Monday, May 18, 2009

Day 19

We are in the homestretch but not done yet. Some of you have to get back on board so you can pass this cardmarking and in some cases the semester. We will begin our next novel, Lord of the Flies, tomorrow so be ready to read. It is a good read.

"When we take revenge against another, we lose some of our innocence."


What does the quote mean? Give me examples in your life or in world history where this may be true. What is the problem if we do not rally against this type of thinking?


jray said...

I think this quote means that when you take revenge on someone, you become as bad as the person you are getting revenge on. An example in my life where this quote fits is with me and my brother. We are always fighting and getting back at each other in different ways. In the end we always end up not being mad, but the stuff we do is some times stupid. Most of the time we feel like idoits in the end. The situation could normally be avoided really easy too. As much as doing a chore.

Anonymous said...

To me this quote is saying that when taking revenge we are no better than the person we are taking it on. No matter what the situation is taking the high road is always the best corse of action. Sometimes this includes taking a step back and looking at your priorties in life, or something as small as walking away from a fight. If ever you feel the urge to get revenge you should stop anda sk yourself is it really worth it? revenge does nothing more than fuel the hate that seperates us all. I cannot speak to an example because i dont really feel comfortable talking about it on a class forum but not once has revenge ever ran through my mind throughout this whole predicament.

Stefan Kegebein said...

I think the quote means that when we seek revenge sometimes we cross the line in achieving that revenge and therefore aren’t as innocent. In life I think there are times were people want to achieve goals so bad they are willing to use others and “step on them” to reach their goals. In history, Japan in WWII takes over parts of China and other nations go gain advantages and become a world power. If we do nothing to stop this way of thinking there would be no trust in the world. Everyone would be seeking revenge on someone else and people would probably quit taking blame for their mistakes. To me trust plays a huge role in our society. Wasting your time seeking revenge makes people less successful and efficient.

ben nicolay said...

I think this quote is saying that you are no better than the person that lays the first strike. When we seek revenge you usually do it in a worse way to get them back. You are willing to do anything to get the person back and you do not think about the innocence your loosing. I personally would probally take revenge because I can not let anything go. Being the better person is the right path to go down because if you get revenge its only going to create more problems. One example I have is one time was a few years back in hockey I was called fat in a hockey game. Me and this other kid were going to the box and he called me that and it was like the 30th time ive heard it all game. So I decide to swing my stick at him like a baseball bat. I end up getting kicked out and looking like a jackass. The other kid just goes to the bench and looked like nothing happend. Oh well, its not the first time ive made myself look like an ass and most likely not going to be my last.

JakeCastner said...

Obviously, revenge is not an innocent act. It is an action done by those with hate in their heart and malice in their mind. If an innocent person were to seek revenge, he would have to be driven to it, and yes, he would become less innocent. In today's world, there are very few innocents. We have all sought revenge, and most of us have lost a good deal of our innocence. In my life, i don't find myself seeking revenge too often, but when i do it's usually just some petty thing like somebody making fun of me or something stupid like that. In the world of a teenager, there are not too many serious things going on, at least compared to the people in the sttories we read with you. If w do not rally against this type of thinking, no one would ever seek revenge, and there would be innocent people everywhere.

Alix Dickson said...

I really like and agree with this quote. To me this quote means that when we act out of revenge we are basically acting just as bad as the person we are taking revenge on. This quote is similar to the quote "two wrongs dont make a right". An example of this is when i was a kid and me and my sister would fight. She would do something to me and i would do something to get back at her and even though i didnt start it we both still got in trouble. If everyone got revenge on everyone then nobody would every win and everyone would be constently fighting. We all just need to remember that revenge doesnt solve anything, it only makes things worse.

Anonymous said...

This quote is saying that to exact revenge on somebody that has wronged you is also an attack on your "humanity", for lack of a better word. Humans have the unique ability to forgive others, and without that ability, we'd be very much like our primal ancestors. The problem that presents itself if we do not rally against this type of thinking is a softness that is extremely vulnerable. If everybody went on with life forgiving a person for whatever bad they've done, people would do awful things and suffer minimal consequences. I'll be honest, I like revenge. I think it makes for interesting, yet shallow stories. I can't think of a time in my life where I've done something to get "revenge" on somebody. Well, nothing MAJOR. I know I've done small things here and there, but nothing comes to mind.

jessecovill said...

I think that the quote is saying that when we take revenge we grow up and turn into a sorta bad person. It could also mean that when we are not doing anything we are really nice and innocent, then we take revenge and look like a bad person and not so innocent. I don't really notice my innocence leaving when i take revenge but thats a personal standpoint. The problem that i can think of would have to be that all of the people in the world will start to kill and hurt people for revenge and sooner or later the entire world will be evil.

shelbybatlemente said...

I think this quote means that when you take revenge on someone else you are no better than that person. Taking revenge on someone everytime they upset you or make you mad is not the way to go. You show that you are the good person by not taking revenge on them. An example in my life where this may be true is with my brother and I. We fight a lot and we always try to find ways to get back at each other. When my brother gets back at me for something I did it's no better if I strike back at him. All it does is make me just as bad as him. I try not to get revenge on him but sometimes the urge overwhelms me and I lose my motivation to not get back at him. If we don't rally against this type of thinking then we would have a huge problem. Everyone would be getting revenge on everyone else and we would have a lot more hatred in our world. When we rally against this type of thinking our world and lives are much more positive and happy. I think everyone should be nice to everyone else. Getting revenge on someone else makes you just as bad as the person you are getting revenge on!

Stephen Manvydas said...

Agreeing with the posts above me i think it means once we take our revenge we become just as bad as the person we are revenging(?) upon. I'll go with an event in history, as it is my favorite subject. My example will be the atomic bomb drop on Hiroshima in Japan. While we were in a war with japan, Germany, and Italy for crimes against humanity i think the atomic bomb dropping has caused the U.S. a basketful of issues. We went from the protector of the world to being a very judgmental country just as bad as Japan in WWII. This act of revenge we became the thing we hated so much, and it helped jump start the Cold War. With out us acting against acts of revenge we could end up in a Nuclear war witch in fact could end the human race. While i do agree that the atomic bomb drops on japan were needed i don't think they should ever be used again.

jay said...

I think this quote means that that revenge takes a little bit from us as a person. When we should all that hatred with revenge it makes us bad and less innocent. It makes as guilty as the person we are fighting with. There has been many instances in history that show revenge. actually every war we fought there was revenge back and forth against each other. Also, in today time,you know the present revenge is still a big part in many peoples lives. Brothers and sisters fight all the time. But honestly I think the biggest revenge in families come from parents that are divorcing. They have so much hurt and hatred built up inside of them the play the back anfd forth revenge game. Who can hurt the other person more. It's stupid and childish! If we rally againgst this behavior it will probably just create more hatred and revenge.

brandonlengyel said...

I love this quote because it is so true regenge can be a bitch. When you take revenge on somebody you are actually becoming at the same level as that person. I always like getting revenge on people escpecially in sports. When there is a chep shot on me or somebody on the other team ill let him know about it by geting in there face. This happened recently in my lax game against mott/kettering when i got cheked from behind and tore my acl/medial miniscs. I was injured but i got a cheap slash on him with my stick witch lead to him leaving the game due to stiches i believe. So even thogh somebody gave me a cheap shot i had to get my last anger out of me and stupe to his level and return the favor. this is how revenge has taken part in my life.

kirkwhitt said...

"When we take revenge against another, we lose some of our innocence."


What does the quote mean? Give me examples in your life or in world history where this may be true. What is the problem if we do not rally against this type of thinking?

This quote means if you take revenge on some one your no better than that person your taking revenge on. Taking revenge is the wrong thing to do. An example that happend to me happend during baseball on my summer team last year. I was talking shit to there pitcher from seckond base, my next at bat the kid hit me first pitch. I felt it was on perpis, and I was also pitching that game. So his next at bat I hit him 3 times as hard on the hipp bone on purpse to take revenge. I dont think rallying is worth rallying over small revenge. If it is somthing like what I did, I dont think that is that big of a deal. It was my choice to take revenge, it didnt lead to any leagle punishment so it wasnt that bad. I may be looked abpon differently but that was my choice.

Anonymous said...

I believe this quote is saying when you choose to take your revenge you are losing some of your thoughts that are supposed to be good. When you choose revenge you lose your self concious of being civil towards other people. I believe if someone takes their anger out on someone, that is basically showing revenge to a point. There has been times where I wanted to take revenge on someone and I had to supress my anger. But then again I have taken my anger out on other people and I don't regret it because that was my way of expressing my anger. People cannot just let their emotions bottle up because that just leads to other problems. If people let their anger build up then they are just basically planting a seed that well blow up on some random person. I believe this is due to the fact that people don't usually get to express their anger that much. I think the best way for me to express my anger is to sit their and punch a punching bag for hours at a time.

Austen Anderson said...

in this quote, i think they are trying to say that you are no better than the one our are getting revenge on. you shouldt take revenge on people to begin with, its just wrong and not right. when i get in an argument with someone and htey win, i dont go out and look for revenge on them. i try and work things out or say, whatever. in the first place the situation could be avoided anyways. there is no reason to have a problem to have someoen get mad enough to want revenge for. people should just try nd work things out. that is my point of view, and i know its probaly not like others, but thats wut i think.

Alex V said...

I think this quote means that when you take revenge on someone, you become as bad as the person you are getting revenge on. No matter what the situation is taking the high road is always the best corse of action. Sometimes this includes taking a step back and looking at your priorties in life, or something as small as walking away from a fight. Being the better person is the right path to go down because if you get revenge its only going to create more problems. An example of takeing revenge is say if some one hurts you or hits you. you are going to be angry and want to beat the shit out of someone but it is not allways the best thing to do. And takeing revenge can just be avoided by not fighting someone.

Unknown said...


this, i feel, embodies a classic romanticized idea. that idea is "you take the low road, ill take the high road. meaning, i will be the better man and not stoop to your level. this is an ever present event in something so elementary as fighting. the "oh he hit me, so i need to hit him back" type of thinking, is really bad for our society. like for example, the field i want to go into is sales and marketing. so dealing with ad campaigns, you always are trying to prove your superiority by showing the weaknesses of other products and exploiting that. or like in political campaigns, everyone is always eploiting the others' weaknesses, not showing their superior benefits. it is all a bunch of slander and is hurting america today.

Panos said...

I believe that this quote means that when you or another person take revenge on another person that wronged you, then you yourself lose your good name because you decided to take revenge on someone. A great example of this is when my dad decided I needed to get my own car and I was mad because I didn't want to pay a bunch of money so on my last time driving his car I just drove around and wasted all his gas just to get even with him. It wasn't the best thing to do or the smartest thing to do but I did it anyways and the consequences was that I got my liscense stripped for a week. If we do not rally against this type of thinking, the world will be full of revenge.

Kevin Hughes said...

This quote means that revenge corrupts us. When you extract revenge on people, are you any better than them? An "eye for an eye" only applies in very few situations. Many times people feel the need to take revenge because they are upset at themselves for failing to succeed in the first place. You need to accept the faults that come with being human and the fact that you can't save everyone/do everything right. An example where this is true was when Hitler felt he was getting revenge against the Jewish people for committing "crimes" against his race and country. A problem that arises if this type of thinking goes uncheck is that with every murder or death, there'll be another in revenge of it. Death will go exponentially, and no problems will get solved.

Plaz said...

To me this quote means that when we get revenge we start to not feel bad about the other bad things we have done or goin to do. If that makes sense. I dont have an example because i dont know anything in history that someone got revenge on someone and my examples in my life arent that great. I have had revenge go through my mind a couple times but i thought before i did it and i didnt do it which was a really good decision on my part. If we dont rally? I dont know what that means but i think it means if we dont think about this thinkin or stop the thinkin. What we could do is try to make the people friends again or not hate eachother. That can be hard to do though.
Evan E
Mr. Kay i talked to you today about bloggin mondays today. Just a reminder.

Lil Southkr3w said...

i be thinkin very hard and i came up with this. this qoute means when u take revenge on some one u be looding innocence. also i be sayin that when u take revenge u become a bad person and have no innnocence. the example would be me and my older brother. me and my older brother would be fighting and gettin mad at eachother. some time i be takin revenge and i guess i be takin revenge. also he some times be takin revenge and stuff. if we didnt be rallyin on this type of thinkin there would be more peace in the world. i be sayin this because some people be taking this revenge to another level. they be taking it to another level by killing them or almost killing them.

Mr kay dont forget to be giving me credit. i dont be havin internet so i cant be doing them on time

Alan Hernandez

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

I think this quote is correct. My definition of Innocence is something that you do and it doesn't change how people think of you before they meet you. Like if i don't know you, or anything of you your innocent to me. You would have in no way made a opinion therefore you haven't done anything wrong. This connects to me because this is how my meeting people works. Don't judge by looks unless there covered in blood. BTW revenge is for the weak minded.:]

i told you this would be late.

Janet said...

i agree with this quote. Its saying that, everytime you try to get at someone bak your just hurting yourself. You cant alwasy get bak on someone becasue it will never end. An example in my life is, when me and my younger sister fight. We always fight, and when oe gets one thing the other one wants it too. We alwasy ened up getting in troble. We werent surpised tho, cuz we always did. Revege doesnt solve anythiing it could make things worse. Becasue ur just thinking bout wat u are going to do next.

...Mr.Kay i dont have any internet so dont forget to give me ma credit

Anonymous said...

However innocent we may be before we take revenge upon someone - let's say someone that killed your wife inadvertently in a car crash - becomes all but lost once that revenge has been enacted. It makes you just as bad as the initial offender. However even two wrongs may make a situation, they still do not make it right. In my life, I try to get revenge on anybody who double crosses me period. I am a very angry and competitive person once I become irritated, so I try to get revenge on many people. If we don't rally against this way of thinking, people will end up getting hurt. If nobody acts upon revenge then there will be no real incentive for the 'revenger' to stop it, thus the world would probably be a much more heinous place with crime littered throughout every pocket of America.