Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Day 16

Current event me today. As always, no sports no entertainment unless you can attach it to something current. Cite in your original response. NO CITE, NO POINTS.

Remember, it is the connection that you make that is more important than the summary of the article.


Unknown said...


im going to chose the auto industry today. my article is talking about how china is the only growing market currently. this means that gm is still alive and well. it is a status symbol in china to own a buick. to them, it is the best and most prestigious car to have. this is part of why gm is eliminating saturn and pontiac, while buick is weak in the u.s. how this effects me; this means that china could essentially be a lifeline to GM, once the world's largest employer. this means good news, because they are my dad's largest customers. as long as there is a market, gm will survive and so will i.


Janet said...

UGA prof dug grave, shot himself in head. He shot himself with a single shot in the head. just before he did that he dug his own grave and covered it with a bush. they found George Zinkhan saturday when cadaver dogs discovered his body about a mile away from where he left his car. "the officials determined that George 57, committed suicide after killing his wife, Marie Bruce, 47, Thomas Tanner, 40, and Ben Teague, 63, outside a theater in Athens on April 25." the police doesnt know why he did it yet. but in his statement it said that him and his wife were having problems. Everytime i think bout things like this it makes me really sad. Becasue why would you kill other people, they got a life. just becasue someone doesnt want to life it doesnt mean he should kill someone else. you only have one life, make the best of it.

Anonymous said...

Officials' Testimony On Interrogations ScrutinizedArticle: NPR by Ari Shapiro

Well, many of you may not feel the same about this subject as I do, but I decided to do an article relating to the hearings on Guantanamo interrogations. The hearings brought about by Obama's recent declassification of key Department of Defense documents center around violations of the Geneva convention's stipulations relating to the use of "enhanced interrogation techniques." The authorization of torture has been confirmed by the documents and contradict key statements by Secretary Rumsfeld as to the use of such techniques. Key to the dispute was the authorization of techniques learned in the military's SERE program, for which soldiers are trained to resist torture by experiencing it. You know, realizing that we're a part of a country that had a government who condoned torture makes me sick. Many people argue that "they deserved it" and that they're "Muslims anyway." I hear it all the time sin school and it does make me sick. Our misconceptions about the Middle East as a country warrant a harsh reality check. The Taliban are a fundamentalist religious group no different than Christian and Jewish groups throughout the country with a wide support base in government and positions of power. We can't see past the "Muslim-curtain" that the Bush administration put up to shield us from realizing that they're as human as we are. Worse yet is we don't know how many people in Guantanamo are being rightly held. Yes, people say "they're there because we have proof" or that "they wouldn't be there if there wasn't some reason." Well you know what, many of those detainees are there for reasons that the public doesn't know, reasons their home-governments don't know and I'm sure that reasons the government is fabricating. Guantanamo was the mistake of the 21st century, and this country is shamed as a whole by its existence and the activities that were carried out there. Even more basic than that is the fact that torture is illegal. People who actually read the blogs I'm sure will dispute this, but as a signing party of the Geneva Accords, the United States has renounced torture of any kinds for any reason. This is no exception. Just because we're American doesn't give us the right. Arrogant presumption on our part gets us nowhere and neither does Guantanamo. Now yes, the problem is what does one do with the confirmed members of Al'Qeada? Note here I don't use the term "Jihadis" because Jihad is NOT what the US Government has pro ported it to be; I don't consider myself an expert on this, but after reading Three Cups of Tea, I know a thing or two about Islam. Those who are confirmed Al'Qeada members should by tried by a court of civil law (which we claim to cherish) and should be incarcerated in either this country or a neutral country such as Switzerland if they agreed. Bottom line, people need to answer for the activities that happened at that despicable place whether you view it as right or not.

jessecovill said...


This current event is about how a man was accused of murduer in 1985 and was on Death row for 22 years and finnaly released on bail and was proclamed not guilty and all charges were droped. The main reason for why he was guilty was that he had lied to the police about where he was on the night of the murduer. What im trying to say is that even if you are afraid for your life, lieing isn't always going to get you what you want, he probably thought that if he told the cops he was somewear else they wouldn't find ouit where he really was, but in fact he was no were near the victem. Just don't lie to the police because they will find out what they want ot know and nail you for something you didn't do. Also that the justice system must have really screwed over a lot more people in the past, just think of how many innocent men and women are in prison right now trying to live, worrying day to day, wondering if they will be either beat to a pulp or shanked to death.

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes


I hate the government, allot. I now am mad at ours but another one. In france they have decided if you get pirated stuff online, then they shut your interwebs off. That is invasion of privacy, your computer is in your home.I really hope this doesn't come to the U.s. I'm not saying that im a computer pirate, but i don't want my Internet to be shut down because of some bullshit. I think that the bigger issue is privacy, witch that bill would be in violation of.

jray said...


Seconds before the worst U.S. air crash in more than seven years, the pilot said, "Jesus Christ" and moments later his co-pilot screamed as the airplane crashed to the ground. The crash seems to have been caused because of the ice weather. Minutes before the crash, their is a recording of the polits talking about how they don't like flying in icy weather. The airplane staled and headed straight for a house. In the crash all 49 people on the plane died, plus on on the ground. This is scary because they knew it was a bad idea, but they kept going. All of this could have been prevented if they would have listen to their guts. This should be scary to everyone. You should beable to trust the people with your life, but when you hear about these kind of accidents it makes you not want to fly.

ben nicolay said...
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ben nicolay said...

For my blog I will talk about how 5 Miami men are convicted of the Sears Tower attack plot. The five Miami men were plotting to start an anti-government insurrection by destroying Chicago's Sears Tower and bombing FBI offices. I am happy they were convicted because it help protects everyone's safety. The FBI find out the plot through suspicious terrorism phone calls and recordings. Although, the FBI was invading their privacy I think it was for the best. If your even suspicous enough to think your plotting an attack than thats your fault. If the FBI wouldn't have solved this puzzle, 9/11 could have happened all over again with thousands dead.


Stephen Manvydas said...

Today's current event blog is going to go into the "Epidemic of the swine flu" and its relations with Cuba. Cuba's own Fidel Castro said that he is outraged at Mexico for covering up this epidemic. Fidel Castro shows how crazy and judgmental he is because he could care less about this issue until a case found it, the flu, in Cuba. Mexico of course denies that they "covered up" the swine flu breakout. I think that both the countries are outrageous. Mexico for probably covering up the who thing, and Cuba for making a big deal after the fact. Well i think that the world is slowly burning and stupid things like this just speed up the process.


ScOtW29 said...

My story is about a man who was on death row for 22 years has been cleared. The judge was asked to drop charges by the state prosecturers and the judge did. I guess they just finally realized that he was innocent. He was put in jail for murder. It would wreck someone life if they got put in jail for that long. Excpesially if they didnt do it. I cant imagine what the guy who did committ murder is up to. Sometimes i guess they just put the wrong guy behind bars.

Alix Dickson said...

A survey of space shuttle Atlantis' outer body has revealed that four tiles on the right side have some dings in them. Going through the surveys, about four tiles were found with some dings in them. Tile experts will examine the dings, which are on the wing of the space shuttle. Apperently an "event" occurred around 103 seconds into the launch of the space shuttle. NASA is looking into what may have caused the nicks. Debris that fell off the external fuel tank during liftoff has been known to cause dings on previous flights. This effects me and the United States in general because these dings could be caused by something serious. If the problem isnt fixed then something bigger might happen and people could end up losing their lives.


JakeCastner said...
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JakeCastner said...

For today's current event, i feel the need to blog about how GM is importing chinese-built cars. I feel that this is a disgraceful thing for them to do. We just bailed them out, and they are going to outsource to china, where most of the products are hopelessly inferior. If the products are not inferior, they are dangerous, or both. Need we discuss the toxic overalls, the hair driers with no elecrocution protection devices, the endless list of lead-based products, or the bikes that snap in half right in the middle of the frame? I just the other day blogged about hazardous drywall that corroded copper and fumed up the house. These Chinese cars will most likely prove to be a mistake, and will only hurt the crippled economy. 18,000 Chinese autos will be sold by GM in 2011, and the number will rise to 50,000 by 2014.


Stefan Kegebein said...

Over the weekend Ibn al-Shaykh al-Libi died in a prison cell in Libya. Ibn was a terrorist that claims he was tortured into saying Iraqis trains Al Qaeda terrorists. The admission by Ibn was key evidence that supported the Bush rĂ©gime for the invasion of Iraq. Ibn is said to have committed suicide but, further investigation is pending. This is just more news that relates to the closing of Guantanamo Bay due to poor interrogation tactics. Ibn has effects many lives here in the United States and the world. Without his admission there would have been a much smaller case for Bush and other White Houses leaders to invade Iraq. The war has been going on now for 6 years now and over 4290 casualties have been confirmed. The cost of the war is being paid by the taxpayers so the war has affected everyone. Therefore Ibn has affected all of our lives and most of us don’t even know who he is.

Anonymous said...

For todays current event, I'm going to talk about Microsoft windows 7 coming out soon. Microsoft said that it is planning to release Windows 7 this year. I am doing this event because I think the school needs to upgrade their software on their computers so that it will function faster. Every time we go to the lab, it takes for ever to log on to the computers, so if they upgrade then it should be a lot faster. I am pretty sure that this new software will run faster than what we have on the schools computers. I am sure that there will be a couple of tweaks that will be needed to be fixed but I would say that even with some bugs it would still be better then what we have now. Plus it would be a lot nicer to have for all the teachers too because I think they would put new features on it as well.


brandonlengyel said...
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brandonlengyel said...

Talk of ice on wings, then a scream and crash
Showing no alarm, the captain and his first officer chatted about the ice on their plane's windshield and wings, making light of their shared concerns about flying in wintry weather as they sped toward Buffalo, N.Y., on the night of Feb. 12. Minutes later, pilot Marvin Renslow said "Jesus Christ" and Rebecca Shaw screamed as Continental Connection Flight 3407 plunged to the ground, striking a house in a fiery crash. All 49 people aboard and one man on the ground were killed.
All that was rembered of this crash was those two scream of this horriable crash. This crash is very devisating and very sad. this shows that the best of air piolts and air technicans need to be able to do more practice. These people need to be more trained so that these devistaions dont happen again. this is what i feel of this topic.

jay said...

My article was a health article about how to avoid knee injury while running. In the article it lists 5 ways to prevent injury.
1. Wear the right shoes
2. Always stretch
3. Cross train
4. Don't over do it
5. Eat right
70% of all runners end up with knee injuries. I can relate to this and beleive it is true. Doctors, parents, gym teachers and coaches every where have all said this for years. It's true, these are all things to do before doing any exercise or sport. Guys and Girls are always pulling hamstrings mainly because They don't properly stretch or they do too much. So always do these 5 things before you run or play.

Anonymous said...

Tonight my blog is about a man in the military who stole a gun and went on a killing rampage because of the stress. PTSD is a very serious condition which happens to many of our soldiers in combat. The fact that they can snap like this is a very scary idea. My moms fiance is an ex-Navy Seal and although he does not have this disorder he still has gone through that same time of stress and its hard on the body. To this day he has a hard time watching movies that are similar to what he had to do in the service, because of the memories that he has from it. I think that it should be required for every soldier to have stress tests before he is released from duty. This is important because these men and women have put their lives on the line defending our country and all they get out of it is going crazy. This tests should not stop even ehwen your out of the service just in case your a late bloomer.

Anonymous said...

heres the links to my current event my computer was tweaking out on me


shelbybatlemente said...

My current event is called: 750,000stimulus jobs by August - White House

I found it at: http://money.cnn.com/2009/05/11/news/economy/stimulus_jobs/index.htm?cnn=yes

The Obama administration estimates that the economic stimulus plan will create or save 750,000 jobs by early August, a senior administration official said on Monday. The comments came as the administration's Council on Economic Advisers released a report that explained the methodology behind its estimates for how many jobs will be created by the $787 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. As the administration has said previously, the report touts that the act will save or create 3.5 million jobs by the end of 2010. It also points to even bigger stimulus job creation and savings of 6.8 million jobs by the end of 2012. On April 29, President Obama said in a press conference that 150,000 jobs had already been saved or created by stimulus, which he signed on Feb. 17. White House officials have been careful to point out that estimated jobs created and saved have merely slowed continued job losses. The unemployment rate reached 8.9 percent in April, a 25-year high. The accurate measurement of jobs created and saved under the recovery act is a top priority, and I will be reporting to Congress each quarter on our progress starting in August," Council chairwoman Christina Romer said in a statement. This will impact our country and state in a huge way. If we get 750,000 jobs with the new stimulus thats 750,000 more people with jobs. Our economy is at its lowest point right now and this may make the economy crisis slow down and pick things back up again. We really need these jobs and President Obama is doing a good thing in presenting this plan to Congress. It will also save some jobs that are about to go down the tubes. This impacts me because my family is in the car business. The state of Michigan is really hurting because we are an automotive industry state. Nobody can afford to buy or really get their cars fixed. If their cars don't need to be fixed then they aren't going to spend money to fix them up. My grandfather's auto repair shop is hurting really bad right now and if we got this stimulus I think he would get more business. Not only would my grandfather get more business but other small business owner's probably would too. Top administration official says an estimated 750,000 jobs will be saved or created by the end of the president's next 100 days!

Lil Southkr3w said...

another current event i hate doing this type of blogs. but today imma be talking about drug trafficking in mexico. mexico has a route for illegal drugs for generations. the country now finds itself in a battle with powerful and well financed drug cartels. in the past years they having many drug related murders in the country of mexico. just in 2008 there has been atleast 6,200 drug related murders in mexico. The authorities say most of the deaths have resulted from drug cartels fighting rivals. mexico says that United States has a nowledge on its own responsibility for the violence in Mexico. American drug consumers demand the drugs and American guns smuggled into Mexico. they be sayin they be using them by the drug gangs.


Alan Hernandez

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

It was hard for me to find a current event today. But i am going to talk about manny rameriz. His former teamate david ortiz say he is shocked about manny. He couldnt belive manny would do something like this he says. The weere former teamates for a long time in boston and had a very special realtionship with eachother. This reminds me of when like a family member or a long time friend does something you cant belive. Its like when you bother is convicted of rape and everyone is shocked they all say "I would never think he would do something like that". Thats how it is these days you never think someone your close to would ever but they will and they do.


Kevin Hughes said...


My article is about how the space shuttle Atlantis incurred 'minor damage'. A survey of outer body revealed that four tiles on the right side have damage in them, the flight director said Tuesday. NASA is looking into what may have caused the damage. Debris that fell off the fuel tank during liftoff is a possibility. NASA canceled an Atlantis mission to extend Hubble's operation time in January 2004 because the trip was considered too risky in the wake of the 2003 Columbia disaster.

Plaz said...

Im goin to blog about these 2 women who were switched at birth. What happened was they went to get cleaned up after birth and when they did the nurse switched em by accident. Now i cant relate to this at all. I was never switched at birth. I was never switched wit another family. Like i did live wit my grandma for like a month when i was younger but thats it. Im happy that i was never switched at birth. You know how bad that would suck? Haha. These 2 ladies were switched in 1953 and now there wives, and grandparents. THATS CRAZY. Over 50 years of not knowin you were switched at birth. You would never know who your real mom and dad was. If that did happen to me and somebody told me i was switched at birth id think they were kiddin and jus laugh. But fo real that would suck.


Austen Anderson said...
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Austen Anderson said...

How it feels to be judged on looks

today i will talk about why it is not right to judge people on looks. a lot of people do this you know. an example is from britains got talent, that little clip you showed us about the lady who looked like a joke, but then was an amzing singer. this is just how the world is today. people think they know everything. i personaly dont try and judge people, but, sometimes i cant resist. there are also people who probally judge me. i now im kidna fat and all but im a great person to be around. i dont get in a lot of trouble, i dont do bad things, and im funny. i mean, whats not to like about me? but theres always going to be those who do judge and theres nothgn we can do about that.


Alex V said...

For todays current event i am going to talk about how a earth quake in china that afected many anmials. The quake also affected the animals habit. after a 7.9-magnitude earthquake leveled some towns and cities, the region's famed giant pandas are still struggling due to the devastation wreaked by the deadly quake. The quake triggered mountain landslides and caused damage across large areas of the forests at the Wolong Giant Panda Protection Studies Center. Just 13panda cubs were born in the past year, down from 17 in 2007 and a record of 30 in 2006. The quake could be one of the reasons why there were less newborn pandas this year. This is just sad that a earth quake not only affects the people and cites but also the animals that live around them.


Panos said...

With the currene economic state of this country I chose to do my current event on something poitive that will make many people happy. My current event is how the White House is estimating that over 750,000 jobs will be created/saved in the United States within the next hundred days of Obama's Presidency. On April 29th the count of jobs had increased to 150,000 created/saved and the White House believes that this number will increase to 750,000.
This relates and effects me because with more work out there the economy will be stimulated awhich means that prices for items and goods will go down such as gas and milk. If this stimulus plan goes good then our economy will hopefully come out of this "depression" which we really need right now.

Anonymous said...

My article is about a boy on the milk carton who is still missing after 30 years. Etan, the missing boy, wanted to talk to the bus stop by himself like all the other six year olds, he argued. His parents relented, but eventually gave in. He went missing that very day. This story opens my eyes to how awful the world can be, and how terrible some people are. It's a very disturbing thought to know that any of my siblings could be taken away every time they walk out of the door. It makes me feel very grateful that nothing tragic has befallen me in the 17 years I've been on this Earth. I am extremely grateful that I haven't contracted cancer, or some other awful disease, and that all of my family is healthy.

BrittanyBarron said...

House OKs $6.4 billion to make schools greener


My current event is how the house has approved the bill help make school "Greener". On Thursday passed a $6.4 billion school modernization bill that would commit funds for the construction and update of more energy efficient school buildings. I both agree and dissagree with this. First I don't think that the governemnt sould be spending more money they don't have in these "ecnomic" times. On the other side i think that because of the times that we should make the school more energy efficent to cut down bills and such becasue the schools don't have money. This affects me in positvie and negitive ways. Positive hopefuly it bring the school more money to buy better supplies and other things. Negitive, there will be major taxes to help pay these things.

Anonymous said...


President Obama headed into an abortion debate in a Notre Dame commencement address today. He called for a search for common ground on the issue. Obama is a supporter of abortion rights and federally funded stem cell research. Some attended the ceremony and expressed their disapproval by bringing in boards marked with a cross and the outline of an baby's footprints. I, myself, am a supporter of abortion. Well that came out wrong; I support the lady's choice to get an abortion. I think that if someone gets raped then they should have the choice to get in abortion. If abortion was illegal, then rape victims who become pregnant would simply be fucked. How could that feel, to be REQUIRED to have a baby even after you were raped. It would just be a constant reminder of the crime every single day. That would be terrible.