Monday, May 11, 2009

Day 15

Please respond to the following quote:

"Inside myself is a place where I live all alone and that's where you renew your springs that never dry up."
Pearl Buck

Make sure you have some kind of personal connection to your response.


Unknown said...


quite simply, this is the state of mind where nobody can touch. buck is talking about her subconcious where she cant hink of happy things and renew her pleasure. i think it is a kind of survival mechanism. a state of mind we create when we dont feel so hot. like when i dont feel very well, i isolate myself and think things through. this is just the place that helps us get through the day. much like escaping reality in a movie, i fdeel this is the same type of scenario that buck presents.

jray said...

I think that this quote means you don't have to act different when you're by yourself. You can always turn to yourself for advice. When I have a situation where I don't know what to do I just think to myself. Sometimes it helps when you just figure it out by your self. It can also help you clam down in a heated situation. Even if it is about something with a friend or a parent. It can help keep you out of trouble like it has for me.

Miranda Adams said...

"Inside myself is a place where I live all alone and that's where you renew your springs that never dry up."
Pearl Buck

i believe the quote means that even when your surrounded by a bunch of people inside your self is a place where you can be all by urself and not have to put on a act. you are truly yourself. like when you act so much you start to lose who you are you can just look deep down inside yourself and find who you really are againg. the person who you are never truly goes away. they might just be hidding. i know when im around some people i cant be who i really am so i hid that and try to be someone im not. but when i leave them sometimes i for get who i am so i have to look and remember. or like when your being pushed into doing something you normaly wouldnt do and then you do that. you have to realize thats not you.

Lil Southkr3w said...

to tell you the truth i dont kno what this qoute means at all. i dont kno what peerl buck was thinking when she came up with this qoute. i think this quote means that when you all alone you dont be actin different than if you renew the springs. also it could be meanin that they is a spring that never dries up. she could of be thinkin of a flower or spring when she was comin up with dis qoute. like jon said when you dont be having some one to trun around for advice just think to your self. it also calms people down. when i have no one to turn around i just be thinkin to myself. thats all i can think about thet connect to my personalresponse.

Alan Hernandez

Anonymous said...

The author has a very good point to this qoute. What he is saying is that everything is a state of mind. No matter what you always have feeling those will never change. Like sometimes when your getting in toruble or something you just feel like shit then you kind of have to rebuild. Like One time i was just realy mad at my parents. You just need to step back and rejuvinate. Things may bother you but you need to just take a deep breath and not let it really get to you.

Alix Dickson said...

I think this quote means that inside your mind nobody can get to you and you dont have to put on an act. Basically you are free to be who you really are with out being judged. Its good to get that alone time with only your thoughts once in a while without haveing people butt in. I think just knowing i have that place in my mind has helped me get through alot. In that state of mind i am free to think whatever i want and to feel however i want to. If someone is bringing me down its nice to go into that place and let my emotions out. This quote i believe applies to everyone.

Anonymous said...

Pearl is saying that his personality and own unique mind keep him happy and interested. When he isn't feeling great, he spends time with himself and does what makes him happy. I think this is incredibly important to a person. A person left alone with nothing to do can create dangerous hazards. Whenever I am feeling down or like I'm wasting my time, I write music/lyrics. I can go deep within myself to find subjects that interest me and then write about them. Or, I play videogames, because I love videogames. Music in general just helps me so much.

kirkwhitt said...

"Inside myself is a place where I live all alone and that's where you renew your springs that never dry up."
Pearl Buck

This quote is saying that every one has a place where they can hide and think. My place is inside my head, my minde is always working and thinking and only I know what I am thinking. People go to their state of minde when times get tough. I got in touch with my iner self just a few days ago when I got in a fight with my dad. I went to my room and just thoulght of every thing that had happend, and calmed my self down that way. Renewing your springs for me is rethinking what I say, and do. Some times going to your inside place helps you think and plan what your going to do befor your do it or say what you were going to say.

Stefan Kegebein said...

Pearl Buck makes a very interesting point in the quote. The quote says no matter if things change for the better or the worse there is something inside you that acts as motivation. There are some things that can go unchanged by outside influences. It is these internal feeling and ideals that make people who they are. Everyone hold different things internally that people cannot change. For some people that maybe passion toward athletics, religion, or family. For me it is my passion for sports. If I am having a rough day and just unwind I watch or play sports. Sports have the ability to take my mind off of everything else and get rid of a lot of my worries for the short term. No one can ever take my passion for sports away from me.

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

I get this quote, but it just kinda reminds me of a crazy person. I totally can relate to this in some ways. What it is saying is that alone time is refreshing. I know that first hand, i take alone time daily. I need it or i get pissy and act like a dick. I think that's what it means by renewing your springs. I think this is a good idea, and true one at that, everyone should take time to lt go of the world.

ben nicolay said...

I think that this quote is saying that inside Buck is a place where she can go to when things get rough. She has that place inside her all to herself. When she goes there she can always get in touch will her good side. She rejuvinates herself when she visits her own place. This quote kind of relates to Happy Gilmore when Happy has his own "Happy Place". I think everyone has their own happy place. When I feel stressed or depressed I go to my happy place because it helps me renew myself. One place I go to when im stressed or depressed is the gym. Im angry and I take it out on the weights. I usually get a better workout when I go there pissed of so its a win/win situation.

ScOtW29 said...

"Inside myself is a place where I live all alone and that's where you renew your springs that never dry up."
Pearl Buck

The quote is saying that everyone need to have a happy place. A place where if you are angry you can think about and it will make you feel better. A place that will make you feel more relaxed when you are stressed out. In the movie Happy Gilmore Happy is an angry person for the most part. Chubbs tells him to find a happy place and that helps him to become a better golfer. If something bad happens you have to relax and collect your thoughts and then fix the problem. Inside you head is the one place where no one can bother you and the place where you can think. That is what i think the quote is saying.

Austen Anderson said...

in this quote, i believe it is trying to say to its readers is that inside yourself who your really are, is who yu will always be. there is no point in trying to change who you really are. this is because you cant change that, that all coems back to fate. this connects to me because if i wanted to change who i was (which i wouldnt want to do) then i wouldnt be able to. i am just who i am. you dont have to act different to be who you are around other people. just be yourself and everythnig will turn out for the best in the end. and in the end, you can always turn to yourself for advice.

Anonymous said...

I believe this quote is saying that inside your own mid is the only place where you can be truly alone. It also says that when your in your own mind, you can't act any different from who you are because your mind is the only one that actually knows who the real you is. If that makes any sense to you. Basically your brain is the one thing you can not lie to. When someone is around other people they act differently then when they are thinking in their head. I personally think this quote means a lot because everybody does this onside of their heads. I would say I do this without evening thinking about it. People only do this because everybody wants to keep their appearance.

Stephen Manvydas said...

A quick translation to this quote is that you know yourself better than anyone else in the world. In your head you have all kinds of thoughts and dreams and some of these can only be completed in your head. I personally love to loose track of things and just wonder to myself. What will happen after class? What will i be doing at home? When will this class end!? In my head i can imagine things that could never be possible. It is basically another world that we wish could be a reality. The first part of the quote states that in our head we are alone and i agree. No one can say things we don't like in our head. We control ourselves and we make our little world what we want it to be.

jessecovill said...

ok ill be up front about this quote...i have no idea what it is supposed to mean and im quite confused about the second part, but ill give it a shot. obvoiously hes talking about his happy place (not the phyisical one but the mental one), where he goes to reflect about things. The springs that he is talking about are not mecanicall, there like little pools of water and they are constantly needing refilled. If he is talking about happy places, mine would have to be in the woods somewere, somewere i can just sit and reflect on why things are happeninf the was they are.

shelbybatlemente said...

I think this quote is saying that even when you are with a bunch of people you can still be yourself inside. You can always count on yourself and you should always count on yourself. If you are alone you should still be able to act yourself. You should never be something that you aren't but especially not when you are all alone. It is kind of like a state of mind you have inside you that tells you to act yourself. A situtation when I don't know what to do or I don't feel very well I tend to isolate myself and think things through. This is good because it means I have the ability to think about myself even when i'm with a big group of people. If I make a bad choice I tend to reflect on it in my head and think about what went wrong. Having your own subconscious is good for finding your inner strength and applying it to your everyday life.

Kevin Hughes said...

I think this is both a good and a bad quote. I agree that being by yourself can be very good for you and refreshing, mentally. I think very extroverted people have a hard time understanding that you can enjoy being by yourself just as much as you can being with others. The thing I don't like about this quote comes from the dualistic nature of it. I don't think it's good to be "two-brained", whatever those two may be. Such as believing there is a higher self and a lower self (libido). I think this is the root of a common human problem, that we feel schizophrenic from this divide. I can connect to this personally because I was a much more nervous person before I delved into this problem. So I do agree with the overall message of the quote, I don't think the "alone self" and the "outgoing self" should really been seen as two separate things in the first place.

Anonymous said...

After reviewing my classmate's responses, I realize that it cannot be hit dead-on any more so than it has been. There is a place that we have where we are whatever we want to be and no one can access it, analyze it or laugh at us because of it. It's where we go when we are unhappy or need to remind ourselves that life isn't as bad as it seems. For me, it's the place where I keep all my dreams of what I want to be or picture myself as being. I am my own person in that place shut off from the world. There's probably no place that has more scanctity to a human being that their own thoughts. We make ourselves what we wish ourselves to be and no person could care more. We carry out storylines and plots of what we wish would happen. We plot murder in there, we grieve, we create art and lastly we create ourselves. It's what defines our personality, this private place. I feel that there is no place more important than this little world of our creation.

Alex V said...

i think the quote is trying to say everone has a place where they can go to think about things in there mind. It is a state of mind where you are by yourself and you can just think about things in peace a quite. It is a place where you can just be yourself you dont have to put on a act so other people will like you you can just be yourself. This quote realtes to me because when im feeling really stressed out i just want to be by myself so no one will bother me. So i go to a place in my mind where i can just work shit out. It helps going to this place so you can work out things yourself. When you go to this place in your mind you are free to be who you really are with out being judged.

Plaz said...

Mr. Kay im doin my blog late because my mom had to go to the hospital and i just got home and it's 12:55. Also i wont be at school tomarrow.
Anyway to me this quote is sayin that there is a mental place that we think of when we need to get away from all the crap we are goin through. When the quote said "where you renew your springs that never dry up." i think that means that the place you "go" to is the best place you can think of and the place where everything seems to be right. I usally just look back at memories that made me feel good and make me better. Like one year i went to NYC for a school trip and we went on this boat ride and i met this girl and we were becomin friends but i never got her number haha. That story is long. I do think of a place where everything is right. It changes almost everyday haha. Somedays i'll think of a beach, my friends, some KFC+Mickey D's, and kickin it. Other days i think of me sittin on the top of a big buildin in NYC lookin at the city, hangin wit my friends, and jus kickin it. I always thought that it would be tight. I think everybody has a place they metally go to.

Panos said...

I believe that this quote intreprets to somebody's subconscious mind in which people concentrate on just to get through the day and no one else knows what your subconcous mind is thinking about. Personally this subconsous in my mind thinks throughout the whole day about the good things that are going to happen when I get out of school at the end of the day like if I play sports or if I have to go to work. This kinda helps me get through all the pressures of the day knowing that the end of the day is going to be fun because I have something fun to do.

JakeCastner said...

When i read this quote i am reminded of another quote, this one by a jamaican reggae singer named Robert Marley, who said "Home is in my head." Living in this world is sure to get stressful, and sometimes you just need to chill out. Whether you find comfort staring into a campfire, reading a book, or just thinking, you do what you have to do in order to keep sane. If you look around you in the halls, you will see people who damage themselves by popping pills to renew their springs, or drinking themselves stupid. I find it easier to replenish my springs simply enjoying the company of others. Old Pearly Buck was really onto something when he was quoted that day, because everybody has some way of coping with the day-to-day.

brandonlengyel said...

told you about the problem alreday with the blog yesterday thankyou.
This quote simply means there is a place were nobody can touch you. It this place you can live alone and think about stuff. Theres always a place in somebody where somebody can go. This quote very much refers to this quote. People are trying to escape reality and escape to a makebeliev land. Much like scaping reality in life this can also come up in movies and tv shows. I feel that escaping reality is a horriable thing to do and not facing reality is horriable. This is how this refers to the quote.

Anonymous said...

I think this quote is saying that there is a place in all of us that is truly us. All throughout our lives we are influenced by the environment around us. Our experiences tell us what we like, what our favorite food is and what we want from life. But there is one part of our life that truly comes from ourselves and that is who we are. When she is referring to this renewing spring she is referring to the place inside us that holds our sense of identity and happiness. This is important to have because our whole lives we are pushed to conform to the norms, and although this may be a good thing at times its important that you dont go to far.

jay said...

Basically this quote is saying that you alone can change and see your inner self. You yourself must find your inner self. You need to find your path and follow it. Pearl talks about renew your springs. I think she is talking about everytime you do something new you are renewing your springs. Finding yourself takes many changes and much time. With every change in your life you renew yourself. Slowly as time passes you find yourself. Your true self!

Janet said...

I think dis quote is saying that your mind is your mind and no one elses. Like no one can get into your mind, they wont know what your thinking. you can do what ever with out someone telling something. its always good to just think without people judging you. its always good to go outside and just relax. everyone can relate to this quote in a way. becasue everyone has some dayz dat they just want to think to themselfs. a time that you can just express yourself and you can let the emotions out.

BrittanyBarron said...

Sorry its late been a really bad week. I beleive this quote is saying that only you can change yourself. That within yourself you will find what need to change. Yourself will be the only one to change you not anybody else. There is place within youesefl that deicieds whaat is right or worng for you. When my grandmother died i was very upset and i isolated myself from my family and friends. I decided within that was desturctive and that i needed to be around people who love me to help me through. I made that change within myself to change and it made everything better.

Anonymous said...

Bah! Mr. Kay! Sorry these are coming in so late. My mom decided to swing a camping trip on me after school Friday. We just got home a few minutes ago.

I think that the quote is explaining that we are at peace inside of us or that we can find peace inside of ourselves. No matter how fucked up the world is on the outside, we can always rely on ourselves even if there isn't anyone out there to rely on. Internal support is much better thank an extrinsic emotional crutch. I think this is true because a few years ago, my father left. And though there were people on the outside - my family - supporting me, I felt that I could rely on myself to get through it. The spring does not dry up!