Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Day 20

Great discussion today and I am looking forward to finishing it up tomorrow.

For this evening:

Is it always best to follow the rules? If you think rules are inappropriate, what can you do? How do you feel when those who are in charge will not listen to your ideas? What are your alternative when this happens? How does what you can do differ from what you should do? Give a personal example of when you have tried to change rules in your life? Was it successful? Why or why not?

This may go over 7 sentences which is fine since we do not have Friday blogs.


shelbybatlemente said...

For most circumstances it is best to follow the rules. But sometimes you have to bend or break the rules. I'm not saying its a good thing to do but sometimes its all you can do. If you think rules are inappropriate you can sometimes change them. If you can't change them then you should try to alter them a little bit or just deal with them. When those who are in charge will not listen to my ideas I sometimes get upset or mad. My alternatives when this happens are to either live with the rules the way they are now or to complain about them until they are changed. What I can do differs from what I should do by what I could potentially do isn't always a good thing to do. It can sometimes be a bad thing to do. While what I should do is the right thing to do and is usually a good thing. A personal example of when I have tried to change the rules in my life was when I wanted my cerfew changed. The rules were set at 9:00 pm and I wanted it to be set at 10:30 or 11:00 pm. It wasn't successful at first but then my dad changed his mind. It wasn't successful at first because I begged my dad and he started to get annoyed. But when I started to back off then he changed his mind. My cerfew is now set at 10:15 which isn't as late as I had wanted but we negotiated and it is better than 9 pm!

Anonymous said...

I think it is not always best to follow the rules. I know for selfish, personal enjoyment, breaking the rules is often necessary. I think what is necessary though, is having restraint, and not breaking the rules when it comes with severe consequences. If you think the rules are inappropriate? I'm not sure I understand the question. I get quite upset when those in charge won't even listen to my ideas. I usually just keep bugging them until they respond, probably not the best route, but oh well. What you can do and what you should do is a classic example of right and wrong. What you can do isn't always the best option. I tried to change the rules of when I went to bed, and yes, it was successful. I don't really have a "bed time" anymore.

Plaz said...

Thanx for the No Blog Friday!!! Haha.
I believe that sometimes you need to break the rules to survive. If the rules are wrong i speak up. If somebody doesnt listen to what i have to say i bug em till i get an answer. I dont think that this is wrong it jus can get annoyin haha. Somethin i try to change is my popularity in MUSIC. So what i did is go to Kid Rock's house and dropped off a copy of my CD. He didnt get back to me but i only had 2 songs on that CD so what im bout to do this weekend is go back to his house and drop off my whole CD(7 songs) and hopefully he gets back to me. If not i'll go back to his house again and again till he gets back to me. I gotta keep puttin out my CD to as many people as i can so i get my name around. One day i'll be big in the music industry.

Alix Dickson said...

No i dont always believe it is best to follow the rules. If you feel a rule is inappropriate you may need to break it. I feel angry when those who make the rules wont listen to my ideas. My alternativeS are to break the rules and possibly get in trouble or follow the rules even though i know they are wrong. There are many things i can do but morally or ethically i shouldnt do them, that is how what i can do and what i should do differ. An example of this would be when i tried to have my curfew changed. I was successful because i am an excellent negotiator amd i proved that i deserve to stay out later.

Anonymous said...

I think for the most part it is best to follow rules. If people don't follow rules for the most part, then the whole rule system will fall apart. I believe it's okay to bend the rules a bit but there is an extent. All depending on what the rule is that you may not be following, there is always a special case if necessary to go against the rule. When someone is in charge of making decisions like making up some pointless rule, I could always try to change their mind about making it if I didn't like it. If that person doesn't want to change it then I probably wouldn't obey it. Trying to change the rules differs than not obeying rule by having someone change it to something that you would prefer to obey rather then them not changing it and having to disobey them. In my life time I had tried to change the rules that my parents had set because I didn't like them and they didn't what to change them, and I don't know why but I ended up living through it. Now that I am older and not really given my parents to bad of a time they really don't have any rules for me so I guess I benefited from that.

Anonymous said...

All this is oviously leading up to lord of the flies. Its not ALWAYS best to follow rules. But for the most part you should, without rules society would be chaotic. When my parents wont listen to my idead it makes mee veryy angry i wanna just yell. When this happens i just walk away and calm downn. When i change rules i only do it becauss they are dumb ones. Like sometimes teachers say no talking at all it bothers me because it really doesnt disturb anyone... It never succesful because i always get yelled at so i stopped doing that i just listen now.

ben nicolay said...

I think that it is not always best to follow the rules. I do that that rules are appropriate. I think some rules are stupid but rules like not murdering or cruel acts are definitly good ones. There has to be some kind of rule or the world would be in mass chaos. When people do not listen to my ideas, of course, I get angry and feel like im wasting my time. I usually annoy them enough to where they actually listen. An example when I tried to change a rule is when I try to change my curfew with my parents. It is 11 oclock. Everyone else gets to stay out till 12 or 1 or whatever. I argue with my parents alot about this an they don't seem to give in. My mom's explination is that hers was 11 when she was my age. I think that is bullshit. In the end I am supposed to be home by 11 but my parents go to bed so early that they don't pay attention to what time it is. So I guess its a win for me.

Lil Southkr3w said...

it is not always best to be fallowing the rules thats wat i be thinkin. i do be thinkin rules are inappropriate brcause they some times dumb. i can try to talk and see if i can change em or do some thing big that would impact the rule or some like that. i be feelin bad when these who are in charge will not listen to your ideas. liike the skool dont be caring about the hat rule. my alternatives are to try to make a petition of rights. what can i do differs from wat should i do because there is some stuff i cant do but i should do it to make an impact on the rule. i had try to change the rulr of wearig hats in skool but didnt sussede. it wasnt successful because i didnt do much to try to change the rule.

Alan Hernandez

Austen Anderson said...

in the end, yes it is always best to follow the rules. if you think certain rules are inappropriate then you can take that up with the person who made them and see if they can be altered/changed. when peopel who are in charge and wont listen to me it just makes me frustrated. when this happens i usually go out of my way to make them listen or either do or atleast hear what i have to say. what differes from what i can do between what i should do is like saying i can go off and rob a bank. but what i shoudl do is just find a job, and earn that money the legal way. one time i tried to change rules in my life was with my rents and my curfew. my curfew was origanaly 11. but i asked rents if it could be till 12 because i had my liscence for 6 months and thats my curfew anyways by law. so they said it was ok, onyl on one condition. i had to keep my grades up, and so far i have, for the most part. but in the end yes i have been successful by changing the rules with my rents. look foreward to finishing our discussion tomorrow marc. =)

JakeCastner said...

Who makes the rules? That is a huge factor in whether or not they should be followed. Say Hitler made the rules. Should you follow them? absolutely not! It is not always best to follow the rules, because only you know what is best for you. If you find the rules to be wrong, and you want to change them, you could appeal to your congressman. If you want to actually accomplish something, though, you must tear down the entire establishment and start from scratch. The first new law will be the one you want. This also puts you in a position of huge power to do whatever you want, but that is another story for another time. If you do decide to appeal to your congressman, mayor, or whatever, you will find yourself feeling frustrated and pissed off. As for what you can do differing what you should do, again, it all comes back to whether or not what you "should" do is decided by an evil person or a decent man. I have not tried to change the rules more than just a suggestion to myself. At the moment i can not think of what it may have been, but i can roughly quote a comedian i heard once. When i was a young boy, i went to a private school, and the corridors were one way corridors. Apparently it was far too complicated to let people pass each other, and this was the only solution. The particular hallway i was in led to an exit, and it was raining out, so i decided to walk the wrong way in the one-way corridor to avoid going out into the rain and getting my clothes wet. I thought this a very logical solution, but it just so happens that the headmaster was coming around the corner and caught me breaking the one way rule in an empty hallway. He asked why I was breaking the rule, and i explained that it was raining out and so on. He said that there was a reason for the hallway being one way, and what would happen if everyone walked the wrong way in the one way corridor. I told him that i supposed it would become the other way corridor. I was given a week's detention for being a smart ass. "I" was not succesful, because you can not change the rules in a mid 90s Great British boarding school.

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

Your heart before your surroundings. If you have a goal that has to be meet, you break rules. Rules honestly don't matter to me for the most part, like i follow them but when necessary i treed away from them. I honestly think that your blog is not really relevant to my philosophy on rules. You see the rules as you need to live and what needs to be done. Id always break rules for those that need help, or in life and death situations.

ScOtW29 said...

Is it always best to follow the rules? If you think rules are inappropriate, what can you do? How do you feel when those who are in charge will not listen to your ideas? What are your alternative when this happens? How does what you can do differ from what you should do? Give a personal example of when you have tried to change rules in your life? Was it successful? Why or why not?

It is not always best to follow the rules. Sometimes there is going to be exceptions. If rules are inapropriate theres nothing you can really do. Usually the person who made the rules has authority over you. If people dont listen to your ideas its because they dont care. They think that there way is the only right way. My parents set rules for me. I argue with them sometimes because they are just not fair some of them.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Jake, rules are dependent on who makes them and in what faith they're made. By that I mean the purpose that they're made for. When rules are inappropriate, for people my age it's always hard to change them. Adults have this "we're older, therefore wiser" yet they have as much so-called wisdom as my pop can. So, for us it's hard to get rules changed simply because of our age. If anything, the most one can do is show why the rules are inappropriate and have a negative effect. But, it's still up to the people in charge to listen or not. When people don't listen, I always feel smaller in a way. It makes me feel like I'm a blathering idiot who had no idea what he's saying and should be ushered into the nearest looney-bin. It's evident in adult's body language all the time. Like, when I told my counselor that I wanted to take two math classes at once, she said it was "against the rules." It made me feel like an idiot. I wanted to take two math classes and I wasn't going to let her stand in my way. So, I leapt over her head and got Mr. Loisel to sign for two math-classes. I think that's what it takes. People need insiders or sympathizers to help when they cant do something themselves. Happily, it worked and my counselor and I found a new understanding. None of the BS she says will stop me from doing what I want to do with my edumacation.

Stefan Kegebein said...

Usually I would agree it is best to follow the rules. When there is a rule that is inappropriate there may seek to see that rule amended. There may also be times where you may break the rule. When the people who are in power do not listen to your ideas it makes you feel helpless. It makes you feel like there’s nothing you can do. If that doesn’t work I would try and negotiate with the person in charge. Sometimes when things aren’t the way people want them to be they become upset and angry. People have the right to be upset but need to channel that angry towards making something positive happen. A rule that I though was dumb and needed to be change was no gum chewing. I remember back in middle school we were not allowed to be chewing gum. I understood that some kids put gum on the desk but there many kids who don’t. I don’t think the rule was ever change you just had to hope you didn’t get caught so you didn’t have to spit out your gum. To me I think that is one of the dumbest rules I have ever seen.

Stephen Manvydas said...

I think that it is not always best to follow the rules. In some situations you need to break the rules to get the job done the best way. If you think the rules are inappropriate you have a few options. You can suck it up and deal with it, probably the easiest option. Or you can stand up for what you believe in and fight the law. Sadly like the famous Green day song I Fought the Law, it says... the law won. When people don't listen to you it tends to make me very angry but that's life. When i get ignored i just try and try again until i finally realize that its not even worth it. What you can do is very different from what you should do sometimes. Sometimes what you can do is the easiest thing possible even though its not the right thing. A personal example of when i tried to change the rules could be HW before fun. I wasn't successful but i guess it was worth trying. I felt this blog was a little spread out subject wise, maybe i just didn't read it long enough.

brandonlengyel said...

I think rules are what they are rules. When somebody sets a rule usually people fowolow it and others dont. This depends on who sets the rule and whats the consquence. I usually fowollow the rules of law and school but am more leinet on the rules of sports and parents. I belive rules a=can be over the top and be be redicouls. Thats for a few though others hit the dirct point. If i have a rule and in a group and somebody tries to change it i get pissed and usually fraeak out and stop working with them. I usually go and work with a smaller group then. A personal example that has happened in my life is when my parents changed my bed time in like 6 th grade it gave me more oppurtunity to stay up later. But this also made me more tired and was wanting to stay going to bed eraly. It was suceeful now but rules are rules and i live under my parents and have to listen to them. All the time they give me my choice on stuff but make shure i know the apporperiate outcome.

Kevin Hughes said...

I think it's best to follow the rules in most situations. I strongly believe that if rules are inappropriate, civil disobedience should be exercised. I think without this, we'd have much less freedom, and of course, probably not a United States in the first place. An obvious example of this is Gandhi. I think Gandhi had the best philosophy when it came to this. Using nonviolence to fight against unjust rules is something that more people should do, I think it can overcome almost any sort of injustice. A personal example of when I tried to change the rules in my life was when I started going out to more concerts during school weeknights. At first my parents said it wasn't responsible and it would interfere with doing well in school, but it was one of the few rights I really wanted to have, so I fought to prove that I can still do well even after attending concerts during the week. It was successful, I just saw Animal Collective last night, and have been to lots of other concerts since the change in rules.

Unknown said...


rules, i feel, are usually loosely defined ways to control the masses. they are the status quo of what is to be. i usually do follow the rules, as long as they are not too rediculous. if ules are innapropriate, there are, waht i am going to use, two ways to approach it. peacefully, such as a petition, and radically, taking aggressive action. when those in charge to not listen to others' ideas, it usually makes me think of them as ignorant and tyrannical. alternatives include rebelling, completly ignoring the rule, or folding and subjecting to them. the differece is the fact that rules are made to be followed, not broken. one time i have personally been involved in an effort to change a rule was in one of my classes, the due date seemed to soon, so we petitioned. it was shot down completly. i think the reasin it was, was the fact that we petitioned about something elementary and childish. also, the teacher was quite, well, ignorant.

jay said...

It is always best to folloe the rules because rules are set up for structure, order, safety and etc. Well you could just sit back and do what your told. You could also voice your opinion regarding the rules and tell your opinion and maybe reach a happy medium. Alternatives are to just do it,don't do it at all, or voice your opinion. What you can do isn't always what you should do. You can do anything about the situation. But you really shouldn't start a riot over it. Definately use the peaceful demonstration route. An example of this for me is me being able to stay the night at m friends houses on school nights. My parents say I can't. I have given my side of it several times. Again and again I tell them that I will do my homework, go to bed at a decent hour and actually go to school the next day. But my parents stand firm, No staying the night at friends on school nights. It never works out for me even though I keep trying.

jray said...

It most cases it is better to follow the rules. You may think that they are wrong, but they are their for a reason. Probably because someone else made the same mistake that you are thinking about doing. If you think that rules are inappropriate their is not much you can do. Just suck it up and deal with it. Life is not fair. If you do something it can just get you in trouble. An example in my life when I tried to change the rules are when I was a little kid. I thought that I would be able to tell my parents that I can do what I want, but I was wrong. My parents just took away more of my privilege. This is when that I just need to learn to suck it up and accept my punishment. Ever since, it has made me a better person because I learned that it is always better to pay for your mistakes.

jessecovill said...

sorry this is a day late, the connection on the laptop was not working.

In most cases it is good to follow the rules but in war following the rules could get you killed, and breaking them may just save your life. If yoiu think rulesx are innapropreat you could arguy them or not say anything at all and make new ones up as you go along.
When people that are in charge and don't listen to me i get pretty mad and tend to not like them. When this happens ypou could not listen to them or you could listen and become a suck up. What you can do and what you cant do differs from a mental standpoint. right now i cant really think of a time where i did this.

Janet said...

I dont think its always to follow da rules. Becasue if you belive you shouldnt follow that particular rule, trust your insict. It buggs me alot, becasue when i be taking care of my cousion. I tell him some rules and my sister goes and does what i told him not to do. It pisses me off, it makes me feel dumb. I try to talk to my sister, i tell her what i told ma lil cousion. I shouldnt be getting mad that forsure. But its hard sometimes, becasue im incharge. A personal example would be, letting me go out more often. i tlked to my parents of letting me go out more but in exchange i had to be more responsible around the house. yes, it was successfull becasue i got my act together and helped around the house more.

Janet said...

oo yea mr kay i dont have interent. so dnt 4get.

Anonymous said...

Following the rules is generally expected of every person. One who follows all of the rules is most often considered an exemplary citizen in society whereas one who bends or breaks a few isn't. I think that judicial rules, like laws, should not be broken - it is always best to follow these, not only so you don't get yourself in trouble but also to keep our society a better, safer place. But moral rules, or things that you should or shouldn't do based on how you were brought up and what your stance on particular things are, often have to be broken. For example, if you have to choose between a close friend and a girlfriend or moving away from your home because you dislike your parents or staying there in order to help them out (in my case, as my mom is very ill). I get pretty pissed off when people in charge - say, a teacher - won't listen to my ideas or my thoughts. It proves that they are stubborn. I think that they think "Oh, he's young, what does he know?" In a non-professional scenario, such as my old home, I would nag until my parents either budged or stood their ground. In a formal situation, I usually just give up. I don't want to make a huge scene simply because I have an idea or a thought that somebody doesn't want to hear. If they don't want to hear it, then the right ears probably do. In my life, I tried to extend just how much I could do outside of school. Freshman year and sophomore year my parents would say, "Oh, you hung out with a friend yesterday so now you must stay in today." I didn't like that one bit - what harm is there in a teenager hanging out with his best friend two or three days in a row? It's simply fun. So, I tried to change that. It was successful in that I can now do mostly whatever I want whenever I want (so long as its within reason; I'm not going to go murder someone or shoot up needles) but I let my social life get the better half of me for quite a while and my grades suffered from it. I have a pretty good feel for where to balance the two now, though.