Monday, May 4, 2009

Day 11

Life is all about change but it is how we deal with this change that tells what kind of person we really are.

Read the following quote:

"It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory."
W. Edwards Deming

Then listen to the following song by David Bowie:

What is being said about making changes? How do the quote and the song connect? Give me an example of a time change was scary but good for you?


Anonymous said...

The quote is saying that change is necessary to surviving life. It's saying "if you choose not to change, enjoy dieing."
The quote and song connect because they are both talking about change, and how it's a natural part of life. One time change was scary (but good) was when I started talking to new people. I didn't really like getting out of my comfort zone, but I kinda forced myself to meet new people and become more social. I stopped talking to people I was "friends" with, because I didn't connect with them/I just flat out didn't like them. Burning those bridges was scary at first, but I am so glad I did it now. Life is 100x better and more enjoyable.

kirkwhitt said...

"It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory."
W. Edwards Deming

I think this quote is very accurate because its not necessary to change. People who want to live will change and adapt, people who wish to not change will simply die off. I think this quote also connects to servivle of the fittest. Animals who want to live adapt and change, so that they can live where they live. The song and this quote connect because in the song hes explaining how he wants to be a better man. To do that he has to change, and changing is living. What I mean by this is to live you must change, you cant always do what you want when you want. A time that changed for the better for me would be changing from middle school to high school. That personaly was tarifying for me. I didnt know this school, I didnt know any of the teachers, and on top of that we were merging white lake with oak vally. But it was for the good because I got over it and I met new friends and new teachers, so it all worked out.

Anonymous said...

The song and the quote are both talking about how life is about how you change and if you don't change then your life will never change. The quote means that it is not necessary to change and survival needs to happen. If you don't make changes in your life then you can not survive the way you would have if you had made changes I guess. I don't really get it because the song is talking about how change needs to happen and then the quote is saying that change is not necessary. I believe, in my own opinion, that change needs to happen because if it doesn't then your life will be the same forever and that would be boring. I would have to say that one change that had scared me was when one of my best friends moved away. I thought that I would never see them again but it turns out that I get to see them all the time now that I can drive, so I'm not worried about it anymore. Plus they come out here all the time too and we both save gas by going out there one time and then coming out here the next time. It's like on and off but it still sucks.

Stefan Kegebein said...

I am taking a different approach to the quote. I think the quote is saying that it is not necessary for people to change and fit in to what others think is right. They have the choice to live life the way they want to and “surviving” or molding to what others think is right doesn’t need to happen to be successful in life. Connecting wit the quote the song is also talking about changes. The song say over time people will change naturally. As people go through different situations they will also be able to adapt and change their views and actions. A time change was scary for me was the change from middle school to high school. It was just scary not knowing everyone like I did at White Lake. I turned out good though because I met a lot new people and made new friends. Something else I find that is scary is that in less then one year I will be a Senior. It is just scary how quickly time goes by. It is good though because I get to live my life as an adult and someday start a career.

jessecovill said...

In the quote changes must be made to survive, this could translate into anything, or any place. Like in an office, survival is needed just to make it through the week. Or in another country, learning to adapt will definatly help you survive. In the song he wanted to make changes just to make his life better, and maybe get him farther in his oun life. A time in my life when change was good for me was when i switched from training weels to none, it was really scary, but give me a break i was little and afraid i was gonna kill myself, but thanks to my dad scaring the crap out of me as a amall chiled, i can ride a normal bike. Anothe situation was when i was in 4th grade and my family had to move, i was afraid of going to a new school and leaving all my friends behing, but i got over it and for the past 7 years i've had the time of my life.

ben nicolay said...

The quote is saying that you don't have to change if you don't want to survive. You have to change in one way or another because you have to adapt to what life throws at you. Both the quote and the song are related to change. They are saying that it is okay for change. One change that was scary for me but in end it was good was when moved up from jv to varsity football. I was kinda of intimidated at first because its a different level than jv. In the end, I got to start and we ended up having a great season. Change is nothing we can control and it's always going to happen.

Alix Dickson said...

The quote is saying that we dont have to change, we may not survive if we dont but nobody is making us change. The song is basically saying that time may change us. The song and the qoute are connected because they both talk about change and its importance. I always have a hard time dealing with change. I know its good sometimes but i always convince myself its going to be bad. Losing friends is always a hard change. Eventually however i met new friends and i moved on.

Anonymous said...

I acually dont really like this quote at all. But i guess im going to have to talk about it. The song and the qoute relate because of change. Change is something that happens in life. Everyone goes through changes its part of life. Some people though cant accept change they dont want the future to hit them. These people are usually very depressed in life and have struggles with other things. But people more acceptable to changes are usually more happy go lucky type of people.

jray said...

The quote by Edwards Deming is very realistic. If you want to survive you have to change, but some people don't like to. They are the ones that fall. The song and quote relate because they are both about how people are forced to change and it isn't a bad thing. I have had many different times when I was put threw changes and I was scared but It ended up working out. I think everyone has to go through these types of decessions. It just matters how you deal with them.

ScOtW29 said...

What is being said about making changes? How do the quote and the song connect? Give me an example of a time change was scary but good for you?
"It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory."
W. Edwards Deming

Both the quote and song are saying that changes are necessary in life. I like how the quote says if you dont make changes you will not survive because i agree with that. Nobody is perfect, and sometimes you have to change things in your life. The quote and the song connect obviously because they both talk about changes and how in life you are going to have to make changes to make your life better. Change is a scare thing for everybody. There has been many times in my life when change was scary but ended up working out. Thats because nobody likes change and they like sticking with the same routine everyday because its the easiest thing.

I made up the other blogs too.

Stephen Manvydas said...

"It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory."
W. Edwards Deming

this quote i find true in ways but in other ways i see it as completely untrue. I think that the song says that changes are good for us to live our life to its fullest. The song in the quote seems to be opposites and i person am on the songs sides. The song states that you need to change because time can not change. An example that i could think of that i could consider scary would be my first time driving. It was a change that i needed to experience. When you have never driven in your life before it can be scary to get behind the wheel but eventually it becomes second nature to you. Now i look back and wonder why i saw this change to be so scary it is kind of sad of what scares us in the past.

shelbybatlemente said...

The quote is saying that change is not necessary. You don't have to change if you don't want to. It is also not right to try and change someone. If a person is content on living their life the same way all the time then thats their choice. Don't try to change them for your own personal good. The song and the quote are both telling us how good life is with change. If you leave your life the same then it will get boring very fast. Change is usually always a good thing. However it isn't always 100% a good thing. An example of a time when change was scary but good for me was when I switched from my old small 900 student school to Lakeland's big over a thousand student school. My old high school was small and only had 1 story. Lakeland High School is much bigger and has 2 stories. I switched from Linden to Lakeland back in November of 2008. So I am still kind of getting the hang of things even though I pretty much know where everything is now. When I started here it was scary because I didn't know anyone or any teachers. I felt lost and confused for a little while. But then I got used to it and now I am fully used to Lakeland. I have experience with being the new kid. I pretty much grew up in Hartland and went to Hartland High School for Freshman year. Hartland is much bigger than Lakeland so it wasn't so bad. But I went to Linden for about 3 years so I was sort of lost when I switched. It was a scary but good change because I got to experience going to a larger school. Also I met new people which expanded my already pretty large group of friends! Even though moving to a new school especially in the middle of the year is hard it is a good way to meet new people and see other surroundings!

jay said...


Austen Anderson said...

in this quote, i believe it means that you should be yourself. you shouldnt want to be like anyone else. just be yourself. you shouldnt be someone your not around others, because in the end, they will find out who you really are. and that could go both ways for you, good or bad. the song, is a good song. im not a big fan of it but i like it. they connect because they are saying why should want to be yourself. a tiem when a change was scary for me but ended up being good was when i moved from keego harbor to where i live now. i am glad i made the change, especialy since im still friends with many of my friends back there.

Unknown said...


the quote merely is describing that to continue to succeed in life, there must come change. it is an inevitable part of life. deming is correct in his assesment that if you dont change, you will, in effect, die. also, the song expresses this idea in the lyric "turn and face the strange". eaning that change is new and unknown to us. one time that i had to make a scary change was when i moved to indiana. it was scary, i had to start all over. new friends, new house, new school. you get the point. anyways, here i am now trying to constantly adapt and thrive.

brandonlengyel said...

Change is the way we all need to survie in life. This quote and song explain all diifernt types of change. We constantly need change in order to maintain a normall life. Life is not all constant there allways changes. Changes come in all differnt types of sizes and some are for the better and others for the worst. It is all ways nessery to change like what the quote is telling us. The song is very much similar but bowie is going into how people go threw changes and what kids they are. A change that i have made in my life was with friends. My friends all the way threw middle school are no longer my goood friends since they have moved.

Anonymous said...

This quote is saying the same thing as darwins theory of evolution: only the fittest will survive, and those that survive arethe ones that can best adapt to change. This connects to the song because the song is saying that in order for us to do good in life somethimes w have to make changes that allow that to occur. One change that has occured with lately is my getting into shape for football again. Its always hard to get ready for something in theoffseason, but we all know that is when you get better. So i am doing the best i can to work out and eat better so i can be ready for nest year. This is scary because i could get bored with it at one point and stop and that would not be good at all.

Anonymous said...

This quote, in my opinion makes it known that change is necessary. The song is also about how necessary changes are. David Bowie has a special affinity for change as well as he's been swinging back and forth about his sexuality. Basically, people need to change to live whether it be their view or their habits. Life is not static, change is inevitable. For me, a time when change was scary but good for me was when I first went to school. I didn't know what to expect and all I had heard and seen on TV was school was this place where the teachers were mean and gave you a lot of homework. I realize how childish that all was, at least... No, that was pretty accurate for a TV show. Overall, I'm happy I'm in school. Last year, we read Three Cups of Tea as our "choice" book project and those children had no school whatsoever. When Mr. Mortenson gave them a school and they were so happy, it made me realize how lucky we are to have something as basic as an education.

JakeCastner said...

The quote is being fairly sarcastic. It says that it is not necessary to change, that survival is not mandatory. Basically, it says change is a part of survival, which is true. The Bowie song, changes, says that it is necessary to change too. Moving from house to house is a scary but good change for a kid. You know you are going to miss your old house, but you think of all the times you are going to have at your new house. Basically, change is never great, but it is necessary. Things are always changing, and if you do not change with them, you will just get left behind.

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

The main theme here is changes. I think both of these peices of work covey that well. Changes are nessicary and have to happem. If you don't change you wont ever go forward. Take the auto industry as a good example. They are failing beacuse they couldent change. Iv been faced with changes all my life, like changing schools, and moving. These changes ended up being really good for me.

Panos said...

I believe that this quote is saying that if you want to survive in this world, you need to be able to change to the cicumstances. If you can't change and adapt to the cicumstances your not going to be able to survive life. The quote and the song connect because the song also talks about change in peoples lives and how people need to be able to change. When I was a freshman in highshool I switched from Holly High to Lakeland just to play soccer and it was scary because I did not know anyone in here. After a while I made a shitload of friends and played varisy soccer, it was scary at first but in the end it all worked out for good.

Lil Southkr3w said...

i think the qoute means that you need to change in order to survive. it could mean that you might be doing something wronge and you have to change to sruvive. this qoute is very realistic. If you don't make changes in your life then you cant survive. the song is saying that you have to make changes. but is very confusing because the qoute is telling us that its not nessesary to change and the song is sayyin it different. idk i might just not get it. some changes are good but most likely they are not goiong to to be in some cases. like if your not going in the right ppat in your life then it would be a good change. when they are not good it would be when you move or when you change skools and stuff. it is very scary when changes happen but its not the most interesting thing in the world.

Alan Hernandez

mr kay remember i dont be having internet. please dont forget to give me credit.

Kevin Hughes said...

I like this quote, it's intelligent and sums up the point well. It's saying that change is something you can either let yourself be subjected to or else. I think acceptance of change is a big factor in growing up and accepting the world for what it is. The song also relates to this because it's all about change and accepting it. A time when change was scary for me but ultimately good was when I changed middle schools. I was really afraid I wouldn't make any new friends, and I was sad I had to leave behind all the people I had gotten to know. But I didn't really let it get to me, and instead of thinking about the past I accepted the change and it made the transition a lot easier.

Plaz said...

I think the quote is sayin you dont have to change and you dont have to live. I really dont understand that haha. I also dont understand the song. I listened to it 3 times and still dont understand the meaning. There were many changes in my life. One major change for me was movin to a new house and goin to a new school. I wasnt scared at all i was more happy and excited about it. This change was really good for me. There arent really anymore changes that were big in my life other than that one. I do have a BIG change comin up in my life. Im goin to be movin to Rochester, NY this summer because my dad got a job there and we have to go. Im really excited for this and not scared or nervous. I really like change. I change around my room about every other week because i get bored of how it looks. Im goin to miss all of my friends and everything like that but you never know this could be a better change for me and could really make my dreams come true. I saw the school that i could be goin to and its about 7 lakeland high schools put together, but it only has 1,200 kids. I want to go there. What can i say i love change.

Janet said...
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Janet said...

the quote and the song are saying you dont have to change your life style to be keep living. sometimes it is good to change but if you dont want to nobody is making us change. an example in my life would be when i moved from waterford to white lake. i didnt want to move back then becasue i was just going to start high school and i didnt want to be new at a new skoool again. When i started middle school i was new too. My family moves alot i never wanted to before but i think this time was a good choose. Nobody ever wants to be a neww kid at schoool. but my parents promised me dat we werent going to move anymore. i want to finsh skool at lakeland. it was scaryy at first but i got used to it agter awhile.

Anonymous said...

Hope you're having a great weekend, Mr. Kay. Oh, and Happy Mother's Day. :P

Deming's quote is sort of a double negative, it seems. I read it as "It is necessary to change. Survival is mandatory." If you don't change and grow and adapt to new things, then you are going to become stale and, eventually, be unable to 'survive' in - not literally exist, but survive as in be welcome to - society. It reminds me of Darwinism in that organisms need to adapt with their surroundings; survival of the fittest. Bowie's song and Deming's quote are related in that they both regard changing and growing and adapting. I think the scariest time that I changed was this year. Prior to junior year, I was sort of introverted and didn't have many friends. I didn't go out of my comfort zone and never tried new things. I was, as it were, stale. This year, something - and I really do not know what - inspired me to just go out there and do new things. I broadened my horizons, and it was scary for me. I didn't know what to expect. But, now, I'm glad I made the change. My life is the best that it's ever been now. I love it.

Miranda Adams said...

the quote is very true. if someone doesnt change through out there life how are they truly experiencing life. they wouldnt be they wouldnt want to live. i know i wouldnt. i personaly would hate being the same all the time. change is a sign of growth and life. Change might not always be fun or happy but it is life. sometimes it will be for they better and sometime for the worst. you just have to let it happen and not fear it as it comes.