Thursday, May 7, 2009

Day 14

Achilles is a tragic hero in an epic poem. Oedipus was also a tragic hero. Which of these two was more tragic? Why? Can you think of any tragic heroes in our current society? Who and why? If your answer is no, then explain why we do not seem to have tragic heroes anymore.


Anonymous said...

I think that Oedipus was much more tragic. He had much more horrible things happen to him than Achilles did. Achilles just dies at the end of the poem, he didn't kill his father and sleep with his mother. I find that to be much more horrific. I can't think of any tragic heroes in todays society. Mostly because it really isn't talked about that much. I guess the tragic heroes are soldiers. They fight for their country, and some of them get killed.

Alix Dickson said...

I think Oedipus is more of a tragic hero than Achilles. Oedipus has more tragidy in his life when he finds out that he killed his father, which also caused a plague, and married his mother. Oedipus ends up blinding himself and going to live alone in the mountains. Achilles Tragedy is not nearly as bad compared to Oedipus'. I dont know any tragic heros that are in todays society. In todays society there is less tragidy and less need for heros. I think the heros that we do have arnt as appreciated or as public as heros in older times.

Anonymous said...

Oedipus is much more tragic. He went through much much more then Achilles. Achilles had bad things happen but through out the story with Oedipus it just kept getting worse and worse. But for this day in age i cant think of any other tragic heroes. I think there aren't many now because there are more ways to avoid these types of things. Like things that drastic just simply don't happen as often anymore that's just how it is these days. If you can find someone who went through the types of things and Oedipus, Macbeth, or any other tragic heroes than tell me.

Stefan Kegebein said...

Oedipus is a much more tragic hero then Achilles. Oedipus had a huge ling of events that were stacked up against him and made the prophecy inevitable. Even when Oedipus made a good decision things stilled worked against him. As a warrior you know when in battle you are putting your life on the line. The death of Achilles isn’t even in the same ballpark as Oedipus’s downfall. I cannot really think of any tragic heroes either. I think that in today’s society people of higher power are given way too many free passes. These people can commit a crime and get away with it because of their wealth, power, or name.

jessecovill said...

in my opinion i think that oedipus was more of a tragic hero than Achilles was. this is becaus Oedipus went through way more tragic things than Achilles did. For example Oedipus killed his father and married his mother, then gouged out his own eyes then banished himself. The only tragic thing to happen to Achilles was he got shot in the ancle and died. The only tragic hero in our time that i could think of is John McCain, he served in vietman as a jet pilot, became a politican, ran for president and lost. Also some people saw him as a hero.

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

Oedipus by far was more tragic. At Achilles knew it was over for him. Oedipus did not even see i coming. Plus the fact Oedipus's fate was wayyyy worse. I think that a current tragic hero could be Obama. He is supposed to bring change but I'm expecting a huge fail, even though he is trying. I don't there's allot of everyday people out there could fit the profile. but i don't wanna list them all.

ben nicolay said...

I think that Oediopus is definitly more tragic than Achilles. Oedipus had it way worse. Oedipus had to face the guilt of killing his father and marrying his mother. It couldn't really get much worse for him. Achilles doesnt have to face any truths. He just ends up dieing. Achilles just faces the fact of death. Oedipus lives but suffers. Suffering is worse than dieing. I think in today's society tragic heros are the people that cheat their way up to the top. They eventually fall because they did not do it the honest and right way.

ScOtW29 said...

Which of these two was more tragic? Why? Can you think of any tragic heroes in our current society? Who and why? If your answer is no, then explain why we do not seem to have tragic heroes anymore.

I think Oedipus was more tragic because he was put in an awfull position. He killed his father and married his mother. Oedpius suffers because of this. Achillies doesnt have to put up with anything like that. In todays society there are not that many heros. I guess you could say that our soldiers are heros because they go out and fight for our country. I dont know if they would be called tragic heroes though. I dont think we have as many tragic heroes anymore because we have cops, and military and other organizations to protect us from everything. There is less of a chance that someone will try to risk there life for someone these days.

Anonymous said...

In my own opinion, I believe Oedipus was more of a tragic story. He had more tragedies happen to him in his story then Achilles did in his story. Oedipus had the tragedy of killing his own father and sleeping with his mother. All Achilles basically does is die in the end. Oedipus ends up gouging his own eyes out and leaving the town just so he could save the town once again of a plague. I think the military soldiers are tragic heroes of our time. They risk their lives everyday on the battle field to prove to the country that it is worth dieing for. To me that is a tragic hero because people know that they could be killed even before they join but yet they still join anyways. Just to protect and serve our country.

jray said...

I think that Oedipus was more of a tragic hero. Oedipus life was much more tradgic. He was always looking out for his people even though in the end he ends up screwed. Because of his actions he outcasted his whole family. Their maybe some tragic heroes in todays society, but they are not as appreciated as they used to be. Many people today are more worried about themselves then they are about anyone else. People that know about someone that could be concidered a tragic hero also don't give the person the reconition that they deserve.

Stephen Manvydas said...

I think that Achilles was more of a tragic hero than Oedipus because he was in a lot of pain on the inside. He saw hes dead friend and later he saw the armor of his friend. The armor of Achilles friend was on his rival, hector. Achilles was a tragic hero because he did great things for his people (the hero part) and his tragedy was the fact that he went from a honorable person and great fighter to someone who defiled another body. My answer to part two is no. People today don't want to seem out of the norm and that is why i don't think we have many tragic, let alone any heroes in today's world.

Alex V said...

I think that Oedipus was much more tragic. Oedipus is more of a tragic hero because he is a honorable hero in the begining of the story by the end he finds out he kills his father and marrys his mother. Achilles just dies at the end of the poem, he didn't kill his father and sleep with his mother. I find that to be much more horrific. I dont know any tragic heros that are in todays society. In todays society there is less tragedy and less need for heros. There are less need for tragic heros today because of laws and cops.

kirkwhitt said...

I think that Oedipus was more of a tragic story, because his whole life was a lie. All Oedipus tryed to do was help people. He defeated the Sphinx that was killing people that passed it. Where in Achilles there was a war going on and Achilles only wanted reveng on Hector. Achilles killed Hector inspite of Hector destroying the ships and killing Achilles friend. I honstly dont think that there are any tragic heros in todays socioty. There hasnt been any one that has gawn trew the things that Eodipus has gawn threw.

shelbybatlemente said...

I think that Oedipus was more tragic. This is because he was fated to kill his father and marry his mother. Since his parents didn't want that to happen they pierced his feet and had him sent to be killed. Then he was given to a shepard who gave him to his adoptive parents. When he was older he heard the prophecy himself and didn't want it to happen. So he left Corinth and went to Thebes. His whole prophecy came true. This is tragic because he had no idea what was going on and he also lost his father and mother by the end. Achilles just died at the end of the epic poem. He was a hero in some form but he wasn't as tragic as Oedipus. Also, Oedipus has more tragedy in his life than Achilles did. I can't think of any tragic heroes in our current society. This is because there aren't really any of them anymore. We don't talk about them that much anymore because we don't have a need for them. Even when there are heroes and tragic heroes they aren't appreciated or respected as much as they used to or should be. For example U.S. soldiers are tragic heroes and heroes. But not many people have great respect for them anymore like they should.

JakeCastner said...

Well, first off, it isn't really appropriate to ask this question when we read only one of the stories of oedipus, and a few pages of the illiad. Since you ask, though, oedipus was much more tragic. As far as i know, at least from the information presented by you, achilles was only a victor. That's not tragic at all. That's awesome. Oedipus was screwed over left and right, and eventually was driven to gouge his eyes out. A modern tragic hero would have to be clinton. He was brilliant for the economy and the country, but had a few weaknesses. One of them, adultering, got him impeached and he will be infamously remembered always.

Anonymous said...

Between the two choices i would choose Achilles to be more of a tragic hero. Just because Oedipus had worse things happen to him means nothing. all Oedipus did was run from his fate and hide who he was and it bit him in the butt. As for Achilles he embraced who and what he was. he was a mighty warrior and he went into battle everyday knowing that one day it would be his last. Not only that but the death of Patrocles sent him into a blind rage which would aid to his downfall. I cannot tink of anyone i would really consider as a true tragic hero. I think this is mostly because at this time we are not bound by religion as much as the Ancient Greeks. This strong religous bond made them believe and basically do everything their gods told them to do. But today we dont have that we basically do what we want and suffer the consequences and learn from them.

Plaz said...

Oedipus or Achilles. Oedipus was more of a tragic hero by far. Achilles didnt sleep wit his mom. He also didnt kill his father or blind himself. Blindin yourself is really tragic to me. Oedipus had bad things happen to him over and over again. Also those bad things that happened to Oedipus kept gettin worse and worse. I dont really see or notice any tragic heros today. To me i see a tragic hero as someone who has died for somethin important or was a idol and screwed up their life. Maybe some soldiers or some kids are tragic heros. We just dont hear about them.

Unknown said...


allthough achilles was a tragic hero, i am going to hve to side with oedie on this one. first of all from what i gathered, achilles was determined to kill hector. on the other hand, oedie was fated to killing his father and marrying his moter. the reason i am going to say oedipus was more tragic, is the fact that he had good intentions, and never ment to fulfill his prophecy. achilles on the other hand, had the choice to kill achilles. honestly, i cant say i see any tragic heroes in the world today. probably the closest that i can think of would be either john f kennedy or martin luther king junior. hell abraham lincoln too. sure all three were assasinated in the process, but what im trying to get at is the fact that they fought for a cause and were willing to do what it takes. all three fought for civil rights. the reason i dont see tragic heroes today is the fact that everyone these days just bitches about something but never acts on it. actually, now that i come to think of it, i would say that someone i would see as a tragic hero would have to be rick wagoner. he was doing what it took to make gm a viable and profitable company and he did what it took to do that. even if it ment giving up his job at gm as ceo because our president needed a scapeghoat. sweet. theres my rant.

jay said...

I believe that Oedipus was more tragic because he killed his father and married his mother. Achilles just flew to close to the sun. Odipus had no clue, he thought he was runnung from his fate. But Achilles knew his fate and knew it was coming. Yes I can think of a tragic hero. The guy on the plane to pennsylvania on 9/11. His name was Todd Beamer and he was on the flight. He rallied up the passangers to try to take over the hijackers on flight 93. His famous last words were,"You ready. Okay. Let's roll!" The plane was hijacked and they passangers tried to work together to take over the hijackers. WE don't know their progress with taking the hijakers over because the plane nose dived and crashed in Pennsylvania.I think Todd Beamer was definately a tragic hero.He was trying to help in a tragic situation and his death was tragic because it was pretty much not able to be helped. If the plane didn't crash the hijakers would have killed them anyway either with the bomb on board or a weapon. He tried his best even though he knew he'd end up dead no matter what he did. Now that is a hero!

brandonlengyel said...

I think oedipus was more of a tragic hero. He grew up more harsh then Achilles. He had much more horrible things that happened to him as a kid and also an adult. Achilles died at the end of his story with no oraacle of marrying his mother and killing his fathre. With has a more harsh of a life, its comon sense. No i cant find any tragic heroes in our society today. The reson is that i dont no what to look for as a person like these two chacters. TRgic heroes are heroes with tragedies and the military may be an expamle of this, maybe. Heroes arnt as appericted as they probley were back then.

Austen Anderson said...

i agree with you, both of these men were tragic heroes. the one that is more trageic to me is achilles. my reason for this is because he was a real warrior. he was bord to fight, and was lead by the gods. the reason he died wasbecause the gods felt it was his time to go. achilles was in my mind the greatest hero of all time. i can not think of any tragic heroes in our current society. mainly becasue everyone these days if they do somthing they would be reconized as a hero for they just want the publicity after it all. so then they dont wat to put themselves at risk of being hurt or their reputation put down. so thats why there are o trageic heros now adays, just because people are too selfish.

Kevin Hughes said...

I think Oedipus's story was more tragic that Achilles'. More bad things happen to Oedipus than Achilles. For example, Oedipus blinded himself, which is almost worse than anything that had happened to Achilles. There's also the fact that he slept with his mother and killed his father, actions that undoubtedly ate away at his conscience. Oedipus suffered physically and mentally, much more than Achilles. One example of a tragic hero from recent history is Alan Turing. He was a British mathematician/computer scientist. He is credited with being one of the founders of the computer, an invention that played a huge part in the defeat of the Nazis in WWII, surprisingly. However, instead of being awarded for his innovation, he was convicted of practicing homosexuality (it was still illegal in Britain in the 1950's). He was given two choices: chemical castration or prison. He chose to eat an apple he laced with cyanide. I think this story is incredibly tragic, and not only an example of the negative effects of religious dogma in government, (which is apparent everywhere, even still today) but also shows the downfall of someone who had a "flaw" that led to his downfall, exactly paralleling Achilles/Oedipus/Macbeth.

Anonymous said...

I would say that Oedipus was much more tragic for several reasons. The first was that Oedipus's curse was much more involved. While Achilles's curse was simply that he had a weak spot and was killed because of it. I'd hardly go so far as to call that a curse even, merely an oversight on the part of his mother. Oedipus however, wed his mother and killed his father which is a far mroe frightful set of circumstances than Achilles's went through. I would add to that that Achilles was killed which didn't allow him to really suffer very much and Oedipus lived with his fate, which is by far the worrst suffering he probably had to endure. So I would say that Oedipus was definately more tragic. As to the question of tragic heroes, I think theres no such thing. I wouldn't even go so far as to say there's such thing as a hero anymore either. The word has been applied to so many people, real heroes or not that it has been devalued. There are no tragic heroes because society has killed the hero, much like video killed the radio star.

Janet said...

i think Oedipus was more a tragic hero becasue he ended up blinding himself. He is way more tragic hero then achilles becasuse Odipus killed his father and married his mother. Achilles basecilly just died in the end. Odeipus went to the montains and lived there. i dont know any tragic heros in todays society. Well since theres not much tragic theres no need of heros. I guess that the soliders are heros in todays society. they fight for our country and put there life in danger.

Anonymous said...

Oedipus was much more tragic than Achilles. He was fated to marry his mother and kill his father and there wasn't anything that he could do about it. I really can't think of any hero more tragic than that in any story. Achilles simply dies. Though it was tragic, it wasn't as nearly as tragic as Oedipus. Though the whole stabbing his eyes out thing was pretty ridiculous. I can't really think of any tragic heroes in society today mostly because people seem to be less appreciative of someone else. Many people are self-centered and think for themselves and therefore you don't really hear of any tragic heroes.

Lil Southkr3w said...

odipus was a tragic hero more than achilles. i be thinkin that he has more tragedy when he finds out all the truth. he finds out he killed his father married his mom and that he was adopted. at the end he blinds himself and goes back to his adopted parents. he blinds him self beacuse he didnt want to see his adopted parents in the eye. achilles doesnt have a very tragedy life like oedipus. it dont be compering it like his. i be sayin military soldiers ar todays tragic heros. They risk their lives everyday on the battle field. i be sayin they are heros because they kno they can be killed anytime.

Alan Hernandez

mr kay remember i dont be having internet so i cant be doing my blogs on time. remember to give me credit for them.

Miranda Adams said...

in my train of thought i think oedipus was more of a tragic hero. i mean look at all the pain he caused though his people and didnt even know it. how would you like to find out one day far along the road when it was already to late. that you had killed your fother and married your mother? now Achilles i think lived a great life. he was well know and strong the only bad thing is he is defeted in the end. yes he had way big anger problems but his life was far better then oedipus's life.
i know i would want to die if i had found out i was sleeping with my mom.

Panos said...

I think that Oedipus was more of a tragic hero then Achilles because he was totaly blind to the truth. I don't think that there are any tragic heros in our society today because there are not many people that did things like Achilles and Oedipus. I really don't think that we have as many tragic heroes these days because there are not very many things that are going on in this world that would create the aura of a tragic hero. And these days there are not many people that believe in many God's and prophecies like back in the old days.