my only real friend.

And yes, I did spend quite some time thinking about this one.

Panos said...

Panos Souvatzidis was a man that thought of other people before himself and was always there if you needed help with anything. Sports was his favorite hobby in life and he wanted everyone to realize that even with a handicap, anything is possible. Panos was the person that if you were down, would come up with jokes that raised your spirits up almost immediatly. Panos believed that in order for people to get along together, someone would have to step up and take the responsibiity to make the world a better place instead of waiting for someone else to do it. Even though Panos had a very big ego, he had a right too because of his athleticism, he did things that people thought would be impossible for him to do. Panos always gave more than he asked for and never was worried about life.

ScOtW29 said...

In this blog, write your eulogy focused on how you would hope that, in the end, people would think about you. This will probably take at least 15 sentences for you to truly reflect on this moment.

Scot Wilson was probably one of the funniest and talneted kids I have ever known. Scot was a very kind person. For the most part he put other peoples needs in front of his own. This is how he had so many friends including myself. There are so many examples I can give of his kindness, and his care for others. Scot was also one of the funniest kids ive ever known. He was most known for quoting movie lines. He knows more movie lines then a lot of people I know. He would also crack a joke every now and then to make moments less awkward. He had this really funny joke that I probably shouldnt say. Scot was also a very athletic person. Probably the most athletic person I have ever known. One of the best football players in the state(even though he had limited play time). He always gave it his all to become a better athlete every practice, and every time he is in the weightroom. He didnt just play spors, he also was a sports finatic. He loves watching sports and knew more than anybody I know about the good sports(football, basketball, thats about it). Scot Wilson was a stand up guy and im sure everybody will miss him.

jessecovill said...

Jesse was a nice person, a good person, if anyone wanted something he would more than likely help you with anything you wanted. He always wanted what was best for his friends and family. He never wanted to antagonize people. Most of his time was spent with his family, at home and at baseball. He enjoyed baseball, hunting, chilling in his pool, and playing video games. He will be deeply missed.

Janet said...
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Janet said...

Janet Alejandra Velazquez was a trust worthy friend. ALl her friend loved her. Janet had many good friends but only some bestfriends. She was a caring grl and a very out going girl, if a friend called her over, she will say yeahh. If you needed advice, a place to crash,she was always there. She was a trust worthy friend becasue we would tell her anything, jst to let things out of our chest and i never had her backstabbed me. She was not a backstabber, she would tell you things stairght out. She was always happy, wit a smile on her face never sad, and easy to get a long with. Altho, not all friends get along, she was always with everyone, to make them feel better if there were problem btwn them. Janet was a nice girl to get along with, if you just said "hey" and be nice. She would say "hey" bak. She was always with her family, or her cousins or friends. Family ment everything to her. Janet had a big family that loved her alot. Parents that she adored and they loved her as well. A lil sister that she cared bout alot. Even tho they fought alot, deep in there she loved her.

Anonymous said...

As we gather today, let us remember and celebrate the life of Ryan Moore. Remember that death is not final, rather a temporary separation from our beloved who will be brought back to life on the Day of Judgment. This man's passion was in his prayer and his music. Conversing with Ryan was a joy, as he was always smiling and always happy - he was an optimist. However, he didn't see the glass half full. Rather he saw exactly what was in the glass; he was a realist. He very much disliked confrontation with others, but would protect and stand next to - not behind - his family and friends. He was open to new ideas and accommodated or assimilated new approached into his existing schema. He was not afraid to step out of his comfort zone, and as such he often did in order to get a cheap thrill or experience a new thing. Besides playing his beloved guitar and creating music, Ryan's favorite thing to do was a simple one: he simply enjoyed sitting outside on his bench-swing and enjoy the starry nights while listening to his music device. Ryan was a strong advocate of forgiving and forgetting, and oft gave out a second and third chance to those who had made mistakes. Let us not forget this wonderful man. His music and his spirit will forever live on in our hearts. Let us bow our heads in prayer for the dead.