Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Day 13

Today we shall current event. Please make sure you cite in the blog. NO CITE, NO POINTS. You should also avoid doing a current event that someone else has blogged about. The only way you can do so is if you react to their blog and then find a different article that supports or refutes what they were saying.


Austen Anderson said...

Credit Cards

today in cnn, they were talking about ow credit cards are ruining americans lives."Credit card debt is our biggest hindrance in being able to take care of our families and set ourselves up for prosperity," said finance student Brad Chaffee, 34, of Charlottesville, Virginia. thats what one person they interviewed said. if americans didnt have credit cards they would be having $15 billion dollars ore a year. that means we are giving that much money away in just penalty fees. the way this complies with our lives today is that almost everyone in the world has a credit card. and 90% of the people who do have credit card debt. im sure you marc have a credit card and credit card debt, just look at how many people are giving money away for just basically useing others money. they are giving away $15 billion each year just for borrrowing that money for that month or however long it takes to pay it off.

Ha, first blog today bitches! lol. just had to add that

JakeCastner said...

In south Florida, a family is vacating a 1.2 million dollar home. The house is fully drywalled with inferior chinese drywall. The drywall emits an odor of rotten eggs, and has been causing the family health problems since they moved in. Upper respiratory problems, ear infections, and bloody noses are just a few of the health problems posed by the inferior drywall. The family's doctor, Dr. Ross Nochimson, told the family that they need to vacate the premises because they are constantly ill. Most of the drywall complaints are coming from florida, but the closest complaint to us is ohio. We all know that the chinese industries put out harmful, inferior products, but if using the products causes health drawbacks for entire families, we might have to fully boycott the chinese goods. In addition to the health troubles, the fumes from the drywall are suspected to corrode copper, causing home appliances to fail. The home is 18 months old, and the wiring is corroded horribly in the electrical outlets and air conditioning. This is clearly a serious problem, and if you suspect you may have recieved some rotten egg chinese drywall, you should contact the builder and demand that he redo all of the drywall. Another thing you should do is to contact the people who published this article.

ben nicolay said...

For my blog I will talk about how the taliban is trying to take over the country of Pakistan. The taliban is another terrorist group just like the Al-queda. They are all a bunch of extremeists. They are to take over territory near capital of Islamabad. They are trying to take over the capital because that is where nuclear weapons are. The taliban wants to get their hands on them and use them against the world. I think this group needs to be stopped. Everyone knows what Al-queda was capapble with the attacks of 9/11. No one knows what the taliban are capable of. The Pakistan governent needs to get control of it's people and whip them into shape.

Stefan Kegebein said...

As you may have heard on April 27th there was a low flying plane in New York City. People in the streets and buildings were panicked when the saw a huge jet that low to the city. The thought of 9/11 or another terrorist attack had come to their minds. The plane really just turned out to be a photo shoot. President Obama was quoted as saying the photo shoot made him furious. This current event impacts everyone because it cost $328,835 in American tax payer money. I think almost everyone can remember the day of Sept. 11th, 2001 and can image the scene in New York the day of April 27th. It should anger many Americans and New Yorkers that this entire ordeal could have been avoided. It has been announced that the photos will be released to the public in the near future.

jay said...
My article is about a 3 month old baby thrown ouy of a car in Florida. A 21 year old man is being charged with first degree murder. A person passing by found the baby. The medical examiner fount the baby died from blunt trauma to the head. The police were called at 315 am to the baby's momma's. The report said that the man(an ex byfriend) had hit her several times and threatened to kill them. During the fight the man threw the baby across the room. the baby feel on the concrete floor. Then the man drove off and threw the baby out of the car on to the road.The child was found at 430 am. The man is facing additional charges of burglary with battery, felony battery, aggravated child abuse and kidnapping. When reporters asked the man why he did it he said,""It's a dirty game. A dirty game." All I have to say is WTF.

ScOtW29 said...

My article is about a man that murdered a baby. The police say that the man through a 3 month old boy out of a moving car on a Tampa Interstate. The child belonged to his former girlfriend. He snatched the baby from her apartment and took off with him. I cant beleive that someone would do something like this. First of all he stole the baby, which is generally a bad thing and to top it off he throw him out of a car. I think that this guy deserves to die honestly. To do something like that you have to wonder if the guy is human. This guy must have serious problems. When asked by reporters if he had thrown the child out of the car window, McTear answered, "It's a dirty game. A dirty game."

jray said...

Lately, their has been a huge push for the leaglization of marijuana. Because of the new laws for medical marijuana to become avaible, their has to be stores where they can get it from. These stores that are licensed to distribute the marijuana have to give about half a million dollars just in taxes that go straight to the government. They also bring up that one of the reasons why alcohol was legalized again was because of the economy. "There are some parallels to that now", said Jeff Miron.In a 2007 study, Jon Gettman, a senior fellow at George Mason University's School of Public Policy, valued the American marijuana trade at $113 billion annually. This money could be put back into the economy with this new job feild. It would also lower the crime rate and give some people a second chance.

Alix Dickson said...

My current event is about GM shutting down plants in Michigan. General Motors Corp. will temporarily close all or portions of 23 engine, transmission and parts factories across the U.S. for several weeks. The closures affect more than 18,000 hourly and salaried workers. Some parts plants will close for eight or nine weeks, while others will see only one product assembly line shut down. GM also will pay salaried workers 75 percent of their pay during the closure. This affects me because both of my parents work for GM. My moms plant in Pontiac happens to be one of the plants that is temporarily closing in the summer.;_ylt=

Anonymous said...

For todays blog I am going to talk about how a family from south Florida has forced out of their home by drywall made in china. They claim the drywall is emitting vapors that smell like rotten eggs. The 18 year old daughter is pregnant with her first child and she claims the smell was making her physically, mentally and emotionally sick. She says she had to get out of the home. Also their doctor said they need to get out of the $1.2 million estate in Parkland, Florida. A study done for the Florida health department by private laboratory Unified Engineering Inc. found that samples of certain Chinese drywall gave off a sulfurous odor from "volatile sulfur compounds" when exposed to extreme heat and moisture. I personally think that would kill someone or even the young girls baby that was living with this drywall in their home. I would have to say that the idea of having that certain drywall in any home would make me not even want to put any kind of drywall in my home. If the drywall that comes from china is doing that, what makes my think the drywall coming from anywhere would do the same thing. I would just be safe and try not to use drywall just for that reason.

Anonymous said...

I am going to be talking about the swine flu. Recently swine flu and borke out tremendously. People are freaking out and schools are being closed down. But scientist are sayign it will go away for the summer but then comeback during the fall. And when people hear this you no when fall comes around its going to be crazy again. The media runs today's society. Without the media the workd i think would be a better place. People wouldnt be so worried about some pointless thing they heard on channel four at 7. The would maybe be more worried about what is going on in their own life sometimes.;_ylt=ArBLq0LSuoFtZDmB5oJ7Cyys0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTM3cWJyMDlmBGFzc2V0A2hzbi8yMDA5MDUwNi9zd2luZWZsdWxpa2VseXRvcmV0dXJudG91c25leHR3aW50ZXIEY3BvcwM3BHBvcwMxNQRzZWMDeW5fdG9wX3N0b3J5BHNsawNzd2luZWZsdWxpa2U-

Lil Southkr3w said...

today im going to be talkin about the 49 people killed after plane slams into New York home. 44 people that where in the plain died and 4 crew members dies to. this happen on thursday the 12 of feb. the location is in Clarence Center, New York. also the police people said that some guy was in the house and he also died. also 2 other people in the house suffered minor injuries and were taken to a local hospital. i think dat hrrible that people died but dats what happen. there is many assidents like this that happen all the time. like a plain landing on the lake. also a great example would be when the two plains crashed into the twin towers.

Alan Hernandez

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

So here is the deal on what happened. There was a bombing of afghan towns for no reason, about 120 were killed. Red cross reported this, and is taking care of the people including kids and women. Of course the u.s. is denying all of it and it pisses me off. This effects me because it just proves how shitty our leaders are. We need new people in office, people who are not aiming to kill anything that moves. In end, i think this was wrong of them to do that, it was pretty much a purposeless kill.

jessecovill said...

many Afgan civilians have bee killed in recent air stricks in western Afganistan. I personaly thought we would be done with Afganistan by now and have some sort of peace with them. This war is apparently with the taliban and civilians have been getting themselvs killed and more and more people are becoming concerned with this, i could really care less, they shouldn't have been standing swhere they were standing, don't they know there is a war going on or are they that nieve? I guess that hilary clinton spoke about this tradgy, i thought she had stoped campaigning, does she know the presidency has been won.

Unknown said...


so im going to talk about how ford is planning on releasing an electric counterpart to the chevy volt. it is the new electric ford focus, or the focus compact. ford is reportedly spending $550 million to bring this new car to market. thankfully, this will be built right here in michigan. however, they are revamping a plant that has serviced ford's suv's in the past. the plant that is being converted produces expeditions, excursions, navigators, and their best selling f-series. i personally feel double sided on this one. i mean yeah, electric costs less and is better for the environment, but ford is just jumping on the bandwagon and not really evaluating all of the ramifications i feel. historically, suv's and trucks are the highest profitable part of automotive companies, so in effect they are cannabilizing profits.,0,652927.story

and Ha, first blog today bitches! lol. just had to add thati wish i could tell you i cared, but then i'd be lieing.

shelbybatlemente said...

My current event is called: Obama will slice budget by $17 Billion

I found it at:

The White House on Thursday will detail a proposal to save $17 billion next year by eliminating or reducing 121 federal programs, according to a senior administration official. Roughly $11.5 billion of the savings would come from the discretionary side of the fiscal 2010 budget -- that is, for programs whose funding is not automatic. And roughly half of the savings would come from non-defense programs, the official said Wednesday."In many cases we have multiple programs that do the same things," the official said in a briefing call with reporters. "Duplication can be the enemy of efficiency." In other cases, the results of the targeted programs didn't justify the expense, the official said. There are many programs on the President's Chopping Block. Among them are: A long-range navigation system now made obsolete by the GPS which costs $35 million, An early education program called Even Start, the performance of which had been poor which costs $66million, A Department of Education attaché position in Paris which costs $$632,000, The Christopher Columbus Fellowship Foundation, which only pays out 20% of its funds in awards every year which costs $1 million, and a program that pays states to clean out abandoned mines even after the mines have been cleaned out which costs $142 million. The proposed program eliminations and reductions will be part of the release Thursday of the president's 2010 budget request. White House will propose cutting or reducing funding for more than 100 federal programs in latest salvo in 2010 budget fight. This impacts my society because if he makes all these program and budget cuts sooner rather than later we are going to lose a lot of our funding and programs. Some of the programs he is cutting our very important to our country and getting rid of them won't help. While others should be cut and aren't being cut. President Obama is planning on cutting many programs that our country actually benefits. He is making our country worse. Sure, he is making our budget higher by doing so but its not helping us!

Anonymous said...

A woman who survived a shotgun shot to the face is the first ever to receive a face transplant. I find this really remarkable and incredible. Medicine has come so far in the past 100 years alone, it's insane. 60 years ago, if you had cancer, you were most likely going to die. Now, the odds of you beating cancer are greater than you dieing of cancer. In 50 years, face transplants will be so seamless and realistic looking, it will be insane. I'm very fortunate to live in a generation where medicine is so powerful and strong. This story doesn't affect me directly, but it affects my future. Doctors are discovering new ways to treat people of awful diseases every year, and that makes me feel safe.

brandonlengyel said...
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brandonlengyel said...

Should we care if Favre is being selfish?
Could Brett Favre be the most selfish athlete in NFL history?
The hand-wringing about whether to quit or keep playing that held the Packers hostage for years.
The bitter 2008 season with the Jets, all about him trying to make the Packers look bad for slamming the door on his butt when he finally left. This guy even though i dispise himvery much so he is hands down one of the greatest athletices in the game of football. He wanted to still play football even though he said he was going to retire. He made this choice to come back to late though witch screwed his team. So he is not selfish for that he still wanted to play the game he loved. This refletecs to everbody elese life in a way that if you still have it in you to go on and play more for that go ahead and do so. Never give up something to earley.

Alex V said...

For todays current event i will be talking about president obama cuting budgets. They plan to be cutting over 17 billion dallors. The White House on Thursday will detail a proposal to save $17 billion next year by eliminating or reducing 121 federal programs. The cuts are likely to be the first of many to come, the official said. This is an important step, but it's just the first step. We will continue to search for additional savings and efficiencies. The administration has proposed in its 2010 budget request that Congress create a $634 billion health care reform reserve fund. The White House said the fund represents a "down payment" on health care reform so the growth of costs can be slowed over time. This kind of stuff is good to hear so our econmey gets back on track.

Plaz said...

My current event is a school took away every kids cell phone at school after school shooting. Last Tuesday(May 5th 2009) a kid had shot himself commiting suicide during school. The school went on lockdown, took all the kids phones away from them, and then eventually put all the high schooler's into the middle school so they could investigate the suicide. The parents didnt know this. The school had not told 1 parent about what happened. So the parents who knew their kid had a phone wit them at school and the kid wasnt textin back or callin back some parents started to worry. The article says the kids had no problem wit givin up their cell phones. Was this a good thing to do or bad? Some say its good so the kids didnt spread rumors of what was happenin. Thats probably the only good reason. I think this wouldve been good if the school had contacted every parent to let them know what was happenin. It was a bad thing to do because the parents who know their kid have a phone on them at school and their kid isnt textin or callin them back started to worry. If i were the principal i wouldve told the teachers to tell the kids to text their parents that they were on lockdown and to call school if they had any questions. This way would be a lot quicker of tellin parents. So i think what the school did was a bad thing because there wasnt a killer in the school so if somebodys phone did go off it wouldnt really matter because nobody wouldve got hurt. If their was a killer i would agree that takin all the kids phones away was a smart idea but the school shouldve somehow contacted parents when they had the chance. Thats just what i think.

Plaz said...

Forgot to cite it so heres the cite.

Stephen Manvydas said...

My topic today is going to be about how the U.S. wants better ties with Russia. President Barack Obama has said the US and Russia have an "excellent opportunity" to improve relations on a "whole host of issues". is what one BBC News reporter wrote. I completely agree, the U.S. and Russia need to work on bettering their issues before the whole world suffers from the fallout. Obama is said to go and visit Russia this July and with this visit we hope the Cold-Warish Era will finally settle down. I was born about two years after the cold war and after hearing all the stories of what could have happened i do not plan on it happening in my life time. A modern day cold way could, very possibly end out world as we know it. I do think we all have flaws but i don't think nuclear annihilation is in any of our dreams, best of luck to Obama.

INTERNET DOWN on Wednesday -- forgot to tell you Thursday, sorry

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Well, considering the date I guess something from today is in order. On a side note: does everyone get their news from CNN? That explains many people's opinions on subjects... Also, should be back in school on Monday Mr. Kay. Have hada great time sleeping all week...

Well, with deference to all the Catholics in the class (not that too many people actually read other's blogs anyways) I'm going to post something about a man I find revolting, disgusting and incredibly racsist. So naturally, I mean the Pope. Don't take me to be anti-Catholic, I'm just anti-Benedict. He's been the worst pope I've seen yet. Pope John Paul II brought a better name to the church, Benedick is undiong what little good name the church had amassed in record time. Now, after his slip-ups with comments on the Holocaust, homosexuals and Muslims, the Middle East and the Israel are reeling from a visit by the pontific legacy. He plans to visit Yad Vashem, Israel's largest Holocaust rememberance museum and that has raised an uproar given his Nazi-youth League past as well as previously anti-semitic comments made in front of the world. Benedict has a long way to go to become another John Paul, and atthe rate he's falling from grace, he's bound to be ousted before he brings the church to PR ruin. My point on all of this is I wonder how ardent Catholics can allow such a man in office. I don't remember much about religion, but I know enough to say that is NOT what is supposed to represent the Catholics. He's a monster. I've heard several speeches on BBC and the things he's said rival Ahmadinejad's comments on the level of global ire they raised. The man is racsist and clearly out of touch with reality. He should have never been elected by the Vatican and he certainly should not be followed as an example.

Janet said...
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Janet said...

Ohio Christian school tells student to skip prom. At this school a student cannot be dancing, hand-holding and kissing will be suspended. Tyler Frost he is 17yrs old and never been to dance before. He wants to attend his girlfriends prom Saturday. " Frost agreed to the school's rules when he signed a statement of cooperation at the beginning of the year, principal Tim England said" If he attends prom he will be not be able to attend graduation but will recive his diploma. Also, if frost is involved with sex or alchol he will be suspended his princible said. Frost stepdad said that these rules should not be included outside of schoool. But since you need permisson from your princliple to go to another schools dance. frost got his princple to sign it but he lectured him about it and got the staff and church communitte involved as well. i think that it doesnt matter what kind of skool you go to, if you want to go to ur girlfriends prom. i also dont see how dancing is an immoral act.

Anonymous said...

Pakistani forces have killed as many as 200 Taliban militants in the past day in their respective region. News teams could not verify the account because journalists are barred from the region, but the military blamed the Taliban for injuring civilians as the offensive entered its third week. I, as an American, think that its good that these people are being killed. The Taliban is a horrible group of people in my eyes. It's fucked up, though, because in their minds their actions are justifiable and moral. I can't grasp how any person could think that murdering people is right, and I don't think it's because I wasn't raised that way. I think that people are innately good and that they are corrupted by their own volition. People have innately good morals. They experience cognitive dissonance, so they blame their actions on other things like their environment and such. It's ludicrous.

Miranda Adams said...
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Miranda Adams said...

"Atlantis is poised to blast off just after 2 p.m. Monday for NASA's last visit to Hubble." the Atlantis (rocket) was supose to go and repair hubble. it is needing meany repairs and updates. they hope to keep it running for at least 10 more years. i think this is really kool because it keeps up discovering the many things we still dont know what is out there today. as we lear we anser some of our wildest questions. so i think it amazing how people in our life time have leard all these kool ways just to do that. dont you want to know whats out there?