Thursday, March 19, 2009

Day 9

Hope the paper is going well. Tomorrow we will have, hopefully, time on the computers. For this evening, please do a current event. This may not be sports or entertainment unless you can attach it to something that is current in society or impacts society. Remember that this is not just a summary of an event but you must discuss why you chose it and how it impacts you, your community, or your society. NO CITE, NO POINTS AND THE CITE MUST BE IN THE ORIGINAL BLOG.


Anonymous said...

I chose to cover "6 years later, progress and doubts are legacy of Iraq war". This story was about how the Iraq war continues to drag on, and how Iran may attack Iraq once the US pulls out in 2011. 4,261 Americans have died in the Iraq war, while the Iraqis number 128,000. This affects the country because we continue to spend money on a war that we should not be in. We have spent $800 billion in the last six years on the war, and for what? Nothing good has come about it, except the death of Hussein. I understand why it was necessary to retaliate after 9/11, we would have been attacked again if we hadn't, but I really feel like this is an oil war.

Anonymous said...

The current event i am doing is a women recently dieing. This woman was skiing and landed on her head. She got up and said she was fine. Everyone was telling her she needed to go to the hospital and just get checked out. But she was certain that she was fine. Then the next morning died from bleeding in her brain. This should tell people that if you fall and hit your head or something like that to go to the hospital right away. This has happend to many peple they should learn that you may be hurt and u may not even no it.

JakeCastner said...

An earthquake with a richter magnitude of 7.7 shook the ocean off the coast of tonga early friday. A tsunami warning has been issued for the surrounding areas such as Fiji, Niue, the Kermadecs, American Samoa, Samoa and Wallis-Fatuna. This is quite clearly an important current event, because if you think back to the last big tsunami, you recall that it was very very devastating and many people lost their lives and their homes. We can only hope that the warning indicates that a tsunami COULD happen, and not that one is impending. I do not understand the warning system, and as such, cannot give a solid opinion on the matter. If such a catastrophie is definitely going to happen, one can only hope that the warning reaches the places where the waves will hit. Otherwise, thousands of lives may be lost.
I chose this event because it could very easily bcome a terrible, terrible situation and cause a lot of pain and suffering. It does not directly impact me, my community or my society, but that would be very self-centered to pick an event that only affects me when this possible international horror was just posted on cnn 17 minutes ago. I hope nothing comes of this, and if something does, i hope it is not nearly as bad as the last one.

ben nicolay said...

For tonights blog I will do it on the 4 kids that recently died in a fatal car crash. The crash was due to a drunk driver. The 4 kids attended lLkeshore highs chool. The lady that was driving the car, Frances P. Dingle, was driving with nearly triple the amount of alcohol in her blood than is allowed by law. The cops earlier late day had a run in with her at a friends house and she was told not to drive home. Some blame the cops, but I don't think it's thier fault. Its nobodys fault but the person that commited the crime. She was charged with four counts of operating while intoxicated, causing death, though a jury would have to decide between the two charges. She will not be convicted for both. All I can say is that is really terrible. I couldn't live with myself if I ever did something like that.

Alix Dickson said...

Thursday alligations came out that staff members at a Dallas school made students settle their differences by fighting bare-knuckle brawls inside a steel cage.
The principal and other employees at the school knew about the cage fights and allowed them to continue. The fights happened in an equipment cage in the boys locker room. Nobody, student or staff memeber, got in trouble or hurt. I choose this event because i had a hard time believing it.I think its crazy that students were encourtaged to fight each other to settle their diffrences. This impacts our society because this could happen at our school.

ScOtW29 said...

My current event is about a substitute teacher that gets caught molesting students. The guys name is Jesse Llorente. Some of the girls told their teacher when she came back what the sub was doing. They said that he was touching them and rubbing there shoulders. He allegidly molested eight girls in two days. This effects society majorly. This will make parents worry about their kids, and wonder if they are in good hands. It impacts me because I am a student and if i knew something like that was going on at lakeland then I wouldnt let it happen. I chose this article because I thought it was an interesting article and shows what kind of people are out there, and shows that you have to be careful with who you hire.

Stephen Manvydas said...

I happened to choose the same topic as austin did, the 6 year war we are undegoing in iraq. As soon as i pulled up cnn i noticed it with the catchy "Iraq: one of the longest U.S. wars". I find this to be one of the most interesting things iv ever heard, but on the other side im not suprised. I learned today that with technology war becomes longer. As we have all seen over the years the wars get longer and longer. We have gone from trench warfar to tanks rolling in with air support. War just gets more complex every time we discover somthing new, from rifels to machine guns to sniper rifels. I expect this war will end in around 2 to 3 years and after that we'll soon be in another. War is as constant as the sun in the sky and the air we breath, and until one of those changes war will remain the same.

Plaz said...

For my current event i choose the 5 biggest lies on wall street. I dont know a lot about wall street i just know there is a lot of banks and a shooting went down there a long time ago. The first lie is "The market will take care of eveything". I dont think the market will take care of everything because thats pretty much impossible. The second lie is "The Experts Will Help You". That i kind of agree and disagree with because some experts will help. The AIG ones wont help you though haha. The third lie is "Buy and Hold" i really dont know what that means. The fourth lie is "Overpaid CEOs are worth the money" and i agree with that. Those people at AIG are getting paid more for screwin up people. Thats messed up! The fifth lie is "Buy a flat-screen TV, save the economy". I dont understand that. I'm goin to buy a flat screen TV no matter what when i get enough money. I could put it up on the wall and it looks tight. I'm gald im not gettin into wall street business stuff. I would be hated by many haha.

Evan E

Austen Anderson said...

A small military plane on a training flight in heavy fog crashed Thursday into a populated area of Quito, the capital city of Ecuador, killing the three people aboard and three on the ground, authorities said.The Beechcraft was carrying members of the military, said Ecuador's Minister of Defense, Javier Ponce. Miguel Carvajal, a subsecretary of defense, said three people in a building were also killed. Earlier, police had told reporters no one on the ground was injured.Television footage from Ecuavisa showed at least one building in flames in the neighborhood of Guapulo. Television footage from Ecuavisa showed at least one building in flames in the neighborhood of Guapulo. Kyle Kendall, an English teacher, was inside his apartment when he, too, heard the plane fly overhead. "Wow, that's low, that's really loud," he said he told himself. "And then I heard the explosion."

jay said...

The news article I chose is about some kids that broke into a house in Milford. The article can be viewed at
Eight kids ages 11 - 17 in Milford broke into a house of a kid they knew and knew would be gone in Milford. Some of the kids were just playing video games. The kids were drinking whiskey and messed up alot of rooms and even stole some things. This effects us because none of are safe even from our friends, schoolmates and neighbors. This makes us not be able to trust people. And if We can't even trust our friends how can We trust anybody.

Stefan Kegebein said...

For tonight my current event is going to be about a survey that shows the bird population on earth on a decline. Some areas are seeing a major decline with many different bird populations are on the verge of extinction. Causes of the decline are due to agricultural, climate changes. Environmentalists are claiming that this is a sign for concern. This current event impacts all of us. The new high levels of global warming have lead to sudden change is the environment. Animals like birds are having a difficult time adapting fast enough to these changes. I think if people read this current event they will realize that effects the human population has on all other populations.

jray said...
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Anonymous said...

Today the recent events i am going to discuss hit close to home for all of us. Ther eis a forrest in Japan that is know for its great view of mt. Fuji and for suicides. The article i read says that every year hundreds of suicide cases are logged comeing from that forrest. Many people will buy a bus ticket to the forrest and once they are they will kill themselves. The reasons for this vary but lately the major reason has been the economic downturn over the last few years. Although Japan seems very far away this is a problem we all must deal with. Just recently we had to go through this with one of our classmates. I am very sorry to anyone who reads this and is hurt by it but something must be done to keep this from happening again. When reading this article i could not help but wonder how many other people this has happened to recely because of this. For all we know it could be the guy that lives right nexst door to us.I am not goig to being to prech about weather its right or wrong but i am going to say that more must be done to stop it from happening. These harsh times are causing depression all around. If you ever come across anyone who seems like they might be struggling you should at least give them a smile or something to cheer them up the tinist bit. Because for all you know that could be the difference between seeing them again and or not at all.

My condolesnces for everyone that has been affected by this.

R.I.P and may you all find the happiness you have been looking for.

Anonymous said...

An increase in the number of suicides among military personnel can be traced, in part, to a stressed and tired force made vulnerable by multiple deployments. Last year, at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, two cadets and two members of the staff and faculty killed themselves. The panel members made clear that, whatever is going on, it is complex. Chiarelli said the Army tallied 133 confirmed suicides last year and is still investigating another seven possible ones. At least 70 percent of the suicides had some sort of relationship problems. Often, the situation was worsened by something else, such as a financial or legal problems. Navy counselors are now asking family members for feedback that often proves more illuminating than what the sailors themselves are willing to impart. One reason some service personnel are reluctant to seek help from their chain of command is because they fear they will then be passed over for promotions. For the past two years, the soldier also had been seeing a psychiatrist. This all effects the the society by probably having more drafts happening. The suicides of the soldiers are making the number of people few in the military which is a problem for a lot of the citizens of the U.S.A by them getting drafted. I choose this current event because I believe it is bad for the United States because the loss of many soldiers can be bad when we are in the middle of a war.

jray said...

The current even that I am writing about is related to the recent picture of Micheal Phelps smoking marijuana. Soon after the picture was released, he was dropped from the Kelloggs sponsership. Because the cereal boxes were already made and packaged up with Phelp's face on them, Kelloggs had two tons of cereal packed up that they wouldn't sell. Food bank executive director Paul Ash says he doesn’t know specifically why the cereal was donated. Kellogg officials responded to questions with an e-mail saying the company routinely donates food that is nearing the end of its shelf life but is still good. Upset with this action, large legalize-marijuana advocates are urging a boycott against Kellogg products. Some other groups looking to also boycott Kellogg products are the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, Students for Sensible Drug Policy and the Drug Policy Alliance. This affects our society today because I is possible that it can influence the price on cereal products. We already have enough to worry about, but now we are going to be looking at different prices on cereal.


brandonlengyel said...

Obama appears on 'Tonight Show'

President Obama mixed jokes with serious discussion in his first late night talk show. His apperance was on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno" on Thursday night. While presidential candidates have used comedy shows for campaigning performance on "Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In" in 1968, Obama became the first sitting president to appear before a late night talk show studio audience. This is the first time a presedient has done this. Yhis shows that obama has a personality and is not all about business and is about haveing a good chuckle here and there. This impacts us in many ways due to different prespectives that we all have about president obama. Some may view this silly for a president to do this and out of his job, but i as well as my parents give this president credit and view him to rembark his words of change. This late nite talk show with president and leno to me as well as others is a good thing. This ia all that i have on this topic some my agree with me and others may not.

Alex V said...

for todays blog i will be talking abou the bounus tax that AIG has just gotton. Why is a company that is not even doing good get a bonus. Other econmoy is in bad shape and these people are geting million dollar bonus. It doesnt seem right. Why should they be grtting more money for bonus. $165 million in retention bonuses to employees in its financial products division. That division was ground zero for AIG's costliest mistakes. IF companys are getting money to give there employs bonus i guess were really not spreading the money right.

Unknown said...


i choose to write my blog on one of obama's actual smart ideas. barack obama has created a plan that guarantees bailout money for struggling auto suppliers. because in times like these, not only are the big companies affected, but it follows right down the chain. this plan creates a $5 billion fund that can help companies such as lear, visteon, and american axle. this plan is very important to me, because my dads complete customer base consiste of companies like lear and johnson controls. his largest, lear is on the verge of declaring bankruptcy, and that would greatly impact my life. allready the effects are showing in just my family, because my dad is volintarily taking a pay cut. this is a very important charged topic for me.

shelbybatlemente said...

Auto parts makers get $5B bailout

The Treasury Department announced a $5 billion program to help embattled U.S. auto parts makers, the latest attempt to stabilize problems in the nation's troubled auto sector.The program will ensure that parts suppliers get the money owed to them for their products, no matter what happens to their automaker customers.Concerns about whether General Motors or Chrysler LLC could be forced into bankruptcy are making it difficult for the parts makers to get loans they need to operate. The program also allows the parts makers to sell their receivables, or the money owed to them by the automakers, into the program at a modest discount. This will give auto parts makers money to build and manufacture the parts for car companies. I chose this for my current event because it gives us an idea of what the government is spending its money on. It impacts me because it will give automakers the parts they need to build the cars we drive. It impacts my community because it helps adults as well as teenagers who drive ensure that they are safe. It impacts my society because it makes it so we know we are safe in the cars we drive. If the United States spends money for autoparts makers that will ensure that the parts are quality made. If we don't bother then the parts for cars probably will not be quality made. Everyone wants their cars to last a long time. That won't happen if parts on our cars keep breaking or fall off. Spending money and taking the time and effort to build quality parts for our automakers is a good idea !!!

BrittanyBarron said...
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BrittanyBarron said...

Ok so for my blog i am going to talk about AGI. AGI is an ivestment agentcy. In the past few weeks they have had a govenment bailout to help them in the sturggling economy. AGI reviced 182.5 billion dollars in government bailot money. President Obama signed off on the bailout rather quickly. In the contract that was it included bonuses of excutives. These bonuses were a sum of 165 million dollars. This was shocking to most people, but many house mebers saw it nesscery. The new CEO of AGI is currently making $1 a year at AGI. He was appointed by congress for this job and is nothing more then their plaything. He is also blamed for the the bonuses that went into effect after the bailout. This effects be because this rax payers money that is going to by their &10,000 suits and muilt-million dollar homes. This effects all a signacantly. I do ont apporve of govenment bailout because it socialism at its best.

Kevin Hughes said...

This article tells the story of a place in Japan that has the highest amount of suicide in a particular place. It also tells the story of an individual who tried to kill himself there and who was found by a hiker on the verge of death. This article ties in Japan's suicide rates, which are the highest of any country. The Japanese government has pledged to decrease suicide rates by 20% by 2016. It is said that high suicide rates are caused by unemployment, and which was the case for the article's example. This is a real example of how the economic situation around the world isn't ideal, with Japan being no exception.

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

The Pope visited Africa last week. He did two masses, one outside a capital and one when he arrived in a stadium. He talked about allot of things including AID's, sexual violence, war, and slavery of the poor. I personally don't think the way he addressed these problems correctly. He basically was a bible thumper. That is the reason why I'm not a straight up Cristian because what they say is totally altered. Some of the thing's they say today are not what the original bible said.

Lil Southkr3w said...

my current event is about women dieng. recently there are many woman dieng. this one women was skiing and hit her self in the head. when she got up er body thought she was fine. she kept tlling them she was fine but she actually wasnt fine. she died the next day from internal bleeding in her brain. this is just tellin people that they need to go to the hospital when they have and ezident and if they think they fine.

Alan H