Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Day 8

“Believe it can be done. When you believe something can be done, really believe, your mind will find the ways to do it. Believing a solution paves the way to solution.”
David Joseph Schwartz

How does this quote relate to the following song:

How does this quote or song relate to your own life and belief system.


shelbybatlemente said...

This quote relates to the song by they are both telling you to never stop believing. If you believe something can be done it can be done. If you don't believe it can happen then it won't. When you really believe in something or yourself you mind will find ways for it to happen. Beieving a solution paves the way to solution. In this part David is saying that when you believe in the solution it will come easy for you. This song is telling us that all you have to do is believe in whatever you want to accomplish. You will be more successful if you always believe. Don't Stop Believing is one of my favorite songs of all time. This is because it has a very strong message. This quote and song both relate to my own life and belief system. This is because I sometimes stop believing but then I think about what I could accomplish and I start believing again. Whenever I listen to this song I think about how it changed my belief system. I now always believe in myself and other things. This is a very good song and one of Journey's best hits! Some people probably don't pay attention to the lyrics. But you should with this song and you might learn something!

JakeCastner said...

Hahaha first off i would like to say that we sang that song as a cheer at a swim meet this past season. But down to business, both the song and the quote are about state of mind. If you are in a negative mindset, you cannot accomplish much. If you believe that you can do something, not only does it make it ten times easier, but it allows you to accomplish your task. For instance today, i was pulling down huge tree limbs from the storm that hit on sunday or whenever. I believed that i could do it, and voila! I did it. I pulled down the biggest one with the tractor and then just broke the limbs by hand. If I'm not mistaken, journey sings about just that in today's blog jam.

Janet said...

the song is catchy, its a very meaningfull song. The quote and the song are alot similar. when u set your mind anything is possible. But if u think negative mostly likely, you wOnt finish anything.the song is pretty much telling you that if you belive in yourself you can you be successfull. when you want to accomplish something you have to belive in yourself. how does this relate to me? well when i set ma mind in somthing i dOnt stop trying till i accomplish it.

Austen Anderson said...

yes, they both do indeed relate to eachother in one main way. this way is that they tell you to not give up on your dreams. they are both telling you that you need to have faith in what you want. you also need to believe that you can do it, not just hope, because hope wont get you anything. this song relates to my life because when i say im going to do somthing i never back down, when i say sumthing i mean it. mainly because its not worht saying your going to do one thing and not do it, kinda makes you look like an idiot. also, i do believe that if you keep your mind at somthing you can achieve your goal. just dont give up and you can almost accomplish anything.

Anonymous said...

These realte because there both about beliveing. They are saying you should never stop being a beliver. If you just keep beliving what you belive in then it will eventually happen if you truelyyy believe. I think bot to many try hard enough to belive and expect it to happen it takes a little bit of work stuff doesnt just come true. I belive if you are good to other people good things will eventually come your way. I ahve always thought that and always will you get rewarded by the big man up stairs for good deeds.

ScOtW29 said...

This song relates to the quote because they are both about beleiving. If you dont beleive in what you are doing you wont be successfull in life. Beleiving in what your doing is like having confidence in yourself. It is the same because if you beleive in yourself then you will also have confidence. But you cant just beleive in something and not act on it. For example a lot of people beleive in God. That doesnt mean that they go to church every sunday though. If you beleive in yourself then you will be successfull.

jray said...

This song basically tells you not to give up. You can be what ever you belive you can be. It doesn't matter who you are, if you work hard enough you can reach any goal you want. All you have to do is put in the effort. I don't really know how to relate this song to my life but I have had some good times listening to it. It is a good classic that will stay around forever telling everyone the same thing. Don't stop beliving.

Alix Dickson said...

This quote relates to the song because both tell you to believe. The qoute says that you need to believe if you want to accomplish something. The song tells you to never stop believing no matter what. I agree with this qoute and the song. I think its always good to believe in your self and in your goals. I always try to believe in my self and never lose faith. Its good to stay positive because if you doubt yourself you'll never have any success.

jessecovill said...

Ok let me just say this, i'm really getting tired of hearing this fricken song, i think its been over used and im really tired of listing to it over and over again. And whay have we been listening to songs everyday, im getting really annoyed by this, can we do somthing else for this week. Just because im annoyed i have no belief system. And the song really doesn't have anything to do with my life, except that i was boarn in some area close to detroit. the song sounds exactly like the quote, and the only difference is one has music and the other is just a quote.

ben nicolay said...

First off, dont stop believing reminds me of family guy when they do kareoke. Both the quote and the song is inspiring you to believe. I agree with Jake that believing is a state of mind. Everything is all a state of mind. If you believe you can achieve. This all relates to me because I have been trying to cut some weight lately for hockey/football. Before I would never workout because I was lazy and didn't believe in myself. I now believe in myself and have been working out constantly for the last 3 weeks. Also I have been eating healthy. Since I believed in myself I have achieved. I feel alot better and alot healthier. Like I said, its all a state of mind.

Lil Southkr3w said...

the qoute be relatin to the song they are telling us to never stop beliving and stuff. when u belive something dont be stopin on belivebin on it. it also means when u set your mind anything is possible and not impossible. this is a good classic song that its gonna be around for a while. This is a very good song and one of Journey's best hits. Its good to stay positive because if you doubt yourself you'll never have any success.

Alan Hernandez

brandonlengyel said...

Good job mr. kay on the topic today. This quote is basically like the song dont stop beliving. What i get out of this is that never stop belieiving and one day your wish can come true. I believe that this is a true fact because it has happen to me personally. What david is saying is that never stop beliving in your dreams and always go out there and reach them. This is a very strong thing that people let go to waste. I think they fell a dream is that and cant be reached, but there WRONG it can be reached if you have the correct minset.This is a huge part of my life if i dream about something i will do anything and let nothing stand in my to achieve it. This should be a wrap on this blog sinning off.

jay said...

If you believe you can do somethng you can do it! The song talks about a small town boy livin' in south detroit. The song states don't stop believin'. Basically the quote and the song are saying to believe and you can co it! In my life i can use this by believing in myself. If I believe I can do it then I can. All your life you need to believe in yourself and what you can do. I believe mind over matter. If you believe it's a good day it is a good day. But if you keep letting stuff get to you on one day and believe it is bad, it will be a bad day. Do't stop believin'!

kirkwhitt said...

“Believe it can be done. When you believe something can be done, really believe, your mind will find the ways to do it. Believing a solution paves the way to solution.”
David Joseph Schwartz

I think this is a very strong quote. I think it is very accurate to. If people put their mind to somthing they are unstopible. The mind is a very strong and youneek thing. Anything is possible if you think about it. If people put their minde to somthing and prepare them selvs properly, they will do what they set out to do. I think goals fall into this quote to. People set goals to reach, well it all starts with a stait of minde. We can accomplish anything in life, its just a matter if we really want it, or to do it.

Plaz said...

The quote and song are sayin to never stop believin. I really dont know how to explain how this has happened in my life. I never stopped believin that i could make a better life then what i had for many years. I always thought i could make it into music and now i actually am maklin it into music. The people i use to kick it wit always believed that i could be somethin one day out of our whole crew. They said i have the most potential to be somethin one day so they believed in me. Ever since i moved and staterd workin really hard on my music i started to become somethin like my old friends told me. All you need is patients, hardwork, and not to stop believin and good things will happen. So that's how it relates to me.

Stefan Kegebein said...

It is obvious that the song and the quote both speak about believing. They tell you that if you believe in yourself good things will happen. Giving up on a situation is never the answer to a problem. The only way to succeed in life is to be confidant in your abilities. If you go through life second guessing every decision you make then you will rarely succeed and get thing accomplished. Even if you are not as successful or as proven as someone else, as long as you believe in yourself you will hold your ground and maybe even achieve some life goals. I think that confidence is the best characteristic that anyone can have. People that are confident are not afraid to step out on a limb. These people are not afraid to fail. The sole belief that you can make a difference in the world can make anyone successful.

Unknown said...


Again with the YouTube? Anyway, back to the point. The basic idea schwartz states is the idea that if you believe then you will achieve. Personal success is greater than anything anyone can give you. If you satisfy yourself by establishing goals and achieving them. Journey also i guess, somewhat subliminally holds this in their song. I think if I don't stop till I want to, then I will become what I want. If I achieve my goals then I have no need to do anything else. Ultimately, these two pieces come together, they hold the formula for success and satisfaction.

Anonymous said...

Great Choice, Great Choice. To me this is a great song with a great message. NEVER GIVE UP. No matter what comes at you in life as long as you stick it out you will have the greatist things in the world happen to you. But if you decide that your going to be a puss and just wimp out then your wasting your life away. If you really put your mind towards something you can easily achieve it. Like for instance, i have been working on a brick paving project for my dad ( i have expirence whatsoever) and i finished laying the blocks today and it looks great. Im not saying its that huge or bragging but i did a really good job, it actually looks really professional and i had the chance to not do and quit halfway thorugh. but i stuck it out and the reward was great because now i get to plan out a patio to go around the fire place. This is cool because when it comes to projects around the house its all pretty much my dads idea but now its my turn.

Alex V said...

This quote relates to the song by they are both telling you to never stop believing. If you believe something can be done it can be done. If you don't believe it can happen then it won't. When you really believe in something or yourself you mind will find ways for it to happen. Beieving a solution paves the way to solution. when you want to accomplish something you have to belive in yourself. Its good to stay positive because if you doubt yourself you'll never have any success. You have to believe in yourself to be successfull without it you will not be succusfull.

Stephen Manvydas said...

Dont stop believing...what a classic for our blog song week. This song sung by the hit band journey is a message to everyone that you should never let a dream go. If you believe you can do the impossible, a very simple message they put in their popular song. The quote says that you will find anyway to conqoure your dream and i completley agree. Journey's song says "Dont stop...believing" and that line is very very powerful. I love listening to this song every know and then when i feel somthing is just too hrd to be done. It motivates everyone and i think this song is an american anthem. Back to the quote "...Believing a solution paves the way to solution" i find this very true. once we think of a solution you follow your path and then you can easily reach your goals.

BrittanyBarron said...

This song is one of the most played songs I have ever hread. But it does have meaing. YOu have to belive that anything can be done or can happen. Its what is going to get you through had, through life in general. You have to belive in things before they can happen. It doesnt matter where you came or your backround or who you are as a person, if you belive you can do it. Hateing to sound really conceded I don't belive I can do things, I know. I know i can do better in school than I do. I know that I can walk on stage and give a amazing performance. And I know that I will suceed long after I leave Lakland. I may know that I can do things but a lot of times I don't do them. Maybe if I belived in myself more I could things more done and accapilsh more in life.

Anonymous said...

This quote is relating to the song by both of them talking about believing and not stopping believing. They both are talking about how people need to keep believing in things no matter what they are. I believe if somebody stops believing in something that they won't have any confidence in doing it and getting through whatever they need to have done. I also think that if people won't believe good things would happen for them, then they will never get anything good out of whatever they are doing. This all has a role in self confidence and how if they don't believe in something then their confidence will go down. The lower their self confidence is the less people will believe in things. The more somebody believes in something, the easier they will succeed in accomplishing whatever they are set out to do.

Kevin Hughes said...

Don't Stop Believing's message is pretty simple i think. It's telling you to not give up on your dreams. It's saying that anything is possible when you believe in yourself. The problem with most people is that they have a dream or a goal and don't follow through with it. This is saying that it's accomplishable. It relates to the quote because the quote is basically saying the same thing. "Believing a solution paves the way to soultion" means that solutions to your problems don't come easy. But all you need to do is believe in yourself and you can fix anything wrong in your life.

Panos said...

I believe that the son is trying to say that even though the situiation may be looking a little dark, it's all about your state of mind. When you believe that something can be done and you put your mind to it, the impossible can be reached. When you stop believing than you can't accomplish anything. The quote relates to this song because if you don't stop believing like it says in the song than your mind will always think of ways to come up with a solution to the problem. Everything that you do you have to think about before you act on it. It's the same as when you have a goal that you really want to accomplish and you put your mind to it, than your mind works out ways that you can accomplish that goal.

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

I think the connection to the song and quote is there both have the theme of beliving. I think it is good to belive what you belive and gp through to the end. I personaly dont have any solid dreams to belive in. I have belifes and philosiphys i belive in though. I also have morals that i stand strong by. I think more people should find something to belive in, escpicialy if you have nothing. Well now that i think about what i just said it should really only if you really belive in it, but allot of people do what i said and i think that is wrong. It is a good idea to push forward and belive in something though.

Anonymous said...

Like everybody else has said already, the message of this song is to never stop believing. Four years ago, I never thought I'd be as good at musical composition as I am now. I never gave up, though. I kept pushing forward and learning new things about music. Everyone wants to do great things in life, but a lot of people don't have the motivation to accomplish what they desire. I would like to believe that I will be a musician that tours the U.S. very very soon. I also want to travel to Europe. These are both big goals, but you just can't let it get to "big" for you. If you think to yourself "I can do this", then you a 100% better chance of accomplishing whatever it is you are trying to accomplish, than if you instead say "I'm not cut out for it".

Anonymous said...

The quote is essentially a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you don't think that you can do something, then you won't be able to do it, and vice-versa. Our attitudes do indeed correlate to our success. For example, I am probably the most narcissistic person that I know. I think highly of myself - but not too highly - and radiate confidence. Thus, I'm optimistic about new things and often say things like, "I can do that no problem". I hate it when people say, "Oh, I'm pessimistic so then I can lower my expectations, so if I don't perform well I won't be as bummed and if I perform better than I expect I can be happy." What a load of bullshit. Anyways, the song, of course, is just explaining that we shouldn't stop believing in ourselves or our dreams. I think that anyone can be anything that they want to be so long as they keep at it and put their mind to it. I want to be a professional musician, thus I write songs and play instruments for hours and hours a day. Just over a year ago, I couldn't even play the guitar. I'd pick it up and play bass lines on one string like Smoke On The Water and shit that most people start out playing. Until one day in March of 2008, I just picked up the instrument and strummed a chord out of nowhere. It was an Em. Next, I strummed a G. I hadn't even taken one lesson nor had I been shown how to play any chords or anything. I just picked it up and played. How? Well, the best answer I can give is that I put my mind to it. You don't need lessons to be good. You need ambition. I'm amazing at guitar and piano simply because I know that I am good and getting better. I don't stop believing.