Thursday, April 30, 2009

Day 9

Today we shall current event. No sports or entertainment unless it connects to something larger, do not forget it is not about the summary but about the analysis and connection. NO CITE, NO POINT! MUST CITE IN ORIGINAL BLOG.


Anonymous said...
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Austen Anderson said...

The Swine Flu
the swine slu has a total of 236 confirmed cases today. yesterday the total cases wer 147, so that shows it is startign to spread very rapidly. thsi disease is not lethal right away, but it can be. it has basic flu like symptoms and basically just makes you feel like you have the flu, but you can die from this. this disease originaly came from pigs. i am nto sure how this happened but it did. the reason this affects us today in our community is because michigan there are 3 reported cases now. and also there are schools closed for cleaning so it does not spread. if this disease spreads too rapidly then there isnt a way to stop it. it is only contageous for 4-7 days but it spreads rapidly. i hope no one i know gets this because i really dotn want to get it. hopefully the world can find a cure and make this just a few day thing.

shelbybatlemente said...

My Current Event is Called: Chrysler Files For Bankruptcy

I found this at:

Chrysler LLC filed for bankruptcy Thursday. But a deal has been reached to combine the company with Fiat in order to allow Chrysler to stay in business. The bankruptcy filing, which was made in federal court in New York, comes after some of Chrysler's smaller lenders refused a Treasury Department demand to reduce the amount of money the troubled automaker owed them. In remarks at the White House, President Obama said that the bankruptcy filing is not a failure for the company but "one more step on the path to Chrysler's revival." The president harshly criticized the hedge funds and investment firm creditors that refused to go along with the deal accepted by larger lenders, saying that they had "decided to hold out for the prospect of an unjustified, taxpayer funded bailout." Obama vowed the bankruptcy process would be quick, efficient and controlled. A senior administration official predicted it would be completed within 30 to 60 days. The combination with Fiat is also due to close during that period of time. They say that jobs are safe for now, but plants will close temporarily. While an administration official promised there will be no immediate job cuts or plant closings due to the bankruptcy filing, Chrysler announced that most manufacturing operations will be temporarily shutdown on Monday, May 4. This connects to the state of Michigan probably the most out of any other state. This is because Michigan is mostly all car manufacturing. Chrysler is one of the Big 3 auto companies in this state. If they file for bankruptcy then a lot of people are going to lose their jobs. Its only a matter of time before Ford and GM follow in Chrysler's footsteps. Many people are employed with these car companies and if they file for bankruptcy chances are many of the employees are going to be unemployed. That makes a huge and rapid downward spiral for this state. Michigan and the rest of the country doesn't need anymore economy crisis' We have seen enough already and our economy is pretty much dead!

jessecovill said...

i did my current event on how people with way to much time on there hands make these giant things and other people pass them off as a tourist destination. like in Salem thers's this giant cow that some one built and people come from all over the world to see this stupid thing. These things are a major wast of money for the tourist, why would you want to see a giant cow anyway, its stupid. Tourist should be spending money on better things, or just go to another country and make fun of there people, its fun, i've done it and had a great time, what made it better was that no one understood me because i spoke another language. What im saying is that people have way to much time on there hands and tourist are not all to smart.

Stephen Manvydas said...
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Stephen Manvydas said...

"DNA evidence has linked a 72-year-old man to a pair of cold-case murders in Los Angeles, police said Thursday, and the man may be linked to as many as 30 murders and dozens of rapes during the 1970s and 1980s..." was one of cnn's top stories. I am amazed, purely amazed by this story. First off it shows how far as a country we have come to be able to track someones DNA from 30+ years ago. I am also amazed that after all this time we have waisted this ability by searching for someone who is 74 years old and not putting this twards somthing recent that needs it. the man John Floyd Thomas jr. was arrested for killing 2 women 3 decades ago. I kinda feel bad for our government, we are so go with dealing with the past but we suck at dealing with current issues. I think that if we cant deal with the "pig" flue why are we worring about an ancient sereal killer. Our country really may be the best out there but i think it has its issues also, and in the end if we cnt handle them i dont think i feel too too

Anonymous said...

A bus driver (for disabled people, no less) crashed into a vehicle on the highway because he was texting while driving. This is extremely irresponsible on the drivers part. It just goes to show how dangerous driving can be. I feel that many people don't pay attention on the roads as is, and now that texting has come along, driving is more dangerous than ever. I for one certainly do not text while driving. I would be pissed off if I saw other people doing it, so I won't be a hypocrite and do it myself. I think that you shouldn't be doing anything that could distract you while driving, with the exception of changing a song on your ipod or radio. Although, come to think of it, you shouldn't be doing that either.


Alix Dickson said...
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Alix Dickson said...

For my current event im going to talk about shuting down the U.S/Mexican border. Due to the Swine flu epidemic many people are calling for a complete shut of the U.S/Mexican border. Unfourtuantly if this were to happen it would be disasteres to many companys who ship things back and forth between the two countries. This relates to me and my community because if they were to shut down the border there would be less of a chance that me and the people around me would get swine flu. On the other hand if they shut down the border this could greatly damage the businessess around this area. If that were to happen my parents and relatives could lose their jobs. No matter what the sitiuation is pretty much a lose lose situation.,8599,1894775,00.html?cnn=yes

Anonymous said...

This is the first current event i thinnk i havnt doone about sports. The current event is about a girl in saudi how married a 50 year old man oh yeah by the way the girl is 8 years old....The girls dad paid the man 1,300 dollars and he got to marry her. The girl is now divorcing this man. But it just shows how bad different places are than our country. Someone would never sell there 8 year old to man to get married. Other places just dont understand thats just how they all live. these kind of things are just disgusting.

Stefan Kegebein said...

In today’s news… five people died in an attempted attack on the Dutch royal family. There were five critically injured people as well. A car went speeding into a crowd of people near an open top bus that held Queen Beatrix. Overall there were 12 people injured in the attack. The driver is one of the five people baldly injured and is currently in the hospital. The man driving the car has been charged with trying to attack the royal family. People lined the streets in the city Apeldoom as the royal family and the Dutch citizens celebrated Queens Day. Queens Day is a national holiday in the Netherlands that celebrates the Queen’s B-day. This connects to our world as yet another safety issue. People of high power or people who are famous are always in danger. There is really no way to keep these people entirely safe but there needs to be more security for our world leaders. If I was someone of high power I would be afraid every time I left my house because you never know when someone is going to attack you. Between epidemics and attacks people are becoming more in danger of death or illness.

ben nicolay said...

For my blog I will talk about how a 13 year old boy ran off to California. He lived in florida. He booked and boarded a flight to chicago and then eventually got to california. He used his dad's credit card and car. He didnt even have a passport, driver license, or a photo i.d. He used his report card to get around. I can't believe a 13 year old boy was actually able to go through all of this. With my luck I would have been caught. This also shows a lack of airport security. If he a 13 year old boy can get through security, who else can? You never know what people are capable of. Even a 13 year old can't be underestimated.|main|dl7|link3|

brandonlengyel said...

Police call man LA's 'largest ever' serial killer

Police believe a 72 year old insurance claims adjuster arrested earlier this month is the most prolific serial killer in the city's history, having raped and strangled as many as 30 older women over two decades. This man is wack and is to be a scare in our socity. Now that he has finally been caught dont you think its a little to late? I believe it is because now he is at the end of his life and is now going to rote in prison. The break in the cold case came in October when John Floyd Thomas Jr., who had twice been convicted of sexual assault, had a DNA sample taken as part of an effort to build an offender database. This is where he was f-up and caught. This guy is said to be one of the mass cieral killer in that area and might be in this world. This guy is very dangerous to our socirty and i belive and state once again this is very late for him to be caught. There is more import things in our gov and how do we find this ''wack'' guy. I wonder if theres anymore we need to find?

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

Hello. for my current event ill talk about how dumb Obama is. So what they did was give everyone a awsome tax credit, and that is good. Surprise they want it back next spring hahaha. I think this is a stupid move, wants the point of it? Now people will have to pay a shit ton of money at once. I think people would rather just not get the tax credit. This effect me because effects the economy of the nation i live in, with is shit.

BrittanyBarron said...

As I was scrolling through top news feeds on this catches my eye "Mice Chew on Residents at Nursing Home". This happend in Queensland Austrila. It was due to a increased rat population in the area. Rats got through holes in the 89 year olds room. He a woke to find them feasting on his neck, face, and chest. The man suffer damaging injuries but is excepted to live. This hits close to home because i have witnessed first hand the patinet cuerlty at nursing homes. My great-grand mother was abused at 2 homes she was at. It was very had on my family. It also makes me earful for the furture because i have other olderly family members and do not want to see them be treated the smae way.

Anonymous said...

Chrysler has been going down the drain ever since they got their first loan. The company does not sell enough of their cars to pay back the loans and they have to get another loan to help pay back the first loan. I guess the company said $3.3 billion of the new loans will be used to for operations during bankruptcy, while the $4.7 billion will allow Chrysler to work normally once it exits bankruptcy. If Chrysler goes bankrupt and has to shut down then a good car company will not be producing newer nice cars. Many of people in the U.S. drives Chrysler and a lot of my friends drive them but obviously they are not selling enough of them to stay in business. I guess a deal has been arranged to combine the company with Fiat to allow Chrysler to stay in business. But nobody knows how long that will last and if they can agree on all the decisions made throughout the company.

Anonymous said...

Ok so tonight i am going to discuss how GM is planning to phase out Pontiac by 2010. My grandpa has worked for pontic his whole life and many of the people in my family love pontic and have pontiac cars. This is a big deal because once pontiac is over will my grandpa still have his retirement package or will he be hung out to dry with the rest of the pontiac employees. Also thousands of employess are going to loose their jobs not only in Ameica but all over the world. WIth pontiac gone we loose many cool cars such as the solstice and the G6. But this does create a chance for some of us pontiac to make some profit of of this later on. Just as old cars are expensive and popular now in the years to come the cars of today will be treated just the same. So when you are selling a car such as the solstice that has a limited production number such as this and it is is good condition, you will be able ot make much more off of this than if you were to sell it now. I dont know what website this is on but i was listening to it on the news while i was at the dentist the other day. But i do know that it was on during Opra.

Plaz said...

My Current event is about Dutch Royals Targeted in Deadly Crash.
I really dont know what you mean by an analysis and connection but i'll do my best.
What happened was a bus driver tried to kill the dutch queen and the queens family. This had ended a parade that was for the queen. The bus driver killed 5 bystanders and injured 12 of them. The article never said why this bus driver did it but he could be facin life in prison for attempted murder. I really dont know why but when i was readin this article it reminded me of princess diana gettin killed. I guess since Princess Diana and the Dutch Queen were both royal people and both ladies that it jus came up. This aso is somewhat like a form of terrorism. I think it is because somebody did an attack on purpose and not accident.
Evan E

jay said...
My article was about Connecticut passing a bill to ban machine guns for kids under 18. An 8 yr old boy shot himself in the head with an uzi while at a gun show with his dad. The kid was shooting at a pumpkin and th gun recoiled. The boys dad was getting his camera when the boy fired the uzi. The police chief and two other men are being charged with involuntary manslaughter for suppling the kid with the gun. In Connecticut minors can use guns with adults supervising. They wanted this bill cause machine guns recoil is too powerful for kids to handle. Violaters of this could have a $1000 fine or up to 10 yrs in jail or both! I think this is good, they are pretty powerful guns for kids.

Unknown said...


so the current event i am choosing is not about chrysler's bankruptcy, but some drama surrounding it. basically, the u.s. government was seeking financial help to bailout chrysler from three hedge fund companies. these companies seemed reliable enough to supply the money, but backed out of the deal. now granholm andothers are saying to shun these companies. honestly, to me this could go both ways. the first and most obvious side would be that of granholm's, and act like a 4th grader and ignore these companies. however part of me is siding with these companies. like, why should you loan a large sum of money that you arent even guaranteed a return on? why take that risk? the reason this affects me is that we all live in the state of michigan. however economically diverse we may not be, we all must deal with this together. by taking granholm's side, to me it would seem like there would be more ramifications in the state of michigan. basically, this could further put our state in the whole. and raise our high unemployment rate. like, these are the people we hire to represent us and they act like children? if they could fit their heads around this issue and focus on what needs to be done and not what's happened, i feel we may emerge from this stronger than we ever have been. also with chrysler being a large part of my dad's companie's customer base, im sure that will help establish my concern and correlation to this.

Alex V said...
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Alex V said...
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Alex V said...

For todays blog i will be talking about an attack on the ducth royal family. Five people were killed Thursday after a man tried to attack the Dutch royal family during a Queen's Day celebration by crashing his car near the royal family's bus, Dutch police. Police are not releasing the name of the man, but said they have charged him with with trying to attack the royal family. Twelve people were injured in the incident in the Dutch town of Apeldoorn, about 45 miles east of Amsterdam. As the bus moved along, a black hatchback zoomed past it. The car crashed into the low metal railing around a column on the side of the road. The day is marked with the color orange all over the country as a reference to the colors of the royal family, who come from the House of Orange Nassau.

Anonymous said...

US Talks with Cuba FalterWith the Castro regime rapidly becoming unpopular, the United States has seen a wonderful opportunity to gain some influence. In talks with Raul Castro about possible policy changes to ease US restrictions on the faltering country, the Cuban government has taken a hard-line stance one the efficacy of the Obama Administration's concessions. He stated that "it was not Cuba who had to make the gestures." In an unprecedented conference with the Cuba leaders which hasn't happened wince the Cuban missile crisis, the Obama Administration put into effect eases on money and people transfer hoping to influence the people of the country just enough. It hasn't been enough for the Castro regime though. With their noticing the popularity of the truce, they have pushed for more concessions with the United States. I think that this is a good move. FOr the US to gain influence in Cuba is undoubtedly a good tactic. Perhaps, one day the people of Cuba will overthrow the government for their own good and institute something that works, whatever that may be. It doesn't need to be a democracy, but the Castros need to go.

Kevin Hughes said...

This article is about how the U.S economic recession is predicted to be over soon. Lakshman Achuthan was one of the first to say that the US was in a recession. Now he’s saying that it's coming to an end. His research group studies business cycle recessions and recoveries, and has a near-perfect record of predicting. He says the recession will end within four months, with "no exceptions". However, the future of the economy still isn't particularly good. A top adviser to President Obama says the economy will again shrink in the 2nd quarter of this year, the period we’re in now. But Achuthan's prediction doesn’t really counter that. He doesn’t think recovery will start until the 3rd quarter – sometime after June.

kirkwhitt said...

For this eavining I will be blogging about the swine flue. The swine flue is a mutated version of the flue and is very contagious. This flue is fought from pigs, and can be very deadly if not treated. Symtoms include a sore throught and up set stumik. The swine flue is just like the flue but more poent and cought Easyer. People that went to Mexico that had been returning had to wear masks on the plain ride home I limmit the spredding of the flue. this was dune to limmit the people that have the flue of spredding it more into the U.S.

Panos said...

My current event is about how the New Hampshire senate has passes a bill allowing the rights of same-sex marriage. On wednesday the senate approved the bill by a vote of 13-11 in favor of instituiting the same-sex marriage. This bill has been used in a couple other US states making the state of New Hampshire another state added to the list. This effects me because I do not believe in same-sex marriage and the fact that soon enough, all the states in our country are going to vote that it is ethical to have same-sex marriage is scary.

Lil Southkr3w said...
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Lil Southkr3w said...
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Lil Southkr3w said...

on friday 27 of march T.I. was sentenced to one year and one day in prison for felony weapons charges. he had done community servise. he had help other kids who where doing wrong thing that could had get them in trouble with the law or get them killed. on October 2007 he was arrest on the evenin of the BET Hip-Hop Awards. T.I. had to do community service and know he has 6 to 8 weeks to go to prison.

Alan Hernandez

mr kay dont for get i dont be having internet and dont forget to give me credit

Anonymous said...

In just 3 days, the H1N1 virus - or the 'Swine Flu' - has gone from 236 cases to 787. This thing is spreading fast. It's been confirmed in 17 countries, with Mexico holding the most cases at just over 500. Mexico is the epicenter of the epidemic. The number of pigs and other animals infected has not been tallied. This is ridiculous, I think. At first I thought it was just some media thing to scare us, like the bird flu shit and all these other illnesses, but it seems pretty serious. I heard that if somebody at Lakeland gets N1H1 then the entire school must be shut down for cleansing. Hopefully that doesn't happen during school because I surely don't want to sit through another quarantine like the mercury spill. That was absolutely ridiculous. Hopefully nobody that I know becomes infected with N1H1. That would be horrible.

ScOtW29 said...

The current event I picked is about a man who killed his family. He shot and killed his wife and two of his children. 1 of the kids got away but not without the father chasing and shooting at him. The other two didnt make it. After these events occured he then killed himself. Nobody knows why this man would do something like this. One of the kids he shot was a 5 month old baby boy. I think that it is weird why you would even think about doing something like that, even to your own child. This man obviously has problems.