Thursday, April 23, 2009

Day 4

Today is a current event. Remember that no one can do the same one and it should not be sports or entertainment unless you can truly connect it to something going on that is important. The key is the connection this event has to you not as much the summary of the event. NO CITE, NO POINTS AND CITE MUST BE IN ORIGINAL BLOG.


ben nicolay said...

For todays current even I will talk about how a pitbull killed an 11 month year old child. This happend yesterday afternoon. The boy was described as a "miracle child" because his parents struggled to conceive him. The baby was on the bed with the parents when somehow the dog snuck in and swiped the child off the bed. The dog was eventually shot to death by the father so it would let it go. The dog was know to be hostile to people walking by. I can't believe this happend. They parents were with the baby and the pitbull probably got jelous. Im about 90% sure my neighbors have one. At least I think it is. I never see it outside unless it is on a leash and it seems pretty calm except when my dog gets out. I have a little brother and what if the dog got out and snapped on him. He's 8 years old and couldn't protect himself like I could. These dogs are just ruthless and I believe they shouldn't be aloud to be a pet.

Anonymous said...

I chose to write about a pharmacy prescribing the wrong amount of medicine to horses. While this case deals with horses, not humans, I would like to use this as an opportunity to talk about getting the wrong dose of medicine. I find it quite frightening that professionals can slip up on the job, and prescribe you too much medicine. They ARE only human, but it is still scary. I mean, maybe a decimal is out of place on the prescription. What then? Well, depending on the medicine you were prescribed, you could die. That is how the horses died, they were given the wrong dosage of medicine. Spectators watched as the horses collapsed one after another.

jray said...

Gunmen attacked a Pakistani paramilitary force sent to a Taliban-infiltrated district just 60 miles from the capital, killing a police officer. This is a growning concern because they also attacked a NATO truck base. This is a sign that they do not want anything to do with a peaceful agreement. They are trying to gain attention and letting everyone know that they are willing to stop at nothing. If things keep getting worse then it is possible for a war to breakout. If it does, the American troops will be their helping. The government war offical said that their was nothing to worry about because they only had control of 25% of the district. Personally I think that 25% is and outragous number. They need to do something about this fast because nothing good will come out of it.

Stephen Manvydas said...
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Stephen Manvydas said...

Venezuela to give island to New Jersey

I chose this story because of the shocking news that i thought of just after reading its titel. What i imagened was that Chavez was encourging New Jersey to secede but that is just not case, not even close. It acctually is just a small island venezuela had owned for some time that contains a few bald eagles and other endangered birds. Chavez realeased this island to the state of New Jersey on earth day, yesterday for you clueless people, and was a big shock for most the world. Even though the paper work and legal issues wont be solved till the year 2020 i think this is a great first step to bringing the world toghter. I feel that today the world is kind of a crapey place to live in. In my life time i think we have barley gone few years with a war. I hope that peace will spread like this so I, and future generations, can live a great life someday.

Alix Dickson said...
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Alix Dickson said...

My current event is about a wildfire that broke out in South Carolina. The wildfire was the biggest South Carolina has had in more than three decades. The blaze was four miles wide and destroyed dozens of homes. Theis fire even threatened some of the area's world-famous golf courses. The fire forced hundreds of people to flee and take shelter. The fire got within 1 1/2 miles of one of South Carolina's main costal roads. The fire burned 23 square miles over the past two days. The fire burned 70 homes and damaged hundreds of others.
This applies to me because i have family in South Carolina and its scary to think of them so close to the fire. Luckily nobody was killed or injured during the fire and my family didnt end up haveing to evacuate.;_ylt=

Stefan Kegebein said...
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Stefan Kegebein said...

Bioengineers have found a new way to create a malaria vaccine. For some areas of the world such as Africa there is a major problem with malaria disease. The vaccine is unique in that uses entire parasites and not just parts of them. This current event affects the entire world. Malaria is a serious disease in which many people die from each year. There are about 350 to 500 million cases of malaria each year. In 1959 malaria was eliminated from the U.S but in 2002 there were 1,337. All but 5 of those cases were brought in from other countries. Today’s treatment for malaria is to expense for most people and is not as effective as it could be. This current event affects me because I am interested in studying bioengineering in college. The need for bioengineers is higher then it has ever been.

ScOtW29 said...
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ScOtW29 said...

My article is about a 22 year old med student charge with killing a girl he met through craigslist. My opinion is that he didnt kill her. I think if he is a med student and he is 22 and attends Boston University, he wouldnt want to wreck that. He has already been kicked out of med school and they havnt even proved that he was guilty. I dont agree with that at all because he could be innocent. Why would somebody that has good things going for him like this guy want to do something like this and ruin their life? He claims that he was being framed and i have no reason to doubt that. This just shows you that even about to be doctors might be deadly along with the others out there.

Kevin Hughes said...

This current even is about how seven people have contracted a new case of "swine flu". This strain of flu was previously undetectable. The center for disease control reported that two children in California were found infected with a virus called swine influenza A H1N1. The combination of genes has not been seen in flu viruses in either human or pigs before. I think this is a manifestation of our overuse of antibiotics on farm animals. This is also eerily similar to cases of bird flu and mad cow disease. Personally, I'm not surprised, animals are treated horribly in this country, obviously bad things will happen. Maybe once we start treating animals with more respect, things like this won't happen.

Austen Anderson said...
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Austen Anderson said...

obama is the first black president of the united states. he is supported by about 2 out of 3 people i nthe united states. right now he is what people would say, a "good job" but ever since he has become president, he has been losing interest by the people of the united states. the way this effects me and the world aroudn me is that if his popularity keeps dropping like this, in a few years hes just gunna end up like bush. where 92% of the total population is against him. but can you really blame him? every choice he makes theres gunna be someone out there who isnt happy with it. what im trying to say is that whatever obama does, there always guna be someone out there who dislikes what he does. theres just nothing he can do about it. mainyl because not everyone in the world can get along, and not everyone can choose the same choice. he has to do what he thinks is right.

kirkwhitt said...

For this eavning I will be blogging about a teacher geting 8-10 years for sex with a student. 27 year old Kelsey Peterson pled guilty to two counts of sexual assult of a miner. She must now register as a sex offender. The kid was in sixth grade, and his teacher took him to a nother state to have sex with him. This took place in lexington Middle School during 2005-06 they started having sex in the 06 school year. It is said that they fled to Mexico. The boy involved is not being named and is curently 15 years old.

brandonlengyel said...

President welcomes Gators to D.C.

President Barack Obama welcomed the Florida Gators to the White House and congratulated them on winning a second national championship in football in three years. Obama on Thursday messed and joked around with the 115 players, while crammed in the East Room while congradulating them and ther coachs. Being a champion doesn't end when the clock runs out, the president said, noting that that the team volunteers 400 hours each year. Obama also stated, that strong leadership formed a team that plays hard and works in the community. I believe as a president this was a very good decision for him to bring them to the white house. Why i belive is that because they earned it. Eventhough i may not like the team, but with there community service and there winning of games, hands down they diserve it. This impacts us to that maybe if you become good at a team sport you might also meet the president.

Anonymous said...

I am going to write about a BMW driver that has confessed to the fatal hit and run. Every time somebody gets hit and killed either by another driver or just being hit while walking, it impacts me a lot. It effects me because one of my good friends was hit by a driver after walking away from his car sliding into a ditch. He was on his way back to his house out in highland and he was coming from wixom and he slid off the road and he left the scene of the accident and called his mom and while he was walking and also taking to his mother he was hit by another driver and instantly killed. So every time I hear about a person being killed by another driver it gets to me in a way that I can't even explain. The worst part about his accident was he was talking to his mother while he died, plus he was a good kid too and never got into trouble. When I read this event I just thought about my good friend and his mother and I hope that people could learn to drive better and not kill anybody and then run from the scene. It just sucks for the peoples family of the victims because they have lost a member of their family but that's not even it, the person who did it to them ran and didn't even stop to see if everybody was okay.

Anonymous said...

Recently the detroit lions have been trying to get qb matthew stafford. I think its funny how back when the nfl first came about the young guyes were just happy to be picked. And now kids hold out untill they get enough money...Matt staford have having troubles coming to a conclusion for with the lions and he is being offerd millions right now. I think this just shows how the generation are changing. Like mr kay im sure if you were in his shoeswould wouldnt really care how much because itwould probaly be more than andone you know is making now.

JakeCastner said...

This quarter, sales over at Microsoft fell for the first time since 1986. Whether or not you have stock in Microsoft, this is still bad news. It just shows that even the multi-billion dollar industries are feeling the pinch of this unofficial depression. Hopefully the economy will straighten out before they crash and burn. They are surely a large part of the backbone of American economy, and without them, it would probably not be pretty. Obviously the company is not going to go bankrupt just because sales fell a little this quarter. Still, it does show that even Bill Gates loses money these days.

shelbybatlemente said...

Today's current event is called: Bailout cop: More disclosure now

I found this current event at:

The Treasury Department must make public more information about how banks and other companies are spending money received under the $700 billion bailout, a program overseer told Congress on Thursday. Neil Barofsky, the special inspector general overseeing the Troubled Asset Relief Program, testified before the Joint Economic Committee about a 250-page report he issued earlier this week detailing his concerns about the government's management of TARP. Barofsky stated that "we stand alone as the criminal law enforcement body" and that "we take that role very seriously." He said that his top concern is that Treasury continues to ignore his suggestion that TARP bailout recipients state exactly how they're using their money. He also said that two banks, Bank of America and Citigroup have made efforts toward disclosure, but other than this there has been no other attempts to stop fraud. However, the Treasury Department has plans to require bailout recipients to submit more detailed reports of their use of government dollars by submitting a blueprint for intended use of money and what kind of lending was made available. This event will make a big impact on my society. This is because if the government can't stop the frauders we have a risk of losing our bailout program. At least we have a higher risk of our bailout program having a lower dollar amount on it. This could and will affect michigan and its economy. It will also affect our country as a whole.

jay said...,2933,517598,00.html
My article was on a research done on teenagers. The test lasted 14 weeks. 108 students ages 13-16 yrs were used in the study. They gave half the class wrigley sugerless gum and other other half didn't have gum. The students that had gum, chewed gum during class, homework and tests. the kids that chewed gum had a 3% increase in math scores. but that hancock test that is given had no increase in scores. In the end the gum chewers did better over the non gum chewers. Let's all chew gum in every class. Maybe all my classes could get better if I chew gum all day long in school.

Alex V said...
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Anonymous said...

The World's New Platinum PlasticWith much of the world feeling the effects of a global recession, countries are less able to spend money and help support their economies. With that, the International Monetary Fund, a kind of world bank has finally upped its game. With years of being nothing more than a farce in the international community, the IMF is taking the reigns and extending a new offer to countries which haven't misbehaved yet. The new "Platinum" line of credit offered to countries who have good economic policies may help many countries out of a pinch. With the recent IMF budget and staff cuts however, people are not certain as to how ready the IMF will be to loan trillions of dollars of international currency to troubled countries. Personally, I think that this is a great idea! A credit-line which extends to only the countries who are responsible as to how it is spent. One of the conditions that IMF delegates put forth is that the money will not go to any country who is actively engaged in a war or uses the money for anything besides economic stimulus. Meaning that the United States is not eligible because of Iraq. you know though, I think that that's still a good policy. The money from the IMF needs to go only towards economic stimulus and using it for anything else ruins the purpose of the IMF's policies. This new hardline stance gives the IMF something it hasn't had in a while, influence. This is all good in my eyes. A internationally-sanctioned and supported reserve that can help countries out of the pinch their in is what the world needs. Hopefully, the IMF's efforts will make a difference in changing the direction the global economy is taking.

Alex V said...

For todays blog i am going to be talking about how twitter can help paralyzed patients. Wilson, a doctoral student in biomedical engineering, was confirming an announcement he had made two weeks earlier, his lab had developed a way to post messages on Twitter using electrical impulses generated by thought. That's right, no keyboards, just a red cap fitted with electrodes that monitor brain activity, hooked up to a computer flashing letters on a screen. Wilson sent the messages by concentrating on the letters he wanted to type, then focusing on the word twit at the bottom of the screen to post the message. The development could be a lifeline for people with locked in syndrome whose brains function normally but who cannot speak or move because of injury or disease. This is just amazing how people can just be typeing things online and maybe find out a way to help many people.

BrittanyBarron said...

"My bullied son's last day on Earth"

So my blog is about a 11 year old boy who hagned himself becasue of bullying at school. Jaheem Herrera was a tipical 11 year old boy. ?He went to school and got good grades. But he didn't have many friends. His mother said he was having trouble at school with kids picking on him because he was from the Vrigin Islands. His mother talked to the school about it before and the school did nothing. His mother said that the boy was reportly acting odd the day he died. The boy came that day fromschool showed his mother his outstanding report card and went to his room. Later his sister went to go get him for dinner and found him hang from his closet door with a belt. This effects people because they need to relize that this can happen to someone so young. Teachers and school adiminsates need to stop writing these things of as kids being narks to get attention. This little boy is dead because people turned a blind eye to his bullying. When i first read this story it was very sadding to me. This boy was in so much pain that he had to resotre to hanging himslef to make it go way.

Anonymous said...

SO now im pissed bc my internet just shut off an i have to start this whole thing over. ON saturday a bunch of kids destory 26 cars at a dealership. Because the damages were so costly they dealership may have to lay off employees to pay for it. This only worsens our economy because another company could possibly go under and tha would in turn cause a bunch more people to loose their jobs. I think the dealership should sue the hell out of the childrens family and make them pay for the damages and then some. THis is a better alternative because of the families go bankrupt then that is alot better than hundreds of people loosing their jobs and a busness going bankrupt. I also think that these kids should go to jail/jouvie and not be let out for a long time because if they are doing this kind of crap when they are 8 years old, then the things they are doing when they grow up are going to be even worse.

Unknown said...


once again, i will focus on how our economy has tanked. and how our new "great" president isnt doing shit. however, this article am reading is for the good. jd power and associates recently released a statistic showing automotive sales have dropped 1/3 from this time last year. they predict it will continue in april. however, they are predicting a modest increase. currently the annualized model of auto sales is somewhere around 7.6 million units a year. jd power is predicting a slow but steady increase throughout april and into may annualized to 8.6 million a year. clearly, detroit, michigan, and even the unitd states cannot survive without the big three. if the increase predicted happens, it brings us all one tep closer to ending this recession, the worst since the great depression. i am optimistic about this evaluation, because my dad is being affected by this so therefore i am too. not only have pay cuts insued, but layoffs have too. luckily i have not been effected yet.

Panos said...

My current event is found at

Lately on capital hill politicians have been arguing about the CIA and FBI's right to use torture in order to extract imformation from possible terrorists that might be a threat to national security. President Obama has locked down the CIA from any oversees operation because many democrats are questioning the constituition because of people rights. ( This relates directly to me because without the use of torture there would be no way to distinguish were the next terrorists attack would be. No one knew about September 11th and that was a very big casualty in Americas history. Personally I do not want another attack on my country and if torture is a way to stop more terrorists attacks like the train bombings in London, then I believe that we should use torture to extract imformation.

Janet said...

Mother charged in death of quadriplegic girl..

the adoptive mother of shylea thomas was charged with murdering her 9yr old quadriplegic daughter. Lorrie Thomas was charged with second degree murder and child abuse in the death of Shylea Myza Thomas, said John. the police found the little girls body a week later in a garabge bag in a public storage facility near flint. "The bag was covered in mothballs "in an apparent attempt to mask odors from the dead body," Leyton's office said in a news release." Shylea had to be feed through a feeding tube.since she suffered from quadriplegia because of a "suffocation issue" in her crib only 3weeks old. this realted to the world. who does this to there child? people have to be crazzyy to be doing this! why cant people just take care of them. if i would to have a babyy i would not treat my baby like this. you have to take care of them and love them. Not kill them and put them in a garage bag and abdone them.

Lil Southkr3w said...

aight today for my current event imma be talkin about narcotics. the word narcotic is attributed to a kin of drug dat has a very harmful effet on the mind of tha person who be taking it. Two of the most popular and expensive drugs Heroin and cocaine. they be falling under the name narcotic. comes to Detroit and DEA Group 14 takes part in a city wide operation to shutdown dope houses near local schools. some agents target marijuana grow house and mount a daring plan to put it out of commission. in detroit they be makin a show named DEA and they be showin how drug deals go down. they be showin you when they arrest the dope dealers. they also be fliping other dope dealears so the copz can arrest the others.

ANd for the defenition.

Alan Hernandez

Lil Southkr3w said...

mr kay remember to give me credit because i couldnt do it on time because i dont be havin internet.

jessecovill said...

my laptop is still broke, im on another one, sorry its late.

in my current event i found this little artical on how there is this new strand of flu called swine flu that is killing people in mexico and has infected people worldwide. now i know this doesn't seem like a big threat to us but think of this, may people are coming in and out of airports and transfering the virus from place to place. the artical says that 22 people from New Zealand went to Mexico for a trip and 4 came back with the virus, they used Los Angles airports. this kinda scares me. i dont wanna die cuz of some little piggy sneezed on a mexican farmer and he coughed on a tourist and now im gonna die...crap this sucks.

Anonymous said...

Bah! God damn storm. I and the house that I go to to blog lost power mid-blog yesterday and we just got it turned back on about an hour ago, so my apologies.

On Saturday, Detroit police issued an Amber Alert for an 8-year-old boy who went to play in a park and never came home. He is thought to be in extreme danger. The boy was allegedly abducted after going to play with another child. What's more is that there is no information for any suspect or any vehicles as of yet. This pisses me off because the kid is only 8 years old. If he lives in a town like Detroit, which is known for high crime, then at least accompany the child to the park. I sympathize for the parents, but they should have been there with the child. I have much more sympathy for the child himself, as he was simply playing in the park and trying to have a fun day. If his parents gave him the go-ahead to do something that he wanted to do, such as play in the park, then of course he wouldn't question it or ask "Aren't you coming with me?" He's only eight. Christ sakes, parents, get your heads in the game.