Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Day 23

Remember that you must be read through chapter 7 by Friday.

The following quote was made in chapter 2:

"'We've got to have rules and obey them. After all, we're not savages. We're English, and the English are best at everything.'"
- William Golding, Lord of the Flies, Ch. 2

Please state who made the quote and to whom. Then discuss why the speaker felt the need for rules and for obeying rules. What is your opinion of this quote? Do we need rules? Why? Describe a world without rules and how you think you would function within this world.


Anonymous said...

Well, in the book when Jack says that; I think he says it because he's still stung by the fact that he's not leading them. He wasn't happy with the fact that everyone is following Ralph when he's clearly older which should make him wiser. This is Jack giving a small schpiel that says rather subtlety that he still thinks people should follow him wince Ralph obviously has no idea what he's doing. I find this quote rather ironic, in fact. With the Brit's long history of ignoring other culture's rules and conquering them. But then again, aren't all children from every country taught something along those lines? American children aren't taught about the bad things Christopher Columbus did. No! We're taught he found America and that he made friends with the indians and everything was happy. As for rules, yes I think we need them but the downside of having rules then is what do you do with the people who break them? No one agrees with all the rules, and no one follows every rule. So rules bring social dissent. Still rules are better than no rules due to the fact that most people do follow the rules and therefore it keeps society in check. In a society without rules, I wouldn't be able to function. I'm a person who always needs to know my boundaries. If I don't have something to go by, then I don't know where I stand.

Stefan Kegebein said...

Jack was the one who made the statement. Jack was speaking to the group of kids at a meeting that was being held. Jack feels that rules and obeying rules will make their rescue efforts most effective. Jack also wants the people to think he is a capable leader and not just follow Ralph’s rule. I think the thought of creating a few key rules is a tremendous idea. If they really want to be rescued they must be organized and set down some ground rules. If there are no rules at all they island would be total chaos. I believe that there must be some rules or guidelines in the world. Without rules there would be no purpose to anything people ever do. Without rules people would probably take on the me vs. the world mentality. There would be no way for groups of people to work together and ever get along. Having a simple structure of rules and guidelines creates a controllable environment. Although it would be pretty interesting to see a world that has no rules to see if it would ever work out.

Alix Dickson said...

Jack is the kid who made the statement. He says this quote while talking to other kids during a meeting. I think Jack thought that there needed to be rules because he seemed like he really liked the idea of leadership and controlling people. I think he wanted to be the leader but instead everyone wanted Raplph to be leader. Ralph could tell he wanted to be leader so he made Jack leader of the choir. In my opinion i do think we need rules to have a functioning society. if we didnt have rules then everyone would do what they wanted weither it was good or bad. A world without rules would probobly cause alot of chaos.

ScOtW29 said...

"'We've got to have rules and obey them. After all, we're not savages. We're English, and the English are best at everything.'"
- William Golding, Lord of the Flies, Ch. 2

Please state who made the quote and to whom. Then discuss why the speaker felt the need for rules and for obeying rules. What is your opinion of this quote? Do we need rules? Why? Describe a world without rules and how you think you would function within this world.

Jack is the one who said this quote. He said this at the meeting when everybody was there. He feels that for everbody to survive he has to make rules. If they dont make rules then they will act like savages and everybody will go crazy and do whatever they want. I agree with the quote because they will not survive without having rules and following them. A world without rules would be unlivable. Everybody could do whatever they wanted and not get punished for it. Innocent people would die probably and i would hate my life.

Unknown said...


I think jack said that out of spite. Sort of the fact to get back qt them for not leading them. It is his form of checks and balances. I think we need rules to keep a status quo. They are important in maintaining equillibrium in society. In contrast, rules I also think, are there to be challenged and one upped. If there wereno rules, I reallythink people would not have collaborated how they did. We would still be stuck in the past for lack of collaborating.

Austen Anderson said...

this statement was said b none other than jack. he said this during a meeting he held and to discuss rules they should carry out. he felt the need to do this because if the followed certain rules then they would be able to be successfuly saved or rescued. in our world toda es we need rules, but as i say, rules are made to be broken. they are just somthing that someone doesnt want others doing. liek m parents wanting me home every night before midnight, its the fact they dotn want me out past that time. a world today without rules would not be able to function. everyone would do whatever they wanted to do, like steal, kill, hurt innocent people. so in my mind this world would not be able to function.

Anonymous said...

This wrote was from jack. I believe this is stated towards Ralph. Jack is mad that he is not the leader i think he is trying to stand out and try to be one. He thinks rules will keep them together. With out rules who knows how catioc that island would be. I think we definitely need rules, rules=structure with out that we aren't a society. Look at the amount of bad things occurring right now, and that's with rules without them i don't know how crazy the world would actually be who knows.

shelbybatlemente said...

In the Lord of the Flies book the person who says this quote is Jack. He is saying it to the big group of kids on the island that came for a group meeting. I think that Jack says this because he feels that with rules and obeying rules will make their rescue efforts more effective. If they aren't organized and following a set of rules then the whole group is going to be chaotic. They won't be rescued as fast and mabey not at all if its not organized. My opinion on this quote is that Jack made a strong but subtle statement that he is mad that Ralph's the leader and not him. I think that we do need rules. If we didn't have rules our world would be filled with chaos. Nobody would know what to do and they would be running around doing whatever they want. Without rules we don't have order or organization. A world without rules would be chaotic and everyone wouldn't know what to do. I think I would be very confused and wouldn't know what to do. On the other hand if I didn't have rules I might think that is the best thing that ever happened to me. This is because I would be able to do what I want without anyone controlling me or telling me what to do!

JakeCastner said...

The quote, said by Jack, is a good example of nationalism and imperialism in the book. Jack feels that England is the most powerful nation in the world. He is trying to take note from the ways of the empire to govern the island community of the story. In my opinion, rules keep order in theory, but they can also cause problems. If the person making the rules has things like common sense and a thought process, the rules can be useful. If the legislator is high on crack, odds are the rules will reflect this fact. A world without rules would be a very tense place. While there would be no penalty for stealing someting, or killing someone, the victim would be much more likely to defend themselves and kill you. In theory, the problem could correct itself, but the whole atmosphere of the world would be uneasy and tense.

Anonymous said...

I believe the reason Jack said this was because he thinks that making and obeying laws would be a lot more efficient to live by. I think that it would be way easier if they all followed rules because then they could have more of a chance of being rescued. I think that we do need rules so that the world and our surroundings do not go into chaos. If people did not follow the rules that are set for a reason, then most of the people will most likely be effecting the other people in a bad manner.I think that a world without rules would be out of control. Everyone would most likely be doing bad things that would not help out the community. I would have to say I would have to function in the world by doing what I want and not obeying rules. If everyone is disobeying the rules then I might as well too because if I don't then people would just walk over top of me.

brandonlengyel said...

Jack was the one who made this statement. He was adressing it to all the kids at the metting on the island. He wasnt that happy due to that he wasnt the leader. Everbody was following ralph and they should be following him right sense he is the older one of the group. Well thats wrong it doesnt matter on your age all that matters is that if people like you. He fells for that everybody to survive they need to know how to coperate amoung eachother. And if they dont they would act like savages and the hole life expectency of the island will come to no one. I believe jack is know becoming a leader by saying that they need set rules. I also do to beleive in order for something to go right there are rules that implie with that subject. A world without rules would be a world of terror there would be drastic stuff going around. It would kind of be like life in NORTH KOREA. This is why this island needs rules as well as us in our world.

ben nicolay said...

Jack is the one who stated this quote. He states this during a meeting with all of the other kids. I think he stated this because they need to get stuff done around the island. They need to all pitch in to survive. I agree with this quote except that the british are best at everything. There needs to be a set of rules. Although I do not agree with some of our rules, there has to be some to maintain order. If there were no rules in society, everyone would be running around like a chicken with its head cut off. I think I would fuction very diffrently. I would fuction diffrently but not in a bad way. I would probally live like a caveman. I really wouldn't know what to do.

Stephen Manvydas said...

The member who said this quote was Jack and he said it to the other stranded kids. I personally think that rules are great and all but not everyone thinks so. People don't understand that rules are for our own protection and they do work. My opinion on this quote is kinda flip floppy. I agree that we need rules but really...the English... I will admit that they are pretty revolutionary, but in the past they weren't very wise during the kingship era. Currently watching south park and in this episode rules made all the difference. Without rules we can become very self centered people and eventually the world as we know it could end. I do not think that without rules we could function in the world for very long.

jay said...

Jack said this to piggy and the other kids. Jack is english and english are civilized people. Jack thinks thet the english are better than everybody. I think my opinion is that he's wright cause if you don't have rules there will be mass panic and choas. We need rules so we have guidelines and we know right from wrong. We you know how the movie the terminator is, well I'm thinking that. People would be stealing and killing. It would just be crappy hell!

Kevin Hughes said...

That quote comes from Jack. He was upset because he felt he should be in charge of the kids on the island. This is exemplified by when he says that he should be the only one exempt from the "conch shell rule", which states that you can only speak when you're holding the conch shell. He felt the need for rules because a group of people always needs some kind of structure. Rules and laws are almost universal when it comes to people living in proximity, and he was stating that they still have a national identity away from their homeland. I guess he felt that to be truly British, you must act like a Brit even when you're elsewhere, and not let yourself degenerate into a savage. I think we do need rules, otherwise we'd constantly have to watch our backs. A world without rules would be much harder to survive in, as the government protects us and the people that can't defend themselves, such as the children and elderly. I guess it would be much like living as a different animal species. I would function a lot differently in this world, I would have to be more ruthless to survive and protect people I like because there might not be anyone else to do so for me.

Anonymous said...

In the book Jack is saying that to Ralph. Jack is saying this because like Ralph, he is older than most of the other kids.When combined with the fact that he is already the leader of the choir boys it is obvious thats there is going to be a power struggle between these two. he is saying this so that he can get people to think he is capable of being a good is not better leader than Ralph. He is also saying this because it will help them survive. IF they were just on their own then many would die because they would not know how to survive. As for the others they would slowly revert to a primal state.

Alex V said...

what the quote is trying to say is and who its by. Jack was speaking to the group of kids at a meeting that was being held. Jack feels that rules and obeying rules will make their rescue efforts most effective. Jack also wants the people to think he is a capable leader and not just follow Ralph’s rule. i think the first part of the quote is dumb because i dont think the english are the best at everything. I think they are to obbesed with themsleves. the second part i agree with. I agree with the quote because they will not survive without having rules and following them. A world without rules would be unlivable. Everybody could do whatever they wanted and not get punished for it.

jray said...

Jack was the one who said this quote. He says this because everyone is starting to at like animals. I think that he was right. You need these kind of rules in place to keep people in check. If not people will find ways of gaining power through being currupt. Everything would be run by people underground. This would cause everyone to live in fear and poverty. The blackmarket would thrive off of restrictions people put on other trades so that they can make profits and better themselves and the expense of others.

Panos said...

After reading chapter 2, I see that Jack says that statement at the meeting. I believe that he thinks that it is wrong that everyone is following Ralph and didn't even give him a chance to become a leader which he believes he would be better at than Ralph because then he would make rules to follow and not just let everyone run around doing what they want on that island. My thoughts on this quote is that Jack is right that there needs to be rules because without rules, everything would be totally unorganized and would be chaotic. In a world without rules there would be no order and people would be doing whatever they want which would probably mean people would het killed and people would be robbed. Also there would be no morals left so you can imagine what that would be like. My function would be to try and stop all the looting and all of the killing if possible and I would also try to make rules for people to follow.

Plaz said...

Jack had said this to everybody at the group meeting. I think Jack said this so that everybody could get food, shelter, and so that not anymore people will die. I agree wit Jack that we need rules. We need them so people wont die, people will get money, and so that people feel more safe. If we had no rules the world would probably be runned down wit people dyin and its a world of ride or die. To me it would kind of look like the movie Babylon A.D. Also the upperclass people would run parts of the country and then the gangs would run the other parts of the country. It would be a crazy world.

jessecovill said...

forgot about this...my bad.

the person that made teh quote was Jack, he said this to the group of kids. I think the speaker needs rules because hw thinks that without them there little community will fail and kids will die. I personaly think the kid is really annoying and should not have been given that much power. I do think we need rules, just not annoying little kids telling me what i should be doing and inforcing them. I thinka world without rules would end up like the movie Idiocracy, everything will be owned by companies and the poeople would be as dumb as rocks, and i don't think i would last very long in this new world.

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

Sorry this is late, i dident forget, i had work yesterday and today, tride to do it this morning but i guise the world decided to use the computer lab today.

Jack says this quote during a group meeting. I think he said this because of his loyalism to his nation and were he came from. I don't think it was at all to just mean there's a need for rules. We have to remember that these are just kids, do they really want rules? I know that definitely wouldn't want rules at that age. Id love a world without rules today, i think that i could survive real good. I think that it would be a survival of the fittest kind of thing though.

Lil Southkr3w said...

i think jack is the one who made the statement. i be sayin that he made that statement because he is still mad that he didnt get to lead them. he makes this statement while he is in a meeting with the other kids. i think we be neediing rules so there would have thinks under control. we need rules because if we didnt have rules people would do wat ever they want. like jon said The blackmarket would thrive off of restrictions people put on other trades so that they can make profits. i be agreeing witt this.

Alan Hernandez

Mr kay remember i dont be havin internet so i cant be doing em on time. dont forget to give me credict for this blog.

Anonymous said...

I like how everyone that posts it late now says "Don't forget to give me credit!" as if you're going to. Anyway.

I think that Jack says this because he wants to be best at everything rather than the Brits being the best at everything. This boy seems to be a self-fulfilling prophecy. I think he is envious of Ralph for receiving leadership. As Stefan said, it's like Jack sees Ralph as inferior because he is younger. I find the quote to be foolish on Jack's part, as no single country is best at everything. Perhaps he's saying this simply because he was brought up to be Anglo-centric just as many Americans are Ameri-centric. Rules are necessary because they allow people to know where they stand. In an anarchistic world, people would commit 'crimes' - though they wouldn't be crimes in such a world - without paying any negative consequences. People would do as they choose and live how they wanted to. It sounds nice, but the amount of murders and theft and rapes and such that would go on would increase drastically. I would like to live in an anarchistic world for about a week. After that, it would just get scary.