Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Day 17

Some people love it and some hate it but today we shall free blog. You cannot talk about anything you have previously talked about in a free blog. Stretch your mind. Pick a topic and give an opinion. Something that you like or something that you do not! No free blogging about blogging that will get you no points.


JakeCastner said...

You always hear older people talking about how relaxed things were in the seventies. You could get pulled over drinking a beer, underage, mind you, and the cop would just pour out the beer and let you go on your way. That is awesome, in my opinion. Nowadays, there is such a huge stigma on driving drunk that it is just ridiculous. Now, that is not to say that i condone driving under the influence, but having a vendetta against drunk drivers seems like it's just a fad. Until recently, mothers had nothing against drunk driving officially. Now there are signs, billboards, commercials, subliminal messaging, and all manner of other bull that i don't need to hear. I know that it's not smart to get drunk and get behind the wheel. Everybody knows that, but if you're going to do it, you're going to do it. No amount of billboards is going to stop that. I have never driven drunk. I don't plan on it, either. Actually, i just remebered what this blog was supposed to be about. The seventies seemed awesome. There was good music, cool people, and cheap gas. I wish we could just go back to that, but bring along the technology of today. I realize that this blog ended up being very disorganized and of poor quality, but that is a free blog.

Anonymous said...

Today i will be talking about sports. Recently the Denver Nuggets are up in the dallas mavericks seris 3-1. This is funny to me for a couple reasons. Number one we gave up our point gaurd for their point gaurd and look how that turned out. They may be on their way to a NBA championship and we were knocked out first round. Also we had a chance to get their best player Carmelo Anthony. But instead we got Darko Millichic. I guess it worked out for us in the long run...

jessecovill said...

cars and gas milage. In todays day and age basicly the only thing people want in a car is better gas milage. In the past when there was the true American muscle car which probably only got 17-20 miles to the gallon was acceptable, but now it would be considered not economic...well i say screw that, cuz this summer i might get one of those muscle cars (1970 Cutlass SS to be exact) and i will take every chance to drive that bad boy every were i can, no matter the price of gas. Although it would take a long time to get the money for my dream car i will lover every minute i see it.

Stefan Kegebein said...

Today I am going to blog the Red Wings. They are going into a game 7 with the Anaheim Ducks tomorrow tonight. I not usually one to blame officiating but this series has been poorly officiated. In game 3 the Red Wings scored with like a minute left to send the game into overtime. But, the goal didn’t count because there was a whistle “before” the puck was in the net. Replay shows that the puck was in before a whistle sounded. In game six there were a few questionable calls against the Wings that seemed to keep them out of the game. In all sports I think referees tend to get in the way of a game. They need to just let the players play. Last year NBA referee Tim Donaghy was sent to jail or betting on games he officiated and for giving info to people betting on games he officiated in. So, referees have been receiving lot of criticism as of late.

ScOtW29 said...

For my free blog i am going to talk about the NBA playoffs. In the eastern conference the team to beat is the cavilears. Lebron James is unstoppable and i dont think that any team in the eastern conference will beat them. The hot team right now in the western is the nuggets. Even though the lakers are probably the most talented and best team, the nuggets are playing the best right now. Its going to be an interesting finals. I still think the lakers will win behing kobe. The team i pick to win it all is the lakers.

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

Today I'm going to free blog about a trend that I'm starting to see with my life. I'm starting to see what you could call a decline? I feel growing up, almost like it's to much at one time. I live with my gf, i have a job, i pay parts of the bills. I hate the way things are going, sometimes i forget my age. My life is in this big ball of change to what seems like no life at all and i don't like it. Maybe it is nothing, but now the less I'm afraid for myself. Of course i could just quit my job break up with my gf and turn off my phone, but that's just not realistic to me. It just seems like there is no answer besides to just wait it out, but if i do that things might never change.

ben nicolay said...

For tonight I will talk about the hockey playoffs. Im really pissed of because the penguins are beating the shit out of the capitals. I really wanted the capitals to win. As the looks of it the capitals are going to lose. I just don't like Crosby and thats basically why. I feel the NHL trys to promote him to much and I hate seeing his face all over. Don't get me wrong, Crosby is a good player but I hate how Gary Bettman is basically on his knees praising him. Another thing that pisses me off is how the Red Wings lost last night. I swear if they loose I am going to throw a fit.

shelbybatlemente said...

For tonights free blog I will talk about the Detroit Red Wings and the Anaheim Mighty Ducks current series. Tomorrow the Wings will be playing the Ducks for game 7 in the series. This is an important game because it will determine who will be going on to the finals. I personally want the Wings to win of course because they are from my home state and I grew up watching them. But I also think that Anaheim has a great hockey team. We are both really good and I think that is why we are going all 7 games. Some of the previous games where we scored weren't counted. This i think is stupid because some of those goals the Wings scored and they did go in. The referee's in this series aren't doing a good job. As for the other hockey teams in the playoffs the Penguins are doing very well. The Capitals are getting their asses kicked by the Penguins. This is good because I like the Penguins more than I like the Capitals. I would also like to see our Red Wings take on the Penguins. I'd like to see what it would be like to verse them in the finals. But getting back to Anaheim I think that we are a very good team and do stand a chance in winning tomorrow nights game!

Anonymous said...

For todays blog I will write about my hobbies. I have had a obsession with knives and close combat weapons since I was a young kid. I have collected many of knives and swords for many of years and as of right now I have more than one hundred in my possession. I have collected many of different types of blade that range from throwing blades to katanas, as well as hatchets and axes. Although most of them are not within reach, because I have them stored but I have a handful and more that are with me. I have never really gotten into guns because they were never my type of weapon and they are to dangerous for me to own. With younger siblings around the house I have to keep all my weapons away from them so they do not get hurt. Blades have been my favorite type of weapons because they are easily concealed depending on what you have. I never use them to kill anything or even to use, I just have them as a collection.

Anonymous said...

Ughh.. Just came back from a jazz concert that the jazz band did. It wasn't bad in my opinion, but I hated doing my solo. I never get them when I play the bari, but in every single song we get there's some sort of solo. Most of the time, Green gives it to someone else so I don't have to worry about fifty different solos, but I don't care I don't like playing in front of people. Methinks I messed up, but everyone else says no. I think they're just trying to be nice. What I really feel bad about is heaping a solo onto Devin Bruen because I couldn't come up with something for Pick up The Pieces off the top of my head. I mean considering she was just given it yesterday, she did excellent. Nevertheless, I still feel like a total dick doing that to her. But, I guess it's all-right because she's getting even with me and giving me the solo she cant do. Only hope I can. I hate getting stage fright. It's the worst feeling thinking that everyone is looking at you and judging you because you know that's exactly what they are doing. Guess I'll just have to grow some balls and suck it up, no?

kirkwhitt said...

Mparents need to see my side: So colloge is defenitly not for me right now. I can barly stand high school so i know I wont last in collage right now. So I have decided to join the Army. My parents are pushing me to do my basic training this summer, the only problem is that this is really my last summer. After I graduate with every one they are going to collage.. no summer vacation. That is why I want to do my basic training senior summer when everyone goes to collage and what not. I want this up cumming summer to be really my last summer to hang out with everyone. My parents dont see it that way, they want me to go to basic training this summer, that way it is dune and affical. My mom is evean bribing me with paying for my tattoo. I feel that they are in a way just trying to get me out of the house this summer, only because they refuse to see my side, it really sucks when your parents are really trying to inforce a part of your life, and they dont listen to you. I just wish they would see what I am saying.

Stephen Manvydas said...

My blog today is going to be about the Greek gods, just to keep it about what were learning about and also some of the upcoming movies. I have know a little about these gods seance i was a little kid. it would have started off with Hercules and all of those crazy other gods. Hercules is probably one of the lamer gods just due to all the cheesy movies that its been made into. My favorite Greek god is Prometheus. its been along time sense i have read anything about him so i cant go into detail about him. Now onto the movies, this late spring hits are Wolverine, Star Trek, Terminator Salvation and of course Transformers 2. All of these movies are going to be great and i do enjoy how the big hits are all action movies. Iv seen Star Trek and Wolverine so far and i would give Wolverine a 4.9 and Star Trek a full 5. I have never been a Trek fan but this movie is just unbelievable.

Alix Dickson said...

For this blog i am going to talk about this upcomming summer vacation. This summer i am going to spend two weeks camping up north with my family and my friend kaitlyn. Usually we only go camping for about 1 week, this summer my parents want to go for two weeks. I really dont wanna go for two weeks because that is a really long time to be stuck in a trailer with my parents. Im really hopeing i can convince my parents to go for only one week but i dont know if they are going to listen to me. At least my grandparents live up north so maybe i can stay in their house for a couple of days. After we get back i have the whole rest of the summer free to do whatever i want to.

brandonlengyel said...

Today i had a lax game. We won to start it off. I got to start and finish the whole game. I let up two goals were to as the other team let up 17 goals. I had 16 shots on me and had 4 50yard clears (passes). I belive that this was my greatest game so far this year i almost had the shut out intill we got the lead and our coach threw in the back up players. They did very well and ended up scoring 8 of our 17 goals. I also came out to get the ball, which was int the brighteset idea and got crossed checked in the back. There was no penalty but me and that player echanged a few words after i slashed him with my stick. We now start playoffs and i feel as well as my team fells that i will be starting in net for the playoffs. We kick it off on sat. against walled lake central. This game has shown me that i can do this and lead a team to a victory.

jay said...

My topic is summer vacation. I like it, I like it alot. I think summer vacation is awesome. I can sleep in. Most of all I don't have to do homework.I don't have to spend all day in school. I can do what I want and enjoy the outdoors. I can spend time with my buds when I'm not working or sleeping. I can go camping, fishing, swimming and so much more! And this year I'll have my license. Awesome! This is my last summer before I graduate, I'm so gonna enjoy it! Hope you all have a great one!

jray said...

Today I want to talk about people that think it is a good idea to drop out of highschool. These people make me very angry because they are clueless to what it is going to take to have a good life without at least a GED. I'm not saying that you have to go to school and get all A's to have a decent future, but if you don't have any kind of skills or education you can't do anything these days. It's not like years ago where you could drop out and go join the ford plant. Michigan's economy is bad because these companies that used to be supplying all these jobs are lossing money. It's not a bad thing to live for today, but if you don't do any kind of thinking or planning of some possities you might get stuck doing something that you hate. You may not even be able to get a job that is decent enough to live off of.

Anonymous said...

So today i am going to talk about the drug bust that just went down a few minutes ago. I was on my way to get pop when i passe 4 cops (1 had a K9 with them) and a crappy old car. When i first rolled past i figured that this guy got pulled over for speeding. But as i got closer i saw these cops just tearing up this guys car and then i realized it was yet another drug bust in my neighborhood. Some people would call this bad but it all depends on how you look at it. For me i know alot of the people who are in the game and live in my neighbor. This is mostly because i grew up around them and went to the same school and such. i personally happen to like them all and yeah its unfortunate that they do drugs but they are still really nice people. When i saw this bust going down i thought back to someone i knew who got busted and the damage they did to his car. The cops cut all my friends wires tore the seats out of the cars ripped them to shreds and more. By the time they were done the entire car was stripped clean and destroyed. I think that its major bull that the cops get away with doing that kind of stuff. I understand that they have a job but is it really necessary to totally ruin your car in the process. Its not like taking the stuff out and just disconnecting it properly is going to kill them or anything. And our nations drug war has basically failed anyway so really whats the whole point. I mean there is no way your going to stop it or even control it but i think if we just let what happens happen and just keep it in control there would not be as much violence or popularity of it.

Anonymous said...

I would like to express how I feel about "eternity". Eternity is defined as "infinite time". The thought of life never ending scares the hell out of me. If you think about it, you'll know what I mean. Just think, you're going to die one day, but that's not when your life ends. You will go on to do other things, forever. Won't you get bored of being aware of what's going on? Won't you ever just want to go to sleep and never wake up? I just find the idea of never stopping terrifying. I also believe that we have past lives, and that I will go on to live in another place when I die. Death is a very scary thing that I'm no where near ready for. It will be a one time thing, too, so you'll never know what to expect, and I just find that very scary.

Unknown said...


so im going to talk about somewhat part of a conversation i just had with my aunt that i barely see if ever. basically, we both agree that these days, people just vote for the candidates in elections who seem to be the best "hollywood character" for a lack of better words. i mean look, we just got rid of a terrible mayor in detroit, who was mainly elected because he was somewhat a thug. and now our president. i feel he was elected because people couldnt resist being a part of the bandwagon. im not saying we really had any better outcomes possible, with mccain or clinton, but really? socialized medicine? taking over industry? taking a majority stockholding in multinational companies? that isnt american to me. coming from a man who promised to uphold the american constution, with all the lassies-faire economics. im not saying let aig chrysler or gm fail, but at least support them, and let them make their own decisions. with our new "president's" decisions, we lost the best ceo that general motors ever had. that being rick wagoner.i mean, now a days, i dont think we evern live in the land of the free. it is becoming more socialist as we speak. with barack obama getting everything he wanted passed through congress. this is an outrage. i bet soon there will be laws against slandering the government. just wait.

Alex V said...

For todays blog the will be talking about the nba and the cleveland cavilers. In the 2008 playoffs the cavs have swept the pistons and the hawks in the first and second round. Also the cavs star player lebron james has won the nbas MVP. This is lebrons first MVP but he has only been in the nba for 6 years and he is only 24 years old. I think in the finals it will be the cavs vs the nuggets. Thats also means that it will be a macth up of two players from the 2003 draft class. In lebron vs carmelo. Mo williams was also in that draft class as well. But i think in the end the cavs will win the title this year.

Plaz said...

Im goin to talk about what is on my mind. Today sucked untill 7 pm. One of my friends that i lost contact wit added me on myspace today and that made my day sooooooooooo much better. Havent talked to her in a year and a half. I thought i would never talk to her again and now that i am im in a really good mood!!! Also i was thinkin bout my future. What i want to do is be a rapper, record producer, or open and own a barber shop. Those are my main careers that i want. If i dont get those then i gotta find a rich wife haha jus kiddin. Also im thinkin bout how people think they know you when they dont know you at all. Like today a kid was talkin stuff bout me over myspace and i dont even know him. It jus bugs me when people do that. So yea thats what was on my mind tonight.

Kevin Hughes said...

For today's free blog I guess i'll write about the benefits of meditation. Buddhism and other far eastern religions have always fascinated me, and meditation is something that usually comes with that. I guess a lot of people would think it's boring to essentially do nothing, but I think it's one of the most interesting things you can do. It's a lot like music in the sense that you don't (or rather, shouldn't) do it for any real purpose, other than the enjoyment of it. The best way i've heard it being described it "grooving with the present", although that sounds very hippie-ish. The important thing to remember is that the past and future are just concepts, there is only now, obviously. Meditation brings me peace because it brings me to the present, and it silences the incessant talking that goes on in my head. I firmly believe that if you're always thinking to yourself in words, you dwell too much in the world of symbols, and really miss the point of what being alive is all about.

Panos said...

My free blog is about how people who have a job complain about it when they have to work. Yesterday I had to work till 10 at night and I was really tired after I got done with work. While I was there though the people I was working with really pissed me off because it was a bad day since there was rain and the weather didn't look that great so all of the people worked with were saying that they were so pissed that they have to work and wish they could have the day off. After thinking about it for a little bit I thought that these kids are really stupid because at least they have a fricken job.

Austen Anderson said...

sicne we have a free blog tonite, i will be talking about how to pick your friends. today i learned that you have to trust some people, and not trust others. some people are who they say they are, but other are not. i have recently had a friend just pretty much screw me over for someone who uses him. im nto going to mention any names, but im just saying, before you trust anyone, make sure you know who they are who they say they are. now that i have gone through this, it makes me feel pretty stupid that i fell into this trap. but whatever, theres nothing i can do now. but from now on im going to choose my friends more wisely.

BrittanyBarron said...

Ok so don't take this the wrong way but my free blog should be about how the governement should lower the drinking age. First and for most if they lower the drinking age back to 18 it would be good all round. I belive there would be less teenage drunk driving accidents. Less MUIs that are handed to teens. Less beniage drinking that results in underage drinking deaths and less teens tring to get achol from an outside soucre. The fowlling are stastics from MADD's website: a 2008 Study found that young adults aged 18 to 22 enrolled full time in college were more likely than their peers not enrolled full time to use alcohol in the past month, binge drink, and drink heavily. Past month alcohol use was reported by 63.7 percent of full-time college students compared with 53.5 percent of persons aged 18 to 22 who were not enrolled full time. Binge and heavy use rates for college students were 43.6 and 17.2 percent, respectively, compared with 38.4 and 12.9 percent, respectively, for 18 to 22 year olds not enrolled full time in college, nearly half (48 percent) of all of the alcohol consumed by students attending 4-year colleges is consumed by underage students Each year, drinking by college students, ages 18-24, contributes to an estimated 1,700 student deaths, almost 600,000 injuries, almost 700,000 assaults, more than 90,000 sexual assaults, and 474,000 engaging in unprotected sex. In 2001, 2.8 million college students drove a car while under the influence of alcohol. I beleive that if we lower the drinking age that these will lower because of the fact teens won't fell like they have to hide it or go underground with supervision. Statics also show that when the drinking age was 18 in the 70's that deaths and arests were lower than they are with the drinking age at 21. For your thought, at 18 you can fight and die for your country but you can not have an achololic drink.

Janet said...

I want to talk bout the summer 0f 09. this summer i want to do soo many things but we have little time. My family has plans of going to Cali for awhile. We have alot of family, so i know i will have funn. I can go to the ocean and swim and get a tan. Also, ma cuzzin and i are going to cedar point in july. im really excited to go becasue cedar point is fun. im probabably going to get a job so this might ruin alot of my plans. i know for a fact im going to hang out with friends. Have sleep overs, go to the movies. Ofcourse im going to party. the summer is the best time to go to a party.

Lil Southkr3w said...

today imma free bog about hats. i have many different hats from baseball teams to clothing companies. as of rite now i have 9 hats from different colors. i have about 6, 59 fifty hats in my room. i have detroit hats and also have kr3w hats. also i have two southpole hats and they are not 59 fifty hats. i have black hats red hats and white hats. my favorite hats as of rite now is a red 59 fifty hat i have. i be thinkin of getting more hats dis summer. when i start workin imma save money and get a loud of hats.

mr kay dont forget to give me credit for this blog. remember i dont have internet so i cant have them down on time.

Alan Hernandez

Anonymous said...

I'm going to bitch about girls in this free blog. Chicks seem to really mess with a guy's heart. Apparently they know the right words to say at the wrong time that just set you off or make you sad or simply distort your way of something. I'm bitching about this because just recently, a girl that I've been becoming very close with hurt me. It suppose it's not WHAT she said that hurt. Rather it was what she neglected to say. She lied to me about some other guy that she has been dating as well as me. Obviously I was extremely pissed about it, thus I'm free blogging about it.I don't understand girls. It seems that just when you think you figure them out, that's when you lose the game. Ah, girls are simply trouble at seventeen years old.