Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Day 7

Please respond to the following song:


What is the message? How does this message effect your thinking or your life?


Anonymous said...

TO me the idea behind this song is very obvious. Eminem is a white rapper wo came from nothing and is now one of the most influential people in hip hop. The messge that he is trying to get across is that we are who we are and we make our own decisions. Our life and how we live should not be controlled or distorted by others. we are all human beings capable of makeing our own decisions. Also our opinions of others should not stem from stereotypes or what people tell us. Most of the time people are labeled and that label does not even fit them or their lifestyle. It kind of goes along that whole dont judge a book by its cover thing. Just because you rap does not mean that you some G'd up gang banger. Or just because you like to wear tight clothes or skate does not make you gay or some punk.

Anonymous said...

thats weird it didnt put my name

Tom Hall

Alix Dickson said...

This is a really powerful song with an odvious message. In this song Eminem is saying that hes sick of people judging him and his music. He is basically saying that he is who he is and hes not going to change. You can tell in this song that hes pissed off about people thinking his music is inappropriate and always critisizing it. In this song Eminem makes comments about people thinking hes and thug and judging him based on where he grew up and how he lives. With this song Eminem is saying that he wants people to butt-out of his life and leave him alone. This messages effects my life because i dont want to people to judge me either based on how i grew up or how i look.

Anonymous said...

Its funny you would pick this song. This is acually my top 5 favorite songs and eminem is my favorite artist of all time. What he is saying the is the public eye destroys him. He doesnt care what anyone thinks of him he is who he is. Just because you call him names and different things and names it doesnt matter. He just wants to be hiself and live his own life. This message makes me wanna be myself. I shouldnt care what anyone thinks of me and i should just be myself always

Anonymous said...

Now I don't like hip hop or rap, but Eminem is probably the only one that can do it right/how I can tolerate it. I think this song is about how he is tired of being idolized and glorified. He's saying he's nothing special and hates getting overwhelmed with attention. I think he is venting about people judging him also, as obvious in some lines. This message doesn't really effect my life any more than it did before I heard this song. Mostly because I am a relatively smart guy, and have thought about these issues before. To be honest, I don't think I would get annoyed if every time I walked somewhere, somebody wanted my autograph. I would be honored and grateful that people like something that I do so much, that they would go out of their way to say hi or get my John Hancock.

jessecovill said...

Good Song, and i really don't like rap. What i think Marshall is saying is simple, leave me alone and let be do what i want to do. I think that he just wants to do his own thing and be left alone. the message in the song doesnt really effect the way i think because i actually think hopw he was raping. I really don't think this single song will change my view of the world or how i act in it. i would have to have more convincing to chang my views. By the way Eminem really looks like my uncle...wierd.

ben nicolay said...

This song of choice is alot better than the ones you've picked on friday and monday. I think Eminems point is that he made himself from nothing. He didn't ask anyone for help to get where he is now and he isn't asking for help now. He wasn't rappin to get fame or be loved by everyone. He was rappin to get things off his chest and to make him feel better about the problems he has had in his life. Everyone has things that allow them to blow off some steam. For eminem rapping is where he blew of his. I think that he's saying he just happend to be good at rapping and got famous for it when he didn't want to. He just wants to live a normal life where he can go places without the paparazzi getting to him. He just want's to be who he is without anyone judging him. This all relates to a quote I like which is "I am who I am". I try to be who I am without anyone judging me. I don't really care what others think of me. Do what you want. Be happy with the way you are and don't let anyone try to change you.

shelbybatlemente said...

This is a super powerful song with a very strong message to it. In this song Eminem is saying that he's sick of people judging him and his music. He raps about how he feels and what goes on in his life. Most rappers only rap about pointless things. What I like about Eminem is his songs are all based off of true things that happened to him and in his life. He is also saying that he is the way he is and he's not going to change for anyone. He's going to stay a rapper and do what he's good at. He's pissed off at everyone in this song. It is very obvious to tell because of the way he is rapping. He's being very assertive to tell people how he's feeling. The message is that people shouldn't judge others. When you judge someone it usually hurts their feelings. It may feel good for you to judge or put down someone else but it makes them feel like shit. So when people think his music is inappropriate and start criticizing it he gets pissed off. He doesn't like to be put down and I don't blame him. I don't think anyone likes to be put down. This message has effected my thinking by I used to judge people. Now I don't because I know it is wrong. It has made me a better person just knowing that judging others really does hurt them.

JakeCastner said...

First off, I would like to comment that Eminem is pretty nuts. For instance his song, Kim is just him attacking his ex wife or wife or whatever, kim. He voices both himself and her. In the song, he murders her and puts her in the trunk. Eminem clearly has some problems with anger and his past. The video that you showed us today shows this when it shows him sitting on the front stoop of his childhood home. Eminem's message here is that all of his fans piss him off when they ask for autographs and fawn over him. A lot of critics are very harsh on Eminem, and the song addresses this. The critics always call him things like wigger and ridicule him, and he is just saying that their words dont bother him, and they can say what they want "I am whatever you say I am." This music usually just makes me angry, and the way it affects my thinking is simply that it puts the mind into an angry state, and makes you pessimistic after a while.

ScOtW29 said...

What is the message? How does this message effect your thinking or your life?

The message of the song is that you shouldnt care about other people judging you. In the song Eminem says he is whatever you say he is. This means that someone could just lie about him and everyone would beleive it. He doesnt like to be judged. He doesnt rap to impress people or to be famous. If you say 8 mile he does it to make himself feel better by clearing his mind and spilling out his problems to everyone. This song makes me think that I could be getting judged by people. I really wouldnt care but unless you have your facts straight you shouldnt judge people.

Stefan Kegebein said...

Yes, I spent my whole day in the cold and rain and I wasn’t really looking forwarding to listening to another shit song. Thank God we finally listened to a good song. Eminem is saying that he his tired of having to listen to other people opinions about him. He is saying he really doesn’t give a shit what people think of him. The can ridicule him all they want be he won’t change who he his. The message of this song just makes me more willing to continue being who I am not matter what people say or do. I think it also makes people think before they judge people because they don’t know what they have been through. In our Society people tend to judge people on how they look or other things.

Stephen Manvydas said...

I am not a very big fan of rap but i feel that this song could be one of the few exceptions. Eminem, like a few blogs before me said, sings this song because he doesnt care what people think of him and he wants them to know. He talks about racism and how people call him racist, he mentions how those comments effect his life and even his career. Stereotypes are a big part of this song, and because he raps about them they wont play his songs. He sings about the world and i find that the world has become very very sad. It starts off with some producer saying he wont play his songs because he raps about homesexuals and it hink this is wrong. We, as americans, can say what we want about what and should not be penalized for it.

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

The message here is sound and clear, its about the way people presieve you, and people just judging you. This is a big deal for me because I'm constantly judged. I hate it as much as this guy, i hate people when they analyze me. I someone times wish i could just be alone for days on end because i hate being around people. It's not like a violent thing, but you got my point. I bet anyone would get pissed if they were treated like that. The way people look at celebrities is horrible

brandonlengyel said...

This song is about judging. This is one ofy top songs and rap is my top music. He is basically saying f everybodys judgement on you its you to judge yourself not them. He is obvisoly stateing to all those people you want to be different and that dont want to be judged on it. He is somebody to look up to as a person that doesnt care what others think of them. Thats how i belive everybody should be like. They should want to be just the way they want to be. In a way our opions on how we are and dressed should not be from other peoples persepective. Its like what i stated yesterday dont judge a book by its cover. He is obvisouly getting his point across to the few but what needs to happen is that everbody should get it and dont judge others.

Anonymous said...

Even though I don't like Eminems music, I think this song reflects on many of people. He his talking about how people judge him based on where he was in life and where he is now. I believe many people judge everybody because they are different from them and because they came from a different place. I was judged by many of people and they all thought I was some punk that was out for no good but I'm not. I was just a kid grown up around the psychopathic genre of music. Eminem has judged many of the other rappers including the rappers that I listen to. So if he doesn't want to be judged badly then maybe he should stop judging other people too. Eminem and the groups that I have been listening to for most of my life have been fighting for many of years based on the way they judge each other. I believe if they want each other to stop fighting then they all should stop judging each other and stop ridiculing each others music.

jay said...

well the message is if someone says your something you start to believe you are what they say you are. it effects my life by comments that my friends and strangers say. If a friend tells you are fast or good that day, you mind just changes the way you look at it. If someone is always calling you a loser than you will start to believe you are. If you are getting complients all the time you will feel better and start to feel better. This goes along with another blog we did about people's perception of others. how people see you and tell you you are makes a diiference. what people percieve or say you are can make you believe things about yourself that may not be true. Sometimes what people make you believe about yourself can be good or bad.

Austen Anderson said...

in this song, Eminem, he is trying to explain how it doesnt matter where you come from. he is tryign to say you can always have dreams like he did. he started out with nothign at all, he had a drunk as a mother, and a young sibling he had to take care of. but he still went after his dreams, if you dream big enough and you truely want to achieve our goal then you can do it. all you have to do is go out and get it. like for me, im doing everything i can to make varsity hockey this next fall. ive been working out 4 days a week an on top of that im skateing 3-5 days a week too with 3 different teams. so basicaluy the message is to go out and TRY. if you TRY and fail then you can hold your head high and if you do fail, try again and again. your only going to get better.

Unknown said...


I've liked this song for quite a while now. Eminem is expressing his anger toward how society today judges and labels people. And honestly it isn't quite right. He talks about his individuality in it and how people assume that he is a certain thing. He also talks about the absurd things in our society such as how people try to rationalize what is happening. Stated in the lyric "oh it's the parenting" I don't find it quite right. It affects me because I feel Americans today are not very homogeneous. I mean sure, we talk to eachother and act pike friends but talk shit behind eachothers backs. This song takes an issue to heart, that being racial tension. It is commonly perceived that rap is an uncleen, urban and vulgar music, but this song clearly takes a stand and defends it.

Plaz said...

This song is crazy. Its like Em goin crazy on the track. I think what Em is tryin to say is we choose our own decisions. We can be anything we want but its up to us on what we want to be. I also think hes talkin bout how people judge people on their looks. I think that you can sometimes judge people on their looks. Like you see a kid wit a louie bag and gucci and all of that rich stuff you would think he or she was rich but they also may not be rich. Like if i were to see a kid wit louie bags and gucci stuff id think they are rich. If i see a kid wit tight pants and wearin skater shirts id think they skate. I think everybody judges people on their looks. All of my friends said that im not what they expected. People dont know people till they talk about their life story. I think Em jus got fed up wit all the rumors and crap goin on that he jus said screw it say what you want to say.

Kevin Hughes said...

I think the message is to just be yourself. The fact that this idea is expressed through rapping makes it pretty convincing. The traditional message in this nontraditional medium makes it obvious that this is just "the way he is". And many people are quick to judge how you express yourself, but he is saying that he will continue to do his own thing. I think this is a pretty admirable message and it gives him some credibility. It's sad that society is so judgemental as to criticize him for expressing himself the way he does. The fact that this song was even needed to be made in the first place is a pretty good indicator of how judgemental we can be as a culture.

Alex V said...

This is a really powerful song with an odvious message. In this song Eminem is saying that hes sick of people judging him and his music. He is basically saying that he is who he is and hes not going to change. You can tell in this song that hes pissed off about people thinking his music is inappropriate and always critisizing it. He doesnt care what anyone thinks of him he is who he is. Just because you call him names and different things and names it doesnt matter. He just wants to be hiself and live his own life. In or socetiey people judge people on how they look or even act before they even really know them, that is not right.

Shelby Zukoff said...

Well someone has been obsessing about youtube lately haha. And that was veryyy painful to listen to. One rapper that I cannot stand is Eminem, I just don't like his sound or his meaning behind his songs. I respect his music and what he does it's just not what I would prefer to listen to. I think this song talks about how the public eye can destroy the perception of a person. How you are this great person and fame and the publicity can twist and turn everything to make it look like your a horrible person. I think Eminem is trying to talk about how he is sick of it. Sick of being judged and perceived wrong. Sick of having all his words twisted around by the media. He wants everyone to know how he really is and feels. And that just because he sings about bad things, it doesn't make him a terrible person. And its not whats on the outside that matters, its whats on the inside. And really, honestly this doesn't effect me. And i'll be coming in in the morning getting my homework, cause i'll be out for a few days, not sure when i'm coming back.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I don't like rap at all and this is probably the hardest song to analyze for me. Umm.. I guess Mr. Eminem (what kind of a name is that?) is trying to say that people will act like people. I can't really understand what he's saying because I have no experience listening to rap, so it's all gibberish to me... However, I did look up the lyrics and from those, deduced the following. Eminem seems to be complaining that people don't know the real Eminem. He states that people think he's like what they read in the papers. It seems that he also complains about people not leaving him alone just because he's famous. This has little effect on my thinking because I don't really understand the song. The most I get is an even stronger desire never to be famous because then, as he says, I can't even take a shit without people bugging me. I hate the paparazzo sometimes.

Panos said...

I personally like this kind of music, just not eminem. The message of his song is very clear because he repeats it over and over in the song. He is basically saying t hat you can make yourself into whoever you want to be and it's up to you but in the end you are who you are and there really is nothing you can do to go back and change the choices you made in order to become who you are. This effects my thinking because when I walk around in school I see all the different cliques of people such as the jocks, preps, goths and so on. When I look at all these people I simply think to myself that if I really wanted to be part of a particular clique I can just act like them. But it also makes me think that I don't want to be judged on how I look in life but more on who I really am.

Janet said...

Eminem is saying that he doesnt want people judging him or what kind of music he makes. He doesnt want ppl to luk at him n thinnk bad just the way he dresses or talks. Many people judge that way, your looks or how u act. But you shouldnt b judging people on that, you should get to know them. Since i was new to the distric freshman year i didnt know anyone. If i didnt get to know any of my friends, i probabaly wouldnt be friends with them right now. Eminem is mad, you can tell in the video and his powerful lyrics his sick of people critisizing it. How does this effect my life? well i dOnt want people judging me cuz of ma luks or how i greww up. I just dont want to be judge.

Lil Southkr3w said...

i be sayin that Eminem is saying that hes sick of people talkin behind his back and bad about his music. he is sayin he is one of the most famous white rappers and grew up in the detroit. im sayin that beacuse he came from nothin and now he is one of the biggest rapper in the MC world. this song is sayin to make our own decisions. i dont realy like eminem but sone of his songs are str8. I mean i respect him but i dont be lisennin to his musick all the time. it also be sayin just cuz u wear different cloths and talk different and act different it dont mean u a Gang member.

Alan Hernandez

remember i dont be having internet so give me credit for this blog.

Anonymous said...

The comments on that video are funny.

But, the message of the song is very clear. The chorus speaks for itself, "I am whatever you say I am, if I wasn't then why would I say I am?" The line reflects how he is what people say he is, because they're always going to judge him. He knows who he is and doesn't need other people telling him otherwise. The verses stand by themselves, and their message is pretty powerful. Eminem clearly hates to be bothered by his fans all the time. He likes the attention, but he wishes he could just go out to lunch with his daughter and not be bothered by people. He dislikes how the media portrays him as a wigger and he doesn't want people to judge him based on what he likes to wear and such. Eminem's lyrics are always good. Listen to Drug Ballad, holy shit. This doesn't really effect my life, but it makes me wonder why people judge others, including me. Each day at Lakeland, I think something negative about a person I don't even know based on a ridiculously stupid set of criteria.