Thursday, May 14, 2009

Day 18

Tomorrow we will continue our godathon, may the best god win (small g Scott Houghtaling).

For this evening, please respond to the following:

"When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us."
Helen Keller

Give me a personal example of how this quote relates to you.


Anonymous said...

I think that this blog is telling us to take oppertunities when they present themselves and not to spend to much time thinking about them. This goes along with the saing if life hands you lemons make lemonade. When a good oppertunity presents itself many people dont realise it right away. And when they finally end up realising it it is to late. I am not condoning doing whatever pops into your head because that is generally a bad idea. but if someone calls you with a scholarship or something good like that you should definatly consider taking it if its right for you. But always keep in mind for every door that closes a new one opens.

Austen Anderson said...

basicaly what this is trying to say is that people reflect upon what has already happened. people often dont see what is going to happen, but what has already happened. for example, many people morn over what has happened. they keep whinning and morning over a past event, and in other words, they dont see what is going to happen, but only what has already happened. for all we know, there could be a lifetime of happiness that coudl be waiting just a second away, but then again, if you dont do what is needed to achieve this, then you will never know it was even there. basicaly people need to move on, because if you regret thigns you will always regret things. you cannot change the past, and will never be able to.

Anonymous said...

These qoute makes complete sense to me. Some people fail to see other opritunitys they are very non-open minded. They dont look at everything that is going on the tend to just see one thing. Life will be very boring if your just waiting for one thing to happen. You shouldnt put all your eggs in one basket. You need to have other options in life than just one thing or the door will always be closed nothing will happen for you and you will be a very lonely person in the end.

jay said...

Well sometimes it is the end of something. We might not like that it's over at all. We dwell so much on it that we don't see new things. These new things may be better. Staying focused on the past can make us forget to look forward. I may make us unable to change because we go crazy with the thoughts of the past. I can relate to this. Like when you break up with a girl. You could drive yourself crazy thinking of her and why. But then there may be a beautiful girl right in front of your eyes. And you may miss her if you dwell in the past. Don't live with what if's. Always look ahead and don't dwell in the past! Amen, brother!

Alix Dickson said...

This quote means that when we lose one oppertunity another oppertunity will usually present itself. This quote also says thatsometimes we focus so much on that one lost oppertunity thats we miss the one that has presented itself. In life you will miss alot if u only focus on that one closed door. I've learned to keep an open mind when something bad happens. An example of this is one one of my best friends moved away. I was so sad that i didnt even think about all the other friends i still had here with me. Eventually i realized i was missing hanging out wuth my friends and now im really happy again.

jray said...

I think this quote thats their is a positive for everything. It is just how you look at it. Some people are too focused on their problems to realise that they could of have something good. Sometimes it takes people a long time to realise these oppertunity. I had to learn this the hard way. I spent more time worrying about what had happen to me then doing something to make it better. I realised what had happen too late and it was also to late to make things better.

ben nicolay said...

I think that Helen is saying that people regret to much. People are so hell bent on fixing the past when they should be worrying about what is ahead of them. You cannot fix what has happend in the past so move on. If you are worrying about the closed door to much you will not see the next and feel depressed about not being happy. You need to seek new oppertunities. I haven't really had many expieriences with this. The happiness unfortunately has to come to an end and sometimes I still think back to it and do not relize what I could have in front of me. Its all about choices and what you wanna do. Do what makes you happy.

ScOtW29 said...

"When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us."
Helen Keller

This quote is saying when something goes wrong for you, you shouldnt focus on that. You should focus on another door that might have opened for you. If you have a negetive attitude about something then you will never see the good in any situation. I also agree with what ben said that people are upset about what happened in the past. This means people arent open to other oppurtunities that could open up for them. when i get upset about something i usually dont care about anything else. All i can think about is that, and i dont see oppurtunities that may be available.

Stefan Kegebein said...

This blog is saying there are plenty of opportunities in life. People tend to dwell on the opportunities they miss or doors that are not open to them (myself included) and they miss greater opportunities. The quote is saying that we need to focus on the next challenge at hand. The world is full of opportunities and you keep trying you will eventually find one that suits you. There have been times during my life time when disappointments have distracted me from other opportunities. When we lost in the playoffs for hockey it affected my whole life. I was just upset and didn’t feel like doing much. There may have been good opportunities for me but I would know because I was dwelling on something that happened in the past. I think as a society we do that way too much.

BrittanyBarron said...

This quote is bascaily saying that we can dwell on the past. When we dwell on the past we can not see the futrue infront of us. It relates to the old saying when god close a oor he opens a window in its place. How this relates is when I moved when i was 12. I kept dwelling on my old life and who things would have been it i stayed. With that i missed things i shouldn't have missed. But once i got over it things change for the better.

jessecovill said...

This quote relates to me because, like Helen, i too am blind to the most obvious choices given to me (that was not meant to be a joke, it just came out in a sick and twisted funny fashion). Although i don't dwell on the past that much, i would tend to think about what if i walked through the other door, would the end result be much better than this one? I think people do this way to much in todays world.

Anonymous said...

I believe this quote is saying that when an opportunity has become not available that another opportunity will open for you. Say for example if you want to do something in life that you really want and it becomes impossible to do, then there will be something else that has an equal or greater benefit for you. You should never dwell in the past for long because something new will open in your life. For example with me, I like working on vehicles and I would have liked to take the class to take that further in my life but the class was full. Instead I had another opportunity to take a different class and I did and I really like it now. I would say it has an equal benefit for me because I am good at what I do now and it will help me succeed in life. I think that I would do better in this class anyway rather than the automotive class.

Kevin Hughes said...

This quote sounds like it's commenting on the way we view opportunities. I think it's telling you to make the best of your situation, even if your original plans didn't come to fruition (the original closed door). It is true that a lot of times, people only look at the negative when it comes to opportunities. If you live regretting things, you'll never take any action to better your situation. This quote applies to me because it reminds me of one of the several times I moved when I was younger. I was bummed out because it felt like I closed the door on any relationships I had with people in my previous location. But if it happened to me now, I would have stopped pining for that and realized that I could be enjoying where I was currently.

Stephen Manvydas said...

For being a blind women Helen Keller is a very wise person and i 100% agree with her quote. Translation time, It means we dweel in the past too much. We cant change the past so why worry about it. The future, if you dont believe in predestination or whatever its called, is all you can change now. I stopped hanging out with one of my good friends long ago after he moved away and for the longest time i felt very sad. We hung out daily and were best friends. What i didnt notice at that time was all the other options that opened up. The friends that moved away is a completly different person and if he had stayed around me i think i wouldnt like who i have become. What im trying to say i guese is that change is good, dont dweel in the past, and have fun in your life you only live it once.

shelbybatlemente said...

I think that what this quote is telling us is that when opportunities present themselves for people they spend too much time on one opportunity. When you spend too much time on one opportunity you don't notice the other opportunities that present themselves. It is best to just keep an open mind and pay attention to all the opportunities that you come across. Also when an opportunity does present itself take it and don't spend too much time thinking about it. Most people don't realize it right away when a good opportunity presents itself. So when they do end up realizing it its too late. A personal example of how this quote relates to me is when I moved from Hartland to Linden. I spent so much time being sad and worrying that I didn't realize all the new friends that I was making and all the friends I now had. Eventually I realized that wherever I go I will have friends and I have kept most of them throughout the years. Even though I have now moved away from Linden and go to Lakeland I now have friends here and at the other 2 schools. So when the opportunity comes to you take it!

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

This quote reminds me of really old people. Like people who are stuck in the old days and don't know what the current time is about. The general idea i think is that you hold something for so long, it seems like the only right. I think this quote is simple just a true fact in life. Iv seen many people in my life pull one these. I also think you should NEVER let this happen to you. You will get lost in the times, i promise you.

brandonlengyel said...

I belive this quote is telling us to take oppurtunits when they are given and fulfiill then to the greatest. When an oppurtuinty appears i try to take advantage of it. When i vision an outcome i try to make it happen or try to stop it fromhappening. This quote very much resmbles the auther who wrote it hellen keller. She was an unfortunate child but has achieved so much. Some thing as me but im perfectly fine in every way and want to acheive anything in my way. In order to do that there are obsticules to overcome and decisions. Like what robert frost poem the road less taken. The road in which you take go down it and never turn back and accomplish everything in your way threw that time.

Plaz said...

This is perfect for me because it jus happened to me. So school has got me really down lately for the past month so i was like in a "i dont care anymore" type of mood. Then last week i figured out that we are most likely movin to New York over the summer. That had me down too. About 2 days ago my friend that i havent talked to for a year and a half wrote to me on myspace. That got me in a REALLY good mood. Now im happy ereday and want to go to school. For the past month i couldnt find anything that made me better so i was jus lookin down the door that closed. Then when my friend wrote to me i went to the door thats open. The door that open did bring me happiness.

Alex V said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...


im not that cynical. but this quote is clearly that of human reflection. the fact thet when something bad happens, we dwell on it too much and don't realize what else there is to do that can surpass that oppurtunity. something that may add to this idea is the song that says, to my best interpretation "whenever one door closes, hope one more opens". these both embody the same idea. we must live in tune with what is happening in our lives. if we dont, we may never attain out full potential. i think this plays a role in my life very promnently in the form of my getting pissed off. ill use a prime example you are familiar with; whenever i make a mistake in tennis, i tend to hold it against myself, or my teamate. instead of accepting that mistake and playing point for point. not playing in the past.

Alex V said...

I think the quote is says when one door closes another one may open. take oppertunities when they present themselves and not to spend to much time thinking about them. They dont look at everything that is going on the tend to just see one thing. Even when one door closes it may look like a bad thing at first but it may end up trying into something good. Example of this quote is that if you win the lottery and you lose it all in one week. It may not look good now but maybe this would be something that leads up to another door opening.

Alex V said...

I think the quote is trying to say issometimes one door of happiness may close. But When that door closes you may be looking back at it. And you cant get it out of your mind and you may not even notice that another door may open that may lead to bigger and better things. This quote also says that sometimes we focus so much on that one lost oppertunity thats we miss the one that has presented itself. An example of this quote is when you win the lottery and say you lose it all. A door opened when you won the lottery but then it colosed again. But another door may open in the end.

Anonymous said...

My interpretation of this quote is that we too often dwell on the past or our shortcomings and don't see what we can become. Many of us love to be the best, and so often when we're not, we only focus on that aspect and don't realize that there's still something that you have going for you. For me, I'm not as good as I would want to be on the piano, but instead I found that I like the saxophone more anyways. The door I closed on piano was something I focused on until I tried the saxophone in 7th grade and then I began to realize what I had been missing. We need to realize that just because we can't do something or we're not good at something, it's not the end of the world. Most of the time anyways, the open door is a much better one to walk through.

Panos said...

I believe this quote is talking about how we are so blind to what is going on around us that's good and we focus on the bad things that happen. I believe that these days people are so concerned at what is so bad about what happens to them that they fail to see that there are many things that could make them in a better mood like if someone loses there job, they get so down about it and they fail to see all the other job opportunities that are going on around them. This relates to me because when GM was doing there lay-offs my dad was really scared for his job and it took him a while to realize that this gave him an opportunity to retire which he finally found out.

Lil Southkr3w said...

this qoute be telling you people are too focused on their problems to realise that they could of have something good. also opportunity has become not available that another opportunity will open for you. this qoute is very positive. i think it is very positive because it means some thing to some people. this relates to me on the following. I spent more time not doing work in skool then i couldnt do nothing to make it better. I realised tthat i was failing too late and it was also to late to make my grade better.

mr kay remember to give me credit for this blog remember i dont be having interner as of rite now so i cant do em on time

Alan Hernandez

Anonymous said...

The quote is saying that we should not dwell on the past. If something bad has befallen unto you, then that opens the door for a new, positive opportunity to greet you. It's like if you move schools you're senior year. Sure, you'll be leaving a lot of friends, but the positive is that you'll be able to meet new friends and what not. This has happened to me several times when it came to moving. I was sad at first, but then I quickly made new friends and was rather happy with the outcome. Also, getting broken up with by your girlfriend is never a good thing, but it can lead to good things, like finding a girl that you're happier being with.

Anonymous said...

also, Mr. Kay, the reason I am doing this blog today instead of Thursday was that I honestly forgot.

I hope that you will appreciate this, considering I could have just lied and said my internet was down or something, and I hope I'll still get the points for this blog.

JakeCastner said...

To begin, i would like to point out how interesting it is not only that Helen Keller was quoted, but that she was quoted talking about looking at something. In life, doors are always opening and closing. If you lose a job, it gives you an opportunity to get a better job. While that is not true in today's society, where many people are losing jobs and not finding new ones, it is still a cheerful thought. Sometimes doors close and no doors open. It's a sad truth, but it's a truth. You can always move on, and eventually find a new series of doors, but that door is lost. In my own experience, when a door closes, it is not a big deal because there are not many doors in my life. As a teenager, i have little responsibility. It is still a relevant quote, though.

JakeCastner said...

To begin, i would like to point out how interesting it is not only that Helen Keller was quoted, but that she was quoted talking about looking at something. In life, doors are always opening and closing. If you lose a job, it gives you an opportunity to get a better job. While that is not true in today's society, where many people are losing jobs and not finding new ones, it is still a cheerful thought. Sometimes doors close and no doors open. It's a sad truth, but it's a truth. You can always move on, and eventually find a new series of doors, but that door is lost. In my own experience, when a door closes, it is not a big deal because there are not many doors in my life. As a teenager, i have little responsibility. It is still a relevant quote, though.

Anonymous said...

This blog's message is very obvious, but it's a very true message. So often are people pessimistic when something good ends that they fail to recognize all of the other options that the good thing's end has brought upon them. For example, a few weeks ago I went to a fun bonfire. It was a complete blast, and naturally I didn't want it to end. There were just so many people and so many fun moments. But, of course, it had to end. Well, the next morning I woke up and I felt kinda empty. Like, I was so upset that it was over that I just got down about it and wished it hadn't ended. I should've realized that I had a great time and made some great memories, but instead I looked at it pessimistically. Negativity is a bad thing in every situation.