Thursday, May 28, 2009

Day 25

Current event day. The current event must come from within the last week. As always, no entertainment and no sports. Try and not do one that someone else has done. If you do, then you must somehow comment about theirs (if theirs was done first) in your blog. NO CITE, NO POINTS


Anonymous said...

North Korea tested a nuclear weapon last Monday (Memorial Day). This has frightened some citizens of different countries, but I ask: why? I believe that if North Korea tried to launch a nuke at say, the United States, that we have the border defenses to destroy it before it touches U.S. soil. Also, if North Korea IS stupid enough to try and launch a nuclear weapon at us, we would destroy their nuclear bases with OUR hydrogen bombs. We would clearly win a nuclear fight. But I doubt any form of nuclear warfare will ever happen. The chances that we become that stupid are so incredibly low.

Anonymous said...

To stimulate the economy, the US treasury has decided to invest billions of dollars into GM motors. Although GM seems to be headed into bankruptcy, the 10 to 15% stake seems to be subsiding some stockholders and workers. This hopes to be a tactic to uphold the economic value of GM. One of the major factors that will lead to the success of this plan is support from co creditors. If continuity of American businesses and government plans continue, there may be hope for the economy still. A proposed "New GM" by the government will aim to make speedy profits. This may be used to pay back debts and credits to support the economy.

jay said...
My article is about an Allen Park women who killed her father. She is being charged with second degree murder. According to police the women and her father got in a fight over a dinner roll. The murder took place on Memorial day. The 42 year old women said her father was trying to kill her but the police say they don't think thats what happened. The father was found by the back door with several stab wounds to head, arms and abdomen. Her bond is set at $300,000. She's due back in court on June 8th.

Stefan Kegebein said...
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Stefan Kegebein said...

Just days after North Korea made a test on short range nuclear missiles South Korea and American troops have been put on higher alert. After testing its missiles North Korea threatened military action. On Thursday the level was moved to the second highest notch. This is the first time the alert level has been raised since 2006, when North Korea also tested nuclear weapons. South Korea has joined an American effort to limit the trafficking of weapons of mass destruction. This has obviously angered the North Koreans. In 2008 the North Koreans had agreed to end their nuclear weapons program. They agreed to end its program for economic aid. Right now South Korean and American soldiers are waiting and hoping to see no military aggression from North Korea. I agree with Austin I don’t really see a total all out nuclear war in the near future.

jessecovill said...

Ok so some guy in Bejing decided that his life was in the crapper and wanted to end it by jusmping off a bridge, but was pushed of by some crazy old guy that was a little angry because he got caught in trafic on the bridge. The man that pushed the guy off was said to have a mental illness and was on his way to the hospital to pick up more of his meds. The suicidal guy wanted to kill himself because he was in debt $260,000 from a failed construction project. the bridge that he was on had 11 susicide attempts on it already. The thing i donlt really understaind is why you would want to kill yourself in public, and for every one to see, why not do it in a quite dark place. He didn't really need to kill himself any way, he could have just left town and started a new life, but i guess he wasn't that smart in the first place. I guess the moral of the story is, don't piss off crazy old guys.

JakeCastner said...

A 16-year old black Detroit boy was killed the other day after running from the police. He was a passenger in his cousin's car, and when they got flicked for expired tags, the kid bolted. He was learning-challenged, 5'2" and 110 pounds. Why the police had to tase him I will never know. In any case, they followed him into an abandoned house and tased him to death. That's right, they tased him to death. This may sound unorthodox, but there are over 350 documented cases of tasers killing their victims. Clearly this technology is a little out of hand, and a power adjustment knob may be in order for tasing tiny people like this boy. Tasers are meant to be a non-lethal method of taking a suspect down, but if they are killing people, something is definitely wrong.

jray said...

In LA a openly gay teen was voted prom queen. He was 18 year old, Sergio Garcia. A few days earlier, he gave a speech that won over some cynics and led to an ovation and his unlikely victory. "I will be wearing a suit," he said. "But don't be fooled, deep down I am a queen." Senior class president Vanessa Lo said she and many other students were initially against the idea but were won over by Garcia's speech and became convinced he wasn't just an attention-seeking clown. It seems that their are some people that are becoming more accepting, even though some are not. It began as a stunt but ended up being talk of the town.

ScOtW29 said...

My current event is about a puppy that is being trained to sniff out bombs and drugs. Hes a 4 month old, 12 pound puppy that is being schooled at Georgia national K9 Training center. This is cool because this puppy could be saving many lives when he is grown up. This little puppy could help save our country from an attack. I think that this is cool that you can train them when they are puppys to basicly save peoples lives. These types of things are becoming more and more of a problem. That is why its vital for these dogs to be trained as puppys.

Lil Southkr3w said...
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Lil Southkr3w said...,2933,522659,00.html

today imma be talking about how Debbie McLucas was forced to remove a flag on memorial day. they say it is outraged after being told that the American flag she had hung in her office was offensive. they told her that it had been removed at once. Debbie McLucas works at a Texas hospital as a supervisor at Kindred Hospital in Mansfield, Texas. they told her "the Stars and Stripes she had hung in her office in advance of Memorial Day were offensive, and that the flag had been removed." She said the hospital told her that the American flag flying outside the building would have to suffice. also they said that there was a flag out side that err body can see. in my opinion i think it was wrong for the hospital to tell her to take a flag off her office.

Alan Hernandez

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

My story is about a women who was cashing old lotto tickets to help her family ad ended up winning $10 million. This just proves what can happen if you try and gain money for the right reasons. Do you think she would ever had win that money if it was for a personal gain and not for others? It makes me thing about how much better the world would be if we choose to do things for others and not ourselves. It makes me want to change and it should make all of you feel the same way. I now have the feeling how doing someone a good or somethin. If we do good, good happens those are the rulz!

Anonymous said...

In an arguably less racially-accepting state after the events of 9/11 it's amazing what advances we can make in terms of our leading officials. While a supreme court justice's appointment and selection is out of our hands and wholly dependent on the President and the legislature, the fact that a Latina can be approved is unprecedented. The Republicans should be having the hardest time coping with Her Honour Sotomayor's appointment given their spate of hardline rhetoric on illegal immigration and questionable statements. Given the GOP's less-than-satisfactory standings with all minority ethnic groups, specifically Muslim groups, African-Americans and Latino groups, Obama's appointment of Sotomayor is a feat of pure political prowess. They can neither oppose the move lest they lose what little support they have in those groups or accept it for fear of alienating hardcore conservatives in appointing a liberal non-American woman on top of it. I for one am delighted with the move. This country needs to begin to realize that we're not the only country on the planet and that what makes America great is not democracy or the Army or the Hummer, but the fact that we can intermix such diverse ethnicities with such outstanding results. Granted, there will always be racists, hate-groups or phobics, but the majority of Americans are readily accepting of other cultures and eager to enfold them. As more-or-less a foreigner myself (having been raised in a household effectively separate from American culture) I don't always understand everything myself. I speak to myself in a different language and spell some words differently and even have a slight accent which I can hide most of the time. Still, I don't encounter too much of what I would call "centrism" from most people. Most people want to know how to speak Hungarian, even though they think I'm crazy when I sit there mumbling to myself. This country needs diversity in government to push it forwards. We need progressive thinking not based on anything that will hold us back. Sotomayor is just one step, we need to take more.

ben nicolay said...

For my blog I will take about how pythons are invading the florida everglades. The population of Burmese pythons in Florida's Everglades may have grown to as many as 150,000. They have been dumped in the Everglades by pet owners who no longer want them. These pythons have become a pest and pose a significant threat to endangered species like the wood stork and Key Largo woodrat. Some of these snakes are 15 feet long. That is ridiculous. I wouldn't want to live in florida because of these things. These snakes would scare the crap out of me. I hate those things. I hope these snakes do not migrate to other areas and attack innocent people.

shelbybatlemente said...

My current event today is called:
Obama reiterates call for Israel to halt West Bank settlement activity

I found it at:

Israel must halt West Bank settlement activity and the Palestinians need to increase West Bank security to advance the Middle East peace process, President Obama said Thursday after meeting with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. "I am confident that we can take this process forward if all the parties are willing to ... meet all the obligations that they have committed to," Obama said after meeting with Abbas at the White House. Abbas said his Palestinian Authority was committed to fulfilling its obligations under the 2003 Middle East road map, and both men called for immediate progress in the peace process. The talks came days before Obama is scheduled to meet with Saudi King Abdullah in Riyadh and deliver a long-awaited speech on relations between the United States and the Muslim world in Cairo, Egypt. Last week, Obama pushed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for a firm Israeli commitment to Palestinian statehood as part of the so-called two-state solution -- a position strongly advocated Thursday by Abbas. This effects my society because if we stay close with Israel then they can be our allies. Also if they don't tighten their security then there is going to be much more war and less peace. This is the first step in the Middle East peace process. If we get Israel to stop their West Bank settlement activity then the war in Iraq and other middle eastern countries may stop. This will end the long war that has been going on since 2001. We need this war to end and this movement may stop it.

Kevin Hughes said...

This story was about a teenage girl that left home with her dog and only the dog came back. The little girl's body was found the next day, three miles from her home. She had been beaten, raped, strangled and run over by a car repeatedly. At the time, police had several possible suspects, but not enough evidence for an arrest. In 2006, Kathy's body was exhumed in search of further clues, but authorities were unable to obtain forensics from the remains. This story is really gruesome and it's pretty sad that this crime never got solved.

Stephen Manvydas said...

My blog is going to be about how the U.S. is going to host the next G20 meeting. The white house has agreed with it and the city that will host this wonderful meeting is Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. They say they chose this city due to the fact that once upon a time it seems, Pittsburgh was once a great manufacturing marvel and how the recession effects it. While a lot of the summit leaders expected the U.S. to pick New York i think we were all shocked about Obama's choice. I think this is a good move for Obama and the U.S. For Obama it shows he has the potential to be a great leader and is making sure our country's base is working before he moves onto the rest of it. The summit should be a great thing for the U.S. and i hope it will help end this economic issue. Sadly it is not until September so we have some waiting...

brandonlengyel said...
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brandonlengyel said...
ALOHA, Ore. — An Oregon man spent Memorial Day in jail after dialing 911 to complain that a McDonald's worker was rude and didn't give him an orange juice he ordered. Raibin Osman was accused of improper use of the emergency telephone number.The Oregonian newspaper reports that the 20-year-old bailed out of the Washington County Jail on Tuesday and could not be reached for comment.Sheriff's Sgt. David Thompson said Osman ignored deputies who told him the emergency number isn't to be used for straightening out fast-food orders.A McDonald's employee also called 911 during the incident to complain that Osman and the people with him were blocking the drive-thru lane and knocking on the restaurant windows. Well this is my second time typing this. This guy is a wacko. Thereis always tht one person in our socity that needs to stirrup situations. They do this so they can be noticed. And he got what he wanted front line on This guy did an wierd thing and he payed his price in the slammer. This is my interpertation.

Austen Anderson said...

the age old "why did the chicken cross the road?" is finnaly answered in real life. today in washington the reporters of cnn are reporting that there actually is a chicken which cross the road daily to get nothing less than a "donut". this chicken crosses this road every single morning to get a donut. to be particular, he will not eat cake, chocolate donuts, or an type of fruit sweetener. he will only eat a normal glazed hole donut. i just found this pretty funn and random, that now there actually is a donut that does cross the road, and now o ucan say that this is true. why did the chicken cross the road? for a donut!

Anonymous said...

The leader of Atlanta's police force, and second-highest ranking officer of the International Brotherhood of Police Officers, said he wanted to beat Atlanta's mayor in the head with a baseball bat. He said "I want to beat her in the head with a baseball bat sometimes when I think about it." Within days, the 17 year department veteran was suspended from the police force. The officer said the "it" that made him want to beat the mayor in the head was that, despite repeated complaints, the police union contends the city is not honoring workers' compensation claims for cops whose careers ended when they were seriously injured on the job. I think that this would not be tolerated because being on the police force, they should be trying to set an example for the community rather than saying that they wanted to beat the mayor of the community. Especially if the children of the town heard him say that, then they would think it would be okay to beat people in the head with bats. They would think that only because they heard an officer of the law say it.

BrittanyBarron said...

Ex-soldier apologizes to Iraqi family for raping, killing

My current event is about the sentencing of a former US soilder that raped and killed a family in Baghad in 2006. Green was found guilty in U.S. District Court in Kentucky of raping a 14-year-old girl and murdering her, her parents and her 6-year-old sister in the town of Yusufiya, about 20 miles south of Baghdad. When he tried and conviced of the crime. But when it came to sentecning the jury was could not reach a unanimous decision on the death penalty, which means the judge is required under law to impose a sentence of life in prison without the possibility of parole. I personaly think that the judge should be able to override the decsion and have this man put on death row. Even though he was a US soilder he did not have any right to kill and rape that inoccent family. I belive that if the death sentence wwas used more that it would cut back on crimes wrothy of it like murder and rape that they would not be cimmited less often. I beleive that this soilder should be exuctued.

Unknown said...


so since the michigan economy basically runs my life, once again im going to talk about gm. so now, to secure itsself in the upcoming bankruptcy, general motors will be owned by the government, the one that is supposed to stay out of the economy, outright. well, not outright, but 72.5% will be owned by taxpayers. i mean, honestly i am getting mxed feelings about this. at first glance i am astounded by what is happening. i mean, the government should not have any part in business, let alone at this scale. but then again, had they not, the gm that we, or at least i, all love would not be around. this means that the economy takes an even bigger shit. i mean, a company with a 102 year history, that is rooted right in our community not exist? devestating. now another point of view i see, is that the government shouldnt own that much, because when general motors becomes profitable again(yes, when, not if), then the government will sell all of its stocks. or at least this is what i am seeing. and begin a viscious cycle. because here lies the basic principle of supply and demand. when the government sells off its majority ownership in the company, it will drive general motors' stock prices way down. see what i mean? redundant. this is just one way huge mess and i cant think either way on it. oh, and one other thing, if gm is majority owned by the government, how are they supposed to get non-governmental ideas passed? they will constantly have to think in-the-box with the governmenr. not pushing the limits like they are used to. one huge terrible paradox.

Plaz said...

Im going to do America's fittest cities. At number one is Washington, D.C. I agree wit it because everybody walks to get around. Everything is in walkin distance. Number two is Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn., Number three is Denver, Number four Boston, and Number five San Francisco. I thought New York City would be up there because of the amount of walkin everybody does. I never thought of Minneapolis would be up there. Portland, and Seattle use to be on the list for the amount of activity goin on but Boston, and Minneapolis took their spots. They never said how they get the results but i wanna know how they do because you cant put everybody on a scale and see how much they weigh ha.

Plaz said...

Forgot to cite so here it is

Alex V said...

For todays blog i will be talking about the nba and the series between the cavs and the magic. in the regular season the cavs were 66 and 16. and in the 2008 playoffs they were 8 and 0. Before faceing the magic. The cavs won game 2 in cleveland and then lost the next 2. So clevenland fall to 3 to 1 and fall into a bad spot. Only 8 teams have evry came back to win the series when being down 3 to 1. the last team to come back to win a series after being down 3 to 1 was the 2006 pheniex suns the beat the lakers. ANd the cavs will be the to come back and win.GO Cavs

Panos said...,2933,522659,00.html

My current event is the same as Alan Henandez's. When Debbie in Texas was told to take down her American Flag in her office, our whole family was pissed because our whole family has fought for America in the Military. When I personally heard about her having to take down her American Flag I was absolutly pissed and I was prepared to fly to Texas and knock around some people. Plus even though there is a flag that hangs outside the hospital, how come that is not offensive but having one in your office is wrong? I would have to agree with what Alan said in his blog about how it's wrong to make a US citizen take down an American Flag even though Memorial Day has been accomplished due to the sacrifice of millions of American troops in the wars past and present.

Anonymous said...

A current event you say? GO WINGS, 3-1! I'm only kidding.

Today GM, the nation's largest automaker and for decades an icon of Michigan and also American manufacturing, stood on the edge of bankruptcy and a government takeover. Investors who own a majority of $27 billion in GM bonds agreed Saturday to not fight the plans for a quick bankruptcy process. The deal with bondholders' could make it easier for GM to restructure their vehicles by neutralizing some of the opposition to a bankruptcy filing, but it does not erase the need for the company to seek court protection for making reductions in dealer and labor costs. President Obama will address the nation at 11:30AM tomorrow to discuss the bankruptcy. Obama will explain the motives for the filing and his hopes that this is the best route for a turnaround. This is both good and bad, I think, because the government takeover is getting GM out of bankruptcy but it's also becoming sort of socialistic in that it's now becoming controlled by government rather than private parties.