Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Day 18

Oh the tangles webs we weave....or in this case that Oedipus weaves. He does not believe Tiresias but who can blame him as then he has to admit his whole life is a lie.

For today's blog, please create a dialogue between Oedipus and his adoptive parents discussing some of the clues that Tiresias gave up in his speech. You should have at least 7 complete lines of dialogue for Oedipus and 7 for his parents (separate or together). Through this discussion Oedipus is trying to figure out what happened in his life. At the end, he can have an epiphany.


Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

Oedipus Walks in to her adopted parents home in outrage.

Oedipus:I know not what to think.

Adopted parents: Do you know were you are from?

Oedipus: Yes from here, i am your son, correct?

Adopt dad: Son, there is something we have to tell you.

Oedipus: What secrets do you hide from me?

Adopted mom: we are not you real parents.

Oedipus: WHAT/! how come you have never told me this before? Were am i from then?

Adopted mom: we do not know. But you left around of the time your king was killed.

Oedipus: are you saying that i did this?

Adopted mom: no but it is a possibility.

Oedipus: i can't believe you would think this. And keep it away from me for such a long time.

shelbybatlemente said...

Oedipus: Why didn't you tell me that you aren't my real parents ?

Adoptive Parents: We never thought that it would come up.

Oedipus: Tiresias says that my wife is also my mother!!! is this true ?

Adoptive Parents: We are afraid so.

Oedipus: I can't believe it !!!

Adoptive Parents: We are very sorry Oedipus.

Oedipus: This means that the prophecy given by Apollo was true.

Adoptive Parents: Yes it was all true.

Oedipus: Why didn't my parents want me ???

Adoptive Parents: They were afraid that the prophecy would come true. They were right so they had you abandoned.

Oedipus: Did it ever occur to them that I might come back some day ???

Adoptive Parents: We don't think they were thinking about that Oedipus.

Oedipus: So they abandoned me in the woods until you came and found me ???

Adoptive Parents: No, you were brought to us by a shepard who got you from one of your parents servants.

Oedipus: So why did a servant give me to a shepard ???

Adoptive Parents: You were supposed to be put in the woods to die and she didn't want that to happen so she gave you to a shepard. Who in turn gave you to us.

Oedipus: I see, well at least you loved me as your own son. Thank you and I greatly appreciate it !!!

Adoptive Parents: Well you're very welcome Oedipus.

Oedipus: Well, thank you for everything and I am glad that I now know the truth. I will be on my way now back to Thebes where I was born !!! Goodbye everyone !!!

kirkwhitt said...

For today's blog, please create a dialogue between Oedipus and his adoptive parents discussing some of the clues that Tiresias gave up in his speech. You should have at least 7 complete lines of dialogue for Oedipus and 7 for his parents (separate or together). Through this discussion Oedipus is trying to figure out what happened in his life. At the end, he can have an epiphany.

Oedipus: can you believe what Tiresias said to me to day?

Adoptive parents: Son this is going to be hard for you to understand, you should sit down.

Oedipus: What are you talking about? and im fine standing thank you.

Adoptive parents: Son Tiresias is not lying about any thing he said.

Oedipus: Have you 3 all gawn insane? This is mad talk comming from you.

Adoptive parents: son your parents gave you to us.

Oedipus: No your lying I dont believe you.

Adoptive parents: son we raised you and around the time you left was when your king was kiled.

Oedipus: Well I didnt kill the king!

Adoptive parents: have you kiled any one in your life?

Oedipus: I have killed in my life yes.

Adoptibe parents: well then it is posible that your murderd your dad.

Oedipus: My dad was a king? and I could have murdered him!

Adoptive parents: yes and if this is true your are sleeping with your wife.

Oedipus: Omg my whole life is a lie. Who am I really?

Adoptive parents: Son you are our sone Oedipus. you know what the right thing to do is.

jessecovill said...

Oedipus: goddg evening mother and father.

mother and father: .....evening...

Oedipus: what seems to be the bothering you two?

Father: we seen Tiresias leaving the city, did he tell you any news of the killer?

Mother: yes did he?

Oedipus: yes he did, and get this he tried to blame me as the killer!

Mother: .....oh really?!?

Oedipus: yes, theni got all up in his wrinkly face and told to get out, you would have been proud.

Father: shure, did he metion us bby chance?

Oedipus: somewhat buti shut him up.

Father: look, Oedipus, we need to talk......what you do if i told you that you were not my son?

Oedipus: what do you mean?

Mother: what your father is trying to say is that....your adopted, thats it, we wuld have told you when you were younger but it would have been difficult for you to understand.

Oedipus: OMFG!!!! I killed the king, I have to go before anyone else finds out, tell the people that i was struck by lightning or was ran over by the batmobile, just make me look good to the people. later!

Alix Dickson said...

Oedipus: I talked to a blind man today and he told me my whole life has been a lie.

Parents: well there is something we never told you.

Oedipus: You kept secrets from me?

Parents: We adopted you Oedipus

Oedipus: What!! then who are my real parents

Parents: We arnt sure but we do know you came from Thebes

Oedipus: Why didnt my real parents want me?

Parents: They were afraid the prophecy would come true

Oedipus: Oh no! i left here so that the prophecy wouldnt come true!

Parents: We are sorry we didnt tell you sooner

Oedipus: That must mean that the king i killed was my father and my wife is actually my mother!!

Parents: Wow thats really horrible and gross

Oedipus: What am i going to do!? im the pollution that has caused Plague on Thebes

Parents: Sorry about the mess we put you in

ScOtW29 said...

Parents: Oedipus what is the problem?

Oedipus: I talked to a blind man today...

Parents: Go on, well what did he tell you Oedipus?

Oedipus: Are You my real parents?

Parents: No im afraid not.

Oedipus: Why didnt you tell me this earlier?

Parents: Sometimes the truth hurts, and you were better off not knowing.

Oedipus: So why did my parents abandon me, do you know?

Parents: They were afraid the prophecy would come true.

Oedipus: Oh, well who is my mother and my father then?

Parents: I think that you are better off not knowing.

Oedipus: The blind man told me that I killed the king, he must be insane.

Parents: If you say so.

Oedipus: What is that supposed to mean?

Parents: You did kill the king Oedipus, and the king is your father.

Oedipus: Oh my god what have i done? Who is my mother then?

Parents: Your sleeping with her!

Alex V said...

Oedipus Walks in to her adopted parents home in outrage.

Adoptive Parents: We never thought that it would come up.

Oedipus:I know not what to think.

Oedipus: can you believe what Tiresias said to me to day?

Adoptive parents: Son this is going to be hard for you to understand, you should sit down.

Oedipus:So i really am adopted?

Adoptive Parents: Yes it is true but we rasied you like you were our really son.

Oedipus:Why didnt you just tell me

Adpotive parents: We didnt think you would ever find out so we didnt think it would be a problem.

Oedipus: i still think you should have told me.

Oedipus: is it also true that i married my real mother.

Adopted PArents: Son i wish i could say that was not true but it is.


Adopted Parents: Its going to be ok just come home.

Oedipus: OK i should have never left.

ben nicolay said...

AM=Adopted Mom
AD=Adapted Dad

(Oedipus walks in franticly to his adopted parents home)

O: Is my whole life a nothing but a lie?

AD: The truth must be told.

AM: What he means is that you are our real child.

O: ? What? All those memories as a child are just lies.

AD: Im sorry son,you were more real to us than any other son could be to his parents.

AM: We should have told you much sooner before you heard from the towns people.

O: Yes you should have. Who are my real parents.

AM: We do not know. You were given to us when you were very small.

O: Why did my parents give me up?

AD: They did not want the prophicies to come true.

O: What were the prophicies?

AM: That you would kill your own father, the king, and marry your mother.

AD: They did not want the prophicies to come true and they gave your fate to us.

O: THE MAN I KILLED WAS THE KING? And my wife is my mother.

O: Why did you not protect me?

O: I am banishing myself forver.

AD: No, do not do that. You had to control. You must stay.

AM: No matter what we love you and you will be our son for ever.

(Oedipus run's out and is never seen by them again)

jray said...

Oedipus: Is their something you need to tell me?

Step-Parents: Yes, son. You might want to sit down.

Oedipus: What could it be?

Step-Parents: We are not your real parents. You are adopted

Oedipus: Why have you hidden this from me for so long?

Step-Parents: We didn't want to because it would made you sad.

Oedipus: It does but it is something that I would have wanted to know.

Step-Parents: I'm sorry. We know we should have told you much earlier.

Oedipus: I wish you would have told me earlier because I think I have killed my own father and have been doing something horribly wrong with my mother.

Step-Parents: What do you mean by "something horrible"?

Oedipus: We have bared a child.

Step-Parents: oh my goodness. This is most certainly horrible.

Oedipus:I know. That means that I am the reason for these bad things in my city.

Step-Parents: Well you have to do something about it.

Lil Southkr3w said...

Oedipus: waddd up dawgs. man u aint gonna belive who i saw today. i saw dis blind guy named Tiresias.

parents: did u cuz. wat dat dawg say.

Oedipus: he it is sayin dat my life is a lie.

parents: na cuz it aint. how yo life a lie.

Oedipus: he saiyin dat u aint my real parent. that my wife is my realz mom.

parent: ya dawg she is. dat sux dawg cuz u sleepin wit er.

Oedipus: cant belive it man. my step brothers are my own sons. dat f up.

parents: ya dawg it is. we didnt think u was ever gonna find out cuz.

Oedipus: my dawg Tiresias also said my dad was the king.

parents: ya dawg u real dad was the king man.

Oedipus: i cant belive i killed him dawg.

parents ya cuz why u kill him.

Oedipus: idk man. why u lie to me. why didnt u tell me the true? welll im gonna be missing u dawgs peace. grand hustle dawg.

Alan Hernandez

Stefan Kegebein said...

Oedipus: Mom… Dad… can I ask you a question?
Parents: Yeah sure Oedipus, what is it?
Oedipus: Why is it that Tiresias says I killed my father and married my mother.
Parents: Well you know Oedipus it’s a long story.
Oedipus: I feel like there is something you’re not sharing with me.
Parents: Oedipus you are not our real son.
Oedipus: What you gotta be kidding me!
Parents: We are not kidding you were given to us by a Shepard when you were a baby.
Oedipus: Wow I can’t believe this is happening.
Parents: Yes it is true. We are so sorry we didn’t tell you earlier.
Oedipus: Oh, great… now I am screwed.
Parents: Isn’t their some way you can cure the plague.
Oedipus: Yeah but, the only way I can help is if I am killed or exiled.
Parents: Oedipus we have raised you to be a great person we know you are going to do the right thing.
Oedipus: Yeah I am going to miss being King though.
Oedipus: I got to apologize to Tiresias for called him a dumb ass blind man.

Stephen Manvydas said...

Oedipus- Mother...Father...I have heard terrible rumors about me.

Parents- we have somthing to tell you soon.

Oedipus- oh i feared this would happen. Dont tell me that blind seer was telling the truth.

Mom- Oedipus, we are not your rightful parents.

Dad- We recieved you from a farmer one day, coming from the direction of Thebes.

Oedipus- that orcal was right.

Parents- We are sorry son, we knew that telling you would cause worse problems in your life.

Dad- and look, now your a king of your home town.

Oedipus- But i killed my father!....and mother.

Parents- we are sorry son, we never knew of this prophicy otherwise we would hve told you.

Oedipus- I..must turn myself in.

Mom- but son..

Oedipus- NO, banishment is all i can live with..maaybe death fter what i have done.

Dad- i raised you right son...You will make us proud.

Oedipus- so it is settled. i leave this night to return to tht wrecked city..and to mourn for my life.

brandonlengyel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
brandonlengyel said...


o: what is going on on with this are you my parents.

p: what is this crazy talk you speak.

o: nothing crazy about are you or arent you?

p. No im affaird not son.

o: what then where are my real parents?

p: there are in the town where you hold king.

o: you mean thebes

p: yes, didnt you know your father was king before he got murdered.

O: no i didnt and im in a relationship with his wife my "MOM"

p: ooo thats not good.

o: wtf wtf wtf im messing around with my mom holy $h*t.

p: yep i guess so, Good luck with your life, See yeah

o: {yeals} awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

p: where hear for your help if you need it

Anonymous said...

F: My dear son Oedipus, what brings you back to our lands?

O: I am here for answers Father, if that is who you really are?

M: What secrets do you think we keep from you son?

O: A prophet has told me that i have murdered my father, yet you stand before as alive as the mightiest bull.

F: So it is your birth that you seek

O: Yes, who are you and are you realy my father and mother

M: Of course we....

F: Wait, i believe it is time that the truth be known.

O: What turth be this?

F: Oedipus, when you were born your birth parents gave abandoned you, soon you fell into the hands of a shepard who in turn gave you to us.

O: Who are my real parents then?

M: We do not know for sure, the shepard who brought you here said that you are the only son of King Laius of Thebes.

F: You see we could not have childre. And when you e brought to us we thought that it was a blessing from the gods and we could not ignore it.

O: Why would you not tell me this sooner?

M: We feared that with this knowledge you would abandon us. Once you found out we were nothing to you, we feared you would abandon us, for we love you and raised you like you were our blood. To us you are blood and are our real son.

Anonymous said...

Oedipus walks into his adopted parents house as he does not know yet what kind of answers he will receive.

Oedipus: Mother, Father I just received some news that was very disturbing to me.

Adopted parents: What would that be?

Oedipus: I was having a discussion with this old blind man and he said that I was the one that had killed the last king of my town on my way there.

Adopted parents: Well did you kill anyone around that time?

Oedipus: Well there was this man and he got kind of rude with me and yes I did kill him..but he did not seem to be anyone besides a citizen, he looked nothing like a king, no servants with him just other citizens.

Adopted parents: Well Maybe that guy was the king out for a walk like a normal citizen just like you are now.

Oedipus: I have a question, first off I left because I did not want the fate of me killing my father and marrying my mother to become true so why did you guys let me go and kill another man?

Adopted parents: Son, we have to tell you something, you were given to us by a messenger and we are not your real parents.

Oedipus: What how could you not tell me this? Now I believe that this may have happened to become true. The guy I have killed had to be my real father from the place where I actually came from and my wife is my mother.

Adopted parents: You don't know that for sure but all we know is the messenger came from that way.

Oedipus: I can't believe you would let me leave without telling me this information.

Adopted parents: We didn't tell you only because we had a feeling that you wouldn't believe us or you would have gotten angry with us. We didn't want to see you in that state of mind.

Oedipus: Well now that that is out in the wind, I now believe that the thing I tried preventing has happened without my knowledge.

Adopted parents: We are sorry that we did not let you know about this ahead of time but we thought it would be in your best interest not to know.

Oedipus: Well I guess it has been done for a reason and now I must go home to my wife that could also be my mother. I love you both as you were to me my real parents.

Austen Anderson said...

oedipus - for what have you called upon me for?

Parents - i think there is somthing we should talk about.

oedipus - what is thsi that we should speak of?

parents - i think it is time there of you must meet your TRUE parents.

oedipus - what do mean mean my "true parents"?

parents - we are sorry to tell you this but you are not our son.

oedipus - you mean that all thsi time you have kept this from me? how could you do this to your own son? or i mean how could you do this to me?

parents- we didnt want you to love us for being your parents. we wanted you to love us for who we are. and how we have given you such a great childhood and such a great life.

oedipus - i cannot believe you would do this to me.

parents - we are dearly sorry. do you wish to know who your real mother and father are?

oedipus - right now im not sure to believe if you are telling the truth or just trying to piss me off.

parents - i swear on the gods of apollo, i would nto make this up.

oedipus - you had no problem making this up that you were my parents for all this time. what else have you lied about to me? i demand to know everything!

Anonymous said...

Oedipus: This seer has troubled my mind. His tounge a lash from which my thoughts cannot be swayed. Perhaps the counsel of my parents should calm my mind.

[Enter King Polybus and wife, Merope.]

Polybus: My son! Home to Corinth at last, yet with troubles on your brow.

Merope: What? My son troubled? The Great Oedipus, ruler of Thebes troubled?

Oedipus: Mother, Father the Gods do not do me favours.

Polybus: Yet faith in them we must have.

Oedipus: Faith is hard to maintain when Apollo bears his wrath upon you.

Merope: What such talk have we here?

Oedipus: Thebes has befallen a curse from Apollo. A great pollution has succumbed our land to a mere vestige of its former glory. I fear that I may be the root of it.

Polybus: This I fear is hard to concieve, for you praises I have heard from people from Thebes to such a place as Athens, (our greatest rival).

Oedipus: Yet now, I am considered of the fact that it may be ill-deserved. For the prophecy of which caused my earlier leave of you may have fufilled itself.

Polybus: You have obviously not killed me nor commited incest with your mother. You speak as if you've taken leave of your senses.

Oedipus: Unless the mother I believed once was mine is not.

Merope: What is this talk? I am your mother as surely as your father your sire.

Oedipus: It has been said...

Polybus: Foolish non-sense has been uttered, and you feel fit to absorb what you can. I, Polybus am your father... Insofar to a point.

Oedipus: A point?

Polybus: You must not think lowly of either of us. Your mother and I failed to raise any heirs of our own. A shepherd with you in his amrs came forth, and we hence called you and raised you our own. Perhaps we may not be your parents-in-blood, yet surely we love you just the same.

Oedipus: Oh! The Prophecy! What tricks the Fates play on us.

Polybus: The prophecy you speak of will not come true. Your parents are unknown to both you and I. The shepherd knew little, or chose to divulge little.

Oedipus: This shepherd I must find! This man of fortune who gave me to such greatness that I have lived with must come forth and tell me my story! Father, mother, I must take leave!

[Oedipus exits.]

Kevin Hughes said...

Oedipus: Mother, father, Tiresias speaks in riddles, and I need satisfaction.
Mother: What did the man say to anger you so?
Father: Yes, what did he say; you look as though you've committed a murder!
Oedipus: He is the murderer! The man hasn't sight and yet he proclaims he sees the truth! He has said you are not my true parents. He says I have brought forth curse.
Mother: …Perhaps we should say. We won't keep you from the truth any longer: you are not our true son.
Oedipus: Why do you, like this blind fool, lie? If you were anything but my parents, I, the King of Thebes, would know. Do you know how much power I wield? This is not the power of an orphan.
Father: We are certainly your parents Oedipus, but we did not have you. A shepherd had found you on a hill, and rescued you from your fate.
Mother: He brought you here to Corinth, where we raised you. You are our son, but not by our own hands.
Oedipus: Why are you telling me such lies? You have no reason to overthrow me! You have no reason to say such things.
Mother: The darkness of your past which Tiresias speaks of is truth. What else did he say?
Oedipus: He spoke of the murderer of Laius…but the things he said mean nothing to me. He did not defeat the Sphinx, he knew not of the answer, only I did.
Father: What did the man say about this murderer?
Oedipus: I told you! He says nothing but in riddles, he said the killer of Laius is both brother and father to his children. He will be both son and husband to his mother.
Mother: Well, that's absurd!
Oedipus: …But why would he lie about Laius' murderer but not of my heritage?

Panos said...

Oedipus: Yo, "parents", why didn't you loving people tell me that I was adopted?

Adoptive Dad: We didn't think it was in best interest to tell you.

Adoptive Mom: We did what we thought was best for you.

Oedipus: The prophecy said I would kill my dad and marry my mom, is it true that my mom is Queen of Thebes?

Adoptive Dad: Yes it is true but I didn't think it would happenm, it was just a prophecy.

Oedipus: So your saying I slept with my fricken mom?

Oedipus: Tiresius said that I would end up on the mountain I was abandoned, was I really abandones or was I Kidnapped?

Adoptive Mom: You were found by our servant on that mountain.

Oedipus: Why was I abandoned?

Adoptive Dad: Your parents didn't want the prophecy to come true.

Oedipus: It would not have if you would have told me that I was adopted. I would not have left here.

Adoptive Parents: Sorry son.

Oedipus: I'm not your son anymore, i'm a grown man and King. What should I do?

Adoptive Dad: Leave Thebes and come live with us.

Adoptive Mom: Yes Oedipus, come live with us.

Oedipus: Fine that's probably the best idea i've heard from anyone.

BrittanyBarron said...

Oedipus: Mother Father?

Father: Yes my son

Oedipus: I'm back from Thebes.

Mother: I have missed you so

Father: I have missed you too

Oedipus: I have become the king of Thebes.

Father: So I have heard

Mother: I am proud of you.

Oedipus: Mother, father why doy ou have no other children?

Mother: Cause we only need one perfect one.

Oedipus: I have hread things in Thebes that before me you could not have children.

Father: That is ture my son but we have you.

Oedipus: You are not my parents are you?

Both: No we are not.

Oedipus: why did you lie to me? Why did you not tell me.

Mother: We didn't want to hurt you.

Oedipus: Hurt me I left cause i didn't want to hurt you.

Father: What could you possibly been hurt us.

Oedipus: I was told by the orecle that I would kill my Father and marry mather.

Both: What?

Oedipus that is why i left.

Father: I am so sorry my son.

Janet said...

Oedipus: Hey mom and dad

Parents: HOw are you son?

Oedipus: Im okay i guess, but i have a question for you guys.

Parents: What is it son?

Oedipus: today i talked to Tiresias and he told me thaT my whole life has been a lie. And i killed my father, and that my wife is my mother! Is that true?

Parents: WEll the truth is that we adapoted you. We are not your real parents.

Parents (mom): And about your father and mother...

Parents (mom): im affaird so you did kill your dad and you married your mother.

Opedipus: So the phocachy was rite. Thats the reason why i left the house so it wouldnt come true.

Opedipus: Why didnt you tell me before?

Parents: We were affaird that you would abandon us.

Anonymous said...

Oedipus: The prophet Tireias spoke with me today.

Parents: What did he say to you, Oedipus?

Oedipus: He spoke in riddle, blaspheming my name.

Parents: What did his riddles mean?

Oedipus: He says that I murdered my father, King Laius, and I am married to my mother. How can this be true, mother and father?

Parents: Son, there is something you must know...

Oedipus: Well, why are you stalling! Please, speak!

Parents: A servant from the King of the city of Thebes gave you to us when you were an infant. You were born of King and Queen Laius.

Oedipus: What manner of trickery is this? You're my real parents!

Parents: While we nurtured you until you left, we are not your true parents.

Oedipus: This is an outrage! This cannot be! Why would be my parents abandon me?!

Parents: That, we do not know, son. We hope you can forgive us.

Oedipus: Forgiveness, I have. Anger, I am filled with far more, however.

Parents: Rest easy, son. We will help you find out why this happened to you. <3

Anonymous said...

GOD DAMNIT. I posted this blog yesterday evening with the one regarding irony; right when I clicked "Post comment!" I walked away from my computer and left the house, as THE COMMENT SHOULD HAVE POSTED! But, of course not, with my luck I didn't get the "Your comment has been posted" screen. I got the "An error has occurred in processing your request," screen. Mr. Kay, I'm sorry. This is ridiculous.


[Oedipus walks into Polybus' chambers, enraged. Merope sits at her bedside while King Polybus stands at its foot.]

Oedipus: You! You have lied to me, or rather not told me something that you should have, Polybus!

Polybus: [Worriedly] You - you call me Polybus? Not father?

Oedipus: Aye, because you are, according to learned ears, not thine!

Polybus: Oh, Oedipus. May this bequest never be silenced. I am indeed not your father by birth, but Merope and I have raised you!

Merope: Please tell us, son...Oedipus, that the learned man's words fell upon your deaf ears. Please tell us that you were unwilling to listen to those malignant words!

Oedipus: They have, rather they did when they were first uttered. But alas! Polybus has just revealed the truth to me! I came looking for a recanting of these words, not an assurance. Who, Polybus, who is my father?

Polybus: [Hesitantly] Your father...

[Polybus stops, hesitant to go further.]

Oedipus: Go on.

Polybus: ...the former King of Thebes, King Laius...

Oedipus: And so the prophet's words hold true.

Polybus: Confound it all, Oedipus the King! Who spoke to you of this?

Oedipus: That is none of your concern. But I'll have you know that I have committed a terrible crime.

Polybus: You? What crime have you committed?

Oedipus: I have killed a man, but not any man.

Merope: Oh, no...

Oedipus: Aye. I, some years ago when I fled this place and came upon Thebes, met a man with several others who tried to rough me as I made my path. Thus, I killed him. And all of his company.

Merope and Polybus: [In tandem] And this man...was?

Oedipus: King Laius of father...