Monday, March 9, 2009

Cardmarking 2, Day 5

Today you guys continued to work on your Macbeth project while a few of you made up the test from Friday. Get these blogs done promptly so that you can rest up for your testing tomorrow!

Today's blog is your reaction to a quote.

"Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing." -- Abraham Lincoln




Unknown said...


"Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing." -- Abraham Lincoln

this quote is simply saying the image you leave is always with someone. your reputation in this case is like your shadow, and it follows you where you go. lincoln was very influential and thought his things through. this is real deep, and still has relevence in our times today. because people think of your reputation before they even know who you are. it is an important idea, that you leave an everlasting good image of yourself behind. people should embody and live by this quote.

Anonymous said...

I think this is a good quote. He is saying that it doesnt matter what people think. As long as you no its not the truth. People can say whatever they want about you but aslong as you no that is not true what does it matter? Kind of like if someone is starting rumor about you it shouldnt matter. AS long as you no there not true you shouldnt care what anyone else thinks about you. People just like trying to get the best of you. As long as you no who you really are it shouldnt matter.

Anonymous said...

"Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing."
~ Abraham Lincoln

In my opinion, this quote is similar to how we don't see the tree for teh forest. People always bank on their reputation to get them places, yet reputation more-than-not means very little. What people are really like generally is totally different than their reputation. In my expirience, people who are assholes at school tend to be nicer ourside of school, because thy don't have appearances to keep up and people to impress. Will people stop trying to keep up a reputation? I doubt it as it's an ingrained part of American teenage (and older) society, but I think that people today see through it mroe often. Generally, employees don't judge books by their cover. Or, in this case, people by thier reputation.

Alix Dickson said...

This quote is saying that reputation isn't everything. Our reputation is not our entire character, its just what poeple think of you. A reputaion can follow you everywhere you go. Some people have bad reputations but are actually good people. If you dont like your reputation i think its possible to change it. In my opinion this is a very true quote. Abraham Lincoln definantly knew what he was talking about.

shelbybatlemente said...

I think Abraham Lincoln is saying that your character is always there. It is like a tree because unless someone cuts it down,it dies,or falls down it will always be there. Trees don't move. Reputation is like a shadow because it follows you wherever you go. If you have a bad reputation then wherever you go people will know that. Your shadow follows close behind you at all times. The shadow is what we think of it because you can not listen to what people are saying about you. If you choose not to listen to rumors about you then you will be way better off. The tree is the real thing because you know the truth and thats all that matters. I think this is a very good quote. It is still a part of our society today. For example: rumors started at school. The person who is being put down can and should choose to ignore it. If they ignore it then their reputation will gradually go back to normal. 9 times out of 10 rumors aren't true. So don't let a rumor put your character down. Also a person's character is like a tree because it strongly shows what that person is like. Trees stand tall and strong in the forest. A person with a strong character stands tall also. When you are strong and positive your reputation is generally positive also.

ben nicolay said...

I think its saying that your characher is tough and hard like a tree. You reputation is nothing more than a shadow. Your reputation is what everyone thinks of you. You or close friends can only understand ones unique charachter.If you spend your time trying to make people think something your not then you wasting you time. In the end it doesn't even matter who or what you are. This quote is related to another quote and that is "dont judge a book by its cover". I find both these quotes interesting because you have to look deeper than someones reputation or beyond the cover of a book.

Stefan Kegebein said...

This quote is saying what people see is ones reputation. What people don’t see all the time is their character and dignity that is symbolized by a tree. People are going to judge you be their shadow or the mark you left on life. There are only a select few in life who will know your true dignity and character. Abraham Lincoln had a great grasp of life and knew not to “judge a book by its cover”. It was this idea that allowed Lincoln to fight for the freedom of slaves. Lincoln was a great President and had the most influence on life here in the United States.

Lil Southkr3w said...

this qoute is a very nice qoute. i think it means that people see ur reputation. your shadow could be the reputation the qoute is talkina bout. it is possible that if u dont like ur reputaion you can change it.when your positive ur reputation is positive. when ur negative ur reputation is negative. lincoln was always positive so his reputation was positive. he was also a great prsident of the united states.

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

In this i think the tree is representing a person, and the shadow is your impression on others. I think that your appearance, is only the outline of the shadow. Your real person is represented by the fill of the shadow. I think that as you grow you learn and change and that determines the way you appear as the tree. I think it would be interesting if you should look at people as trees. Or if you could see yourself as one. You would learn about others, and especially yourself.

jray said...

This quote is saying that people might not see the true you. It is also saying that you shouldn't care if they do or not. No matter how they view you, or "the shadow", you are still the same person. Just because people view you different ways, they don't have to be true. Lincoln was a very respected man and he lived his life by this quote. He was all about reputation and know very well for it.

Stephen Manvydas said...

First off id like to say that lincoln's quote is very interesting. A character is like a tree is very true. Its the base, the center, the main part. The shadow is the extra image, the bonus to the real thing. Reputation is what they think of you but i guese it could be what you think of them also, so yes i do kind of think of reputation like a shadow. Other than what iv stated this seems like a very simple quote, not much else to explain. I do agree with what other classmates have said about the tree being sturdy, strong, and always there. Hope the MME/ACT goes smoothly tommarow.

jay said...

The tree is your person. The shadow is like what people think of you, your persona. Depending on what people think or hear about you is like projecting light. The more light you have , the more things that people think about you. Which casts a bigger shadow, which makes up your person. Your shadow could also depend on your ego. Such as if you are rude to people or not.

Anonymous said...

This quote is basicly saying two things. One being that your reputation precedesyou. and two that first impressions last the longest. People get an idea of who yu by the first impression you leave them with. If you are in a bad mood and are acting like a dick then that person will think of you as a dick. These impressions are usually the hardest to change. Not everyone is perfect and we all have bad days so hopefully the next time they see you its on a good day. Also when you are being talked about to others the ways you are described also reflects your character. If you are said to be kind and approachable more people will be apt to talking to you. But if you have a bad reputation then more often than not your going to get reated like a dirtbag.

ScOtW29 said...

"Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing." -- Abraham Lincoln

This quote is saying that having a reputation is important.
Character is like a tree which means that there is always room for growth. I think the quote is saying not to judge a book by its cover. A lot of people look at people by there reputation. This quote goes back to the thing that you dont judge somebody before you actually get to know them. I agree with that because looks are not always the same as how the persons personality is. The shadow is the reputation, and the tree is the real thing. I think that Abraham Lincoln was a great president and had a large influence on people because of quotes like this.

Anonymous said...

To be honest, I don't quite understand the quote. I think that it's saying that reputation is an image. Maybe it means you need to actually get to know the person before you judge them? Like I said, I don't quite understand this quote. That would be my best guess. It may also mean that your reputation carries with you. And when people look at you they see your reputation and start judging.

Anonymous said...

I believe this quote is saying your personality can change just like a tree changes but your reputation fallows you like a shadow. Your personally changes many times in your life and you have the potential of changing your reputation. Your shadow changes along with your person. So when you change you personality your reputation changes right along with it. Abraham Lincoln had a lot of famous quotes in his time but this one makes more seance then most of them that I know. A lot of the quotes from back then are hard to tell about but I try my best. When people tell someone else about another persons quote it is never the same as what the original person intended it to be but we all try to make it as close as possible.

brandonlengyel said...

Srry mr. kay my cmputer has been down all week it just got fixed today. srry for the inconveience.
I belvieve that this quote is a good quote that refects on us as a human beign. Its saying dont worry what ur repitation mite be but who you are as an individal. Its saying your repitation is like a shadow it will follow you where ever you take yourself. The tree is you it is what you think of yourself and it may differ from your repitation. It is true that you can change your repitation with out changing yourself by showing others you are different then from what they think. The real person is the one in front of the shadow and the one you and your closes peers know you by. People should take this qoute into everday life and use it. This was a very good quote by Abraham Lincoln.

JakeCastner said...

Your character is something that may appear better or worse from time to time. You know what your character is like. It is a major part of you, but when people see you in a time of weakness, they think that you are less of a person than you are, and maybe they are right. They see the shadow of the tree change directions, become distorted and elongated. At times, it may even disappear underneath the tree. If someone sees a man helping an old woman carry groceries, but on most other days, he is robbing people, the viewer gets a very distorted view of the person's character. They are given the impression that he is a good person with a tall, straight moral tree. In actuality, his tree is gnarled and has evil owls living in it. It just goes to show, you can't judge a book by it's cover.

Kevin Hughes said...

This quote shows that the image of who we think we are (our looking-glass self) is not the same as who we really are. In addition, who we think we are is not the same as how others perceive us. It also says that your reputation will follow you like a shadow, so you must make good impressions on people or start all over somewhere else. Once you are pegged as a certain kind of person, it's hard to overcome your bad reputation.