Friday, March 20, 2009

Day 10

Remember the paper is due on Monday. You will need to hand in the rough draft, peer edit, rubric and the final copy. Final copy will be on top. Remember that you need a work cited page even if the only work is "Macbeth." Also remember that it must be in MLA formatting and if you are not sure what that means Google it.

For this evening, ponder the following:

"When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be disappointed to discover they are not it."
Bernard Bailey


Unknown said...


"When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be disappointed to discover they are not it."
Bernard Bailey

quite naturally, people have egos, and rightfuly so. but there comes a point where people must evaluate what they want and how they want to be remembered. this quote applies to socially, mentally, and physically inept people. there are people in this world who have the whole "my way or the highway" mentality. thats who this is towards. they feel everyone should be at their beckon - call because thats what they have become. selfish, quite literally self centered arrogant assholes who always feel they are correct and everyone must hear them. this, i feel, mostly applies to those who feel they hold power over others. be it ceo's, celebreties, mega millionaires, or just plain old stuck up people. yeah, sure, most people are well behaved and polite. but there is always the fraction that believs their superiority to others. theres my rant.

jay said...

"When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be disappointed to discover they are not it." Bernard Bailey
Personally, I am gonna be bummed because I thought I was the center of the universe. Alot of people think it's only them as the center of the universe or world. When in all actuality it's all of as the center of the universe working and living together. If We don't work together this universe will just fall apart. And this will not benefit You or Me. There is no I or U in team! Instead of being one letter, let's be the whole alphabet working together as one perfect being.

jray said...

People in the world are going to be good at what they do. They will make themselves feel better by talking about how good they did. Although some people take it way too far. They think that they are better everyone else just because. They don't have anything special and different about them, yet for some reason they view themselves superior. When you accomplish something impressive it is good to feel proud of yourself, but when it gets to the point where you bug everyone around it needs to stop. Once these people find out that they are not what the once thought that they were they will be very disappointed.

Kevin Hughes said...

I disagree with this quote fundamentally, but in context I agree with it. It's about not feeling as if you're the only one who deserves happiness in the world. being selfish but does nothing but feed your ego. A lot of people think the goal of life is to accumulate as many things you can, but this is untrue. It's about collecting as many experiences as you can, savoring input from the senses, etc. So if you only do things because you want to benefit yourself, you're only pacifying something out of realizing that it is impermanent. This quote sounds like it implies that there is a center of the universe though, which there obviously isn't. The quote is incomplete, because after reading it, I think you're supposed to realize that there is no "center", and that there is nothing setting you apart from it.

shelbybatlemente said...

This quote has a strong and useful mesage with it. A lot of people think that they are the center of the universe. In actuality they are not the center of the universe. When we find the center of the universe many people won't be very happy that they are not it. I'm not going to lie, I have thought that I was the center of the universe before. I know I'm not so I will be better off. People shouldn't think they are the center of the universe because it won't help them. People who think they are the center of the universe are full of themselves. They think they are better then everyone else, and to me that is wrong. They treat everyone else like their in charge. Also people who feel this way aren't doing anything but making a bigger ego for themselves. Which isn't a good thing to do. I believe that Bernard Bailey had a strong moral to this quote when he wrote/said it.

kirkwhitt said...

When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be disappointed to discover they are not it."
Bernard Bailey

I dont know if I would want to be in the center of the universe. I think people are to conserned with them selfs and worry about them selfs to much. Some people now days are rude, and self centerd and could stab their best friend in the back for them selfs. The universe is a huge place we dont evean know whats in it. For all we know it could be horible and if it is i know i dont want to be in it. For all thoes people that do think this, I think your arrogent because its not all about yourself.

Besides "im the center of the uiverse"
Kirk whitt

Anonymous said...

This quote is reffering to theidea of the ego. Everyone is the world has an ego, but some have a bigger one than others. Your ego comes from you self confidence and your abilities. If you very self confident and good at something then you will tend to brag about it every now and then. Other people have to big an ego and need to get knocked down a peg or two. When your ego gets to big people will tend to get annoyed with you. Also you will drive people away because of how self centered you have become. This quote is speciffically referring to the people who think that everything revolves around them. These are the people that think their shit never stinks and that they are the cause of everything. The average steryotype is that the popular people are the ones that have the biggest ego. This quote is also saying that the universe does not revolve around one single person or group of people, but revolves around every one of the equally.

jessecovill said...

where do you get these qoutes from?. And a lot of people would be dissapointed to find this out, just look at any one who acts like they own everything, and everyone should be doing anything for them. If only someone would tell these people to quit being such stuck up snobs and act like a "normal" person for a while, discovering that they are not the center of the universe it won't be too bad. And yes these people would be a little dissapointed, not because there notin the center of attention but because they will find out how much other people don't really care what they did on there weekend or when they get there new car they can'teven drive.

Anonymous said...

This quote seems like i can apply to alot of my friends. There are alot of people who think they are the center. But accualy sadley just simply are not. This may be tuff for some people to handle. People must start to realize not everything is about them. There are things that just dont involve you and you dont always have to be included in every little thing. I think some people think that they dont act like that but they just dont realize they accualy do. Most people think they are not selfish when thye accualy are the most.

Anonymous said...

I believe this is talking about how some people think they are the center of attention and when they find out it's not all about them they start getting pissed. I know many people that think they are the center of the universe and it starts to get annoying because all they ever talk about is themselves. For example, my little sister acts like she is the center of everything and she gets on my nerves more then anybody else that I know. I believe when people think they are the center of attention they get to self centered and become lonely in life. People get self centered and most of the other people just try to stay way from them because all they do is cause problems for everybody else. If people would stop acting self centered then there would probably be less arguing in the world. Most of the arguing going on in my house is because of my sister acting that way. She causes problems if she isn't included in something and that always leads to arguing.

Anonymous said...

I think the quote means that humans don't matter in the universe. Humans are only a micro part of what makes up the universe. There's nothing protecting us from an asteroid slamming in to this earth, or a gamma ray burst going off near us. No one is watching over us protecting us so we can all live out our lives until we die naturally. I think that it's amazing how we have managed to stay around as long as we have. I think there is so much extra terrestrial life out there. There's trillions and trillions of planets, it's not possible for Earth to be the only one that supports life. That's my interpretation of it, maybe I'm wrong, but I like what I came up with for that quote.

ben nicolay said...

This quote is refering to the disapointment that people relize they are not the center of attention. There are alot of people that have huge ego's out there. Some of them I call dicks. They are selfish and annoying to be around. They think so highly of themselves that whatever they do is okay. They think that everything revolves around them when it really doesn't. Also, they think that everything they do influences others. I think people with huge egos are trying to be something their not. It sucks when they relize they are not the center of everything, but oh well. They shouldn't have put themselves so highly on the pedestal.

brandonlengyel said...

In the world today people have egos. Some people believe they are better than others and their egos take over their actions. People with egos means they are confident in what they are doing and they know what to do to get the task done. This quote very much sums up what life is like in our society today. Im going to admitt it i have a bid ego and to that i play in sports and thats where it comes from. Like all other people in this world with egos i belive in sense that its good for our society for a little competion. I belive this quote bernard bailey is a great quote.

Alix Dickson said...

This quote means that people are very self-centered. Most people think they are the center of the universe and everything revolves around them. This quote is also saying that people will be disappointed to know that not everything revolves around them. People need to learn that they arnt the most important thing in our world. All of us together are an important part of our world. I agree with this qoute because everyone gets a little self-centered every now and then. Sometimes we just need a wake up call to let us know there are more important things out there.

Anonymous said...

Mr Kay, this is probably the best quote you have ever put up for us to dissect!

I think it's quite obvious what this quote means; those who let their egos get carried away will have a long fall back to reality. We all like to think that the world revolves around our ass, but whadd'ya know! It doesn't. Our American culture accentuates this state of mind. Everything is always catered to us. Restaurants, stores, malls, parks are all staffed by people to make us feel good. People are shocked when you go to places like IEKA, where there's only help for you when you need it. At their cafe for example, you serve yourself and clean up after yourself. I don't think people are used to that, and when they're not waited on hand and foot, they just can't understand why. It's all about us these days, and people who see it like that are generally rude, rude rude rude. I hate egocentrics, they're all assholes. One of the marching-band drum majors who-shall-not-be-named is a perfect example. She's an ass and turns everything into an "why I'm better than you" fight. People like that drive me nuts. Only problem is that I can be like that as well, so... I guess I hate myself? Nah, I'm too important to hate.

Stephen Manvydas said...

I am going to ahve to disagree with this quote, once we discover the center of theuniverse people wont change. If someone is a self-centered person they wont change. you could say "oh haha your not as important as you thought now are you...?" Then they come up to you slap you, then continue on with their lives. They always feel like they re better then us and they always will its just how life works. Iv meet alot of people who have been spoiled by there parents and they feel like they rule the world. I'd like to see them do somthing where their parents cant buy them out of it and see what the feel like after. I dont know who Bernard Bailey is but i think they sould have gotten out a little more to see the real world.

Alex V said...

Alot of people think it's only them as the center of the universe or world. When in all actuality it's all of as the center of the universe working and living together. People that think they are the center of the universe are always looking for attention. There are sometimes the people that they think they know everything. I think those kind of people are annoying. They think they are better then everyone else, and to me that is wrong. They treat everyone else like their in charge. Also people who feel this way aren't doing anything but making a bigger ego for themselves. So when people acted like this and find out they are not the center of the universe and they need to realize they need to get a life.

BrittanyBarron said...

Wow this something my mom would say. This qoute is saying that people think they are he center of the universe and they are not. People are selfish and self-centered. People believe that the whole world is cuirciling around them and they care about every little thing in their lives. These are the people that laugh at people with special needs, don't reilize the damgiging effects of MD on a small child, and the total economic hardships of buying forgine products. These people don't understand that their is more in the world than their pette probmles. But in reality they are nothing more than the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

People seem to think that the world revolves around them. In psychology there is a concept of an 'imaginary audience' in that people think that THEY are the main focus of everyone else's mind. For example, if someone is driving their vehicle and dancing in the car, they will often stop because they think that they are being watched by everyone on the road. Bullshit. Each person plays an equally important role in society, I think. We have this idea that we are the center of the world. What we want, we get. What we feel, we tell. I am also an offender of this 'crime', so to speak. We need to let go of this foolish idea and realize that we are not the focal point of everyone's attention. It brings in mind another quote: "To the world you are one person, but to one person you are the world." Flip this quote, and then apply it to this reply. "To one person you are the world, but to the world you are one person." Indeed, each and every one of us is only ONE person in this world of billions. Get over yourself.

Stefan Kegebein said...

This quote speaks to people egos. An ego is how you portray yourself to others around you. There are some people out in the world that think that the world just revolves them. These are the kind of people who always find the need the gloat in front of others to make themselves feel good. These people are so insecure of themselves they got to go bragging or show off to others. One thing these people don’t know is that most people don’t give a shit about them. The universe consists of many different places and atmospheres and doesn’t rely on of thing other then the sun. In today’s society most if not all people have the chance to make a good life for themselves. If the world consisted of only people who care about themselves there would be competitive rivalries everywhere you look. Society would also become inefficient. People would spend their time trying to out do others work instead of working together for a common good.

JakeCastner said...

A lot of people's world definitely centers around themselves. Others' needs have no effect on their plans and actions. The quote has a reference to heliocentrism and copernican thought. He developed the theory of heliocentrism, or sun-centered universe. Before that, people thought that the universe revolved around the earth. This idea was heavily supported by the catholic church and the rise of heliocentrism was heavily opposed. Still to this day, though, people think they are the center.

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

People think that they are the most important thing. This quote makes me think of those girls who spend all of there time shopping and think they are queens. I hate people like that, how could anyone be so selfish to think that? I think it is good to be confident but not full of yourself. When you spend time on yourself you forgot about others, and you lose freinds and your life. So if you think it's worth spending that much time on yourself DO IT, but remember what you are losing. It just makes me sick how people can do that.

christina newman said...

Some people thing they are the center of the universe. These people think everything runs around them. They don’t care what people think as long as they get their way. Some people call them snobs or self-centered. It usually is the people that have a lot of money and power. They can't boss people around and get away with it. It make them feel better about them self.

Austen Anderson said...

I think thise means a few different things. one specific subject i think this is pointing towards, is that, some people think that they are all that, or who everyone wants to be or know. mainly because, some people think they have the greatest idea, or are the best at somthing, but then find out they are just like everyone else. some people, once they find out they arent the best, or the only one that can do somthing give up, and if they didnt give up they wont know if they could have been the best or even could have been close. some people take it as far as suicide. this is because they think they have one meaning in the world and since they cant or couldnt achieve their goal, they just give up and think that there is no meaning in life for them. theres always going to be people who think they are the best, but in the end, there are so many people in this world that there is probaly someone just as good as them, if not ,better.

sorry this is late,my internet wasnt working all weekend, and it just got working so i did it as soon as possible. email my mom if u dont believe me.

Panos said...

I think that this quote is stating the basic fact that people are so self-centered. Most of the time when you are with your friends they talk about themselves like what they did or what there doing. I believe that this quote is basically saying that you are not the center of the universe and that there are other people around you that matter too. I also believe that this quote is reffering to people who are in power and think that they hold more authority over other people so they believe that they deserve better than all those around them. I believe that people just need to work together to makee a happy and peacefuk universe.

Lil Southkr3w said...

when people descover they are not in center of the univers they wount give a damn. many people dont care about htis stuff. personlay i think i wount care if we descover the center of the universe. if we actually descover a center of a universe i think we would be it. many poeple would think the same as me. also many people would not agre wit me. also There is no I or U in team! Instead of being one letter, let's be the whole alphabet working together as one perfect being.

ScOtW29 said...

"When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be disappointed to discover they are not it."
Bernard Bailey

This quote is saying that a lot of people are full of themselves. A lot of people think that the world revolves around them when it doesnt. This means that they think that they are superior to somebody else, or that they are more important. These are the kind of people that have a big ego, and cant stop talking about themselves. For a lot of people it is hard for them to not be the center of attention. I personally know a lot of people like this. People who want to be the center of attention are either loud, or they say something that will get everybody's attention. The quote is saying that these kind of people are exactly what is wrong with the world. People need to start putting other peoples needs ahead of their own and the world will be a much better place.