Monday, April 13, 2009

Day 20

Much has gone on in the world over the last week so we will do a current event to begin our blogs for this week. Please remember no sports or entertainment unless you can attach it to a real current event. Also, only one person per story and CITE YOUR SOURCE. NO CITE NO POINTS!


Unknown said...


once again, i choose my current event on the auto industry. basically, my article is saying that the government is telling gm to plan for bankruptcyby june 1st. this is being referred to as "surgical bankruptcy", only lasting a few weeks for some of the company. the bankruptcy filing would help general motors get rid of unwanted brands, manufacturing, and other expenses that are unneeded. this is both good and bad for us. it would finally allow gm to end the slump, and become profitable again. however, jobs are at risk, and legal battles could occur, focusing around stocks. it is also speculated that chrysler might ultimately file for bankruptcy, leading to it's breakup.

ben nicolay said...

For my blog I will talk about how Los Angeles Angels pitcher Nick Adenhart was killed in a car crash. He was among three people killed in a crash in Fullerton, California. He was only 22 and a rookie with the Angels. That night he pitched 6 scoreless innings and had a magnificent game. The man accussed of this is Andrew Thomas Gallo of Riverside and will face charges of manslaughter, felony driving under the influence and hit-and-run. I think this is a shame. Drunk driving is becoming worse and worse. People never learn from other peoples mistakes.

Anonymous said...

Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy, cody dykes

I'm set on making these the best blogs this week.

Today I'm going to talk about the pirate's that held a ships captain captive. They held him about 4 days it seemed like to me. Yesterday the U.S marines went and surprise attacked the Malaysian pirates. Three were killed by snipers as they went in for the rescue. 4 french were also rescued, they were the owners of the ship. I think that this is a fairly interesting story. This is like a modern pirate story, and i think that is really cool.

Anonymous said...

I'm writing about a miraculous event therein an airplane passenger landed the in-flight aircraft after its pilot died mid-flight. This nightmare became a reality for a passenger on board a plane over Florida on Easter Sunday who was assisted by two air traffic controllers as they helped him land safely. It began at roughly 1:30PM on Sunday. The plane was headed to Jackson, Mississippi, from Marco Island, Florida. The plane entered the air traffic control center at Miami Center. The pilot told the controllers that the plane was at 9,000 feet and escalating. A controller at the center tried to contact the pilot twice after his statement and received no response. After a moment or two, a different voice came over the radio. It was the passenger. He told air traffic controllers that the pilot was unconscious. The man was luckily a pilot, but he was only certified in single-engine aircraft and had never flown a multi-passenger aircraft like this one The difference is substantial in that the aircrafts land at immensely different speeds. It's miraculous that there was a passenger who knew how to fly the plane on board.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Okay the current event i am doing has to do with sports. I have a good reason though this has to do with a life. Recently the anihiem angels pitcher Nick Adenhart pitched. He pitched 6 shutout innings which if you don't no is good. But the next day on his way to a early game a drunk driver ran a red light and hit his vehicle. Nick and 3 others were killed. This is something baseball and everyone in sports is saddened about. He was 19 years old when he was killed.

JakeCastner said...

U.S. representative Donald Payne recently was leaving Somalia for Kenya in an airplane. Everything was going smoothly until someone began firing at the plane which contained him. Now, that is not to say that things stopped going smoothly at this point. The plane took off and landed safely in kenya. While the bullets didn't find their mark, the message is still fairly clear. The somalians are unhappy with this man. I would go so far as to say that some somalians are simply mad at the united states, but upon further research, i found that his plane had been shot at over somalia before. Whatever Donald has done to these Somalians, he had better resolve it before flying into or out of Somalia again. That is what i would do at least. Our good representative is free to do whatever he feels is the right thing. I do not think that there is any connection between this shooting and the recent piracy on the high seas that was all over the news this past week. That's coming from a high school student, though, so take it how you will.

Alix Dickson said...

A severe storm hit the South killing two people. both poeple were killed by falling trees. Downed trees not only killed but also cut power to thousands of homes. The storm hit Alabama, Tennessee, Georgia, Kentucky and Florida. Torrential rain, flooding, hail, gusty winds and tornados moved from state to state. The states are braced for more rough weather expected later in the week. Many states around the area the storm hit are still experiencing high winds.;_ylt=An.eiZKqMBj0FhSZAJ2a7aGs0NUE;_ylu=X3

ScOtW29 said...;_ylt=AkGHm7Cxxjcw7OfjIj_SgVCISbYF

My article is about obesity. The article says that children who lack self control are more likely to be obese later. A lot of preventions of obesity are taken on eating healthier. How the children acted never occured to anybody. I think it makes sense though that they have a better chance to be obese. lacking self control could lead to bad desicions. This could cause stress that is not good for anybody. I think that this is an interesting article because it slipped my mind that there would be something other than eating healthy that would cause kids to be overweight.

Lil Southkr3w said...

well i dont like current events but im gonna do it. im gonna write about 200 Pounds of Marijuana Found in Cookies Shipment in Kansas. a meeting in Topeka had returned an indicment agains three people accused of possessing the pot. the ages of these guys are 70,33, and 29. one of the guys took these 200 pounds to his garage and morales was renting in Kansas. the police searched the cookies and uncovered 230 pounds of weed that was packaged in 221 bundles. this happened on march of this year. there is nothing about wats is gonna happen to this guys.

Alan Hernandez

Lil Southkr3w said...


Alan Hernandez

Anonymous said...

Kiefer was sitting on his couch Monday morning while an intense windstorm blew through the Atlanta, Georgia, area. He heard a tree crash in his backyard and got up to investigate. That tree knocked down a chain-link fence, and Kiefer was getting worried about several other large backyard trees that were swaying in the wind. It was a 50-foot red oak in the front yard that fell onto his living room, splitting his house in half and coming to rest a few inches above where he had been sitting on the couch. Curiously, Kiefer's electricity was still on, and cable TV was still playing less then 10 feet away from the massive tree trunk in his living room. An ancient upright piano and various collectibles on it were unharmed. Three years of drought in Georgia have weakened trees' root systems, and recent heavy rains loosened the soil around them, said Kiefer, who works at a plastics recycling company in nearby Stone Mountain. The windstorm brought down hundreds of trees in the area, including one that crushed a car, killing the person inside, and one that fell on a nursing home, where no one was hurt, CNN affiliate WGCL reported. Service was disrupted on Atlanta's MARTA rail transit system, according to WGCL.

Stephen Manvydas said...

Pakistan deal/new law

My Current event, not my favorite styled blog, is going to be about the new pakistan law. The new law will kind of be like a peace agreement in an area of pakistand know as the "Swat Valley". At first i thought the name was kind of ironic but as i read onward i learned a little bit. Swat valley is the home of pakistans leaders son-in-law and leader of the taliban. They wanted this agreement i think so the taliban could remain safe in a ever dangering world. "The central government has little control in the area, but it launched an intense military offensive in late July 2008 to flush out militants from areas of the North West Frontier Province." was posted on CNN.Com and i think it shows more reason for the taliban to want the peace. With a good part of the world in war and struggle it will only be a short time before they get their own country and who knows what from there.

Anonymous said...

Obama Eases Traveling Restrictions on Cuba

Well, this may be quite a controversial subject for the next couple of weeks. Basically, families who were separated by immigration from Cuba finally get a chance to go back. At a press conference Obama stated that while trade restrictions will still be enforced, unrestricted travel and money transfer through Western Union and other companies would be allowed. Obama also eased restrictions for telecom companies to provide them with more openings to rob the people of Cube like they do people of the United States. While many conservatives will be claiming this to be a horrible move because we're "relenting to communism" I see it in no such light. In short: A) who are we to decide how they govern their people, it's another country; leave them be B) this will mean a lot for the people of Cuba on two fronts. First, this will be a big step to opening up the world for Cubans to new ideas. People are at their weakest when they aren't informed. With Cuba's lack of internet and outside news sources, unrestricted travel to and from Cuba will allow a better source for media outlet. The Obama administration knows their stuff. Instead of ignoring Cuba, as past administrations have done, take an active role to garner influence. By allowing people to travel you allow people to share ideas and that's as dangerous to the Castro regime now headed by Philipe than the internet or other news/media services. Second, the money transfers are good confidence-builders in terms of foreign-relations. Everyone wants or needs money in this world, it's a simple fact that we live with everyday. If Cubans see that the US is allowing that money to reach them, they will hold the US in a new light and perhaps begin to work up the courage to overthrow Castro (the new one). I'm not arguing for revolution or US involvement in Cuban affairs, but there are some good arguments to placate the conservative "us against them" line of thinking. For liberals; this opens up two new fronts. With telecommunications it's a great market opportunity. People want gadgets and coupled with the ease concerning money-transfers, people can start to afford those gadgets. Phone companies will do well to compete in the emerging Cuban market and give the economy a boost. From the family aspect, it's always important to allow families to see each other. How can you keep them apart because the governments aren't bosom-buddies? This will allow long-separated families the opportunity to see each other again and as I said, trade ideas. Overall, methinks that it's a good idea. Lifting the trade embargo would be fine too. This country needs to learn that the sun don't always shine on the United States of America. Sometimes, cooperation is better than strong-arming your way through people.

Stefan Kegebein said...

Today the U.N condemned the firing of a rocket by North Korea. The firing took place last week. The committee voted and also made the decision to demand no more rocket firings from North Korea. The North Koreans have said that the rocket was actually a satellite. That satellite was supposed to be launched into space. U.S. representatives have said that the rocket never reached orbit. The Missile launched by North Korea puts nations like South Korea and Japan in the most danger. The U.N has been conversing for weeks to make a decision on what sanctions to make for North Korea.

Anonymous said...

Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy, cody dykes

I'm set on making these the best blogs this week.

Today I'm going to talk about the pirate's that held a ships captain captive. They held him about 4 days it seemed like to me. Yesterday the U.S marines went and surprise attacked the Malaysian pirates. Three were killed by snipers as they went in for the rescue. 4 french were also rescued, they were the owners of the ship. I think that this is a fairly interesting story. This is like a modern pirate story, and i think that is really cool.

April 13, 2009 1:48 PM

who's the dumb ass? it's me

Anonymous said...

Today i am going to dicsuss the recent collage shooting in michigan. On friday 2 people were shot and killed at a community collagei n dearborn, micigan. It is repoted to be a murder-suicide where a man shot a woman and then himself with a scotgun. This is a very important issue for all schools. Over the years such events as Columbine, and the VT shooting have caused schools to beefen up their security. At lakeland i dont think this has had very much effect until that stranger that showed up a few weeks ago. Not only did a shooting take place in our general area but it was also a possibility that we could have been a target asw well. I think it is a good thing that the SWAT team is coming tommorw. hopefully with our school being copped out by the SWAt people will be deterred from doing that at our school. However, i feel that if this ever did happen our school would be a very easy target and we would all be screwed. hopefully that will change and our school will become safer, but the way things are these days i can only see it going downhill.

jay said...
In Russia a man was complaining of pain in chest and was coughing up blood. The 28 yr old man went to hospital. The docyors did xrays and thought he had a tumor. When they did a biopsy(take piece of tissue to test it, They found green needles. The doctors couldn'y believe their eyes. In the tissue from his lung they found a 5cm. fir tree. The Doctors thought the guy had a cancerous tumor. Well to everyone amazment it was a little tree, like a christmas little tree. The Doctors say that it was too big to be inhaled. They figure the giy breathed in a a small bud and it grew. The took out the little piece of lung with the tree in it and kept it to study.

Alex V said...

President Obama declared Monday that his stimulus plan is "starting to work" and that 2,000 transportation projects costing much less than expected are under way. Competition for these projects is so fierce, and contractors are doing such a good job cutting costs, the projects are consistently coming in under budget," Obama said Monday. The president gave a rapid-fire list of savings: a bid for road work in Connecticut is $8.4 million less than the state budgeted; Louisiana has a project coming in $4.7 million less than expected; projects in Colorado are averaging about 30 percent under the state forecast; and some bids in California are nearly half of what the state projected. With stimulus packages project getting on the right track it all looks good. Today, I think it's safe to say that this plan is beginning to work," the president said.

Kevin Hughes said...

This article is about Phil Spector being convicted for murder. Spector created the "wall of sound" production method. This is where all the instruments are stacked in the tracks to achieve a large sound. Now 69 years old, he faces a sentence of 18 years to life in prison when he is sentenced May 29. Spector's defense didn't believe a correct verdict was reached and plans to appeal. Spector produced the Beatles' final album, Let It Be, among other things, such as the Ronettes.

Panos said...

My current event for today is the rescue of Captain Richard Phillips who had been held hostage by 4 pirates east of Somalia.( Apparently a seal team was flown in and dropped of a mile from the lifeboat were the pirates were holdin Cpt. Phillips, US Seals were ordered in for reconassaince of the lifeboat since this was a covert op. In the end, 3 Seal snipers were able to take out 3 out of the 4 hostages and rescue Cpt. Phillips. The reason I picked this as my current event is the fact that it shows pride in one's country. If you look at the detail you would see that it was dark and didn't have many options to rescue Cpt.Phillips but in the end it all worked good cause of the wise descisions made by our leaders to execute a command that could have gone both ways. This is why I picked the story of the rescue of Cpt. Phillips.

shelbybatlemente said...

Obama administration opens door for Iran

I found this article at:

One of the main stumbling blocks to talk with Iran has been the condition that Iran suspends its uranium enrichment. Now, the Obama administration may take that option off the table, at least for now.The United States and its European allies, which have just invited Iran to a fresh round of nuclear talks, are coming to the realization that if Iran's nuclear program isn't quite at the point of no return, it will be soon. With 5,500 centrifuges, roughly enough for about two weapons worth of uranium a year, Iran isn't going to just shut down its enrichment facility as a goodwill gesture.For years, Iran has been willing to endure sanctions and economic isolation. What it hasn't been willing to do is suspend enrichment.Iran maintains enriching uranium for nuclear energy is its right. Now the West seems to have come around to Iran's way of thinking. Last week during a speech on proliferation in Prague, Czech Republic, President Obama admitted as much when he said, "We will support Iran's right to peaceful nuclear energy with rigorous inspections."If adopted, the new strategy will undoubtedly be condemned by Israel, which has warned the U.S. that it has until the end of the year to put an end to Iran's uranium production before it takes matters into its own hands.However, moving beyond the issue of enrichment helps Obama inch closer toward engagement with Iran, something he promised during the campaign and has begun to undertake with small, albeit significant, steps, most noticeably his New Year's message to the Iranian people.

Janet said...

My current event its bout 2 suspected online predators getting arrested. First of all Eric McGhee was arrested on charges of child sexually abusive on April 13. his a 22yr old man n unemployed he is accused of trying to meet a 14yr old boy for sex. The investigtors say that the 14yr old boy was really a police officer. It was all part of a trap to catch him. Eric was charged with child sexually abusive, because he was communicating to commit a crime using his computer. He has been given a $50000 cash bond. Also faces 20 years in prison if he is convicted. And Rodger Stevens is also beign accused of using to internet to try and meet a 14yr old boy for sex. He is an unemployed 55yr old. "Roger was arrested April 9 after driving to Northern Oakland County" hE is also accused of using a social networking site. After they arrested him, detectives are searching rogers house and looking though his computer. The detectives also found alot of porn magazines, DVDs, VHS tapes.
He also faces 20 yrs if he is convicted but now he is on probabtion in the Bay city area.

Anonymous said...

A man in Maryland believed to have murdered his wife and children to death before committing suicide with a shotgun was having money problems and left a note saying he suffered from psychological issues. Christopher Wood, age 34, stabbed some of his family members in the killings and used a gun on others. He was found dead of an apparently self-inflicted shotgun wound at the side of his bed, where the bodies of his wife and 2-year-old daughter lay. His sons were 5 and 4 years old, His wife was 33. The boys were found in their beds in a single bedroom. Apparently there were five notes apparently handwritten by the man that were found inside the home. Though they didn't immediately explain what prompted the killings, they did provide some evidence. Woods cited financial concerns as a prominent cause.