Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Day 12

Based on the movie, think about the idea of going into a past life pavillion. Based on your current life, your current expectations and hopes, if you lived a past life do you think that it was similar to who you are now? If you could pick one person or one time period to have lived who or what would it be and why? What values of that person or time do you most wish you had? Could you take these values on now? If yes, how? If no, why not?

If you were not here to watch the movie today, sorry I guess that is one of the negatives to being absent.


Anonymous said...

I think that my past life was very different from my previous life. I can't explain why, but I doubt I would have lived the way I do now in another life. If I could choose to live as a person, it would be someone who had every advantage in life. If I could choose one time period to live in, I would either choose like, the 1910's or Renaissance times. I just love those time periods, I think they're beautiful and I love the early 1900's. I wish everyone had the values the people in the early 1900's, the respect and the classiness. I could take these values if I wanted too, but I don't in todays day and age.

shelbybatlemente said...

Based on my current life I think that my past life was very different from my current life. I just think that in my previous life I was a completely different person. There is no way I would be able to choose just one person to have lived as. But I would be able to choose a time period to have lived in. If I could choose one time period to have lived in I would probably choose the late 1800s early 1900s or the Renaissance period. This is because in the early 1900s people had a lot of respect for each other. I also liked how they dressed and everything was in one place. If you had to go somewhere you went by a horse or horse-drawn carriage. I liked the strong and positive values the people of that time had. The Renaissance period was very interesting. I especially liked how they celebrated and dressed. The values that I most wish I had are the respect for everyone. I don't think I could take these values on now. I respect a lot of people but there is no way I could respect everyone. This is because there are some people who I don't like very much. They don't respect me so I wouldn't be able to respect them.

Austen Anderson said...

i doubt my past life was anything like my life is now. if i could pick one person to be, ide pick mario lemiuex. not jyst because hes my favorite person in the world, but he knows what its like to work for somthing you want to achieve. he had to work to fight off adkins disease and still played a professional sport while doing that. like me, ive been working sicne i was 4 years old playing hockey, and maybe now all my hard work will pay off by making varsity next year. also, he would be a great person to be because he had a great life. its the little things he does that makes a difference. i believe i could take on his values. mainly because heworks so hard at everything he does, and im prety much the same way. so yes, i do think i couldtake on his values.

kirkwhitt said...

Based on the movie, think about the idea of going into a past life pavillion. Based on your current life, your current expectations and hopes, if you lived a past life do you think that it was similar to who you are now? If you could pick one person or one time period to have lived who or what would it be and why? What values of that person or time do you most wish you had? Could you take these values on now? If yes, how? If no, why not?

I dont think my past life was different from my life now. Each person is different and if I was a different person in a different life I would say I was different. I would pick the future to be my one and only time period because I think it would be interesting to see how i have changed and to see the new technology. Think back in the 1960's cell phones were the size of your arm and you had to have a huge batery pack on you to work it. Now days we have cellphones that fit in your palm. So think of the technology we will have in the future. I think I would be able to take thies values on because thers no real harm in finding out new technology.

Miranda Adams said...

i have know clue whats my past life was like. I dont know why but im having a realy hard time even picturing it. I hope it was different from my life im living now. maybe i was even someone grate. Someone who made a difference. If i could pic who i would be i dont think i could pic some one. but i do know i hope i would of been someone who made an inpact one someone else in a good way.

Alix Dickson said...

I dont think my past life is similar to my current life. I feel that it was most likely very diffrent. I dont really have an explanation for why i feel this way, i just do. Im not sure if there is a particular time period i would have liked to live in. Im pretty happy with just living in the present. Im fine with the values i have now so i wouldnt want to change them. the past really doesnt appeal to me at all. I think the current time is the best time.

ben nicolay said...

I really have no idea of what my past life would be. It's hard to picture that and I just have no thought on it. You could probally say that my imagination sucks. I guess I would want my life to be alot diffrent. I would want to expierience new things. Go on adventures just to see what it was like. One person I would like to be would be Bill Gates or the guy that created Google. They both have a ton of money by creating a computer or even a search ingine. I wish I just had the luxury to buy whatever I wanted. In my opinoun money can by you happiness. I think that I could take on the values Bill Gates has. He gives alot to charities. Hes not one of those rich guys thats all over the news flashing his money. Thats why I like him.

JakeCastner said...

Buddhists and some other cultures believe that we go from body to body as time goes on. In the movie, people are put on trial to defend their life as full and kind. I think that if this is how it goes down, with souls travelling from body to body, then each lifetime would be a world apart from the last and all before it. One lifetime for example, let's say you're jesus christ. In the next life, you would be a general in the french army, running away from something. Next time maybe you're an ant. It's a wild card every time.
If i could pick, i would be some kind of a viking or pirate or something. That seems like the way to go. If you want something, just take it, ride around in cool boats, pillage, and burn. Or maybe i'd be the king of some ancient civilization. Things nowadays are just too "modern." While we think we have progressed, really all we have done is modernize ourselves right into a corner where everybody is depressed, you can't say what you want to say, and our planet is about to crap out on us. Before the last say 200 years, things were going pretty good, minus the black death, the spanish inquisition, and all that mess.
Really, the people who had it made were the indians. By indians, i mean native americans if you feel like being annoying. Given the choice, i would be an indian brave, or chief or something cool like that. They didnt have a government, they lived off the land, rode horses, and didnt really hurt anybody besides fighting rival tribes. You can't take on these values today because the white man's culture has made it impossible.

ScOtW29 said...

If you lived a past life do you think that it was similar to who you are now? If you could pick one person or one time period to have lived who or what would it be and why? What values of that person or time do you most wish you had? Could you take these values on now? If yes, how? If no, why not?

If i lives a past life I dont think it would be similar to who I am now. After you look on yourself in the past your realize what kind of things you used to do, and you become a better person. You learn from your mistakes that you made in the past, which will change you and hopefully make you a better person. If I could choose a person I would be like it would either be a proffessional athlete or Bill Gates. Either one, I will be rich. I dont beleive in the saying money cant buy you hapiness. If you have money, that doesnt mean you cant still be a good person. For a proffesional athlete it would be cool because everybody knows who you are, and you get the exciting rush of competing. I could take on the part of this that is the competing. In high school I play football and that is what a pro athlete does except, I wouldnt get paid. You cant take on all the values.

Stefan Kegebein said...

Of course my past life would be different then my present life. If I could be anyone I would be Tiger Woods. As much as I love then game of Hockey I think golf is much more less work. Golf is also a lot more relaxing. Tiger Woods is the most recognizable face or name around the world. Tiger is also an ambassador for different ethnicities on the Professional Golfers Association. Tiger has made almost a billion dollars through out his career. Tiger Woods also gets the benefit of having a smoking hot wife. I don’t know if I would have been able to help break down the racial barrier in the PGA though. My biggest worry in life would be weather or not I read the break on a putt correctly.

Anonymous said...

I thought that part of the movie was very intersting. I would love to see who i was in a past life it would be kinda cool. I think it would be someone completly different. If i could be someone i would probaly choose wilt chamberlain. He got all the ladies, amazing at bassketball, very tall, and holds to mayn records to count. I wish i was as tall as him and as good as basketball as him that would be a great past life. Yes i could i think they would help me move on in life soo much it wouldnt even be a struggle. That would make me a very happy camper and i would be satisfied with how im living.

jessecovill said...

If I had lived a past life how would I now know who I was? But if I did have a past life, considering my current hopes and expectations, I don’t think my past life would be the same as I am now, what I mean is if I screwed up in a past life then died, then was reborn I might still know what I shouldn’t do and then not do that…but still end up dead, so why bother with the past life pavilion in the first place. If I were to pick one time period to live in it would have to be around 1942 through 1957, I chose this time period because of WW2, I really like the war stuff, especially from this era, it’s just that the story’s and movies that have grabbed my attention, I really don’t know why I like this pointing time…maybe its my past life, maybe I was a soldier and died only to be born into some crazy hippy in the 70’s and took the blue acid, then died.

BrittanyBarron said...

based on the time period i picked I don't think that i would be any different. I would pick the late 18th century France. I love everything to do with the French Revoulation and Maire Aninnette is my personal hero. In my opinoin she did nothing worng. Anyway I would pick this time peroid because I love the clothing and the music and just the overall lifestyle of the fablously rich and famous. Its all pastels and golds. This era also had alot of resecpt for manners and people. I could also pick Regency era England. Thats only because I would want to meet Jane Austin. I guess i would pick any time perodi that had man opening doors and women in dresses. Everyone always tells me i was born in the worng time peroid ever since I weas little. I wish that people had the same manners that they had in these eras. Man were polite to women and did not treat them as meat. As if men grew up and took reponsabilty towards things he world would be a better place. Any guy that will hold the door and help with my bags if a winner in my book.

Anonymous said...

I don't really believe in past lives. Even if I had a past life I don't think I would be able to choose one person in particular. There are too many people that have been in the past to choose from. But if I could choose a time period to have a past life in I would have to say probably in the early 1900's so I could have fought in one of the major wars. I don't know why I just thought it would have been cool to fight in the past wars and be an American hero. Then I could have had a special burial in the U.S veterans cemetery because then I would have been looked at as a hero of the U.S.A. I doubt my past life was anything like my life is now because there is no way that I could resemble that person in any way.

Stephen Manvydas said...

I dont think that I would be even close to how i am today as in a past life. For some reason i feel like i have had a past life that was muich more of a curagouse, leader type person. If i could pick a time period to live in i would pick a time in the mid-evil era. I grew up learning alot about that time and i enjoyed it alot. tales of knights and kings and the such caught my attention. If i was i knight in that time period i wish i have their bravery and courage that i currently lack. I think i could take these values in my life today. If i had these thins i think my life could be alot simpler, maybe even a little funner.

Lil Southkr3w said...

it dont make sence how can ur past ife be different than ur previous life. thoesnt it mean the same thing, i think it means the same. but i could say my past life was very different than my other life. i could say i was cuz im very different kno, idk wat other life. if i could choose a life period i would choose 1964. i would choose that period because thats the year when the 1964 impalas got created. i just wish i had a 1964 impala today i would make it a lowrider. i would have it very clean and it would be nice.

Alan Hernandez

brandonlengyel said...

I believe that my past life was very different from my life as of know. Iwish i grew up around the 70s due to the peace of everyone. It seemed taht back then and my parents have told me that everyone seemed to be more relaxed and no mr. kay not from drugs. I probley would like to be a professionale athlete or a wealthy person like bill gates. I beileve that if i was eitherone of them i would live a more happy and peacefull life, but dont get me wrong they go threw sturuglles to. The values that i wish i had was the fame and the fortune. I belive now i cant take these values but later on life i will be able to reach that and will be living comfortabley i believe and hope. To do this it is going to be hard work to be the best of the best.

Janet said...

I dont think my past life was similar to my current life. Because it had to be diffrent alot had changed. If i had to choose a time period i think i would choose the future. i pick the future because it going to be different. Back in the day the technology was poor. Computers and cell phones for example were differnt then now. A computer was big and fatt, now, they are skiiny and reallyy easy to carry. Cell phones we fatt n could not fit in your pocket, now, they are so skiiny you cant even find them in your purse. the values on techonoly i guess we could take them bc techonology is high tech rite now, emagine in the future.

Plaz said...

What? Isnt past life and previous life the same? My past life from the life i live now hasnt changed a lot. Since i came to white lake my rappin has changed a lot and big time but thats probably the only major change in my life. Im happy that i live in white lake now. I dont want to be somebody else even for a day. I also wouldnt want to live in a different time period. I dont know why its just how i do. If i could rewind time i could tell people their future and i could make millions but thats not gunna happen.

Unknown said...


Even though I'm not totally in to the whole reincarnation thing, I'll play your game. If I had lived a past life, I feel it would be nowhere near what I am like today. Not only based on my thoughts, but in the movie all of those people were nothing like their past. If I could choose to be any person at any time, I would probably choose someone the likes of henry ford, bill gates, andrew Carnegie, or john d Rockefeller. Let's focus on Rockefeller, his name is now synonimous with things such as oil and monopoly, and rightfully so. He focused on business and streamlining efficency. He also looked at how to increase his profits. I feel I would choose to be him because of these ideas and values. I would lime to be a businessman like him.

Anonymous said...

I doubt that any past life of mine would be similar to what I am now. Hopefully, I was a little less brash and still the same gender though. I would hope that my past-self was someone of some distinction. It's not fun being a nobody, and I would have loved to be somebody. I think that I would have enjoyed being someone living around the time Albert Einstein was alive. Yeah, there was a war going on for some of it, but the excitement of being faced with all those breakthroughs and having science turned topsy-turvy would have been amazing to witness. I wish that I had the same values of that time insofar as how it came to dressing up. I like dressing up, and walking around in a nice suit all day wouldn't be a thing that I could protest. While that seems affectations, the rest of the values people had back then I really don't envy or I have already. I still respect women, my parents and I believe in speaking proper English insofar as not using words like "all-of-the-sudden" and other odd words that kids these days say that I have no idea what they mean. But, I think that dressing up nicely could still be done toady, as for respecting women, I believe that that is asking to much of today's culture. Women are worshipped in the media as sex idols, nothing more. And, women and girls take it up and wear sleazy clothing, talk like they came from the gutter and have sex with any guy who whips it out. Perhaps it's not a case of respecting women so much as a case of women respecting themselves.

Kevin Hughes said...

I think that the past life pavillion is sort of redundant by definition. It was once said that "if you are you because I am I, then I am not I and you are not you". I don't believe that anyone is really seperate, so any past life that I may have had would be just as much me as it would be someone else. I doubt if I had past lives, they would be similar to me. If I could pick a person or time period, i'd like to have lived in Japan during the rise of zen buddhism, because it would be so much different from today's post-industrial society. I wish I could have taken the values that they had about the impermanence of the self and etc. I am trying to take on these values now, but am prevented by the expectations of school and everyone else and I would be seen as irresponsible.

Alex V said...

I think that my past life would be very different from the life that I live today. If I could pick a certain past life I would pick the life of a basketball player like lebron james. I think it would be cool just to play basketball and not have to worry about money or my job. Because my jobb would just be to play basketball. I also think it would be cool to buy whatever I want like a cars and boats. But if I had to have another past life I wish it would be a chef or a person that sails the sea because I love the ocean. Those would be some cool past lives.

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

Based on this movie i don't think my past lives would be anything like me. It actually might be the exact opposite. It would be like a murderer killer drug dealer or something haha. I would want my past life's to be like my current life or better now though. If i could pick a time to be at it would be in the 1980's, that was a cool time. I wish thing's were not so serious like back than and there was more fun to be had. I could take those value's now, but i wouldn't get were i wanted to be in life.

jay said...

I don't think if I was in a past life it was similar to mine now because people and times change. if I had to choose a time period I would choose the mid 1500's with knights and kings. I choose this time because I could picture myself as a knight. The values of the time period is living the way of the sword. The Kings orders would be like my coach now giving orders to the team. So, yes I could take these values today. I could use this today because in that time kings told people what and how to do things just like today how I have parents, teachers, bosses and coaaches that tell us how things should be done.

jray said...

I think that my past life was very different then my current one. I feel like in my past life I was nothing like I am today. If I could live in the 19th century, around the time of the industrial revolution. I would like to live around this time so because it would have been much easier thinking of some kind of invention that would help people out and still find a way to profit out of it. The value that I wish I had from that time is being hardworking. I would take these values on now, but not like they did back then. Back then men would be out working hard all day long, from dawn to dusk.

Panos said...

If i went to a past life pavillion and i saw myself in a diferent life, I highly doubt that it would be the same or even close to the way my life is now. I fully believe that my life now is probably the best life anyone could live cause you learn to apreciate evrything around you. If i had to pick one person that i would want to have been in a past life i would have to pick General Patton. The reason i would want to be him is because i wish i had the leadership and fearlessness that Patton had. I truly believe that i could take these values on now if i just work on it. I believe that anyone can acheieve any value they want but it just takes time to get them.

Anonymous said...

If I had lived a past life, I don't think I would be anything like I am in this one. This life that I live now is absolutely amazing. I have an incredible social life, I do the things that I love to do, I live on my own for the most part, and I am simply always happy. There's never a dull moment in my days. Rather, if there is a dull moment, I catch it before it becomes boring either by writing music or rocking out to a tune. In my past life, however, I can imagine me being a snobby brat who has everything that he needs: a brand new vehicle, his license (as I still don't have mine and I'm approaching 18), enough money to purchase everything he needs and anything he wants - I could picture myself being in the popular crowd, though I suppose I am thinking of an ALTERNATE life rathert than a PAST life. I would like to re-live the life of my late grandfather Norman Mink who passed away in 2008. He was my hero and everything that I wished to be. He was a World War II veteran, an incredible husband, a great father, and an awesome grandpa. He was the family man - the guy everybody wishes they were. He rose to greatness from having nothing, being the oldest of nine children and having no parents to look up to later in life as they both passed away when hes twenty. As such, he acted as a father for all eight of his siblings, and he outlived each and every one of them. He was an amazing man. I wish I could be like that. I don't think I could take on those values simply because they are too overwhelming. I am a feeble person; I couldn't do it.