Friday, May 1, 2009

Day 10

In regards to the personal narrative, remember the following:

I will be looking to see that the rough draft and peer/family revisions are completed by Wednesday and final copy is due on Friday. You will have one more day, Monday, to work on this in class and then you are on your own.

Today's topic is friendship. Personally, I think that nothing is more important that friendship. Please look at this quote and then listen to the cheesy song and tell me what they have in common, what you look for in a friend and the importance of friendship to you.

"Never refuse any advance of friendship, for if nine out of ten bring you nothing, one alone may repay you."
Madame de Tencin Start this at about 1:16


Anonymous said...

The quote is saying "never deny someone of your friendship". Even though nine out of ten times you may just be friends, and not really connect deeply, she's saying that there's a chance that the person you opened up to could be one of your best friends. I have a hard time being friends with new people, I don't like having over 9000 friends because it's hard to keep track of all of them and keep them all happy. I think that friends are so so soososo very important, because if you don't have any friends, you're left alone to your thoughts. A man alone with his thoughts for a long period of time can be extremely dangerous. I look for loyalty and maturity in a friend, but also someone who can be immature (just not all the time). I can't get along with certain types of people, but that's just fine with me.

jay said...

The quote is saying that you should never deny people as friends because you may find the one true friend. The quote and the song both talk about how important friends are. Friends can help you through your life. True friends will always be there for you. Having a true friend is more valuable than almost anything but life itself! Friends are lifelines. Friends are someone to help you, talk to, lean on, spend time together, make memories with, share secrets with and love. If you didn't have friends you wouldn't have life lessons and memories to share. A person without friends would be very loely and uhappy. Basically that's what friends are for and you'd be lost without them!

Unknown said...


it is almost hard to find a similarity between these two items. sure, they are about having friends, but to me they carry a different meaning. the quote is saying basically, you cant go wrong with having friends. because anything you get out of just a fraction of them is worth them all. the song on the other hand is basicaly about the loving side of friendship, and the companionship it offers you. now that i come to think of it, they both have the theme of support hidden in them that i didnt realize earlier. what i look for in a friend is basically their personality and what i am going to call teir personal philosiphy. this is most mportant to me. if we get along then most likely i will befriend you. the philosiphy side of it is based on what their outlook on life is. meaning how they evaluate things, optimism and "gumption."

shelbybatlemente said...

The quote is saying that you should never deny someone as your friend. This is because you may find the true friend. She is saying that even though nine out of ten times you may just be friends and not close and connected friends there's a chance that the one person you open up to could actually be your best friend. The quote and the song are related by they are both talking about how important having friends is. I have a hard time choosing friends. This is because I don't want a million friends but I also don't want just one friend. But one friend is better than a million friends in my eyes. I look for a person who is friendly and has a great personality and choose those people as my friends. I also look for someone who is loyal and trustworthy. Friends who aren't loyal are very hard to trust. To me friendship is one of the best things in the world. Everyone needs friends and they are there for you when you need them. Well at least true friends are around when you need them. I love my friends and I don't know what I would without them!

Kevin Hughes said...

This quote and song are saying that friendship is valuable. You can learn a lot of different things from different people you meet. There's basically no reason to not meet and talk to as many people as it takes to make you happy. The quote is also saying that friends will be there for you when you need them. This happens even when you're not expecting it, and can be a really nice experience. In a friend, I like people who I feel comfortable around. Also, I like people that have similar interests as me, because I like discussing things I care about. I think that's what seperates a normal friendship from a really good one. Friendship is really important to be me because i've learned about myself and (other people of course) through them and it helps in the real world.

Anonymous said...

While I agree that friends are important, it's sad on how exceedingly hard it is to find good friends. The quote addresses that dead-on. All those popular kids with their multitudes of friends don't have squat generally. Their "friends" are only token friends and don't do bupkus when it comes to what friends are supposed to do for each other. Both the song and the quote say that. One real friend is multitudes better than hundreds of token friends. For the people I call my friends, I like to think that I am slightly picky-choosy as to who I grant that title to. Generally, people I call real friends need to make me laugh, respect my space, respect me, be there when I need them and expect those same things from me. That's a big part of friendship in my opinion. It's a two-way street, and if it isn't, then that person isn't a friend, that person is your bitch. As for the importance of friendship, I believe that when it comes to true friends, there couldn't be anything better. They're there when you need them and know when you don't. They help you, stick up for you and lend you a dollar now and then. Friends are there to help you get through life, but only if that person is worthy of being called a friend.

ben nicolay said...

This quote is simply saying that you should never deny a new friendship. Even though 9 out of the 10 did not work out, the other one might. Don't judge someone from past expieriences because you never know what could happen. They could become your best friend and the closest friend you got. You have to value one's friendship and cherrish it. The song is talking about the chemistry and the love that comes with the friendship. A friend is someone to talk to, hangout with, and to get advice. I love my friends. I would most likely do whatever they need and in return they would do the same for me.

Stefan Kegebein said...

Both the quote and the song both address the importance of friends. I agree that it is important to have many friends. In particular, the quote talks about the difficulty of finding a true friend. A true friend is someone that you can tell them anything and he/she is like a brother or sister to you. True friends make up a small percentage of friendships but they are the most important king of friendship. True friends are your friends no matter what the circumstances. If you deny someone your friendship you might be losing out on that true friendship and not even know it. In my friends I look for people that are fun to be around but also someone I can trust in. In my opinion without friends life would be much more difficult to get through.

Anonymous said...

This quote is saying a couple different things. One is that maybe good friends are hard to come by. 9 out of 10 times you will have decent frineds but one of the times you will come by a really good one. Or it means that dont be afraid to move forward with your good friends. Once in a while it wont mean anything but maybe just one time it would be wotrh it. The risk is much worth the reward. Just have the best relation you can with your friends and you can find a good one out of the bunch

Anonymous said...

This quote is saying that you should be open to any one that wants to be friends. Just because this person may be from a differen crowd or race and stuff that does not mean you should not be friends. Although you may not have the deepest connection with all your friends, you never know who that deep connection willl be with. SO if you deny people friendship then you could be turning down the best friend that you ever had.

Janet said...

The quote and the song obsivly talk bout friendship. they both say that friendship is very important. just becasue 9 out of 10 dont work out many the 1 dats left could be your best friend. nothing is going to happen to you if u get to know more people. you can always make more firnes and one of those people can be your best friends. i dont really look for anything, if i get alone with you thats good enough, but trusting people is really hard for me. i cant always trust people, i guess i need to know them for awhile and they have to trust me too. friendship is really important to me becasue who else is going to help you with problem other then your parents. you cant always tell everything to your parents, thats why we need friends.

brandonlengyel said...

This quote is tellling me never question friend ship. Always except somebody as a friend and if it does int work out owell. I believe friendship is very huge to me. I will never survive inn this life with out being a friend and this quote and this quote and song sum it up. I dont like to have a lot of bestfriends but having alot of good freinds is good to me. I look for different qualites in all differnt types of friends. I think i have a friend in all of the catorgies that we go by in school. Never deny a friendship that person may actully be your best friend.

Alix Dickson said...

This quote is saying that you should never deny a friendship. No matter if you dont get anything out of the friendship you should still never reject a friend. The song also talks about true friendship. What i look for in a friend is someone who isnt judgemental. I want a friend i can tell my secrets to and someone i can trust. Friendship to me is one of the most important things in the world. Without my friends i dont know what i would do.

JakeCastner said...

Friendship is one of the key things that make humans different from animals. People teamed up are far more influential than one person alone. If you went through life without friends, you wouldn't last ten years. The quote talks of how friends don't always pay off, but still make friends. One day, a true friend will show up and make it all worth while. The song just speaks of the importance of as many friends as possible. Having many friends is definitely important. If you are cold and hungry, a friend will feed you and give you shelter. You should offer the same to your friends as you would hope to recieve in troubled times. Personally, i keep a couple of people real close, and then there are the casual acquaintances in the hallway and classroom. Both mean the world to me, and i hope yours mean the same to you.

Anonymous said...

I think this quote is trying to tell us that no matter what friend you are doing something for, you should never refuse them of it. It says that you should never refuse somebody to become your friend either because you might find yourself a true friend. It also says that even if most of your friends don't repay you, there is always one that will. The quote and the song are talking about how important friends are to someone. I can generally say that most people have friends just because they are lonely. The others have friends to be there for somebody when they need them or just to be there when they want them there. Some people just use other people for protection and some times money and way more other reasons, but a true friend shouldn't use anybody for anything.

Anonymous said...

Both the quote and song share insight on the importance of a close friendship, and I completely agree. Let me explain something before I ramble incoherently. I used to be quite an introvert freshman and sophomore year. I never really left my comfort zone and didn't talk to people that I didn't think would like me or anything. This year, however, I took a spontaneous u-turn and am now very extroverted. I talk to absolutely everyone and apparently people like it. I used to prefer having just a few close friends, but after this year and having quite a bit of acquaintances, I would rather keep it that way. I have a perfect balance, really. I have my best friends that I talk to all the time and share everything with - they'll always be there. Then I have my acquaintances, or the people that I text or call every so often to see what's up or talk to in school just for fun. I really like the friendships that I have both made and maintained this year. I never thought I could be this extroverted and social, but I guess people change. If I had been this way freshman year, maybe I'd be a popular kid. And God, would that suck.

jessecovill said...

sorry my blog is late, i had problems with the new laptop.

Ok really, can we stop with the songs, it was old two days ogo and im really getting annoyed with them, but i guess telling you this will only make you do i love doing these freaking song blogs...keep 'em coming...really, i mean it. The song and quote are both saying the same thing. The quote says to acept advice from all of your friends, only if one gives you advice, take it. The song said that friends are the only real thing that a person needs in life. For me i look for someone with a good personality and i funny, also someone that wont use me for stuff like money and rides. To me friends are family, you have good family members and bad annoying ones, just like friends, you have good ones and bad annoying ones. friends are really important to me because there always there if you need something and no one else can give it to you. Pluse ther more fun to hang around than family.

Panos said...

I believe that this quote is stating that when someone gives you the opputunity to be your friend you should always take it because you never know when you your going to need them or when the are going to need you. I believe that friends are very important because they are always going to be there for you if they are a true friend. The songs also talk about the importance of friends and how they can be there for thtem if you don't turn them down.

Lil Southkr3w said...

i guess this qoute is saying that you should never deny people that want to be your friends. when you deny people that want to be your friend you might not find that right person to be your friend. it is also sayin that you should never refuse somebody to become your friend either because you might find yourself a true friend. and the song was aight but im not into that type of songs. The song is talking about the chemistry and the love that comes with the friendship. in other words it is saying that if you have love for your friends that you should not try to loose them. some people just have frends just there for protection or other reaosons but that dont mean they really your friends. a real friend is some one that cares for you and doesnt use you.

Alan Hernandez

mr kay dont forget that i dont have internet no more and to give me credit for this blog.

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

I think the quote/song mashup is good and show two diffreant sides of the importance of freindship. I think the quote is saying to take any freindship that comes up, also freindship is valuible. I think the song says just the importance of freindship in all. I think freindship is the best. You cant do anything with out your freinds support. I think that is just what the quote and song were conveying as a whole and its a good point. If i could give personal advice about freindship it would be to try and keep everyone. The only reason you wouldent is if they one, intentialy hurt you or two, bring you down unpurpuse.

ScOtW29 said...

and tell me what they have in common, what you look for in a friend and the importance of friendship to you.
"Never refuse any advance of friendship, for if nine out of ten bring you nothing, one alone may repay you."

The quote and the song are both saying that friends are important. When you are feeling down it is good to have friends to talk to about it. It is important that if someone offers you friendship to accept it because it is always good to have someone have your back. I personally dont have a best friend but a lot of good friends and close ones. For a friend i look for someone that i can trust and is fun to hang out with. Without friends I dont know if i could get through life. It would be to hard to get through everyday knowing that you are all alone and nobody cares about you.

Plaz said...

The quote and song are sayin you need to have friends. The quote basically said 1 of your friends will help you or do somethin to repay you. I dont have a lot of TRUE friends. I have about 4 or 5 TRUE friends but its better than none. I also had a hard time makin friends at my old school because a lot of people at my old school didnt like people who werent prepy, punk, and rich. My best friend lives in Monroe which SUCKS for me. I dont see her a lot. Im always open for friendships but i dont like those friends that say they arent friends wit you because you have a friend they dont like. Im very cautious of who my friends are because i have some major beef wit some people outside of lakeland and i dont want to be set up. I know people are thinkin "well thats stupid" but ive seen it happen to people and i dont want that to happen to me. Im really easy to be friends wit though. Im jus very quiet ibn school but outside of school im the life of the party haha.