Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Day 21

Imagine a local disaster where you have a choice between trying to help everyone survive at the risk of everyone dying in any case or saving yourself at the expense of the others. Talk about what the disaster might be and what you would do. Which rules or laws wouldn't matter as much any more? Or, conversely, which of them might be more important than ever? Would your views change under different circumstances? Give an example of a circumstance where this might be true.


JakeCastner said...

Suppose there was a hurricane from lake michigan about to break all the local levees. In this instance, i would not take either option that you offered. I would take option C. I would do my best to save my family. I wouldn't worry about my neighbors, because i don't even know their names and we have never met. If it were fully up to me, i would load my family and our dog into my dad's truck, because we would stand the best chance in a flood, against a roadblock, and against looters and rioters. I would also bring pat doyle, because he lives in our basement and he is a cool dude. In addition to these people and pets, i would grab as many guns and as much ammunition as there was time to grab. Who knows what will happen once we get on the road? Guns help in any circumstance. Pat Doyle would be a critical part of the gun plan, because he is gun crazy, and a crack shot. I think that all laws would be null and void, because everyone would be freaking out, and cops would be trying to direct traffic and such, and they wouldn't be writing speeding tickets or worrying about who was stealing what. Now, be careful, though, because if you come face to face with one, and you are breaking the law, he might decide to put you in the back of his car. If this happens, you are screwed. He is going to be killed somehow, and then you are locked in a cop car to drown. I think basic traffic laws should be followed closely, though, because everyone is going to be driving as fast as possible. Going back to the people i would bring, I would also grab my close friends, and maybe a hot chick or three. As for the last sentence of the prompt, what would be true? You just asked a bunch of questions. Of course my views would change under different circumstances, because that is what happens in different circumstances.

shelbybatlemente said...

Imagine there was a massive flood about to come through White Lake, MI. In this case I would save myself at the expense of others. But I would help my family and friends get out too. I know that sounds kind of selfish but I wouldn't care. All I would care about is my family, my friends, my pets and myself. I don't think many traffic rules or other rules for that matter would be enforced. Everyone is freaking out and they don't usually know what to do in a disaster like that. Many people probably would be driving fast to get out of there and beat the flood. So traffic laws and rules wouldn't matter as much any more either. My views would most likely change under different circumstances. This is because it depends on how bad the disaster is. If it's one that affects me more then I will have different views versus if it doesn't affect me as much. It all depends on the situation and its circumstances. An example of a circumstance where this might be true is with a whole city fire. If there was a wild fire or a fire that was going to take out a lot of the city I would react a lot more panicky and paranoid versus if there was just a house fire. The bigger the disaster the more important it is to me. Also the bigger the disaster the bigger the reaction I will have. When it comes down to it, it all depends on the person and the situation!

jray said...

If for some reason the neighborhood started to flood. I would first worry about getting myself to saftey. After that I probably would stay where I was. If I went out trying to help people, I would probably just make it worse. Although if someone who needed help was in range to where I could get, I would do what ever I can to help them. I would have to worry about myself first, then others later. Unless it was someone like family. I would do what ever it took to help someone in my family if they needed it.

Anonymous said...

I think a good example of something i could do would be the world trade centers. Lets say i worked in there and i knew what was about to happen. I could either tell my floor and run out. Or I could go throughout the building trying to get people out even if i may not get out in time i could have saves 1000's. I would be putting my life at much danger but it would be worth the amount of lives i saved overall. I think my name would definitely be remembered in a good and positive way. I would feel real good about myself and what i did and i think if my sotry was told my parents would be very proud of what i did.

jessecovill said...

ok first of all if they were to all die anyway i would just sit back and let someone else try to save them. I think the disaster would be WWIII and the Nazis came to power again but invaded the U.S. and started to kill just about everyone. I think if we were to be invaded laws such as the concelded weapons law would become nonexistant, and we would have civilian militas running around killing super nazis. Under these circumstances i would deffenatly become a different person.

jay said...

Well I think of a terrorist attack.
And basically all rules are out. I would do whatever I thought I could do to save as may people as I could. Even if my life was in danger. I would even break into places and steal supplies to help the wounded. The only rules I would follow is first aid rules to save lives. Those would be the only rules that would be important at this time. In a trauma situation your views would definately change. An example I think of is 9/11. People did what they could to find survivors and survive themselves. Rules weren't even on their minds. Beleive me!

Alix Dickson said...

An example of a disaster that could occur in White Lake would be a tornado. If a tornado occured i hope i would try and save everyone instead of just myself. I would definantly try to save my family and friends first. Unfourtuantly i have never been in a sistuation like this so im not exactlly sure what i would do. I think most rules and laws wouldnt apply anymore becuase everyone would be freaking out and trying to save themselves and their familys. I cant think of any laws or rules that would be very important in this situation. I cant think of a circumstance when this would change because i think when any disaster occurs the rules and laws dont really apply anymore.

Anonymous said...

Okay suppose there was a massive tornado that went from Detroit across Michigan. Say it destroyed thousands of homes and killed plenty of people. I would have to say that I would probably help the people that are close to me like family and friends but I would be more concerned about my well being. I would help my community by trying to rebuild the houses and trying to help close friends and family out by trying to keep them off the streets. The more people living on the streets, the worse the survival rate would be, so we would have to help people out and get them back into a home. I guess some parts of the U.S say that it's against the law for homeless people to live on the streets, so I would think that that would be out of the question because most of the state would be living on the streets. My views on life would change because if that actually happened then most of the people that I know would be struggling to survive.

Austen Anderson said...

a local disaster would be if the entire town of white lake was to burun in a forrest fire. there are a lot of woods aroudn this area so it is possible. the fire would burn down everything, spreadign from tree to tree and house to house. some rules that wouldnt matter anymore would be somthing like speed limits because people would be trying to flee and such. some things that would be very important would be like to help out other people. if you already have all your stuff packed up you can go to your neighbors or somthing like that and help them out. many of my views woudl change. i woudl look at everything different, like the school, my neighborhood, and our community. many people aroudn here i would never see again, and without someone of them i dont know what i would do.

Anonymous said...

If there were a volcano erupting nearby i would probably go to the top of alpine. I would choose this place because its the highest area around additionally there are also buildings in which to stay in until the lava gets to high. I would bring everyone that is at my house with me and then i would call up everyone and tell them all to meet at alpine. in this kind of disaster many people will go crazy and loot, riot and kill others just to be safe. I think that when the lava finally cools though things will start to go back to normal. True there will be many losses and much damage but that des not mean we will throw all of our laws out the window

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

I think in nay case id sacrifice myself for another, that would be a dream and id jump at any chance i could. That's probably one of the greatest honors to me i guise. I think my situation would be a earth quake, just cause. I think that if it was an earth quake that destroyed earthing no laws would matter. I think allot of people would riot and steal, but id try and help people. I think aim to help anyone that needed it in any kind of situation. The only thing that wouldn't was if it was to do something bad.

Lil Southkr3w said...

Aight dawg this is the best imma try to do. well imma be picking an earthquake as a local disaster. if this earthquake would ever happen i would first go to houses and take the most valuble stuff and take em with me to a safe place. The only rules I would follow is first aid rules to save my live. that way i would be taking stuff and people wouldnt have no idea who tooke em. i wouldnt try to save other poeple. insted i would be tryin to save things of value from other peoples crib. then after this earthquake passes i be opening my pawn shop and i be selling all this thinks i tooke. i wouldnt view changes more important than ever. i would also steal a 1964 and a 1963 chevy impala. i would also tak a 1988 monte carlo SS and i would hide em and then keep em to my self.

Alan Hernandez

ScOtW29 said...

Talk about what the disaster might be and what you would do. Which rules or laws wouldn't matter as much any more? Or, conversely, which of them might be more important than ever? Would your views change under different circumstances? Give an example of a circumstance where this might be true.

If someone was holding somebody else hostage or something I would have a hard desicion to make. I could either take a risk by trying to save that person or give the person what they want to save that person. I would probably give the person what he wanted since there is a better chance of everybody coming out safe. My views wouldnt change under different circumstances. Why would i risk my life when i didnt have to? If i was being held hostage i would want the same thing for me. I wouldnt want anybody risking their life for me.

brandonlengyel said...

if our school was to be locked down for real and with a cico guy in lead. I would first try to get out of that buliding first trying to have everybody with me being saved. Im praying to god that this would never happen but if somebody was held hostage i would probley want to help him in any way to get out with out risking my life. I would most likely escape the buliding and keep on running. What wouldnt matter is trying to kill this guy in any way possible with out getting killed yourself. This would be a huge risk to attack the syckio guy but it would be for the good of the all if i would attack him and got injured but still stable i would be happy for me. This is to that i saved one or more lifes. This would be a tragic event that i would in no fortunae would want to see.

Plaz said...

Lets say the taliban shut off our electricity and invaded and it was a dog eat dog situation. What i'd do is get all of my closest friends and fam to my house and protect em. Id go out and steal as much food as i could and money. Id protect everybody in my house and id be the first to go down. I wouldnt let anybody hurt my friends or fam before they kill me. To me there would be no rules. Its a dog eat dog situation. I know it sounds a bit extream but thats what i'd do. Id put my friends and fam where nobody could find em. It would be me, my fam, and my friends against them and im not lettin em touch my fam or friends they would have to get through me first. Which they prolly could do easily BUT i'd try my hardest for me to survive wit every single family member and friend not hurt at the end.

Stephen Manvydas said...

If a major local disaster happened in Michigan i hope that i would save the bigger group of people over myself. Lets say a series of tornadoes rips through Michigan. If me and a group, of lets say twenty others, were hiding in a shelter when it happened i think i would try to take charge if a leader wasn't already standing up. I like taking charge and leading the people and i know i could do it. With some good plans, even if they had a little chance of success i think i would try to save the people. I think that a lot of our current rules would cease to exist. A lot of people would steal or break into houses to get the basic necessities that we need to survive. I think that my beliefs would change drastically, if i was leading the group i would try my best to keep them all alive by whatever means. An example would be stealing, im completely against it but under these circumstances i would go against it.

ben nicolay said...

The disaster that most likely will occur is a tornado or maybe a flood. If the tornada was to occur I would watch it. I like watching storms. I would warn others at the exspense of my own life. I would do anything to save my family or close friends. Breaking the rules in this kind of situation would be okay. My views would definitly change under diffrent situations. If my family or close friends were in danger, I would do whatever it would take to help them out. Its like if they had a gun pointed at them and I had a gun in my hand, I would of course shoot the guy with the guy threating them. It all depends what the situation is and how your emotions get the best of you.

Kevin Hughes said...

I think if there were a natural disaster such as a big earthquake, I would try and save as many people as possible while still looking out for myself. It's our biological imperative to try and survive, so I can't say I would be totally selfless and only help people. But I think in many emergency situations, people only look out for themselves and this doesn't help alleviate the panic. I think I would ignore or break any law that would get in my way of helping other people survive. Human life takes priority over following rules, naturally. However I guess this would also lead to more chaos, because if everyone is in a panic, ALL laws would be ignored, and there wouldn't be enough people to enforce them. An example of this would be a riot.

Stefan Kegebein said...

When I think of a local disaster I think of some type of bomb blowing up parts of a city. First of all, I would get the heck out of the city. Then I would seek some type of shelter that would protect me from another possible attack. There would be mass hysteria and the speed limit wouldn’t really matter anymore. People would just be trying to get away as fast as they could. All traffic laws would pretty much go by the waste side. I think everything pretty much depends on the circumstances. The size of the area affected by a disaster can either change one city, a state or maybe even the entire nation. An example of this is genocide. Every one knows about the Holocaust because of the storyline and all the people who were affected by it, but know one talks about the Armenian Genocide. The Armenian effects much less people so it doesn’t really reach the public or make the history books.

Unknown said...


first off, i am going to have to say that runs is the DaVinci of writing. that is a great read, and should be put into scribes next year. but really my willingness to help would really depend on the nature of the disaster and what is going on. i would react diffeently in certain scenarios. but lets imagine, for a minute, that al quaeda saw something in southeast michigan that they thought personified america, or to them, evil. in this case, i would pony up, and arm myself to the teeth. i would become the new ted nugent in his absence. laws would not bother me, becausein my mind, they are not people, i personally dont know any al-quadeans, killing them isnt harmful to the environment or the economy, and they are not on the indangered species list. now if there was something on a natural disaster scale, i would most likely not help, because i am utterly terrified of any type of natural event that is deadly. dont ask me why, thats just how ive always been. that is how my view would change.

Alex V said...

An example of a disaster that could occur in White Lake would be a tornado. I would do anything to save my family or close friends. anyone else they ar eon there own. if the tornado hit and everything was destroyed i dont think there should be any rules that i would follow what would be the point. im not going to go out looking for people that need help and risk my own life for people i dont even know. I would help my community by trying to rebuild the houses and trying to help close friends and family out by trying to keep them off the streets. Its easy to say that i would do this or that but if it really happened i may act differntley.

Panos said...

Say that in White Lake there was all of a sudden a raging forest fire spreading throughout Oakland County, I wuold not even think twice about my choice I would do. Even if there was a chance that everyone might die, I would still risk my life to help save everyone else if there was a chance that they may all live. I think that this happened, speed limits wouldn't be important anymore because those who could drive would try there best to get the hell out of the county as fast as they could so that law would be ignored. I don't believe that in any case my views would be changed, even on 9/11 during the world trade center I would have still risked my life to help save those people in thet twin towers without thinking twice about it. I guess it's just my nature to risk my life to save others if the opportunity came up.

Anonymous said...

Zombies attack all over the U.S.
This, whether it sounds strange/disgusting, is what I hope for one day. A worldwide zombie outbreak would be a dream come true. Not because I want people to die, but I just love the whole concept of zombie survivalism. I would only stay with a tight knit group of friends and my family, of course. I would not help others if it puts me in danger, though. May seem like a douchebag thing to do, but I don't want to die, and I wouldn't risk any of my friends getting killed either. No rules or laws would matter anymore. People would loot stores for weapons and supplies.

Janet said...

Imagen a tornado occur here in white lake and close by where i live. I think i would try to save other people and not my self first. I would make sure my family and friends and anyone else that is around me is save. I never been in a situation where i had to choose between my self or others while a tornado is going on. So, i wouldnt how to save them. I serously think that i wouldnt even think about the rules or the laws. i would just think boutying to save and help people. i think the way i see things would change becasue it actually happened and i lived it.

Anonymous said...

How about Skynet becoming self-aware and creating Terminators to destroy the entire human populace.

Oh, wait, just go watch the Terminator series.

I'm thinking something very large scale, like a nuclear fallout or a meteorite, wherein everybody is seemingly fucked. I can tell you that I wouldn't be the hero to random people who I don't know, but if one of my friends was in danger and I had the power to save them then you bet your ass I would. I don't think any rules or laws would really matter in such a case. People would fend for themselves and steal and pillage while all the commotion was going on. People would do what they wanted. Of course my views would change under a different circumstance. If I was about to see somebody get stabbed who I didn't even know, I don't I would just stand idly by. I would do something about it, be it interfere or scream loudly so people are notified or something. But, you said a local disaster, so I didn't choose that.

Somebody got stabbed at the St. Mary's Fair last night. Who the fuck does that at a fair with children and families there?