Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Day 21

You are having a dinner party and can invite any 5 people to attend. Who would you invite and why? What is the significance of choosing these people.

For example, one of my people would be Will Smith. I would choose him because I would love to discuss how he went from recording artist to tv star to movie star and how it has effected his life. I would also choose FDR. He was president during a very difficult time and I have always been fascinated by his successes during his presidency. I think I could learn a great deal about the world from him. I would also have my grandfather because I have learned a great deal from him and have great respect for him and would want to share this with him. (I would add 2 more people). Overall, I would want to surround myself with a variety of people who would enhance what I think and how I act.


kirkwhitt said...

If I were to inviet 5 people to a dinner party I would have to invite one of my best friends. I would invite Nick because he is my best friend and I have been through a lot with him. I would want him to experience this dinner with me. I would also invite Travis Pastrana because he is redickuliously insane on the dirt bike. I would like to have a conversation with him about how he got so fearless because I admire that about him. I would invite Travis Kennedy becaues he is my favorit snowboarder of all time. I love his style and the way he rides and I think it would be awesome to finde out how he got to where he is today. My next person I would invite would be Rob Dyrdek because he is one of my all time heros. He is a very funny and energetik person that always brings a good vibe with him where ever he go's and I admire that about him. My final person I would invite would be Megan Fox just because she is gorgeous and I would really like to meet her and have a conversation with her to see what its like to be an actris.

jay said...

First I would have Bam Margera because no matter at the dinner party you would have a great time with him. I would have to invite my best friend Nick. Nick and I have known each other since 6th grade and have been through alot together. I would also want Shaun White the great snowboarder. We have alot in common and We could talk about our heart surgeries. (I had the same heart surgery as him.) Eminem would be invited, He could at least provide some good music. Last but not least, I would want to have President Lincoln. I like how He fought for black people and I could learn alot. I would learn about slavery, blacks freedom, the underground railroad, the civil war and how running the country was back then. At my dinner party We would definately have a good time.

Janet said...

If i were to invite five people to a dinner party, i would invite the most important people in my life other then family. But also, people who i can have funn with. The first person i would invite would be my cousin Karina. Her and I have always had each other back for everything. She is 2 months yonger then me but she acts older then me. And i know she can make a dinner funn. The second person would be ma grl karla. She was my best friend acutally she still is but she moved :( We still talk n everything. I would invite her because she knows how to chear me up. This is the girl that i go for my problems. America would be the 3rd one. I love this grl i meet her last year but she became my best friend forever! I see this girl at skool and outside. I would invite her becasue shes my girl haha..And i got her back n i know she got mine. The 4th one would be my best guy friend Jose. He is my homeboy forever i love him to death. He has been my bestie for years now n he still is. I would invite him because his my best friend and i love his personallity and how he dresses. The 5th one would be Alex he also is one of my closses friend. He is soo funny and i love the way he is, he always knows how to make me laugh. By tickling me and making jokes.

ben nicolay said...

If I was going to invite 5 people to a dinner party I would invite my best friend Nick Sokoll. Ive known him since I was 5 and he's like a brother to me. Im sure he would enjoy this dinner as much as I would. Second, I would invite Scotty Bowman. I think he is one of the greatest hockey coaches of all time. I would like to here his spiel on the game. Third, I would invite Mike Webster. He is no doubt the best center of all time. He was Terry Bradshaws center during their superbowl run. I would like to hear his experiences with the game and any helpful tips. Fourth, I would invite my Grandpa that died when I was 9. I would like to get to know him a little bit now that im older. I would like to see what his opinouns were. I would do anything just to get a chance to go fishing with him. Last but not least, the fifth person I would invite Chris Farley. I think he is a hilarious comedian. I would like hear him crack some jokes. Hanging out with him for a few hours would be alot of fun.
I think all of these people would appreciate each other and would like to listen to what each person has to say.

JakeCastner said...

If I were to have dinner with any five people, assuming you mean alive or dead, I would choose to have chris paselk come, because he just moved away and i didnt hang out with him before he left. Along with Chris, I would invite Obama, simply because he is the new president and i want to see what he is really like. Bill Gates would definitely be invited, because that's who you want to get in touch with when it all goes down. I would have Chris(Not chris paselk a different Chris entirely) because he is a really cool hillbilly guy that i know and he is crazy. Last would have to be one of my boys, I don't know which one, maybe I'd kick somebody out and bring them both. Obviously, I would bring them because they are good company, and it would get weird with too many monumental figures at one table. Althought that would be a good story to tell your kids or somthing.

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

I think that would be cool to choose anyone to have dinner with. If i could choose 5 people they would be my mom, Hitler, George Washington, any pirate ever. My mom because she is amazing and has always been there for me and has had the most influence in my life thus far. Hitler, because i want to know what was going on in his head when he became leader. I wanna know if his life goal was to kill all the Jews or to achieve something else. Thirdly would be George Washington because he was the first president and that is friggin cool. I wanna see what the first president thinks of current politics and what he would think or our new and past presidents. Lastly would be a pirate, preferably one from back in the day. I wanna know what it would be like going day to day on the ocean thrashin up other ships and things.

brandonlengyel said...

If i were to have a dinner party and was only allowed to invite 5 people i would invite celerbites. I would do this in the sense of i would never be able to see them ever again. First i would invite chris farley. He is the most funnys guy in the world and he would always have a joke to crack. Second i would invite charles woodson. He is my favorite football player ever and also was the only defensive man to ever win the heisman. Third i would invite Mikey powell he is the greaste lax player in the game of lax and maybe i can even teach him a few pointers about the game (lol). Fourth i would invite barack obama. He is our first african american pressident and maybe after the dinner i would challenge him to a game of basketball one on one type style. And lastly i would probley invite Thomas H. He is one of my good friends and after it could be me and him against barack and charles and farley can be the annocer. This would have to be the altimate dinner party.

Stefan Kegebein said...

If I could invite any 5 people to come to a dinner party I would have to invite the following people: First I would invite Steve Yzerman the retired, great captain of the Red Wings. We could talk about being a team leader and talk about being a two way hockey player. Second I would invite Tiger Woods. He just has a air around him that intimidates his competitors on the golf course. Tiger will someday have the most career wins in PGA history. Then I would invite either FDR or Lincoln. Just to be in the presence would be amazing. We could talk about either the civil war or the great depression. I would also invite Adam Sandler. He is hilarious and stars in one of my favorite movies Happy Gilmore. Lastly I would invite my Dad because he deserves to go. He works really hard, is a great influence on my life, and sacrifices for me all the time.

ScOtW29 said...

If I could invite 5 people i would invite these people: Tiger Woods, Kobe Bryant, Adam Sandler, Chris Farley(if he was alive), and Brett Favre. Tiger Woods is the best golfer of all time. He has accomplished things that nobody will ever get close to. Kobe Bryant is in my opinion the 2nd best basketball player of all time behind Michael Jordan. He scored 81 points in 1 game. Even though thats selfish, there is nobody else that can do that. Adam Sandler is one of my favorite actors. Movies like Billy Madison, and Happy Gilmore made him who he is. Chris Farley is holarious. Tommy boy was one of my top 5 movies of all time because he is so dumb and funny in it. Brett Favre is in my opinion the best quarterback of all time. He was willing to take risks even though the outcome might not be the best. He was a very successful quarterback in the NFL because of this though.

Anonymous said...

First I would choose Thomas Erak. He is one of my favorite musicians and I would love to talk with him about stuff, he seems like such a cool guy. Second, I would choose Joel-Peter Witkin, he is a very interesting artist/photographer. Third choice would be Les Straud from "Survivorman". I'm sure he would have many interesting stories to share with all of us at the dinner table. Fourth would have to be Adrian Brody. I love his acting and I think he's an awesome guy in general. Fifth would have to be a guy called Pughkeepsie... Eh's a cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything.


Stephen Manvydas said...

The first person i would invited would probobly my grandmother. When i was a young kid i spent alot of my time with her. I dont know if my mom was busy or somthing but i seemed to spend more time with my grandma insteade. She taught me alot in life and i am very glad she is part of my family. Two others i would invite would be my parents. My mom and dad are probobly one of the closest people in the world to me. They raised me and unlike most parents through the hard times they have stayed toghter. I really enjoy the fact that i have a full/real family, it makes my life alot easier. The fourth person i would invite is my friend mike. Mike and I have been friends sence the 4th grade. We are great friends and hang out with each other weekly. The fifth person i would invite would probobly be FDR. He was president through the Great Depresion and i think he could be a valuable person to talk to in a time like this.

Lil Southkr3w said...

that be tight if i would havin a dinner party and invite any 5 people i want to go. my first person would be lil wayne (Dwayne Michael Carter. i would pick him because i would like to ask him questioins and chill with him. i would also discuss how he gets inpired to write musik and also be in a movie. my 2nd choice i would have to say it would be chamillionaire. i would like to chill with em too. also talk about his musik. my other person would be damian chapa. i would pick him beacuse i would like to disscuss how a great movie star he is. i would like to kick it with him. also disscus how did he like to work with people in movies. i would ask him how did he like to record the movie blood in blood out. i would invite my very good frend ian i would like to kick it with him as well. i would like for him to chill with lil wayne and chamillionaire. i would choose notorious B.I.G. he is dead at the momment but if he would be a live i would like to invite him and ask him about his experiances.

Alan Hernandez

Anonymous said...

I would have to invite Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope because I would what to discuss how they became a great group together. I would also have to invite Blaze ya Dead Homie because I would want to talk to him about all his records and get autographs from everybody. I just love all of their music and I would have so much to ask them and talk to them about. I would have to invite my friend Mike also because it's been a little while since I have seen him. I used to have great times with him before he moved away and I want to see him for a little while. I would probably have to choose my ex girlfriend Sherry too because she had moved to Kentucky a couple of years ago and I miss hanging out with her. Even though we broke up, we still were very good friends afterward and I have not seen her in a couple of years and it sucks.

Unknown said...


so we have to limit this to 5 people? tough. foremost, i feel i would invite my uncle. not only because he is the definition of success, but class and elegance as well. he is one of the people who truly came from meager beginnings and worked his way through life, paying college basketball to provide for his education, and continuing on through life to become vice president and general manager of sony automotive. second, i would invite my other uncle. he is a true and genuine human being who always sees the light in life. he has a great personality and knows how to take life as it comes. third, i would invite someone the likes of rick wagoner, intelligent, resourceful and adaptable to whatever comes his way, even though he resigned as ceo of general motors, he always knows whats best for success. fourth, i would invite one of my idols, rafael nadal. quite simply because ive always wanted to have a conversation with him and he is quite obviously my most favorite athelete of all time. well in tennis at least. the fifth is kindof a toss up. i would invite my day. because he has always known how to get through times, and get the best of people. in a way, i feel i am a mirror of him in most ways. we share common interests, ideas, thought patterns. hell, were related. and if there was a possible sixth, honestly i would invite you kay. you are in a way the foil of me and are one of the only people that can one up me and get me to listen and shut up. you also provide me with direction and different views often. there, im done.

jessecovill said...

My dinner guests would consist of family, two comedians, and one of the X-men characters. For my family I would want my Mom and Dad, mainly because they are the better of my friends or that they give me food and shelter. The first comedian that I would want there would have to be George Carlin, Because he really funny and seems like a good person to bring back from the dead. The other comedian would be Jeff Dunham, because he is also really funny and i would like to know how he comes up with the idea for his new characters. The last person would be Wolverean because who wouldn't want a friend with retractable combat knives?

Alex V said...

if i were to invite 5 people to a dinner party. the 5 people i would invite are first my best friend zak. Because he is my best friend and i would want him to be there. And then lebron james because he is my favorite basketball player and he is the greastest basketball player of alltime. And i would like to ask him what it was like to go form high school to the nba. The third person i would ivite would be will ferrell the reason is because i think he is really funny and i love hes moives. The forth person i would invite would be cc sabathia i would like to aks him what its like to play for the yankees. the last person i would invite is jessica alba i think i would be nice to find out what its like being a female actor.

Kevin Hughes said...

If I could invite 5 people to a dinner party, I think I would choose Alan Watts, Hayao Miyazaki, Siddhartha Gautama, Woody Allen, and Kevin Shields. I would love to have a conversation with Alan Watts because he is my favorite philosopher and i've listened to him speak a lot, but experiencing that in person would be much better. Allen and Miyazaki have made some of my favorite films and I would like to ask them about what goes through their head when making a film. Gautama was the Buddha and obviously a lot could be learned from his presence, more than I think any other religious figure. Finally, Shields was in one of my favorite bands and I'd like to ask him about how he achieves his guitar sound and technical guitar stuff like that.

Anonymous said...

If i could invite any 5 people to a dinner party it would probably have to be Monty Python, Alexander the Great, Homer, Albert Einstein, and lastly i would invite Travis Kennedy. I would choose Monty Python because he is funny would provide us with entertainment. I would choose Alex because he was a great military commander, strategist, and politician and hearing about the times he came from would be fascinating. Homer would be intived because he is a great storyteller. Through poems such as the Illiad and Odyssey we would be taken on a marvelous ride though our imagination. I would choose Einstein for his smarts. Not only would it be cool to hear about his inventions but he could help us create fun and new things to do. And lastly iwould choose Travis Kennedy because i love to snowboard. and if i could have a dinner to sit down and talk snow with him that would be awesome becausei can tlak about it all day long to to learn from one of the best is a great oppertunity.

Alix Dickson said...

If i had to invite five people to a dinner party i would invite my best friend Dana. Dana and i have been friends forever and i would definantly want her to experience this with me. The second person i would invite would be my other best friend kaitlyn. kaitlyn and I are really close, we hang out together almost everyday. The third person i would invite would be my cousin Carly. She is crazy and we have so much fun together and i havent hung out with her in a long time. The fourth person i would invite would be my sister Marcy because she is one of my best friends and i dont get to see her that offten. The last person i would invite would be Seth Rogan because he would make me laugh.

Austen Anderson said...

if i could invite any 5 people to a dinner party from any time in the world, i would first off choose Mario Lemiuex. for one, he is a role model for me, and second he is a great person. i would like to discuss how he was able to fight off hotchkins disease while still being able to play hockey in the NHL. the second person i would invite would be Adolf Hitler. i would really just like to invite him to ask him one question, what was wrong with your head? mainly because he thought he could pretty much take over the world. the third person i would invite would be Franklin Delonar Roosevelt. i would like to discuss with him how he was able to be president in such a harsh time. fourth, i would like to invite my brother Blake. i would really just liek him there because even though he gets under my skin all the time, he is still one of my brothers and he means a lot to me, and looks up to me. the fifth person i would invite would be travis pastrana, mainly because he is such a great person, and an amazing supercross rider. these are the people i would invite to a dinner party if i could invite anyone i could choose.

Panos said...

If I had to invite 5 people do a dinner party for a specific reason it would be really hard. The first person I would invite would be General Patton, the reason I would invite him would because he was such an encourager to his troops during one of the worst times in American History, I would love to learn some of his leadership skills. The second person I would invite would be Kiefer Sutherland because I love his role in the TV show 24 and say that he is a good example to ppl on what to do for your country. The third person i would invite would be any member of the armed services just because they have done so much for thier country and have helped keeped my freedom by risking thier own lives. The fourth person I would invite would be Bill Clinton, the reason I would invite him is to ask him on why he did not take out Osama when he could have and show him how many lives he has sacrificed cause of one descision. The final person I would invite would be Dane Cook cause he is hillariously funny and I would love to joke around with him.

shelbybatlemente said...

If I was having a dinner party and could invite any 5 people I would definitely invite my best friend. My best friend and I have been through a lot together. She has always been here and without her I am nothing. Another person I would choose is Will Smith. This is because he is a great and very funny actor. The third person I would choose is Seth Rogen. This is because he is a good person. He is funny, and a very nice person. The last two people I would invite are two of my other close friends. This is because they have been here for me through all that has been going on in my life. They are great friends and I never want to lose them. The significance of choosing these people are they are very important people to me. The actors are funny and I think I could learn a lot from them.

Anonymous said...

If i had to invite 5 people it would be tuff for me to choose. I would also invite will smith i admire him alot and is my all time favorite actor. I would also invite tiger woods. I would invite tiger to see what i would have to do to be at his level to know how to play as well as him and how hard it was. I would also invite alex rodriguez. He is my all time favortie baseball player and i would just wanna no what life is like for him. I would invite lebron james to. He seems like a great guy and i admire him alot for what he has done for basketball. And last i would invite my dad. I admire him the most out of all these guys. I would want him to be there to experience this with me and he is my biggest rolemodel.

Anonymous said...

I'm at the shop so I have internet here... Thanks for understanding.

What I'm about to say may be unpolitic, but you know... I've thought about it for a bit and I think that these people would be able to give anyone a new insight on life and would be at least able to perhaps open some eyes.

First, I will start off with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I have the utmost respect for this man and his vision. Any person who can so thoroughly make life better for a group of people and open the eyes of a nation as he did deserves not just respect but reverence. His perspectives on how people thought and how people acted gave him incredible abilities to make people realize that there is no such thing as "I'm better than you." I would enjoy talking with him about his vision, and asking him about what he thought of the relative success of his idea and the downfalls at the same time. We all know that racism exists, and I want to know what this great man would think about that.

Second on my list of people I would like to meet would be Pope John Paul III or in Polish, Karol Józef Wojtyła. While I'm not religious in any way and in fact have some strong objections to the role of religion in politics and science, I would still like to meet this man. Wojtyła (Voy-ti-wa) was perhaps one of the most gentle and benevolent Popes in the long existence of the Papacy. Unlike the current pope, Benedict XVI who is a racist and despicable man in many of his aspects, Wojtyła saw himself and the Church as responsible for the many atrocities at the hands of Christians worldwide and of the Church itself. His apologies included pleas for forgiveness from Jews, Muslims killed by the hands of the Church, those people raped by the Church physically or monetarily and to minorities such as the GLBT community, Atheists and many others. He brought the first sense of honour, responsibility and accountability to quite frankly the largest and most profitable business in the world. He attempted much like Dr. King to bridge gaps between people not only from different religions, but different political, social and moral beliefs. He talked with Al'Qaeda, Conservatives, Jews, the GLBT and did so not to pressure Catholicism, but to bring mutual understanding. He was a truly great man I I would enjoy a trade on perspectives and insight.

Next, the most un-politically-correct person on here would be Adolf Hitler. While this would be the last person someone would want to meet, I think that talking to a person like Hitler gives us a valuable insight into an aspect of humanity that few want to acknowledge. Hitler is the personification of what we would call evil. Everyone has this side to them in my opinion, and there would be no person better to gain an understanding of this part of our being than him. Granted, he is hardly the prime example of humanity and the atrocities that he oversaw were appalling. Not just limited to Jews, he had Gypsies, Muslims, the deformed, the retarded, the homosexual, the physically weak and the political dissidents murdered. Yet, looking at this; meeting him would give one an opportunity to ask "why"? Aside from what he did, the man was undoubtedly a genius. He aggregated alliances with nations, he charmed people with his message and he was able to run a political machine of such ferocity that has yet to be seen again. He was a military genius although, much like Napoleon, he lost. While not a good man, Hitler was undoubtedly a great man. A chance to meet him and examine our darker side and to understand what he did, why hi did what he did and to see how people like that think is an invaluable insight into humanity as a greater whole.

Fourth, I would like to meet Albert Einstein, the man who invented relativistic physics, the concept for the atomic bomb and so much more. While I could hardly match wits with the man as he is my intellectual superiour and--I bow to him for that--getting an explanation of the universe as he theorized would be an invigorating experience. His theories changed the way scientists thought about the world. While, of course his equations still cannot be reconciled with quantum mechanics, which I'm partial to because I've always enjoyed the little things in life, his grand-scale theories such as E=mc^2 have such a huge impact on everything we do today that keeps our civilization--or idea of one thereof--running that it's literally unimaginable. He discovered the fission reaction of atomics, which allow not just bombs of a great scale, but nuclear reactors to be created. He gave insight onto gravity and it's effect on Euclidean space. He made the equations or relativity that allow time travel to be possible. Don't believe me? Here's a brief explanation as to the mechanics of it. If you have two photon clocks which are stationary, the photon which bounces between the two has a x-linear distance. Meaning, it bounces back-and-forth in a straight line. If you have two photon clocks which are moving, the photon bounces in a diagonal line between the two mirrors, meaning the photon takes longer to travel between the mirrors so time is essentially slowed. Now, if you take that principle and apply it, you can travel in time. Say, for argument's sake, that you and your identical twin live on remote planet that orbits a star at a relative velocity of 500m/s. You decide to live in a rocket ship which will orbit the planet at a much greater speed, but not greater than the speed of light. Let's say: 2e10^6m/s which is 2000000m/s. According to time dilation or the Lorentz factor, for every regular planet-year, you would only experience .34 of that year. So, for 10 years planet-side, you would only experience 3.4 years meaning that you have in fact aged less and essentially, gone back in time from your twin's frame of reference. This stuff has serious implications for humanity and Einstein, whose ethics preceded him would be an interesting person whom which to discuss the implications. Could you alter history? Should it be done? Is it already being done and what we experience the result?

Lastly, I would like to meet my namesake, Johannes Sebastian Bach. Music has a big spot in my heart and the opportunity to discuss it with him in particular would really tickle my fancy. While I can't really give any in-depth reasons for wanting to meet him I can say that I would find it nothing more than downright cool.

To conclude, I look at my list as a sample from all aspects of our humanity: equality, compassion, evil, intellect and creativity. To me, this is the recipe for sentience. Not the cold "ability to act aside from instinct" but a mixture of these aspects in all their proportions. It's what makes us human, each of these qualities no matter how we turn out. We're all a member of the same species, we're all capable of doing whatever we put ourselves to, whether it be change the mindset of a nation or be the dictator of a nation; it's in our blood. This is my definition of humanity folks, this is the human race at its extremes. This is Spar... wait... This is Homo Sapien, this is us.

Plaz said...

If i could invite 5 people they would be Alex(my bestfriend), Nas, T.I, Barack Obama, and Will Smith.
I'd in vite Alex because she's like my sister and i haven't seen her in a really long time. So i'd just want to chill with her and party ha.
I'd invite Nas because he inspires me to rap and i've always wanted to meet him and hang with him.
I'd invite T.I becaus ehe is another rapper that inspires me. I'd also ask him why he chose to buy all those silencers and machine guns.
I'd invite Barack Obama because if i got a lot of autographs i could sell them for money haha. I would also hook him up to a lie detector and ask him questions bout him being president and what he's going to do.
Then i'd invite Will Smith because i like every movie he has done. I'd ask him what is his plans for the future. Also how hard it is to play all the roles he has and his favorite movie he has done.

Anonymous said...

If I were to have a dinner party wherein I could invite five people, I would choose the following: my brother, Jake Freed, my grandfather, Megan Fox, and you Mr. Kay. I would invite Justin simply because he is my brother and I look up to him. He and I relate on a lot of things, and we could just rock the shit out of the party with our music. I would invite Jake Freed because he is my best friend. I love that guy. Anytime we hang out, something good happens (with trouble following). He's great. I would invite my grandfather because I miss him more than any person in this world. He is my hero. Rest in peace Norman. I would invite Megan Fox because she is the most gorgeous person I have ever put my eyes on. Finally, I'd invite you, Marc, because you are more than a teacher to me. You're like a father figure sort of considering I have never really had a father figure in my life.