Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Day 17

Good discussion on fate today.

Discuss the idea of irony. How do you define irony? Give a personal example of irony? Then, think and comment on the following: At the opening of the scene 1, Oedipus states: “Until now I was a stranger to this tale, as I had been a stranger to the crime.” What tale is he talking about and how is this statement ironic?


Anonymous said...

Irony is a funny idea. It is kind of like karma in a way if you ask me. I define irony as when something happens and it is kind of funny how it turns out. i have a really good example for someone that doesnt really understand. A burglar spends all night stealing from homes. He then goes to his own home to find that someone has broken in and stolen all his stuff. This is ironic because he is saying how he did not no about the murder untill they just told him but in reality he was the one who murdered the king.

JakeCastner said...

To me, irony is something that comments upon itself in a humorous way. The actual definition is a variation between what appears to be and what actually is. One event from my life that was ironic occurred at a spelling bee. I was on the stand, and the word was dyslexia. I misspelled it and was kicked out. While i didnt mix up the letters, which would have been very ironic, I think that misspelling it was still pretty ironic. Oedipus is talking about how he stumbled upon this city after the time of the previous king, when the sphynx was terrorizing everybody. Oedipus killed the king on the road, but didnt know that he was king. His statement is ironic because while he thinks that he is just hearing about the murder, he was actually the one who committed it.

ben nicolay said...

Discuss the idea of irony. How do you define irony? Give a personal example of irony? Then, think and comment on the following: At the opening of the scene 1, Oedipus states: “Until now I was a stranger to this tale, as I had been a stranger to the crime.” What tale is he talking about and how is this statement ironic?

Irony kind of screws you over. You try to change something in a diffrent way than you want it to turn out but in the end in turns out the way you don't want it to. I would define iron as something that turns out a diffrent way than you expect but the result is the same answer everytime. I can't really tink of an example of irony in my life but I like Nick's example. His example was that if a burgular spends all night stealing from home, he goes home and things are stolen from his house. It's kind of like what karma is. If you do somehting bad, the karma will find someway to get back at you. I think Oedipius says this because he committed the crime without knowing. If he knew he was the king he probally wouldn't have done what he did. He was doing whatever he could do to protect himself from the prophicies but instead he's leading himself right into their trap.

Alix Dickson said...

Irony is the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning. Irony is usually humorous. An example would be if u wished something bad would happen to someone else and instead something bad happened to you. Nothing ironic has really happened to me personally though. Oedipus is talking about how he didnt know about the prophecy that was made about him. This is ironic because when he found out about the prophecy he left home so he wouldnt kill his father and marry his mother. However when he left home he ended up killing his father and marrying his mother without realizing it was them.

shelbybatlemente said...

I define irony as when something not necessarily good happens and the outcome is funny. The actual definition of irony is the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning. I don't really have an example of irony from my personal experiences. However, an example of irony is when you want something bad to happen to someone else. But instead of that bad thing happening to another person it happens to you. The tale that Oedipus is talking about is the murder of Thebes previous king Lauis. When Oedipus killed the king he had no idea that he was even the king. He was a stranger to this tale and crime because he didn't and still doesn't know that he killed the king. This statement is ironic because Oedipus says that they must find the killer. When all along without anyone even knowing the killer is Oedipus. He wants to go find the killer when the killer is himself. Thats what makes this statement ironic.

Lil Southkr3w said...

Irony express something different from and opposite to their literal meaning. irony is like comedy. like when u want some thing and dont get it but the person that u dont want it to get gets it. idk something like if u want a nice car and u dont want some other person to get it. when u wan that u dont get it and the other person wants it. or it could happen the other way around. for example u want somthing bad to happen to this person but it happens to u. its kinda like karma. there is lots of meaning to the word irony.

Alan Hernandez

Alex V said...

definition of irony is a variation between what appears to be and what actually is. An example of irony is. lets just say that ur a vegitarian and u said that steak was ur favorite food. That would be a classic example of irony. The begining of the story is ironic because, This is ironic because he is saying how he did not no about the murder untill they just told him but in reality he was the one who murdered the king. He thinks that he is hearing about the murder for the first time but he really isnt besacuse he killed the king but he does not know it. So it ironic because he is tryng to look for who killed the king but the person he is looking for is himself.

brandonlengyel said...

Irrony is a tricky thing. I define iorny when something happens and you dont know what happend and it was you to blame on it. Irony will scerw you over in the end. Say you wanted to prevent something to happen and it was you that made it happen ironic right. Ok her is an example in today life say you wanted to save your best friends relationship with somebody. So you try to tell this somebody about him and what he is like. At the time you think your saving there relationship you are basically breaking it up. So that is a prime example of irony. This story we are reading in class is ironic in sense he is trying to find the kings murder but he is actully trying to find himself. I am looking foward to some other ironic situations that this story has for us in the future.

Stefan Kegebein said...

Irony is an event that is contrary to expectations. Irony kind of turns the tide or turns the table on someone. A personal example of irony is when Northern beat us in hockey for a regional title. We beat them both times we played them earlier in the year so we kinda assumed we would beat them again. I guess that is an example of irony. Oedipus is talking about the murder of king who is also his father. This is ironic because Oedipus said he was going to find the killer and make sure justice is served. He is really looking for himself and he doesn’t know he killed the king.

Stephen Manvydas said...

Irony in my own words is like when you do somthing bad your gonna get slapped in the face latter on in life. Alot of us have a love/hate relationship with Irony. We want it to happen but normally it doesnt happen when we want it too. Irony and destiny go hand in hand, however i think that irony only occures when you do somthing bad in your life, maybe good, and i think irony is predetermined after you do the act, unlike fate. The tale Oedipus is talking about is the murder of the old king of Thebes. The city just got on with their lives after his death and Oedipus was not told of it until a long time after he became the king. The irony of this is Oedipus was the one who killed the old king and he has no idea. Another ironic part could be him helping to hunt the man who commited the crime, considering that it was him.

jray said...

To me, irony can be many different things. It can be from saying one thing even though it means something else to an event that contradicts another event. Most people use irony everyday in their life weather then know it or not. I happen to use it very often when I talk; I happen to be a very sarcastic person. In the opening scene Oedipus is talking about how he comes along this city when the sphynx were tearing apart the city. He ends up killing his own father which was told to him when he was a child. He did what ever he could to make sure it didn't come true. He even left his city just to be sure. He finds a way to get rid of the sphynx and is rewarded by becomming the new king and married his mother. Marring his mother was another part of his fate that was fortold, which he left the city to make sure this wouldn't come true.

ScOtW29 said...

Discuss the idea of irony. How do you define irony? Give a personal example of irony? Then, think and comment on the following: At the opening of the scene 1, Oedipus states: “Until now I was a stranger to this tale, as I had been a stranger to the crime.” What tale is he talking about and how is this statement ironic?

Irony confuses me a little bit. What I think it means is when you are least expecting something to happen to you it comes back and bites you in the ass. Whatever can go wrong will. An example would be... if your job is a security guard, if you went home one night and found that your house is broken into. That is a good example of irony because you wouldnt see it coming. The tale he is talking about that is ironic is how he killed his dad and doesnt even know it. He is trying to find the kings killer, who was himself. That is what makes it ironic.

Anonymous said...

I believe irony is something like when you want to get something so bad and you don't get it but the other guy that didn't want it as bad as you gets it. That would be one example of irony. When I was a little bit younger there was this bmx bike that I wanted and I never ended up getting it and this other kid that didn't even ride bikes got it and rubbed it in my face. I ended up getting pissed at the kid and I beat him up for rubbing it in my face, but that was a couple of years ago. I believe that was ironic for me because I wanted that bike because my other one had got all messed up somehow, and that kid had never even rode a bike. Besides that Oedipus' statement was ironic because he was a stranger to the tale of him killing his father and marring his mother. He was also a stranger of the crime because it was a long time ago and he probably forgot about it over the time, he also did not know the man was his father. I guess it was ironic also because his fate was to kill his father and marry his mother and he tried to prevent that by leaving but he ended up leaving the people that adopted him. Then on his journey he killed his father then helped the town be curing the plague and he was to be king and have the queen, which was his mother, which is ironic.

Plaz said...

Is irony the same thing as irconic? If it is then i got a good example. I dont know how to explain irony but my example should work. So at a UPS place where all the trucks go and where some offices are their copy machine breaks down and they are shipping copy machines to some business place. That's ironic haha. Also Oedipus is talking about the killing of the king. He didn't know who he killed so he was a stranger to the crime. It's ironic because he killed the king, but now he's the king and nobody knows he killed the king.

Unknown said...


The idea of irony is when something happens in such a way it can only be coincednce I feel. It is closely related to coincdince. I really cannot think of any specific examples off the top of it head, but I knwni have had ironic situations occur before. In scene 1 Oedipus talks about himself murdering his father, being the crime plaguing his city. His statement is ironic because he is the murderer. He is also the villan that he is looking for. These are prime examples of irony.

jay said...

Irony is saying, explaining or doing something that maybe different then what actually happens. Irony could be humorously sarcastically used in literature. One time We were walking back from the beach, Me and Josh were talking about how it would be funny to get hit by a car. Shortly after, a car comes really close to hitting us. The tale that he is talking about is the prediction of him killing his father and he marrying his mother. The statement was ironic because He was running away from his foster parents. So He didn't kill them because He thought they were his real parents. But the prophecy came true anyways! Now that's ironic!

Anonymous said...

To me irony is when something unexpected happens that is in respone to on of your actions. As for an example i cannot really think of a good one at the moment. The satement made by Oeidpus is ironic because he is saying that he has no previous relationship to this murder. It is ironic because really he himself his the murderer. He now devotes his efforts to trying to catch this killer. In the end however he ends up finding himself instead. i guess an ok example of irony would be if you were driving somewhere and before you left you said that you doubt you will have enough gas to get there. The irony comes in halfway through the trip when you run out of gas. Even though this is not the greatist example it is one of those examples that happen to people every day.

Kevin Hughes said...
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Kevin Hughes said...

Irony is best summed up in a joke: "I built an irony detector but it didn't work....it detects everything but irony". Irony is when you are expecting something to happen and it turns out the opposite. Irony is usually humorous and unfortunate for the person being...ironed. The statement made by Oedipus is ironic because he states that he is a stranger to the crime. This is exactly the opposite of what is true. He committed the crime, so he is not a stranger to it. Perhaps also ironic in the story of Oedipus is when the audience knows more than the characters themselves, which is referred to as dramatic irony. He constantly sees things with his own slant, instead of giving in to hints which might have prevented his tragic end. His stubborn attitude, highlighted in this irony, makes him suffer greatly.

Anonymous said...

For me, irony is when something happens that you try to avoid and either deny it or are oblivious to it. For me, my biggest irony was me saying that I would never switch to using a Mac system, ad how; there's not a single Windows-running computer in my house. For Oedipus's comment: "Until now I was a stranger to this tale, as I had been a stranger to the crime,” there's a huge underlying portion that's ironic. What Oedipus is mentioning in the first place is the murder of Laius, the previous king of Thebes. The irony comes into play about this "stranger" portion. While, perhaps he is a stranger to the crime as he didn't realize he killed Laius, he's certainly no stranger to the fact that a man was killed considering he did it. What's even more ironic is the fact that the guilty party he's looking to banish is himself. Running around looking for the murderer when you are the murderer is certainly an irony in my book, and I'm itching to see whether Oedipus will finally come full circle and realize his small "Oops!"

Panos said...

To me irony is a idea that we see many times through out our lives. I define irony as something that comes back in a way that you don't expect like Karma as Nick said. I believe that a good example of this is when I 15 I stole some money from my dad, like $5.00 and I bought something that I really wanted, (I think it was a pizza), and after i ate it at a friend's house i went home and my dad had bought pizza for dinner, so it was ironic cause either way i would have gotten pizza for dinner. I beileve that Oedipus is talking about the murder of King Lauis and how he had found out about the murder and was prepared to take veangence on the murders when in fact he was the murderer.

BrittanyBarron said...

Irony is when something happens that is almost karmatic to the person it ia happing to. I don't really belive I have inroy in my life. Or aleast that I can remenber. Oedipus is talking about the crime of the murder if King Lous. When he was told of this tale he had not known what had happen to the king. This is irony because he killed him. What Oedipus didn't know is that he killed the king and he was supposed to. This all ties into fate.

Janet said...

Irony to me is like something is going to happend but in the end it did the complete opposite. An example of irony is like you wanting something bad to happen to another person bt in the end it happened to u. The tale he is talking bout is when he killed his dad. Its ironic becasue he did commit the crime. Also, he doesnt know that he killed his father. Oedipus left his parents thinking it was his real parents but they were his apoted parents. He left becasue of the prophecy. In the end he still married his mom n killed his dad without knowing it was them.

Anonymous said...

Irony is when something happens that is the total opposite of what should happen. I think that "irony" is a very hard word to define properly, but when something "IRONIC" happens it is clearly obvious. The statement that Oedipus makes is quite ironic. He is talking about the tale of the man who murdered the old king. It is ironic because he says that he is a stranger to this tale, but he was the one who committed the murder. An example of irony is spending a lot of time making money for a present for your girlfriend or whatever, and it turns out that when you give her the present she already has it. I think that's a pretty ironic example.

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

I irony is the most sour candy of life. Irony is something that is going against itself, and usually amusing. Like in allot of movies someone will try and save somebody from dying and they will kill them without realizing it. What is ironic about that statement that it is his fault everything is happening. He is the one that killed his dad and plagued the city. Its ironic twice if you think about it. He left his town to kill his dad or marry his mom and it happened. Also the thing were he killed the king so it is his fault.

jessecovill said...

I think irony is when you do something that counter acts your way of thinking. If I could give one example of irony from my life would be from my sisters point of view, she had always gotten away with bascily everthing she did, but one day she got cought and tryed to blame me, it didn't work and she got in trouble, and i laughed. the tale that Oedipus was talking about is the killing of the old king. this statement is ironic beacuse he was the person who killed the king and doesn't know it, but the audiance does.

Austen Anderson said...

irony is somthing that makes a remark or comment on itself later on. irony's defintion is - somthing that is told to somthing that actually happens. an example of irony would be that you nag and nag on someone to let you borrow a large amount of money. a few days later, that person coems to you wanting to borrow the same amount of money. this would be ironic because you wanted the same thing from this perso nas what they want now. in oedipus' statement, i believe that when he says this he just hears of the kings death. (his real father) and also that he doesnt know that this is his real father that he seems to see that it was ok for this man to die. and now that his queen (his real mother) is not for oedipus, he does not see any problem with any of this. i think later on in the story he will find otu that the man he killed, is his biological father, and that the queen is his biological mother. i do think indeed that this statement is ironic because he will probally find out later that his queen is indeed his mother and that the man he killed was his father.

kay - sorry this is late, my computer was nto working at all yesterday or today until now. i had no time to mess wth it to get it working last night until now so im sorry this is late.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Kay, this is literally the ONLY chance I've had to get to a computer. On Friday night I went to Florida to spend the break with my dad, who doesn't have the internet and wouldn't take me to a god damn library to use a computer, and all was going well until my father and I got into a literal fist fight. This morning he sent me on a flight back to Michigan and I got back around an hour ago. I apologize for the lateness. What a shitty way to start break, might I add.

Irony is a humorous or karmic way in which something relates to itself, or it can be used as sarcasm or the use of words to convey a meaning that is opposite of its literal meaning. For example, before I had moved into my apartment, I had spent months and months searching for a specific guitar pick. When I was packing my stuff from my old bedroom into my new apartment, guess what I had found in a very blatant spot? That very guitar pick. It's ironic because I had spent so many months searching for this pick (for its sentimental value) and then had given up, and then when I moved I found it in a very obvious spot. The Oedipus quote is ironic in that he didn't know that he had killed Laius on the road; he thought he'd just killed an ordinary man. Thus, when the story is revealed to him, its ironic because it was indeed Oedipus who had killed the king all those years ago.