Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Day 12

Pick a theme, any theme. Then find a quote for the theme. Make sure you credit the author of the quote. Then find a song that goes with the theme. Last, discuss the meaning of the theme and the song and how they work together to show your true feelings about your theme.


Anonymous said...

The theme i chose for this topic is deception. A famous quote in shakespeares Macbeth says to "have the appearance of a flower, but a snake underneath." I think this is very relevant today. Business people, friends and even family members put on an act, but before you know it they are talking behind your back. This is even more apparent in hollywood where deception and lies are underneath every story. A ironic and accurate song to represent this theme is the song by Brittney Spears "womanizer." A man can charm and entice a woman but goes behind her back and cheats on her.

Anonymous said...

My theme is deception. “We are never deceived; we deceive ourselves.” -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The song that I choose is "Long Division" by Death Cab for Cutie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bon1C9d-VE0

The song is about how a man can't say no to a great opportunity. When in reality, it's a "trap".

"He was always distracted by the very mention of an open door, cause he has sworn not to be what he'd been before."

The quote is saying that the right "choice", if you will, is always laid out before us, but we can choose to be blind to it if our more shallow needs take hold of us. This theme is very relevant to my life right now, mainly because of a girl, but I won't go in to that.

JakeCastner said...

Ambition is a quote that has shown up all throughout historical literature. Ambition drives men to do crazy things, often showing up in the form of greed and hunger for power. A quote relevant to ambition is that "Great ambition is the passion of a great character. Those endowed with it may perform very good or very bad acts. All depends on the principals which direct them.” Napoleon said this, and it rings true. Ambition got Obama into the white house, and it drove Pablo Escobar to create a drug empire. It all just depends on what your personal ambitions are. In the music world, 2pac sings of his Ambitionz as a Ridah. In this song, he sings about growing up seeing his elders getting rich through drug dealing and murder. These ambitions led to him being a rap singer

Alix Dickson said...

The theme i picked is experience. My quote is A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way by Mark twain. The song i chose is "Lose Yourself" by Eminem which describes his experiences with rapping. This theme means that Experience is one of the biggest ways we learn and grow. both the quote and the song talk about learning from experience. The quote is saying that experience is sometimes the only way to learn something. The song is saying that experience good or bad is the only way your going to improve and suceed

ben nicolay said...

The them I will choose is motivation.“Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the motivation that continue's to count"-Winston Churchill. Everyone has their own motivation to do something. The motivation pushes them to achieve their goal. This is also related to the song Till I Collapse by Eminmem. Eminem is motivated to speak his mind and hes going to do it till the day he dies. The other people that have beef with him is what motivates him to keep rappin and to be the best. The quote and the song are related by that they explain that motivation is why you do this wheather you succeed or fail. Everyone was is motivated by one thing or another. It just depends wheather the motivation is for the good or evil.

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

Theme - Goals/Devotion

Song - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLK-74mmGl8

"I know the price of success: dedication, hard work, and an unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen." - Frank Lloyd Wright

My theme is Goals and dedication to those goals. Without the dedication goals are nothing. You need to be focused on those goals and dedicate to getting there. My song and my quote both come together pretty nicely i think. They both focus on my topic well. My song is focuses on on never backing down from a goal and to head on. My quote tells about the work that it takes to get there along with the dedication.

Kevin Hughes said...

My theme is expectation. This is also the theme of the song I chose, Smells Like Content by The Books: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHNArEfBKdc. A quote that pertains to this is “The secret to true happiness is a combination of low expectations and insensitivity”, said by Olivia Goldsmith. The meaning of this theme is that most of us go through life expecting too much or the wrong thing. Suffering and unhappiness obviously comes from not getting what you desire. A lot of people don't realize that the simple answer to this is to not ti desire things you can't have. You'll soon realize that you don't even really need most of the things you wanted in the first place anyway. I think realigning, not necessarily lowering, your expectations, will allow you to see the beauty in the world as it is, not how you wish it could be.

shelbybatlemente said...

The theme I chose for this topic is Motivation."Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." -- Mark Twain
What Mark Twain is saying that in 20 years from now you will be more upset with the things you didn't do than the ones you did do. You should sail away from the same old routines and motivate yourself to do bigger and better things.

The song that I chose is Stand by Rascall Flatts: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-N0yB24M7VM

I chose this motivational song by Rascal Flatts because it talks about how when you've been knocked down in life, you must find the courage and strength to stand back up. Everyone, and I mean everyone, I don't care who you are, will be knocked down, not just once, but dozens and dozens of times. If you want to strive for a big dream, multiply that by 100. That's life so learn to deal with it. It's all part of what you must go through when you dream big dreams. The ones who get everything they want in life are the ones who decide to stand back up each and EVERY time they fall no matter how many times they hit the ground. All you need to do is stand up and motivate yourself to be successful in your own life. What they are saying is to believe in yourself, stand up and have the motivation to change your life.

ScOtW29 said...

http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/v/vince_lombardi.html "Coaches who can outline plays on a black board are a dime a dozen. The ones who win get inside their player and motivate". The theme that i picked is motivation. The quote is by Vince Lombardi. He is saying that coaching is not just about teaching your players the plays. Its about motivating them to do what you want them to do. This is why Vince Lombardi was such a successfull coach. The meaning of motivation is to be determined to help yourself or somebody else do better at something. There are a number of different motivational songs but it is hard to pick 1. It depends on the person of what types of music motivates you. Everybody has a different way to get motivated and everybody liked different kinds of music to get them motivated. An example when music helps motivate people is when they are working out. Music helps give them that extra motivation to work harder.

Stephen Manvydas said...

the theme i am going to choose is life and its struggles. "Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." is a famous quote from Buddha. I completely agree with this quote and i have a feeling the Buddhist religion isn't to crazy after all. The quotes message is to live life day by day and not to focus on the past or the future. The past is unchangeable and our future unravels as we go along on our journey so i completely agree with Buddha. The song i am choosing is Bittersweet Symphony by The Verve. The song sings about how life is hard but we still make it through. the Quote, day to day is the way, and the song, live life to its fullest, both shows that within your life you have struggles but you have to take life day by day and enjoy it.

jessecovill said...

Theme: struggle

Song: Becoming the Bull
Artist: Atreyu

Quote: "The strongest have there moments of Fatigue" - Friedrich Nietzsche

To me struggle means that you would work hard for something and maybe not get it until you are tatterd and torn. In the song Becoming the Bull the lyrics basically explane an ongoing battle between what you want and what you can't have.

Lil Southkr3w said...

the theme imma shoose is DIPSET. the word dipset means when some one is leaving the the place they are in. the qoute imma be thinkin of would be "You never really leave a place you love, part of them you take with you ,leaving a part of yourself behind.” Carl Sandburg. this qoute i think is a good qoute for my theme i shoose the qoute actully relates to the theme thats why i picked it. the the song im gonna choose is a freestyle by lil wayne called dipset. i tought of this song because its named dipset just like the theme. well here is a link to the song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-i6IuttI9XM.

Aln Hernandez

Anonymous said...

Always walk through life as if you have something new to learn and you will. ~Vernon Howard


My song and quote are all about the road that we should be taking in life that allows us to learn a little bit every day. My theme, lifelong learning, ties to both the quote and song in multiple ways. First, the quote takes a good approach to it. We all think that school is the only place that we ever learn, yet one needs to wonder whether we ever leave the classroom. It is not impossible to live life like you still have much to learn, but I think for many of us that the institution of education distances us from that concept. I think that we all hate the idea of a structured and standardized education that we all may not find enjoyable. This "bad" experience if you will, prevents us from looking at each failure as an opportunity to learn, but instead and merely a failure. The song by Alanis Moirsette says basically the same thing. She gives recommendations of things that would allow a person to live and to learn a little bit more about either the world or even themselves. I think that the epitome of our existence, whatever that may be is the pursuit of not knowledge, but wisdom. All we need to do s realize that wisdom takes a lot of work, but the rewards are boundless...

Anonymous said...

The theme I am choosing is life.

"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." by Buddha

The song that I have chosen to go with my theme is Last Chance by Kottonmouth Kings. Don't pay attention to the video, it is home made and shows people smoking. I'm pretty sure you don't want to see that but it was the only place I could find the song.


The quote and the song are both talking about how you need to live for today and that tomorrow could never come. The reason why I have chosen this theme is because I believe that if you don't live for today then you might as well not live ever. You never know when your time could come to an end. This song is personally one of my favorites out of the groups music because I can relate to it. I have had a friend that was only 18 or 19 that died without any warning. So that's why I believe you have to live the day as if it were your last. This quote was also one of my favorites of all the ones that I had looked at because all of the other ones were talking about the meaning of life I guess.

Anonymous said...

The theme that i am going to talk about is choices. The quote that i am choosing to go with this teme is "My mind is the place where I make my plans The world is the place where I take my stand The beauty of life is mine today They cannot take my mind away" and the song i am using is Psychology by Dead Prez (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=caPMh1eIfrg). I chose this topic because everything we do in life requires us to make some choice when then leads to more choices. This quote and song relate to this topic becuase they both give off the same message. Basically they are saying that not matter what happens in our life we always have a choice. Even if your poor, suck at school, everything. If you ever findyour self in a situation where you think your going the wrong direction then make a change. You can change and turn back at any point in life, there is no such thing as the end or i cant.

brandonlengyel said...

“Motivation is simple. You eliminate those who are not motivated.”
Lou Holtz quotes (American Football coach, 1937-1980)
This quote is telling us in order to be the best we have to elimate not the best. This resmbels to everthing that we live threw in our world today. Everyday people apply to college and for jobs they always want to be the best. In order to that you have to elimate the others.
The song that i have picked is All the Above by T-Pain. This song is saying that he is not just something he is every thing (all the above). This is a great song that motivates me as probley well as others to never suceed for less always want more.
The song and quote connect by the idea of motivation. Motivaiton is a huge part in my life and im basically always motivated. Being motivated is a great thing never suceed for anything but the best.

jay said...

My theme is kindness.
The quote I chose is:
No act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted.
- Aesop, Greek fabulist
The song I chose is: If today was your last day by Nickelback.
The youtube link is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLgXLz4-pnE
Both talk about knidness. The quote bsically says that you never waste time being. Anf the song kind of talks about the same that don't waste time any day could be your last day so don't waste time do random acts of kindness. The song asks the question what would you do if it was your last day. The video is a must see cause t actually gives a better picture of what they really mean in the song. The song actually could of had several themes with it like don't waste time, caring, sharing and a few others. Basically I chose the song and quot because I think you shuld honestly live everyday like it was your last. Never live with "what if?"

Stefan Kegebein said...

Nobody gets to live life backward. Look ahead, that is where your future lies. -- Ann Landers

The theme of my choice is resilience. Resilience is the ability to be flexible and bounce back and move on with life when things don’t work out. This quote is talking about take life a day at a time and not worrying about what has happened in the past. Many people in life have a tendency to swell on the bad and don’t spend time planning for the future. A song that connects with this quote is Move Along by The All American Rejects. The song talks about not letting things get you down. The song wants you to rise above your problems and move on to things you can control. In today’s society I think we dwell too much on the past and on things we cannot control.

Austen Anderson said...

the theme i pick is achievement. "Success is simple. Do what's right, the right way, at the right time.” is a quote from Arnold H. Glasgow. a song that goes with this theme is "1, 2, 3, 4" by the plain white t's. the way these all work together in achievement, is because in the quite by Arnold H. Glasgow he is saying that you should do the right thing the first time. not do it half ass and have to go back and do it again. and th eway this connects to the song, is kind of hard to connect if you dont knwo what the song is talking about, but the singer in plain white t's is saying he found the right person the first time. he waited until he knew that she was the one, and then went on from there with his relationship. some people dont wait, they just look and go. but usually thats a big mistake. i think its right to wait and find the right person. so thats how these all connect to eachother.

Alex V said...

The them I will choose is motivation.“Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.” James Dean. The motivation pushes them to achieve their goal. The song i chose to help show motivation is the eye of the tiger by Survivor. This song shows motivation by say they have the eye of the tiger and you can acompish anything. The song also talks about risen uo to the challenges, Risin' up, straight to the top. The song and the quote are related because the quote is saying dream as you will live forever and the song talks about not backing down from anything and not being scared and riseing to the top.

Unknown said...


my theme i choose is dedication. i doubt anybody knows who i am quoting, but heres my quote "...its worth the sacrifices, its worth all the bullshit. because one day a sunday will roll around when you're in the huddle, screaming with your hand in, one among ten,playing for the world title, and suddenly all those cliches make sense and you are defined." - matty marshall, sunday drivers.

the video this comes from is one of my favorites ive seen. it is very inspirational and helps m through tough dedicaed times. it explains to me why i do what i do.second, the song i'd choose to go along with this quote would have to be "don't stop" by fleetwood mac. i feel both of these tie into my theme, because they remind you of being dedicated to your cause and ultimately achieving your objectives. when matty marshall wrote his sunday drivers intro speech, he thought it through clearly. i'd advise anyone who feels they need a pickup to listen to this, even though it is about an unorthodox idea like paintball, i feel it applies to everything surrounding it.


kirkwhitt said...

My theme is anger. People get angrey because somthing happens that they dont like or agree with. People get angry way to easy, if some one is being sarcastick some people get angrey about what they say. Anger is both good and bad I think. Some times when i get angrey I tend to work harder because I feel the need to prove my self. For a lot of people that is not the case, anger needs to be controled. "Anger is a feeling that makes your mouth work faster than your minde" Evan Esar. http://www.quotationspage.com/qotd.html.

My song is Home by three days grace. this song is discribing how his girlfriend isnt that good and the house hes living in isnt a home and that he thinks hed be better off alone. lissen to it its a good song :D


Panos said...

The theme I chose for this story is revenge and vengeance. My quote is: "Which, if not victory, is yet revenge." by John Militon. I think this plays along today because when peopke talk about getting revenge on people they don't usually do it by playing a game and winning but by making the other person miserable in there life. The song I chose is " I'm supposed to die tonight" by 50 cent. The reason I chose this song is because it talks about how badly somebody wants to get revenge on another person and in the end it's all for nothing. The song and the quote work together because revenge is all about making other people feel bad and making there life miserable.

Plaz said...

My theme is Struggle. Everybody goes through many struggles in their lives. The quote is "But there is suffering in life, and there are defeats. No one can avoid them. But it's better to lose some of the battles in the struggles for your dreams than to be defeated without ever knowing what you're fighting for.” Paulo Coelho. The song is by lil wayne call "F*** The World". Not the best title but an AMAZIN song. Heres the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzvZ_bGnfYg
This song is basically Lil Wayne talkin about his struggle. If you know all the slang and listen to it close you will see how amazin this song is and how deep it gets. Now the quote is pretty much sayin if you dont struggle in somethin you want than you wont know what you are really fightin for. If you want somethin you are goin to struggle. The more you fight against the struggle the more you care about that thing. I can really relate to this. I struggle wit many things and one of them is music. Im workin harder and harder on my music because its somethin i REALLY want. I have people who want to battle me and say they are better and for me to become on top i need to fight the struggle and keep it up and become better and better and thats exactly what i am doin.

Janet said...

my theme is pushing yourself.
quote: If you have enough push, you don't have to worry about the pull.... Zig Ziglar
Song: Climb by Miley Cyrus
I think the quote and the song both connect they both are talking bout pushing youself and never stopping. the quote is saying if you have enough people pushing you, you wont have difficult pulling up. the song she saids that becasue she faces alot og struggles but that doesnt stop her from trying to keep doing wat she wants to do. "There's always gonna be another mountain.
I'm always gonna wanna make it move. Always gonna be an uphill battle But Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose. Ain't about how fast I get there. Ain't about what's waitin on the other side. It's the climb." she is saying that she is not going to give up even if there is troblems threw out the way. the quote i also saying that you need a push but if u have enough u wont need much pull.

Anonymous said...

'Pick a card, any card.' You remind me of a magician.

My theme is opposition.

'There are two sides to every coin. Love and hate. Life and death. They are all the same.'
- Masato Kato

The song that I'm choosing is Heads or Tails by Chad Doucette:

The song asks opposing questions throughout, for example one of the lines is "Do I go with Cinderella or with the Wicked Witch instead?" The quote explains that there are two sides to everything, like yin and yang. They sort of cancel out, but co-exist at the same time I think because, let's say you are in an argument; the argument would not even exist if there wasn't someone on the other end. Nor would, say, a phone call or a conversation. It reminds me of Gestalt psychology; "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts".