Thursday, April 16, 2009

Day 23

Imagine that Oedipus were a current leader. Think about the scandal that would follow the revelation that he killed his father and married his mother. Imagine you are interviewing Oedipus for a prime time television show. To what questions would you want answers? Create 10 questions that you would ask him. What feelings about Oedipus would you want your viewers to have after your interview?


Plaz said...

I dont understand the first part. The 10 questions i'd ask would be:
How do you feel about killing your dad?
If you could change one thing in your life what would it be?
How do you feel about being adopted?
Will you go back and ask your adopted parents why they didnt tell you that you were adopted?
Who do you consider your dad now?
How will you tell your kids?
Did you ever think you might've been adopted?
Will you step down from being leader?
How will you stop the plauge?
Will you get a new wife?
I'd want my viewers to have a sad and "feel bad for him" view after the interview.

jay said...

The ten questions I would ask Oedipus:
1. What made you kill a man?
2. Was it an accident how you solved the riddle or did you know the answer?
3. What are your plans for the kingdom now?
4. What is your plan for the plaque?
5. How is your home life now with your new wife/mother?
6. How are you getting over your parents deaths?
7. How are you feeling about now being told you were adopted?
8. Were you scared or nervous when you were told you were gonna be crowned King?
9. Were you intimadated by the Spinks?
10. How are the kids holding up through all this?
I want my viewers how Oedipus was a great man that had a series of unfortunate events.

ben nicolay said...

10 questions I would ask Oedipus in the interview would be:

1. How could your own father?
2. What overcame you when you killed him.
3. Do you feel any remorse for killing him?
4. What is your opinoun on adoption being that your were adopted yourself?
5. Do you believe in one's fate?
6. How do you tell your family what is going on?
7. Are you going to get a new wife?
8. What is your solution to the plauge?
9. If you could live your life over again how would you do it?
10. What is the in the future for you?
I would want my listeners to understand that he was a good person and trying to the best he could do but unfortuanetly he has bad luck.

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

I think that he would deff resign his position after words. I don't think anyone would follow someone that happened do, at least i wouldn't.

My Ten Questions:

1. Was this what you were aiming for?

2. How has this effected your children?

3. How did you lose your sight?

4. Did you have any previous idea you were doing this?

5. What caused you to kill your father?

6. Will you get vengeance at the man who kept you alive?

7. Who exactly is the Oracle?

8. are you going to take your adopted dad's thrown?

kirkwhitt said...

The 10 questions I would ask Oedipus are:

1. Oedipus how does it feel to know now that your hole life up intill the past few days are a compleat lie?

2. What was your first reaction to finding out you had killd your father.

3. Why did you stab your eyes out and how are you dealing with that sence being gawn now.

4. How do you feal about being adopted?

5. What does it feel like to know your parents wanted you dead?

6. How are you dealing with the loss of your mother/wife?

7. How are the children reacting to all of this out come?

8. You menchend banishing the one who killed your father, what do you think aout that now?

9. How are the towns people reacting to the knologe of you killing their former king?

10. What do you plan on doing now?

I want to leave the listiners fealing sorry for Oedipus because this is not his faulght it is his parents.

Anonymous said...

These are my ten questions:

1. Has your short temper caused you to do anything else that you regret?

2. How does it feel to know that you unknowingly killed your father?

3. Do you feel any differently towards your parents in Corinth?

4. Do you think you can change fate, or for that matter, do you even believe in fate?

5. How will you tell your children that you are their brother?

6. Do you feel anger towards your parents for trying to kill you as soon as you were born?

7. Do you still love both of your parents?

8. What do you plan on doing with yourself? Will you save the city from the plague?

9. Do you love your adoption parents more than your real ones?

10. And lastly, do you have any anger towards the gods for cursing you with such a fate?

I would want the crowd to feel pity for Oedipus, for he unknowingly did all of those bad things.

Alix Dickson said...

1. Do you feel guilty now that you know you killed your father?
2. Would you have stayed with Jocasta after finding out she was your mother?
3. Why did you blind yourself?
4. Are you worried about whats going to happen to your kids without a mother or father?
5. Do you think that the plague will now be lifted?
6. Do you regret finding out the truth about your past?
7. Do you think this whole mess was your fault?
8. Will you go back and visit your adopted mother now?
9. Do you think its for the good of the kingdom that you step down?
10. What are your plans for the future?

I would want my viewers to make their own decisions on weither or not they like Oedipus.

Janet said...

10 Questions:

1. HOw do you feel that you killed ur dad without knowing he was ur dad?
2. When you found out u were adopted, what was your reaction?
3. DO u feel responsble for your wifes/mother death?
4. How are you planning to tell ur children?
5. What do you think people in town are going to say?
6. What is your plan for the plaque?
7. HOw does it feel that ur parents wanted u out of there lives?
8. HOw does it feel dat da messanger saved ur life?
9. Are u going to put what happend in the past?
10. Do u think the gods will ever like u again?
... I would lk my views to think what he went through, and that he is a good man. He jst had a bad fate.

Anonymous said...

My ten question would be..

Why did you fake parents ever tell you?

Did you ever wonder about the scares on your foot.

How do you feel after killing your father.

What saddend you more you real father dieing or fake father.

What thing do you classify as the worst.

How is your relationship with creon.

Are you going to stay king or leave?

Were you in love with your mother?

Do you blame yourself for your wifes/moms suicide.

What are you going to tell your children/brothers about there mother.

I would want people to feel for him i wouldnt want them to hate him it wasnt his fault.

Stefan Kegebein said...

The questions I want answered are as follows:

1. What went through your mind when killing this man?
2. Why didn’t you know more about your family tree before?
3. Do you believe in fate?
4. If you could talk to your birth parents what would you say to them?
5. How did you solve the first plague?
6. Do you consider yourself a good person that bad things happened to?
7. What makes you such a great leader?
8. Will you ever forgive your birth parents?
9. Are all of your other senses better now that you are blind?
10. Where will you head after leaving Thebes?

I want people to know that Oedipus is a good person at hear but bad things have happened to him. I want listeners to feel pity for Oedipus.

shelbybatlemente said...

The 10 questions I'd ask Oedipus would be:

1. How do you feel about killing a man who turned out to be your father ?

2. What's it like to find out you married your mother ?

3. How do you feel about being adopted ?

4. What is your plan for the plague ?

5. Do you believe in people being fated ?

6. What are you going to do next with the kingdom ?

7. Are you going to get a new wife ?

8. What feelings did you have when you saw your wife/mother dead ?

9. Why did you gouge your eyes out ?

10. If you could change one thing in your life what would it be ?

I would want my viewers to be able to choose how they feel about Oedipus. Everyone has their own opinion and can choose what they want. If my viewers don't want to be on Oedipus's side then they don't have to. Everyone makes their own decisions and I can't make them for them!

Stephen Manvydas said...

I think if Oedipus was a leader today, and commited this scandel, he would be news for a week then we'd all forget he existed.
1. How do you fell about the situation?
2. Do you think your life will get better?
3. Why do you want to end your life?
4. Did you ever have a clue what was going on?
5. If you could take it back would you?
6. What do you have to say about the greek gods?
7. Do you think you have had a good life now that you know all this.
8. Why didnt you listen to tiresias?
9. Are you going to keep your promise and live in your tomb for the rest of your life?
10. WHY were you blind to the truth?
I would want my viewers to see how oedipus is as a real person.

Anonymous said...

My questions to you Oedipus
1. Why would you leave your parents if you knew about your fate already?
2. Why wouldn't you just stay there with your parents and make sure you didn't kill your father?
3. On your way to Thebes, what was going through your mind when your biological father came to you and pushed you to the side?
4. How would you explain to your children that you killed your father and married your mother?
5. What were you thinking when you found your mother/wife hanging from the ceiling?
6. Why would you blind yourself with those pins instead of just letting it go?
7. When you found out about your fate coming true, what was the first thing that went through your mind?
8. Why would you not go and see your adopted mother after her husband died?
9. Did you ever have thoughts about your wife being your mother?
10. Why wouldn't you ever ask about your past if you didn't know about it?
I would want the viewers to think that he has had a messed up life but he made the best of it.

ScOtW29 said...

Imagine you are interviewing Oedipus for a prime time television show. To what questions would you want answers? Create 10 questions that you would ask him. What feelings about Oedipus would you want your viewers to have after your interview?

1. Do you feel bad about not beleiving Tiresius?

2. Is this going to make you want to learn more about you family tree?

3. What went through that head of yours when you killed your father?

4. Are you mad at your fake parents?

5. Are you going to kill yourself or just leave?

6. How is yours and Creons relationship?

7. How are the towns people going to react?

8. Are you more saddened by your mother or fathers death?

9. Has you tempter caused you to be blind?

10. How will you tell your children?

The feeling I would want my veiwers to have is to see how unluck Oedipus is. A lot of this isnt his fault but because he was so blinded he could not see it coming.

brandonlengyel said...

1 How do u feel about your real parents?
2 How is this plague going to stop?
3 How do feel about hooking up with your mother?
4 What is one thing you would change in your life?
5 Why did you kill the king your father?
6 Why did you just kill your self instead of stabing your eyes out?
7 How will your kids act when they find out your their father and brother?
8 Are you going to step down?
9 Will you remarry?
10 What do plan for doing now?
I would want my viewers to never fell bad for him and his suffering but to want to help in some way since he never new he was adopted.

Lil Southkr3w said...

numero uno. how does it feel to sleep with yo mama.
2. how could you be killin yo own paps.
3. how did u stop the pauge.
4. how yo kids take da news.
5. why didnt you belive the blind guy.
6. know that yo mama and wife is dead who would you merry next.
7. would you go back with yo other parents dawg.
8. do u belive in fate.
9. if you get kicked out of th town would you still be interested of bing a king in another town.
10. how do u feel by knowing the truth.
I want my viewers how Oedipus was a great leader.

Alan Hernandez

Austen Anderson said...

the ten uestions i would ask him would be the following

1. What are you now going to do that you have blinded yourself?

2. Do you feel to blame for this? or is this just fate?

3. Who do you think should be punished if anyone is t blame?

4. Do you regret it? woudl you want to go back and try and change it?

5. Why did you not believe thiresius when he first told you of this was going to happen?

6. Are you going to step down from the throne?

7. What is going to happen to the people of Thebes?

8. How do you think the council will react to his event?

9. Why did you just blind yourself? i believe it woudl be worse to be blind.

10. What is going to happen to you in the rest of your life?

i woudl want my viewers to feel bad for oedipus. reason being because theres nothing he could do about any of this. its not his fault he was given to someone else. its not his fault this was his fate. so i woudl want my viewers to feel bad for him.

Unknown said...


1. how do you like the whole not being able to see thing?

2. at what point did you start to realize the truth?

3. do you believe in a higher power?

4. how was she?

5. you gonna give it all to creon?

6. and hows about going to polybus?

7. if you could chage one thing, what would it be?

8. on a scale of 1-2, how do you feel about your life recently?

9. how do you percieve your peers will react?

10. what are your plans for the future?

the feelings i would like to evoke would be a lighthearted sadness. if there is such a thing. id like them to feel pity for oedipus' mental"blindness" for lack of a better word.

Alex V said... could change one thing in your life what would it be?
2. How do you feel about being adopted?
3. What are your plans for the kingdom now?
4. How do you tell your family what is going on?
5. What caused you to kill your father?
6. Do you still love both of your parents?
7. Do you feel any differently towards your parents in Corinth?
8. What is your plan for the plaque?
9. How is this plague going to stop?
10. Do you blame yourself for your wifes/moms suicide.
After asking these questions i would want the veiwers to feel bad for oedipus and also feel bad.

Kevin Hughes said...

1. Why did you kill in the first place?
2. Why wouldn't you listen to your wife/the prophet?
3. How will you deal with the Plague on Thebes?
4. How do you feel about your wife being your mother?
5. Do you regret not listening to people when they told you not to hear your destiny?
6. Does your fate make you feel differently about the gods?
7. Will you continue being the King of Thebes?
8. How will these revelations go over with the people of Thebes?
9. Do you feel betrayed by your birth parents for getting rid of you?
10. Why do you feel you were destined to marry your mother and kill your father?

I would want the readers to feel that Oedipus is a victim of circumstances. I would emphasize that Oedipus was destined for this from the very beginning, and show that he is doing what he can with the cards he has been dealt.

Anonymous said...

I would make my ten questions thus:

Looking back on the facets of your life, do you wish perhaps you had listened to Tiresias, your wife and the shepherd and not pursued the subject?

How has this experience affected your relationship with your Gods, and does it change the way you look at prophecies?

Do you find it ironic that you are physically bind now, but were blind to everything to begin with?

Why do you suspect that your adoptive parents never thought to tell you of your upbringing?

If you had tempted fate and had asked your parents for counsel, do you think you would have avoided returning to Thebes?

Do you believe your people view you in a different, be it negative or positive, light?

Why do you see yourself unfit for rulership? While perhaps you were the cause, do you not see your were not accountable and your people do not indemnify you?

What will you do with your children?

How will you now live your life now that you must hold true to your word of the punishment to befall the culprit?

Do you have any regrets besides an obvious one?

If it were not necessary for you to leave, but instead asked for forgiveness by your people and your Gods, would the plague be lifted?

Finally: If your people still accepted you as their leader, would you see yourself as fit to stay?

I would want my viewers to not pity him, but understand that perhaps all of this was out of his control and that Oedipus was simply a victim of circumstance.

Panos said...

The ten questions I would ask Oedipus would be:
1) Why did you decide to kill a man out of anger?
2) Why didn't you ask your parents about the wounds on your feet?
3) How did you know the answer to the riddle?
4) Did you feel bad after killing Lauis?
5) Do you believe the oracle now?
6) Why didn't your mom tell you your were adopted?
7) Do you believe in fate after your encounter?
8) Were you scared of death?
9) What are your plans now?
10)Do you believe you are at fault for all that happened?

After the interview I would definatly want thet viewers to think of Oedipus as a good guy in were bad things happened to him.

jessecovill said...

my laptop was not working, i have talked to you about this.

If I were interviewing Oedipus I would want an armed gaurd for the "harder" questions.
1. is the misses?
2. How do you think this will effect your next term?
3. If a tree falls in the forrest will the train arrive on time at location B?
4. If your cildern were to find out what has happened to you what would you say to them?
5. What do you think the public will think of you know?
6. If you thought you were going to kill your dad and marry your mother, why didn't you talk to them instead of running away from them?
7. Hw did you learn of your fate and what whas your inital reaction?
8. Are you going to send your sons off to anywere now?
9. If you could be a dinosaur which one would you be?
10. If you could talk to Apollo right now what would you say to the god?
After my interview with Oedipus I would want my viewers to think of Oedipus as a good person that was thrown into a diffuicult situation. the guestions that i would want answered would be #'s 3,6, and 9.

Anonymous said...

1. Why do you think YOU, of any person, was destined for such a fate?

2. Why did you kill Laius at the crossroads?

3. Why did you answer the riddle for Thebes? It wasn't your city, so why meddle in it's business?

4. How did you feel about becoming crowned King in Thebes?

5. How do your kids feel about being your siblings as well?

6. Shit, how do YOU feel about your kids being your siblings as well?

7. What was running through your mind when Teiresias was explaining that you had killed your father.

8. What do you plan to do with your days upon reaching Cithaeron?

9. Do you feel that Thebes has betrayed you or you them?

10. What would your father think of this mess?

I would want the viewers to feel a sense of sympathy for Oedipus, as nothing was really his fault save for murdering his father, but he had no idea it was his dad when he committed the crime.