Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Cardmarking 2, Day 2

Today you guys were given time to work on your Macbeth project. Hopefully tomorrow we will have more participation in the actual doing of the project while in the lab.

Today's blog:

Define tragedy in your own words. Why is "Macbeth" a tragedy? Is Macbeth's death really tragic or not? Explain using info from the story.

See you all tomorrow,



Anonymous said...

Tragedy is when something awful happens to a man or woman with good intentions. Something tragic would be when a nice father who's driving to work gets in a car accident due to a drunk driver. The father is killed and the drunk walks away with only a few bruises. When Macduff's family is killed by Macbeth, I would consider that tragic. I think Macbeth's death is tragic. He had good intentions, and lust and greed took over his life. So yes, I would consider Macbeth's death tragic.

Alix Dickson said...

A tragedy is when something bad happens. When sombody is killed it is sometimes considered a tragedy. Macbeth is a tragedy because so many people are killed through out the story. I dont believe Macbeth has a tragic death. macbeth was a mean person who killed others for his own gain. Not only did he kill people but he killed people he was friends with, such as Banquo, and people he was related to, such as Duncan his cousin. Macbeth needed to be killed so that Malcome could become king and prevent any more people from being killed by Macbeth.

Anonymous said...

I think tragedy is when something you would never want to happen does. Its when someone tells you a story that you just cant belive that accualy could happen to someone. I think it is very tragic. Not only was he killed. But the whole thing of him being king ruined his life. He ahd lost all of his friends and even kiled one of them. He had no regard for anyones life besides how good his was. So its tragic that he had to sufffer that. Even when his own wife died it didnt seem like he even was really sad. He just completey had no soul at that point.

Stefan Kegebein said...

To me a tragedy is anything that is an unsuspected sad or terrifying event. Macbeth is a tragic event because it shows the effects of the corruption of power. Many innocent people like Banquo and Duncan are killed. Duncan was a great king to the people of Scotland and Macbeth just kills him to gain power for himself. That itself it’s a tragic event for Duncan’s family and others in Scotland because of the type of leader he was. I don’t believe that Macbeth’s death is a tragedy at all. He had it coming for him the first time he decided to kill just so he could become a powerful figure in Scotland. Macbeth was corrupt and was unable to make the right decisions to keep his life doing down the right path. Like I said before I think the tragic part of Macbeth is all the lives he affected or harmed in the route to becoming king.

brandonlengyel said...

Tradegy is when something bad happens to one. Like today with me and my friends wittnessing death amoung our good friend. Macbeth is a tradegy due to all of the killing of people. Macbeth was destened to become king. He would do anything in order to do so, except to wait. If he would let time take its place he wouldnt end up being a crappy king and getting kill. He would probelly of been a good one if so. His death is really not a tragedy due to that he had it commin to him. He had this comming to him as he was out there killing others. Like killing duncan, and flence in order to become king. And by doing this he had been killed. This book was predictable due to the witches prophecies.

ScOtW29 said...

Define tragedy in your own words. Why is "Macbeth" a tragedy? Is Macbeth's death really tragic or not? Explain using info from the story.

Tragedy is when an event occurs that was unexpected and effects a lot of different people. Macbeth is a tragedy for many reasons. Macbeth was such a good person at the beginning of the book. He was a war hero and he was pretty much Duncans right hand man. Its a tragedy because what Macbeth turns that into. He killed Duncan, and then more and more people. He turned something so good into something extremely bad. Macbeths death is not tragic at all. Everybody knew that he deserved to die for all of the innocent people he has killed.

JakeCastner said...

To me, a tragedy is an epic novel or work of literature that climaxes and ends with the death of the main character. Macbeth is a tragedy because there is a lot of death, Macbeth is eventually killed, and the themes are very treacherous. I don't really think that Macbeth's death is a tragedy because towards the end of his life, macbeth became a real dick. He was killing people out of paranoia, he was hallucinating, and he was just being weird all around. He was seeing ghosts, daggers, and witches. On the surface however, it seems to be a tragedy. A great war hero is declared thane and then through whatever turn of events becomes king. Just as he is enjoying his royalty, he is murdered by a vengeful scottish man. That seems pretty tragic without all the details.

jay said...

Tragedy is an event that effects mass amounts of people. Such as the holocust or the world trade center. Macbeth is a tragedy because the main character died. well some people would look at it as a trgedy. I view his death as a series of unfortunate event with a bad outcome. What He did for his country made him a hero but to gain his power, it corrupted him. In which his town people frowned upon him.

Janet said...
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Lil Southkr3w said...

tragedy is something bad dat happens to a person that harms lots of people. a good example would be when the two air planes crash the twin tawers. lots of people died and it harmed many persons. "Macbeth" is a tragedy because he is the main charecter of the play and he dies.i also belive that he had a tragic death. he killed many people and he killed the king so he could become king. i think macbeth did have a tragic death.

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

Well a tragedy would be a bad thing happening to something good. Macbeth is a good example of a tragedy. It starts of all good then something comes in and crushes it big time. In the beginning everything was good, then by the middle you knew were you were going. I knew why it was a tragedy by like the middle of the book. I'm happy i read a book that wasent a good shit in the end. Macbeth i just relized was the only tradegedy. Malcome became king and thats good.

Anonymous said...

I believe something is tragic when something bad happens to a person. Like if an innocent person is caught up in a gang shooting and they get shot and killed. That would be a tragedy because it's not their fault that there was a shooting, they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Macbeth is a tragedy because he was this great warrior for his country and he had good intentions. He just had things all mixed up. In the end he turned out to be a bad king but he still had good intention in the beginning. He ended up being killed by one of his friends because he was a bad king and because he had his whole family killed. I believe that his death was a tragedy because he never really had bad intentions in the beginning.

shelbybatlemente said...

Tragedy is when something bad happens to a good person. When that good person is killed or kills themself it is usually called a tragedy. "Macbeth" is a tragedy because of all the good people who are killed or die in it. For example Banquo and Duncan were very good people. But Macbeth killed them. Also Lady Macbeth ends up killing herself. That is considered a tragedy because she was at first a good person. I believe that Macbeth's death isn't a tragedy. This is because he killed a bunch of people and wasn't loyal to his country of Scotland. So when Macduff cuts his head off it is not a tragedy. This is also because Macbeth killed the previous king. He betrayed Duncan and Banquo. Also Macduff's family. So he was not a good person by the end of the play. At the beginning he was a very good and loyal person. Then he went crazy and wasn't a good man anymore.

Stephen Manvydas said...

Tragedy is an event in which some bad happens i guese. Macbeth is a tragedy because it shows how a great person can be inflicted to do so many bad things and in the end cause his own downfall. I think that macbeth, the story, has alot of tragic seens, one for example could be the death of duncan or the assisination of Banquo. Other tragic events could be the murdering of Macduffs family or the suicide of lady macbeth. I think that macbeths death was a tragedy. He used to be a very good person, a war hero, and an honorable warrior. He made about a million dumb mistakes for his own greed but he was influenced by outside forces to do so. In my opinion he was still honorable when he died.

Alex V said...

Tragedy is when something awful or trible happens. Tragedy is when something bad happens to good people. A tragedy is like when a father dies and he has 2 children and they don't have a mother. Macbecths death I don't think it was a tragedy because he killed so many people to become king. He was a great leader before he became king. But after that he became so pairiaod that everyone was going to kill him he just killed everyone so no could touch him. So I do not considered macbeths death a treagedy because he killed so many people.

kirkwhitt said...

Define tragedy in your own words. Why is "Macbeth" a tragedy? Is Macbeth's death really tragic or not? Explain using info from the story.

A tragedy to me is something horrible happening. I would say 911 was a tragedy so much was destroyed and so many lives were lost. Macbeth is a tragedy because he let the power get to his head. He felt that nothing bad was going to happen, he took being king for granted. I do not think Macbeth's death was a tragedy at all. I think it was good that he was killed because he was only hurting Scotland. If Macbeth was a good king and helped Scotland and was trying to make Scotland better and was killed in this manner, then yes i would say his death was tragic.

Anonymous said...

I would say that a tragedy is something that happens to someone that they had some part in. In that light, I would say Macbeth is a tragedy, not because of his intentions, but because he was the main cause of his own downfall. Macbeth could not blame anyone for his problems, no matter how he tried to blame Macduff or Malcolm, it was his own paranoia that brought about his end. Yes, the Weird Sisters did goad him on, but as a human being, Macbeth had a choice wether to listen to them or not. That says something about the human condition, in my opinion, people will listen to anyone who promises them power and do anything to get it. That's what's tragic about Macbeth. His lust for power, that insatiable greed that he felt towards the throne and ultimately robbed him of his life is what makes it tragic. Macbeth acted upon whim, upon greed and all of it was more-or-less completely avoidable. Would it have been difficult to supplant those feelings? I suppose that it would have, but that doesn't negate the fact that it was possible. Macbeth's character at the beginning wasn't one of a need for power. In summation, Macbeth is a tragedy because he was unable to handle himself, because he let his emotions and flaws as a human carry him away instead of overcoming them.

ben nicolay said...

Define tragedy in your own words. Why is "Macbeth" a tragedy? Is Macbeth's death really tragic or not? Explain using info from the story.

I think tragedy means that something bad happens but in a non realistic way. You do not what a tragedy to ever take place because its usually horrible. An example of a tragedy would be the Virginia Tech shootings. No one saw that coming and it happend un realisticly. I don't think Macbeths death was tragic. Everyone saw it coming and MAcbeth should have too. He killed a bunch of innocent people and he should have to pay the price too. The tragic part was him killing all of the innocent people over a little power. Look what power does to people, it makes them do acts they wouldn't normally do.

Kevin Hughes said...

A tragedy shows the downfall of a character who begins by being a normal, ordinary person. Soon, they become a victim of their own flaws and this is the cause of their death. Macbeth is a tragedy because he begins as a normal character with normal ambitions, and the prospect of kingship quickly corrupts him. So yes, Macbeth is a tragedy. If he were the same person he was in the beginning of the story at the end, then it wouldn't be a tragedy. Although, it could be seen as not a tragedy because he only died because of his own greed, he didn't have to react to the witches' prophecy in the way he did.

Unknown said...

macbeth is a tragedy, because it involves many romantic elements to it. macbeth is in a way, a tragic hero. he rises from little grace, and becomes king. many people disrespect him, because he is not destined to be king, and falls on a powertrip. there is not many elements of a tragedy in the story, however, because it isnt normal in the sense. his death might be considered a tragedy, because he died almost the same way duncan did. and he lost his kingdom instantly.

Austen Anderson said...

well, the story of macbeh is indeed a tragedy. mainly because of the killing of so many innocent people. when banquo was killed, he never did anything wrong, he was just killed by macbeth because he wanted to be king, so macbeth killed him cause with banquo being king, macbeth wuldnt be king.macbeths death is not tragic, not at all. this is because he did bad things to many people. he killed people so he could get what he wants. once he did become king he didnt care about the people, he just wnted power. so no, macbeths death was not tragic at all, he was just a bad person that was killed for the good of the people.

sorry i didnt do this last night. my computer was not working and i wasnt able to do it.

Anonymous said...

To me tragedy is when a key person falls from grace. This usually happens through scandles, or death. I find the case of Macbeth to be a perfect example of this. here you have this hard working man who ,although corrupted by his power, working towards his goals. Once he achieves them he must now defend his throne. But as soon as war rears its angry head, he must fight his own countrymen to survive. Sadly, he looses in the end. Although he was a terrible king he was still a great man and achieved great things.

Anonymous said...
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ScOtW29 said...
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Janet said...

Tragerdy is when something bad happends in life. Macbeth can be considered as a tragerdy, becasue there is alot of dying even him. I dont think macbeths death was a tragic becaue he was too ambision to become king. So he just started killing people. His death isnt becasue he was becoming a big time jerk so he kinda dersvied it. Examples are, that he just didnt kill people he killed alot of his frends.He needed to be killed so then no one else would be killed.

Anonymous said...

Tragedy is when a mortifying event happens to a person of whom such an event is undeserved. I think the entire character of Macbeth is tragic. We have a great man who represents all of the good in Scotland who gets but a glimpse of power and thus falls to nothing from then on. Macbeth's downfall is very predictable, though, as I'm familiar with many modern fantasy novels which are much more convoluted and ever-twisting. Back in Shakespeare's time, however, this plot would've been much less predictable as it was one of the first of its kind. Another tragedy in the tale is Macduff's family being slaughtered while he way away. I think it's even more tragic that he would've been dead had he not traveled to England to convince Malcolm to return while his family was being slaughtered, as he has to live the rest of his years knowing that he wasn't there to protect his family from tragedy.