Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Day 3

"Worry a little bit every day and in a lifetime you will lose a couple of years. If something is wrong, fix it if you can. But train yourself not to worry. Worry never fixes anything."
Mary Hemingway

Besides saying what you think this means, tell me about a time when worrying made a situation worse but fixing a situation made you feel better.


brandonlengyel said...

When worry about a situation you tend to strees over it and want in any way for it to fixed. The time where i let worrying take the best of me is when i get in fights with my parents. It usually happens over the most idiotic stuff to. I tend to dred over it for about a day, going threw in my mind trying to see what i did wrong. Usually i find out we are both to blame and im really the first to come out and say im sorry. This usally makes the situation better that someboby came out and said sorry. Like this quote is saying try and not to worry about the situation try and to figure out the resoultion to the situaution. Also by what i have sayed, fixing the situation is always the best way to go. So dont worry about and let it take over the day, go and take action and go fix it and it will make you feel better.

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

This is just saying don't waste your time. Worrying is just a waste of time and you don't get much out of it. It is just best to try to fix it and go on with your life. There was a time in 5th grade i dident do any math hw for like 5 months without anyone finding out. well i finally told someone i had a bunch of wasted time doing all that work. There are countless other story's i could tell of wasting time, and that's every day. Just learn not to waste time time like i have.

Anonymous said...

I believe this means if you just spend your time worrying about something instead of doing something to fix it, it will only get worse and nothing will get done. If you try to fix whatever is worrying you then you don't just sit there and think about it, you are actually out there trying to do something about it and possibly you could fix it. When people just sit around worrying about something it puts stress on them and it does nothing to them besides hurt them even more. When somebody tries to fix something they are actually putting them selves at ease because they can think about helping and not just sitting there. I worry about my future and i don't like just sitting here worrying and that's way I'm taking classes that train me for the career that I want to get. If I was to just sit here and worry about it rather then getting out there and trying to make a decent life for me then it wouldn't turn out the way I want it to. I go to school everyday and I try my best to get as far as possible to achieve my goals in life that I don't even have to worry about it anymore.

ben nicolay said...

Besides saying what you think this means, tell me about a time when worrying made a situation worse but fixing a situation made you feel better.

This quote is saying that if you worry to much you will be worrying about the past when you should be worrying about the future. You usually can't change a decision that you have already made. Why worry about the past when you can't do anything to change it. I believe that stress kills you faster than anything else and stress is pretty much being worried. Worrying doesn't fix anything and why should you worry when your going to go through with the situation no matter what. Ill use the example of going to college. Im worried im not going to succeed. I guess you could say im affraid to fail. I have been to a few open houses and yes it did make the situation a little bit better.

BrittanyBarron said...

This quote is saying that of you worry about to meaning things that you will lose years on your life because of stress. But if you try to fix things they be get better in the long run. I guess one situation where this comes into effect is, during winter break I was going to take my drivers test. I was woried about what I got to after I got my liscene that I failed the test. I was agnery with everyone but myself. So after a couple of weeks I was shucled to take the test again. So the day before I practice the things that made me fail. And I past after the second time. I stop worring about what would happen after and went make looked at my mistakes and fixed them.

Anonymous said...

Hes saying that if everyday you ust worry your just wasting your life. If you didnt worry about things your life wil be so much more lived. I personally belive worrying is one of the worst things you can do it doesnt do you anygood. One time i losst 50 dollars. I didnt really want my parents to find out this happend. So for the whole week i was worrying abot it. So i just couldnt take it and i told them what happend they were upset but no really even mad. If i would told them in the first place i wouldnt of had to been worrying the enitire week.

ScOtW29 said...

"Worry a little bit every day and in a lifetime you will lose a couple of years. If something is wrong, fix it if you can. But train yourself not to worry. Worry never fixes anything."

It means that worrying doesnt do anything. Whatever happens happens and there is nothing you can do about that. If you worry everyday you are going to spend life being stressed out which is not a good way to live. If you worry about things than you are just wasting your life away. When I worry about things then i am probably worrying for a good reason. Like when i worry about my parents checking my grades sometiems when they are bad. Theres nothing i can do if they check them so there is no point in worrying.

Stefan Kegebein said...

This quote is basically saying just worry about the things you can control. If you can dictate a situation and make it better then fix it. If you cannot do anything to help the situation then worrying about it does absolutely no good. Worrying about things you cannot control and you won’t reach your life goals. Usually I worry about when and how I am going to get stuff done. This is usually because I procrastinate and end up running short on time. I could fix this by not procrastinating and getting work done rather then watch the Red Wings or Tigers. So when I set time aside and get my work done it makes me feel much better.

Alix Dickson said...

This quote is saying that worrying does absoulutly nothing. Instead of worrying about something you should take action and fix it. I agree with this quote, i think worrying is just a waste of time and energy. If i have a problem i fix it so i dont have a problem anymore. I used to worry alot about my grades but i never did anything to make them better. I eventually started talking to my teachers and studying and doing my homework and they got better. After i fixed the problem i wasnt so stressed and i felt alot better.

shelbybatlemente said...

This is saying that if you worry about something, you are just wasting time. Worrying does nothing to help you and it won't do anything except make things worse for you in the long run. If you try to fix it you aren't just sitting there doing nothing. You are actually out doing something about it. You should always try to fix it if you can. A time when worrying made a situation worse is whenever I have tests. A test in itself makes me worry and I used to worry and dread taking tests. I was so focused on worrying about them that I didn't study. Doing that didn't help my test grades get any better. I still don't have perfect test grades but since I stopped worrying all the time about them the scores have gotten better. Actually studying for my tests and doing my homework made me feel better.

Lil Southkr3w said...

it means if you be spending ur time worrying about stuff and not fixing it. you should not be worrying about nothing and get started on getting it to fix it. if you worry about stuff you live more better. I agree wit the quote worrying is just a waste of time and energy. i dont remember about a time when i worried about something. but i could say that i was worry and i did something and to fix it and i deffenaly felt better. i was worry to about my grades and i did my work to fix it. i actully did feel better because i didnt get grounded. and a it was the first time i did work in a long time.

Alan Hernandez

Stephen Manvydas said...

I think the meaning behind this quote is to not waiste your life worrying about stuff. People in todays world think too much about how others think about them. We constantly strees about our hair, our clothes, even who we hang out with. I think that alot of this comes from the pressure of todays society. We like to live the life of our rolemodels and when they do something we dont want to fall behind so we follow. I time i could have spent worrying was about not studying for a really big test back a while ago. I never ended up doing the studing i should have but with the knowledge i had it was useless worrying. I knew what i needed to know so i pretty much wasted that day for nothing.

Shelby Zukoff said...

I understand this quote more than anything. I used to sweat the small stuff all the time. It never got me anywhere. Worrying is pointless, if its not fixable, don't worry about. Why freak out about the things you can't change? I think all you need to do is find the bright side in a situation. After my ex started lying to me about other girls, I used to start worrying about everything. I was always worried that something was going to happen and I was always unhappy because I was scared of the what if. I would always be miserable, worrying can do that to you. But I've learned that if nothing can change, move on. He never changed and kept lying for a year straight, so I fixed my own situation and MOVED ON from HIM.

Kevin Hughes said...

This quote obviously is saying that worrying does nothing. Obviously, thinking too much about the negative will only make you feel worse. An example of this in my life could be going to school. Most of the time when I wake up I wish I could do something else besides going to school. I've recently realized that instead of worrying about school, I can do something to fix it. If I try to fix the things that make my day at school worse, it overall doesn't seem too bad. I think people who worry too much are too concerned with the future. There's no such thing as the future, only now. So I believe the best way to live is here and now, not thinking about what was or what could have been. I think people that think in this way are the only people who are truly 'living' most of the time.

Anonymous said...

I think that this quote is saying "don't worry about things you cannot change, you're only wasting your time". I fully believe this quote. For example, people worry about death. However, it is unavoidable. No matter how much you worry and curse it, death will eventually take you from this Earth to another place. And, by the way, I do believe our souls are carried off to another place. I think of Earth as a sort of "proving grounds", if you will. However, I am still choosing to remain agnostic. Back on track, though. I worry all the time about getting some terminal illness. I know that I shouldn't worry about it, though, because if I do get it, there isn't much I can do. I'm only wasting time worrying about whether or not I'll get an illness, instead of living life to the fullest every day.

jay said...

I think Mary was saying worrying causes more problems. You should do what needs to be done to fix a problem and get on track. Worryingdoes fix anything it just makes you crazy and les productive. Recently I was worrying cause Iam gonna be 18 in October. I have one more yar of school and I really don't know what I am gonna do in the future. I do not have my licensce yet either. I was worrying and worrying. Finally, I realized all I can do is figure out what I want to do. Focus on my school, my future plands and pass my road test to get my license, Also, I need to continue working so I can save up for a car. I need to to what I can and take each day by day. And as I focus on each day I get what needs to be done and I move forward to the future.

Unknown said...


Hemingway, I feel, is correct in this statement. Not only does worry cause stress, but it could also lead to an obsession almost. If you worry too much, you will miss the better things in life. If you have the oppurtunity to fix it, yes you should. In my life, I worried about when I got my ticket and triedto hide it from my parents. It completly overcame me and I wasn't able to think of anything but my parents finding out. When I finally told them, it turned out they weren't very mad at all.

Alex V said...

I think the quote is trying to say that you you just worry about something nothing will happen except makeing yourself go crazy. But if you actually do something to try to make the situatuion better you will feel better about yourself. One time this has happened to me is when grades are about to come out. I worry so much wiether or not I think I got a good grade in the class. But then I just need to think did I do all the work and take ever test and if I did then I should be fine. Worrying just makes you crazy. Don't worry just do something.

Anonymous said...

The quote in my purview means that worry gets one nowhere. I find that to be more or less true as well. Think about it, you can have a problem and worry your ass off but you'll still have that problem because worrying doesn't do anything to solve the problem. Yet, if you go on to confront the problem instead of worrying about it then you won't have anything to worry about in the first place. I always tend to worry before either a band performance or before a speech in class. I hate getting up in front of people because I feel like a show-off. (And if you think that I am one, casse-toi, pauvre con!) But since I hate doing that stuff, I worry a LOT. Generally when that happens, I get even more nervous which makes me mess up. While I know it makes me mess up, I can't help but worry. But, if I can control my anxiety for a while I found that I don't mess up as much. So, I guess that if I practice to fix my problem of anxiety, I won't screw myself up as much.

Plaz said...

I think this quote is sayin if you worry you will die earlier and it doesnt fix anything. When i worry it makes everything worse. Im always lookin for people to find out what it is im worryin about and always coverin it up. When i do that i lose my concentration on other things that are more important. Lets say i got a bad grade on a test and i was hidin it from my mom and dad since it was so bad. Id be worryin that they would find out. When they did find out id probably be in big trouble. So worryin never makes anything better. Thats my view on it.

kirkwhitt said...

Worry a little bit every day and in a lifetime you will lose a couple of years. If something is wrong, fix it if you can. But train yourself not to worry. Worry never fixes anything."
Mary Hemingway

Besides saying what you think this means, tell me about a time when worrying made a situation worse but fixing a situation made you feel better.

This is saying that people spend a lot of time worrying about things they dont need to worry about. I think if you have to worry, worry about somthing that is big not small. For example worrying about progress reports isnt as big as worrying about a loved one in the hospital. "if people would only spend time worrying about the important things in life, they would only spend hald a year in their lifetime not a few years." A time when I worryed was day light savings time. I was an hour late, and was worryed I was going to be grounded for being so late. I panicked and sprinted home threw the woods and wille doing so I tript on a vine and hit my hed on a rock and gave my self a goos egg. I got home and found out I was on time. I didnt have to worry at all.

JakeCastner said...

The quote says that stress can kill you, and you must learn to relax. Just assess the situation and keep your cool. I remember when i was younger, breaking things on accident as kids will. I can remember freaking out about what the consequences would be and maybe trying to fix it. It didnt really matter how much i freaked out and feared my consequences, they were going to happen. I should have just calmed down and enjoyed the time before the hammer came down. I guess telling my dad or whoever that i broke something would have been "fixing" the situation, and that kind of made you feel better just because it was now over.

Panos said...

To me this saying means that in life there are oing to be worried about something that does not really have that much of an impacy to you and your really wasting your time instead of enjoying it. A personal example of this would be when I get on the soccer field and I see a team that I know is really good and very physical, and all I think about is that were going to het killed ny this team. But when I get on the field I try my best and keep going and it takes away all the worries I had before because I realuize that the other team is just the same as us and they are just teenagers that want to win. Also if I keep the worried mentality I tend to play more reserved and don't play as good as I should play. So instead of wasting my time worrying about little obstacles I should be concenttrating on playing my best.

Janet said...

this quote is saying that you shouldnt worry. Becasue if u get worried that isnt going to fix anything. you are just going to have alot of things in your mind and thats not going to solve anything. A example from my life would be when i broke my phone. my parents had just gotten me that fone and it lasted me 3 weeks. they would ask me why i didnt answer my fone i would just make up excusses. For a couple days i was scared to tell them cuz they told me to take care of it. And since it was touch screen it broke easier. when i told them what happened i did feel alot better. They were dissapointed becasuse i didnt tell them right away.

Anonymous said...

I often worry about my grades prior to fixing them, and it does indeed make my grades suffer even more. See, when I worry about my grades, I get down on myself and adopt a sort of pessimistic attitude that drags my self-esteem down. I demean myself, really. Thus, I tend to think more pessimistically about school, often saying "I hate school," or "This place sucks," or something related to that. It's a very unrealistic attitude. I actually love school. It's entertaining, educational, and insightful. It's an enlightening experience overall. Thus, when I try to FIX my grades, I maintain my happy-go-lucky, optimistic attitude that I use as an ambitious drive and determination to refocus my priorities. I recall explaining to you that I "can't balance out my social life and school work" sometime last week, and that was complete bullshit. It's really not difficult to do at all. At the time, I was worried about my grades. Now that the new marking period has stared, I have done all of my assignments (over the past week) and strongly intend to maintain my work ethic. If I want to keep my acceptance into Oakland University, then I can't fuck around. So, henceforth I am going to try to fix my grades if they fall rather than worry about them. Hell, I'll actually maintain them so that I won't have to fix OR worry about anything.

jessecovill said...

my laptop is still broke, im on another one, sorry its late.

what it means is if you worry about some thing for too long you tend to lose a lot of sleep and efectivly, life. for me worrying about my surgury was pretty bad for me, especialy when im sitting in a hospital bed wondering what is going to happen to me in the surgury room. but after i was "fixed" i felt much better, although it could have been the drugs they gave me...i don't know but i felt really good for a day or two then felt like normal old me.