Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Day 24

What is the symbolism of the conch? Why does it seem to have so much power? What characteristics does it have in common with what it appears to symbolize? In the first part of Planet of the Apes, is there any symbol that is like the conch or a symbol that might represent power? Give an example in your life of some type of power symbol. This could be in your family or society and explain why that symbol has power.


Anonymous said...

The symbolism of the conch is like a crown to the children. It's the trumpet that proclaims decrees and the brooch that designates "I'm the leader." Conch shells in general, look very much like crowns. They have spikes that shoot out and while you can't wear it, it still looks powerful and dangerous. Also, conches are not easy to find, so the uniqueness of it in the book is like a jewel. Everyone wants it, but the person who has it must be the best because they were "blessed" with it if you will. I have not seen Planet of the Apes, but from what the web tells me, the movie is filled with biblical references such as the Ape's names. There's the burning bush scene, which is an obvious allusion to the story of Exodus. So, I guess based on that I could construe the conch as being a form of commandments. The person who has it can speak their mind and make rules. In essence, while it does not write anything down or have anything written on it, the fact that people can make rules when they have it is the allusion. For me, a big symbol of power within my family is the remote control to the TV. While I don't personally watch that much TV anymore because I like reading, whoever has it controls the TV and what everyone else watches. I suspect that this is the single most important family symbol of power. The majority of us have TVs and we all want to watch what we want to watch. So, for my family it's the TV remote.

jray said...

The conch shell in the story, is a of symbol of authority. It has so much power because who ever has it can speak without being interupted by anyone besides Ralph. It kind of looks like the shape of the island that it kind of governs. The movie didn't really show anything symbolic in the first part like the conch. In my family, who ever is on the computer has power. Everyone in my house, besides my mom, fights for it. Also when ever someone is on, they are on for hours.

Alix Dickson said...

In my opinion the conch symbolizes unity and order. Without the conch the kids might not have found each other. If the kids had not found each other then they wouldnt have rules and everything would turn into chaos. whoever is holding the conch has the right to speak. The conch itself is loud and when it is blown everyone comes together and listens. In Planet of the Apes i think the ability to speak and communicate is sign of power. In my life the bell at school is like a power symbol because when it rings we all have to be in correct area or we get in trouble, that is why it has power.

Stefan Kegebein said...

I also believe that the conch symbolizes authority and power. The conch also symbolizes the organization and civility on the island. The conch is very powerful because the speaker or “leader” at the time is the only one who gets to use the conch. The shell has many distinct features that make it different from other shells. The person who is using the conch is different from normal people because they receive the power of the conch and seem to be the leader(s) of the group. In the movie the ability to be able to communicate through speaking or writing makes you powerful. In my life an example of something that symbolizes power is the T.V remote. Who ever has the remote is in total control of what we are watching. Everyone wants to watch T.V on the HD flat screen TV so there are constant fights over who had the remote.

jessecovill said...

i think the symbolism of the conch is that it draws a lot of attention to the person holding it, so its powerful in some circumstances. The conch seems to have so much power because its the things used to call all the children to meet. It appeares to have a lot of power over little kids, maybe its the strange sounds it makes for its doceile looking exterior. In planet of the apes the only symbol i can think of fight now would be the American flag, it was everywere in the first few scenes, even on the yellow dingy. a power symbol for me would have to be $, because without it no one really cares what you have to say, but when you have a lot of it every one wants to be your friend or kill you, and you can minpulate a ot of people with the cash that you have. a symbol for my family would have to be bow and arrow, or rifle and bullet, this is because we like o hunt...a lot, and back a few hundred years and people would have looked to us for food, and i think that would have put my family in a place of power.

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

I think that the conge is what brings them together. I think that without it they would fall apart. In all its the reason they come together and able to organize/survive on the island. In planet of the apes i couldn't really see the symbol. My symobol could be allot of things but my biggest on could possibly be my cross. That represents what I'm about and my view in life. It is just the thing that influences my life the most out of everything.

ScOtW29 said...

What is the symbolism of the conch? Why does it seem to have so much power? What characteristics does it have in common with what it appears to symbolize? In the first part of Planet of the Apes, is there any symbol that is like the conch or a symbol that might represent power? Give an example in your life of some type of power symbol. This could be in your family or society and explain why that symbol has power.

The conch symbolizes power. Whoever has the conch probably feels like they are no top of the world. The have authority over everybody. The conch also brings people on the island together. The only symbol that I can think of in the plant of the apes is when the get off and the one guy plants the flag on the ground. An example in my life would be remote control for the Television set. Whoever has it has the power to turn on whatever they want and everybody else cant do anything about it.

JakeCastner said...
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JakeCastner said...

The symbolism of the conch is power and leadership. It makes a loud, booming noise, and it holds the attention of the children. In addition to this, it brought them together on the beach, and brought order to their world. It is bold and strong, just like leadership and power. In planet of the apes, there isn't much symbolism, save the lone plant representing hope and life. When we saw that the apes had guns though, it symbolized civilized beings and power. In my personal experience, whoever has the money has the power. Typically, my dad has the money, and he pays me to work. When i have the money, i can buy him things and make him treat me with a little respect and thanks. This is not just in my family, either. Money is power all over the world.

ben nicolay said...

I think the symbolism of the conch is basically authority. The children view the conch as a power. It is viewed highly of because the children have nothing to look up to. The person with the conch has the power to talk which gives power. In the planet of the apes, I think that speaking shows power. If the guy would have just spoken I think they would have viewed him differently. In my house who ever has the tv clicker is the one who is in control. Everyone fights for it and usually my dad wins.

Anonymous said...

The conch means alot to these kids. I think to them it symbolisis power. They feel power as they blow into knowing everyone will be listening to them when they hear it. Im not really sure what a symbol could be. Maybe there intellegence. They feel that they are the smartest and most intellegent life in the planet and all the humans are just savage beasts. I think a power symbol could be leadership. If your a good leader and people listen you feel like you have alot of power.

Austen Anderson said...

the smbolism of the conch is like a diamond to the group. it is like their god, or what the honnor. the conch seems to have so much power because they think of it as a god, like i said. is characteristics of what it symbolizes it is that everyone respects it, and they all think of it as the high up item, the item that everyone wants. in the planet of the apes the itme that smbolizes the conch would be the gun. the all think it has so much power and will obey it at any costs. or who has it i ma say. a powerful symbol in my lfie would be my parents, if i dotn obey them i will be in trouble. the have power because the say they do, and thats all they will give me, is because they said so. hehe

Anonymous said...

I think that the conch is the symbol of peace with the children. When They are using the conch, the one who is holding it gets to speak freely without being interrupted. I think that it symbolizes the childrens manners of speaking together. By them not being interrupted while talking with the conch it teaches them manners towards each other. I don't believe that there was any symbols in the planet of the apes but to be honest, I did not like the part of the movie that I watched. I think that in my life that I would consider a symbol of power would be the cars that we own. My sister and I always fight about who would drive, and my mom always lets me because I have my full license and my sister doesn't. My sister gets mad at my when I drive my own car because she doesn't have a car of her own but yet she expects me to drive her places. I think it will change after she gets her own car because we won't be fighting over the cars.

Lil Southkr3w said...

i be thinking that conch symbolizes unity and order. like jon said this symbol can also symbolize authority. it looks like it haves to much power because authority is power. in the movie planet of the apes the word communicate is sign of power. i say communicate is power because that one guy was talkin bad to the other person. in my family when ever some one is watchin TV they be havin the power. when some one has the control they have the power of changin the channel when ever they want. also they all ways be fightin over the control.

Alan hERnandez

shelbybatlemente said...

The symbolism of the conch is its like the object that proclaims everything. The children see the conch as the object of authority. It seems to have so much power because when you have it you are in control and can talk. When you don't have it you have to sit still and listen. You aren't allowed to talk when the conch is not in your hands. It is somewhat like a crown in its appearance and symbolism. Conch shells do tend to look like crowns. So when you have the conch shell it makes you feel like you are the king of the group. In the first part of Planet of the Apes the ability to communicate and talk is a sign of power. Same with in the Lord of the Flies. Whenever someone has the conch shell they have the power to communicate and speak. An example in my life of some type of power symbol is with the TV or Stereo remotes in my house. Whoever has the remote controls what we watch or what we listen to on the stereo. This symbol has power because if I don't have the remote I have no say in what we watch or listen to. The person who has the remote controls that and everyone else has to deal with it.

Stephen Manvydas said...

I'm going to agree with what Stefan said the conch is basically like a crown. It seems to have so much power due to the fact that Ralph makes it seem so godly. The only characteristic i see that it has in common with a crown would be its sign of power and prestige. The crown shows your the top or your class, the most powerful out there. The conch also shows that only you may talk witch gives you power over others, just like a king. A symbol in planet of the apes that represents power could be their spaceship or even flight. The apes say flight is impossible and with the humans help it shows how wrong they are. An example of power in modern life would be money. Money is universal power and with it you can do almost anything.

brandonlengyel said...

The conch means all to the kids. It is like there most prised postion. This is only given to the leader of the group thats how special it is to them. This is given to the one that is blessed to keep it and only tht person can use it. There very unique picece of jewerly of a jewel. In the planet of the apes the abelness to speak is life and death for the main chacter. This is a planet full of apes tht can talk and this one human that got shot in the adams appel can no longer talk. So they are trying to kill him with the different kinds of surgies they try to him. An example of something in my life is the cross i were 24/7. It shows and gives me belief and sterght to live life to the fullest. Just one little thing like my cross means so much to me and is powerfull in my life. This is what i think of this blog.

Anonymous said...

I think the conch symbolizes power. Think of it as a crown. A king wears a crown to show that he is above all and powerful. The one who controls the conch acts as the "king". A symbol in Planet of the Apes that acts as a conch is the ability to speak. The apes think poorly of the "men" because they lack the ability/know-how to speak. Also, I found it extremely irritating that Charlton Heston's character is able to speak, but can't due to his injury. Things like that piss me off. An example in my life of a symbol would be my parents wedding rings. It shows that they are still together and such.

Unknown said...


So to me, the conch is sort of like a king's crown. The one that has it holds the most power. The reason it has so much power is the fact that it holds the ability to bring people together cooperatively. It has the visual and emotional monarchal connection. In planet of the apes, the powerful object isn't really an object at all, but rather the ability to speak and communicate. In society, the conch resembles the constitution. It is also somewhat like the presidential seal. It holds supreme power to it's subjects.

jay said...

The conch symbolisms the one in control or power. the child who posses it has the control and power. It is like a crown of a king who has control or power over his people. Several things today show power. In WWE, the belt shows the man with the power. But most of all The Stanley Cup (which I see in The Wings future) shows great power over all the other teams (that suck!). Another symbol that shows power would be a policeman's badge, now that shows power. Also, a soldiers stripes shows his rank which is power. In many families like mine We have a family crest which shows power of that family thourgh the family name's history.

Anonymous said...

The conch is a kids version of the crow a king wore. The main reason they chose the conch is because it was something that could untie them all by the sound it made. In order for some to enjoy the conch they must behave and do their share so that they can survive. In planet of the apes there is a reference to the burning bush in the Book of Exodus. This is showing that those who survive in that world must live to a certain code and standards. Another sign would be the guns and the American flag. The first shows strength while the other shows pride and unity. In my household power is distributed pretty evenly. There is more than one tv and we just take turns on the computer. When i do work for my dad he holds it for a while because i need the money he pays me for gas and stuff.

Kevin Hughes said...

The conch shell in the story was a symbol of power and authority. It has so much power because it's the one thing that allows people to speak. It also has a lot of power because it is the one thing that keeps the kids from being savage and having no rules on the island. The ability to speak is a sign of power that the humans have in Planet of the Apes. An example of a power symbol in my life is my alarm clock. It's pretty much the only reason why I get up to go to school, and when it fails the course of my day is altered, so it has a big effect weather or not it works.

Alex V said...

the conch symbloisys power and order to the kids. Who ever has the conch shell is incontrol and they listen to who every has it. The have authority over everybody. The conch also brings people on the island together. The only symbol that I can think of in the plant of the apes is when the get off and the one guy plants the flag on the ground. an example of a symboly of power in my life is is the tv whenever some ones wacthing some thing someone changes it. So who ever has the remote or whoever takes it is in control for the time we are out there.

Plaz said...

I dont know what the symbolism of the conch is or in Planet of the Apes. I use to have a symbol and i never looked at it being powerful. It was your middle, ring and pinky finger up and your index finger and thumb made a circle and that was a sign for my old street. Nobody really uses anymore because everybody that lived on my old street moved out. That sign kept you protected. If you threw that sign up everybody that saw it had your back so it was powerful. Thats the only sign that has been powerful for me in my life.

Panos said...

I think the symbolism of the conch is like a crown or an item that thte kids believe give the person who owns it authority to be the leader over all of the people. It seems to have so much power because whoever is in control of the conch is the leader and can tell anyonen around him to do anything he wants. In planet of the apes I think that the superior abilities for the apes to speak is a sign of power for everyone. In my family, whoever has the most money has all the power. If my dad has say like a 20.00 and I have a 50.00 then I get to choose where we go for things like to buy or eat.

Anonymous said...

I, like Austin, think of the conch as a sort of crown. The boy who has the conch has the floor, so to speak. It's like raising your hand in school, except it's a bit more reliable. Well, maybe not, because if they lose the conch then they are sort of screwed whereas hands are attached to you. But, anyway. The conch symbolizes power. The American flag that the astronaut plants into the ground after they crash land into the future was pretty symbolic to me during the film's first few scenes. It just goes to show the pride that the guy had for his country; he had no idea where he was, but still he planted that tiny little flag there. It was nice. In my life, a symbol of power is money. People who have money have immense power over people be it through their charm or through deception or bribery. Many millionaires are viewed as idols, thus they can tell people what to do simply based on that. Or, if they simply pay someone enough money to do something then that person will more than likely do it.

ZACK SZAJNER 5th Hour said...

im trying to see if this works